AN Alphabetical INDEX TО THЕ FOURTH VOLUME. ! A A GRIPPA 132. AICHSTED, t. 266. St. Aignan (Duke of) 3. Order'd to quit Spain 7, 8. His Converse with the Cardinal Bor- gia 214.. Arx, in Provence, t. 108. Alberoni (Cardinal) 2, 7, 8, 19, 20, 24, 211, 213, &c. Albert-Cajetan Charles, Electoral Prince of Bavaria 35. ALCALA, t. 204. Alexander VII. (Pope) 126. Alliance (Quadruple) 3. ALTEN-OTTINGEN, 1. 91. Amedeus VIII. (Duke of Savoy) 174. Amphitheatre (of Vespafian) 132. D'Ancenis, (Marquis) 6. ANCONA, t. 150. ANDERNACH, t. 259. تره 200 : 1 Aa Anhalt : : Anhalt-Dessau (Prince of) 261. Asturias (Prince of) 210. Audiences, an Abuse in that Article at Vienna 55. ony. AVIGNON, t. 100. AUXERRE, t. 96. B. B Ank Bills of France 23, 180 to 185. Bavaria, (Elector of) his Palace and Court 31, 32, &c. Electoral Prince of Bavaria's Marriage to the Arch BAYONNE, 1. 188. Belgrade, Prince Eugene's Victory near it 1. The Siege of it 40. Bernini, a famous Designer 126. Berwick (Marshal) His Ingratitude to the King of Spain 19. He takes Fontarabia 22. BEZIERS, 1. 186. BILBAO, t. 235, 236, &c. Bing, (Admiral) his Expedition to the Mediterra nean 2, 3. Biscay, (Province) its Privileges 237. BLANKENBERG, t. 282. Bohemia, (St. Wenceslaus King of) 288. Bois, (Abbat de) Ambassador 3, 113, 114. BOIS-LE-DUC, t. 257. BOLOGNA, 1. 151. Borgia, (Cardinal) his Ignorance 214. Brittany, Brittany, Consequences of the Discontent of that Pro vince 94, &c. BRUNETTE LA, 1. 173. Bucentaures, Saxon and Venetian, 74, 75, 155: Burgundy, States and Parliament 97. Wine, where the best 97. C. CAmpo Florido, (M. de) 212, 224. Carignan, (Prince and Princess of) 167, 168. Carlos, Don, 210. CARELSBADT, t. 284, 295. CASAL, 1 164. Caftelar, (M. de) 212, 224. ... CASTELNAUDARI, t. 186. Caftillone, (Prince of) Viceroy of Navarre 202, 203. Celi, (M. de) 26. Cellamare, (Prince of) his Conspiracy 3, &c. Put under an Arrest 5. Cenis, M. 173. Chalifat (Baron de) 263. CHALONS, t. 97. Chamber, Imperial, 26. CHAMBERY, t. 173. Charles I. King, beheaded 239. His Statue 246, and Picture, 253. Charles II. Effigy 243, 247. Charles V. (Emperor) why he resign'd his Dominions 25, 220. Charles VI. (Emperor) 57, 58. His Empress 58, 59 Their Entry at Prague 286. Charles XII. King of Sweden, 105. Charles Emanuel, King of Sardinia, 167. Charolois (Count de) 39, 89, 91. Charoft (Duke of) 6. Chateauneuf (M. de) 95. Christina, Queen of Sweden 128. CIEUTA, 1. 104. Clement, Duke of Bavaria 35, 270. Aa2 Clement Clement VI. Pope 100. Collobradt (Count of) 290. Colloredo, Count and Countess 156, 293. Conti (Prince of) 19. Conti (Princess of) 7. Cofel (Countess of) 87. Cofmo I. Great Duke of Tuscany 117. -- III. 119. His Family 120. De Medicis 119. Crowns, Royal, 248. Culmbach (Prince of) 296. DAdoncourt, M. 188, &c. to 201. Dammartin (Count de) 91. Daubanton the Jesuit Confeffor to the King of Spain, his Credit and Character 213, 218, 223. DESSAU, t. 261.. Devos, Tapistry-Maker 47. Diamond of the Great Duke of Tuscany 121. DIJON, 1. 97. Doge of Genoa 110, 111. Dombes (Prince of) his Banishment 7. Doria, Andrew 1ος. DRESDEN, t. Electoral Prince and Princess of Saxony's City, 86, &c. Duke, French, a great Dealer in Grocery 182. Duremberg (Baron de) Envoy 272. FLizabeth-Christina Empress of Germany 58, 59. St. Elmo Castle 141. Emperor, see Charles VI. Empress, see Elizabeth the Dowager 59. an Englishman at Maestricht 257, &c. Efcurial Palace 230. D'En (Count) his Banishment 7. A 1 Eugene : Eugene (Prince) his Victory near Belgrade 1. His F. FANO, 1. 150. Farnese, Francis, Duke of Parma 161, &c. La Favorita Palace 46. Ferdinand II. Emperor 291. Ferdinand Duke of Bavaria 35. FLORENCE, t. 117 to 122. Fontarabia besieg'd 19. Taken 22, 94. Force, Duke de la, 182. Francis I. King of France 164. Franconia (Duke of) 272, &c. Frederic Elector Palatine, his Disgrace 36, 291, 292. His Son's Disgrace 275. FREJUS, t. 106. G. GAlas, Festival Days at Vienna 55, 56, 57. Galen (Baron de) 81. Gallas (Count de) 142, 291. GENEVA, t. 174. Its Minifters and Magistrates 175, 176. The Character of its Merchants 177. Genoa 108, 109. Its Doge 110, 111. Giudice (Cardinal) 135, 136. GRASSE, t. 106. Gregory XI. (Pope) 100. -- XIII. (Pope) his Statue 151. Grimaldo (Marquis de) 7, 211, 212, 217, 218, 223. Gualtieri (Cardinal) 135, 136. Guards, the late King George's 240. Guise (Duke of) 25. Guldenstein (Count de) 281. Gustavus Adolphus King of Sweden 28. Greater than the Great Alexander 34. |