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HAckney Coaches 242.


Hagen, M. Envoy of Saxe-Gotha 272.

HAGUE, t. 253, &c.

HAMBOURG, 1. 280.

HEIDELBERG, t. 11, &c. 15. Its fine Library car-

ried to Rome, and other great Ravages committed

there 15, 17. Its famous Tun 18.

Henry II. King of France 25.

---IV. King of France 187.

Hermitage 298.

Himmelscron Castle 296.

HOFF, t. 265.

Holtzendorff M. 219.

Holy Week, how folemniz'd at Rome 138, &c. Αε

Madrid 224.

Horn (Count de) his Catastrophe 182.

Horses, Statues of, finely caft 247.

Hussites 291.



James's Park and Palace 239.

Januarius St. 141.

Square 252.

Ibrahim Basha, the Turkish Ambassador's Entry at Vi-

enna 62 to 66.

St. Ildephonso Palace 231.


Inquifition of Spain 229.

Interim, a Formulary fo call'd


St. John de Nepomucene 289, 290.

Jofeph (afterwards Emperor) chose King of the Ra

mans 28. His Marriage 59.

KEnfington Palace 253.
KIEL, t. 281.
Kinski's Palace 289.




Kirchner (Baron de) 267, 272.
Konigsfelt (Count de) 271.
Koningsmark (General) 292, 293.


A Borde, her Story and Character 193, &c.

Lake of Geneva 174.

Lamberg (Cardinal of) 267.

LANEBOURG, t. 173.

Languedocians 187.

Lateran Church 131.

Law, John, the Projector 180, &c.

Lede (Marquis de) 2.

Le G------ 205, 206.

Leopold (Emperor) crown'd 28.

Lewis Dauphin of France 15.

Lewis IV. King of France, his Tomb 29.

Lignares (Duchefs de) 190.

LONDON, t. 238, &c.

LORETTO, 1. 147. The miraculous or holy House

there 148, 149.

Lorge (Marshal de) lampoon'd for his fruitless Attack

upon Heidelberg 16.

Lorrain (Duke of) 120.

Luther, Martin, 27, 274.
Lutzelbourg (Count de) 81.

LYONS, t. 97.

[ocr errors][merged small]

221, &c.

Maffei (Count de) Viceroy of Sicily 2.

Maine, Duke and Duchefs arrested 5, 6. Madamoi-

felle De, 7.

Manheim, why the Elector Palatine remov'd thither

from Heidelberg 16, 17.
Marcus-Aurelius, Emperor 133.

[blocks in formation]

Maria-Jofepha Electoral Princess of Saxony 60. Her
Marriage 66. Entry, at Dresden 74, &c.
Maria-Amelia Electoral Princess of Bavaria 60.

Marlborough House 246.

Marriage of the Sea by the Doge of Venice 155.

MARSEILLES, t. 102. Plague there 184.
Mary-Ann Queen Dowager of Spain 190.

MASTRICHT, t. 257.

Matignon (M. de) 108.

Maximilian-Emanuel Mary Elector of Bavaria 34.

His Family, Court and Palaces 29 to 44.

St. MENEHOULT, t. 24.

METZ, t. 25.

MILAN, t. 162. Duchy 163, &c.

Ministers, Lutheran, see Dresden.

of Geneva, see Geneva.

MODENA, 1. 159. Princes 157, 159, 160, 179.

Molard (Count de) 70.

MONACO, t. 108.

Monk (General) 243.

Montague House 245.

Montbel (Baron de) 199, 207.
MONTEFIASCONE, t. 122, &c.

Montesquiou (Marshal de) 95.
Montmorency (Conftable of) 25, 186.

Monument described 246.

MORET, t. 96.

MUNICH, t. 29.

[ocr errors]


NAPLES, 1. 141.

Nat (Count de) 280.

Neapolitan Lady's odd Compliment to the King of

Spain 143.

NICE, t. 106.

