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Master will be well pleased, for he loveth haps; yet we know that our heavenly best the smile for pardon.”

Father guards the sparrows, counts the As the angel spread his wings, I caught hairs of our heads, and keeps account of the words, " At His right hand are plea | every idle word. Will he, then, pass unnosures for evermore ;” while the angel of ticed our smiles and tears ? And if he tears, swinging his cluster of flowers, as a loves the smiles and tears of love and pity, perfumed censer, murmured, “ And God of joy and sorrow, how does he look upon himself shall wipe away all tears from their the smiles and tears of anger, pride, and eyes."

sin ? Was it all a dream, little children? Per

Gems from Golden Mines.


probable. But if not-if you have more

clouds and less sunshine than is the comONE's, pathway of life is not always mon lot-not a sparrow alights on earth clear. Of God it is said, “ Clouds and without the notice of your Father which is darkness are round about him.” We sup. in heaven ; the hairs of your head are all pose it means in reference to our concep numbered; your trials are all known unto tions of him, our not knowing his ways; God; it is he that appoints the rod, which for it is added, “ Righteousness and judg you are to greet joyously. But, above all, ment are the habitation of his throne." do not borrow trouble beforehand. More But respecting human pathways, it is cer than half of the troubles of mortals are tain that clouds settle down upon all of us imaginary. Clouds will come that are real : at times. In such times, it is not in man do not encircle your way with unreal mists. that walketh to direct his steps. He needs When clouds are round about you, these to trust, and to walk by faith. All men have silver linings, and the sky is clear behave troubles. When the morning opens yond. Soon these shall break away, and fair and clear, its noon soon becomes over God's sunshine shall burst in glory around cast with dark clouds ; and nothing is more thy head. natural than to fear as one enters the cloud. We want to see our way; and when God shuts it up, we complain and cry out, “ All this is against us," as blindly and erro

TEARLESS EYES.. neously as Jacob did. Now this is un “God shall wipe away all tears from their christian. We ought to trust and not be eyes.” The expression is one of exquisite afraid. What promises we have!“ I will tenderness and beauty. The poet Burns never leave thee nor forsake thee.” “ As said that he could never read this without thy day so shall thy strength be." "No being affected to weeping. Of all the thing shall harm you if ye be followers of negative descriptions of heaven, there is no that which is good.” Beyond these clouds one perhaps that would be better adapted there is a clear sky; and when the traveller to produce consolation than this. This is can see but little before him, he must still a world of weeping—a vale of tears. Who press on, and success shall soon repay all is there of the human family that has not his toil. “ Others sail along smoothly, while shed a tear ? And what a change it would my lot is a hard one,” is the complaint of make in our world, if it could be said that thousands. Well, it may be so, or it may | henceforward not another tear would be only seem so. Each heart knows its own shed, not a head would ever be bowed bitterness, and a stranger intermeddleth again in grief! Yet this is to be the connot with one's inmost experiences. Perhaps dition of heaven. In that world there is to your friend, who always seems to you so be no pain, no disappointment, no bereavecheerful and undisturbed, has his full share ment. No friend is to lie in dreadful of the ills that flesh is heir to, equal to agony on a sick bed ; no grave is to be your own; but then he bears up better opened to receive a parent, a wife, a child ; under them than you do. This is the more no gloomy prospect of death is to draw tears of sorrow from the eyes. To that | reproaches come upon us, when-standing blessed world, when our eyes run down with on the verge of the grave, and looking down tears, we are permitted to look forward ; | into the cold tomb-the eyes pour forth and the prospect of such a world should floods of tears, it is a blessed privilege to be contribute to wipe away our tears here; permitted to look forward to that brighter for all our sorrows will soon be over. / scene in heaven, where not a pang shall Amidst the trials of the present life, when ever be felt, and not a tear shall ever be friends leave us, when sickness comes, when shed.- Dr. Barnes. our hopes are blasted, when calumnies and

Our Missions.


i prosperous condition. No little interest

| attaches to this little native community. CALCUTTA.

For although many native churches exist, Just nine years ago there began a with native pastors presiding over them, it movement among the native Christians in is, we believe, as yet the only instance in Calcutta towards the formation of an inde India of a native church conducting its pendent native church. For many years affairs independently of European missiontwo native communities existed under the ary control. Recently the church held its care of the missionaries, one at Intally, the annual meeting under circumstances of other at South Colingah. At that time the great interest, and of this we now propose pastors were the Revs. G. Pearce and J. | to give some account. Wenger. The subject was first introduced On this occasion the church issued a to the Intally church by Mr. Pearce, and, general invitation to the native brethren of on his departure for England, was again all the churches, both those in Calcutta, renewed by the Rev. C. B. Lewis. The and those in the villages around, and on the movement extended to the church in South 11th of February they assembled. So numeColingah; and after frequent meetings for rously were the invitations responded to, prayer, with the entire sanction of the that the native chapel was found too smali missionaries, the two churches united in for the assembly, and the meeting was one church, and chose three or four brethren transferred to the neighbouring chapel in to act as pastors.