NISMES, t. 185.

Nobles Venetian, their Scrupulousness 155.

NUREMBERG, t. 265.

Nymphenbourg Palace 38, 41.




Opera's at London 244.


Orleans (Duke of) his Regency 22, &c.
Answer to those that folicited him in Favour of the

Count De Horn 184.

Oropesa (Count de) 66, 67.

Ottowalski, Captain, 292, 293.




Palatinate Upper, why given to the Bavarian Fa-

mily 36.

Palatine, Charles-Philip of Neubourg Elector 11, 12, 13.

PAMPELUNA, t. 202.
Pamphili Prince 135.

Pantheon Church at Rome 132.

Parliament of Great-Britain, Ceremony of the King's

coming to it 243.

PARMA, t. 161. The Dukes 112, 161, 162. The

Duke's Court 161.

PASSAU, 1. 44.

PAU, t. 187.

Treaty concluded there ibid.

St. Paul's Church 241.

Peralte a Physician, fated to die by the Inquifition 229.

PESARO, 1. 150.

Philip V. 210, 220. See Spain.

Pierre Encise Castle 97.

Pilate, whither banish'd 99.

PIRNA, t. 74.

PISA, 1. 116, 117.

PLACENTIA, t. 162:

Plague at Marseilles 184.
Plays at London 245.

Plettenberg M. Envoy 271, 272.

Poland, King, Queen and Prince 84, 85. Queen of,
Wife of Augustus II. 85. The Wife of Augustus III.
her Reception in Saxony, and Entry at Dresden
66 to 73. Polish Magnificence, 74, &c.

Polignac (Cardinal de) his Banishment 7.


Pollnitz (Madamoiselle de) 241, 261, 272. Her
Death 279.

Pollnitz (Charles Lewis Baron de) our Author, his
precipitate Departure from Paris, and Arrest at
Toul 8, 9. His Enlargement 11. His good Recep-
tion at the Palatine Court 13, 14. His Folly
there 14. His Return to Paris 18. Being weary
of soliciting in vain, he leaves France 24. He ob-
tains a Company at Vienna, and a Supply to remount
his Equipage 60. Gets a Furlough 73. His Fistula
plagues him again 89. His Journey to Paris for a
Cure 92, 93. He gains great Sums by the Stocks,
and loses them 93, 94. His Departure to go and
join his Regiment in Sicily 96. His Danger of be-
ing caft away at Sea 107. His Reception by the
Great Duke of Tuscany 119. What fad Lodgings
he had at Montefiascone 122. The Danger he was
in at that Place 124. His Reception at Rome 129, &c.
His Visits 134 to 136, &c. His Audience of the
Pope 137. His Resignation of his Commission 146,
147. What happen'd to him at Ferrara 152. His
Reception by the Duke of Modena 159, and the
Duke of Parma 161. How he was trick'd by a
Merchant at Geneva 177. Returns to Paris 179.
Ill-us'd by one Dadoncourt an Officer at Bayonne
188, &c. His Reception by the Queen Dowager of
Spain 190. His imprudent Language, and Arrest
thereupon 193, &c. His Release 200, 202. The
Adventure he met with when he came to Madrid 205.
His Reception by the Court of Spain 207. His Soli-
citations there for some Post 208. His Commission
to be a Lieutenant-Colonel, but receives no Pay,
215, 216. His melancholy Situation, and Relief by
Mr. Stanhope 219, 232. His Departure from Ma-
drid, and the Danger he ran 232. His ill Reception
at the Court of England 241. His Voyage to Hol-
land 253. His Arrest for Debt at the Hague, and
his Deliverance by a Tradeswoman 255. His
Danger of being a second time arrested, and his
Escape 256. His Sickness in the Road to Germany,
as he went thither to settle his Affairs 259, 260.
His ill Reception at Dessau by the Prince of An-
halt 262. How he fettled his Affairs with his Bro-

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