Circular-road, of which our venerable This arrangement did not work well, nor friend, the Rev. A. Leslie, is minister. The did it last long. In about a year the union chapel was filled by the congregation, only was dissolved, and each church chose a pas here and there a white face appearing for for itself. Although the Intally church among the Bengali Christians who had has continued to exist, it has not flourished, gathered together. Upwards of three and has to a considerable extent resumed hundred are said to have been present, the its dependence on the missionary residing largest congregation of native Christians, at Intally. At present it is without a na it is presumed, that has ever met in one tive pastor, Mr. Pearce having undertaken building in Calcutta. the charge since the resignation of our vene The chair was occupied by the Rev. rable brother Sujaat:Ali, (until a suitable George Kerry, pastor of the English church brother can be found.

in Lal Bazar, and after the singing of a Goolzah Shah became the pastor of the Bengali hymn, prayer was offered by the church at South Colingah. He is the son Rev. A. Leslie. For thirty-five years has of a native Christian, and holds a remune. Mr. Leslie laboured in India, and there cative situation in a Government office. was something peculiarly appropriate in since his election, now nine years ago, he the oldest missionary present leading the has continued through many difficulties to devotions of the many around him, who had till the office of pastor, and that gratui been called from heathenism to walk in the tously. Under his care the church has light of the Gospel of Christ. gradually become consolidated, and at the A few words of sympathy and affection present time may be regarded as in a very from the chairman followed, when Goolzah

Shah was called upon to read the report tions concerning the Christian faith from a which had been prepared. It was in military gentleman at that station. He Bengali; but the substance of it was as was in the habit of reading Christian tracts follows: After stating the various ser while at Agra. Since coming to Calcutta, vices which had been regularly conducted he often sought the company of our throughout the year, which were attended brethren, desiring to know more about the on Lord's days by from thirty to fifty per- | Lord. sons, and on week days by from twelve to "The Muhammadan who joined this twenty, the report mentioned that an church during the year, is an inhabitant of interesting series of prayer-meetings had Midnapore. There he bought a copy of been held from house to house, for the Luke's Gospel from a colporteur of the purpose of supplicating the blessing of Bible Society. While yet a sincere follower God on the preaching, and for the out of the false prophet, he felt that the Koran pouring of the Holy Spirit. The candi says nothing about an atonement for sin ; dates for baptism had been carefully in. he, however, saw himself to be a sinner, and structed, of whom i thirteen have been consequently became dissatisfied with the added to the church during the year. false system propounded in the Koran. Some of the brethren of the church bave When he came to Calcutta, he began to been active in preaching in the streets, and support himself by giving his services to a in distributing the Word of God. At least Muhammadan family, in the capacity of a the conversion of three persons could be tutor; but when they discovered his preditraced to this instrumentality. The interest lections for Christianity, they persecuted of the church meetings had been increased him and cast him out. At last, by reading by these brethren giving, from month to the Word of God, and by conversation month, some account of the labours in with our brethren, he found peace for his which they had been engaged. One of soul in believing in the perfect satisfaction the deacons of Circular-road Church, Mr.

rendered to the Divine justice by our Lord Greenway, is especially mentioned as having and Saviour Jesus Christ on the cross. We often accompanied the native brethren in are well satisfied that this map is a believer their labour of love. The church also in the Lord Jesus Christ, and have thereannounced with gratitude that a gentleman | fore received him." in Switzerland, at the instance of their | The report closes with a statement of “reverend friend and father in Christ, the | account, from which it appears that the Rev. Mr. Wenger," had sent them a sum congregation had contributed £11 4s., and of money for the support of a native obtained from other sources £18 10s. preacher of the Gospel

Besides this the church had raised £6 to The entire Christian community belong defray the expenses of the anniversary. ing to the church numbers about seventy Speeches were then delivered by several individuals: the church members in full missionary brethren, by our venerable communion are forty-four. During the native brother Sujaat Ali, and by a convert year thirteen had been received into the of the Free Church Mission, Shib Chunder church ; but there had been lost by death Banerjea by name. two, two had been excluded, and two had On the next day meetings were held by joined Baptist churches in other places. the representatives of the churches from

We will give in the words of the report the country districts. Jessore, Serampore, the following interesting facts relative to | Calcutta, Baraset, and the south villages, some of the members :

all sent delegates to this fraternal conference, “One of our deceased brethren, Francis over which the Rev. George Pearce preby name, was a Madras man, and was full sided, and closed their useful and pleasant of faith and zeal, and spent portions of his gathering by feasting together at the table time in visiting his Madrassee brethren of the Lord. who were still unconverted. The Lord has A missionary brother present thus writes not left himself without a witness to the to us of this unusual scene : “My heart endeavours of our dear deceased brother: was very full. I could not but think of the one Madrassee was converted to the truth, contrast which that sight presented with and is now steadfast in the faith.

anything of a similar kind that could have “The other Hindu who has been baptized been shown fifty, forty, or even thirty during the year, is an up-countryman, who years ago. And when you remember i was formerly at Agra, and received instruc. I was a meeting got up spontaneously by the

native Christians, not at the instigation of, I joined in singing · Praise God from whom nor with the assistance of the missionaries, all blessings flow' with greater sincerity I am sure you will say there was cause for and reality than I did at the close of that gratitude indeed."

meeting." "It was a most important meeting. It Thus, step by step, the providence of God did us all good to see it. There could not unrolls the mysteries of his love, and is have been less than three hundred present. drawing India to his feet. The vigorous Nearly all were members of churches ; life and active usefulness of this native many of them were preachers; many had church is surely a pledge given by Divire given evidence of the genuineness of their grace of the triumphs to come, when the conversion by years of steady, consistent, great evangelizers of Hindustan shall be Christian labour. We all felt that, after all, her own children, and the churches of missions were doing something. All the England shall reap abundantly in a field Labour had not been lost; and I never they have watered with their tears.


abundant testimony as to the progress of the truth. Missionaries of various denominatione, journeying over many thousands of miles, unite in declaring that, amidst many discouragements and difficulties, the way of the Lord is being prepared, the barriers of superstition levelled, and the perversities of error slowy corrected. The idolatrous systems of India have no longer the same hold on the minds of the people, and the transitional state is favourable to the discussion of Christian claims. Only in China is the work of God hindered, but that, it is to be hoped, is from temporary causes.

The Bicentenary movement, like the Liberation movement, is making satisfactory progress.

GENERAL THE political history of the past month is scarcely more interesting than that of the previous months of the present session of Parliament. The news which will most interest our readers is the defeat, on the 14th inst., of the Church Rate Abolition Bill by a majority of one. This is the first time, for several years, that the Church Rates Bill has been defeated in the House of Commons on the second reading; and the event is accordingly pointed to by our opponents as a striking indication of the « Conservative reaction," of which we have heard so much of late. That it indicates a reaction of some kind in the House of Commons is true enough, and we do not for a moment care to dispute it ; but that it indicates a change in the opinion of the country we are by no means so sure. Whether or not, it is no less true that, for the final settlement of this question of Church Rates, Dissenters can afford to wait. Probably, the parish vestries furnish the best platform for the utterance of our views on the larger question. We urge our readers to avail themselves to the fullest extent of this platform for enlightening tbe country as to their principles.

The House of Lords, by way of setting an ex. ample to the Commons, rejected, on the 13th ult., by a majority of upwards of thirty, the Qualification for Offices Bill.

Undaunted by recent defeats, the Liberation Society held its Triennial Conference at the beginning of last month. The Conference was called in the usuxl manner, and extended its meetings over two days. For the interesting details of the proceedings we can but refer our readers to the newspaper reports; but we are glad to be able to say that the meeting was in all respects a suc. cess, and that it furnished a good idea of the spirit with which the struggle for Free Religion will be carried on during the next three years.

Daring the past month the meetings of the great Religious Societies have been held in the metropolis. Though not perhaps quite as fully attended as usual, the meetings have been gratifying, both for the spirit in which they were conducted, and for the unusually encouraging reports which were presented at them. The funds of many of our societies have been increased. In all parts of the world God has been manifestly blessing the efforts of his servants. In India all the societies furnish

deacon, an to call for

snd then deliyinin ministry,

DOMESTIC. BARNSLEY.–Recognition services in connection with the settlement of the Rev. J. Compston, as pastor of the Baptist Church, Barnsley, were held on Tuesday, April 29th. In the afternoon, the Revs. G. Wood, B. Baker (New Connexion), J. Smith (Methodist Free Church), C. Lawton (Wes. leyan), and J. Cummins (Independent), conducted the worship. The Rev. Dr. Acworth, President and Theological Tutor of Rawdon College, having asked some questions, which were responded to in bebalf of the church by Mr. John Wood, senior deacon, and in his own behalf by the new minister, proceeded to call for & show of hands in confirmation of the settlement, and then delivered an able and powerful discourse on the Christian ministry, founded on 2 Cor. iv. 2. The Rev. J. P. Chown then ascended the pulpit, and preached a very effective sermon from Psalm cxiv. 10-12; and the Rev. 8. Compston, of Settle (father of the newly recognised pastor), concluded with prayer. At five o'clock, a large number of people took tea in the school-rooms, after which a public meeting was beld in the chapel, and addresses were given by the minister, who presided, and by the following gentlemen : Revs, Dr. Acworth, J. P. Chown, C. Larom, J. P. Campbell, s. Compston, G. Normandale, W. J. Stuart, J. Ashmead, J. Cum. mins, F. Britcliffe, G. C. Caterall, and W. Colcroft. Thanks were accorded to the speakers and to the ladies, and the proceedings were brought to a close at ten o'clock.

CONINGSBY.-The foundation-stone of the new General Baptist Chapel, Coningsby, was laid on

The indebtedness the removal of and coffee sertion

Thursday, April 24th, at four o'clock in the after. | 800 persong. There are two vestries, and a most noon. Although there was a gentle fall of rain excellent school-room and lecture-room, in conduring the whole of the proceedings, it did not nection with the chapel. The cost has been about prevent a large number from being present. Tbe £1,800, towards which about £1,150 have been Rev. W. Sharman commenced the ceremony by collected and promised. giving out a hymn, and the Rev. D. Jones, of Horncastle, then implored the Divine blessing.

PRESTON, LANCASHIRE.-On Tuesday evening,

May 13th, a tea-meeting was held in Pole-street The father of the pastor, Mr. T. Sharman, of

Chapel, to celebrate the extinction of the debt Spalding, then placed a box in a cavity under the stone, containing a copy of The General Baptist

upon that place of worship. Upwards of 400

persons sat down to tea. After_tea a public meetMagazine," "The Church,” The Freeman news

ing was held, over which J. R. Jeffery, Esq., of paper, and a statement on parchment, which was

Liverpool, presided. The chairman having opened read to the spectators. This being done, Mr.

the meeting by some appropriate congratulatory Johnson, builder, presented a trowel to Mr. Lane,

remarks, Mr. Smith, the secretary, read a report who spread the mortar and lowered the stone to

of what had been done. The sum of £682 had been its place, and made a most eloquent speech by

raised towards paying the debt and improving the placing upon it a £5 note. Several other friends also placed sums of money upon the stone, the

chapel-upwards of £150 having been raised by

the people themselves; and several important total of the offerings amounting to £7 6s. 6d. The

additions had been made to the chapel as a place Rev. T. W. Matthews followed with a telling

of public worship. The Rev. W. Boyden having address to the spectators, on “ Religious liberty."

addressed the assembly, the chairman read an After another hymn, the Rev. J. Ruff, of Boston,

address to the Rev. R. Webb (pastor), expressing pronounced the Benediction, and the company

the indebtedness of the church to him, especially adjourned to the school-room and partook of an

for his efforts for the removal of the debt, and preexcellent tea. After tea the room was well filled, and speeches were delivered by the Rev. T. W.

sented him with an elegant tea and coffee service Matthewe, D. Jones, J. Ruff, W. Lee (Primitive

(with a suitable inscription) as a token of affection

and regard. The Rev. R. Webb acknowledged the Methodist), W. Sbarman, and Mr. T. Sharman.

gift. The Rev. H. S. Brown, the Rev. Mr. Lyon, The services gave general satisfaction, and have left behind a hallowed influence.

and the Rev. Mr. Slate, also addressed the meetThe entire cost

ing. The prospects of the church in this place are of the new chapel will be £450.

of the most encouraging character. BURNLEY, LANCASHIRE.--The foundation-stone

PROVIDENCE CHAPEL, Coseley, STAFFORD. of a new Baptist Cbapel was laid in Yorkshirestreet, Burnley, on Friday, April 18th, by John

SHIRE.-On Sunday, May 11th, sermons were

preached in this place of worship on behalf of the Houghton, Esq., of Kirkdale, Liverpool. The pre

Sunday School connected with the place, and col. liminary proceedings were conducted in the old

lections were made which amounted together to chapel, in consequence of the unfavourable state of

£42. The congregation is neither numerous nor the weather. The proceedings were commenced

wealthy; but its highly-esteemed minister, the by singing, after wbich the Rev. R. Evans read a

Rev. J. Maurice, and the zealous efforts of his portion of the 22nd chapter of the first Book of

people, are highly appreciated in the neighbourChronicles, and the Rev. A. Strachan engaged in

hood, and therefore the liberality of the amount prayer. Another hymn was then sung, followed by an address by Mr. Houghton. The Rev. H. S.

collected. The sermons were preached in the

morning and evening by the Rev. Samuel Green, Brown was announced to deliver his address after

of Hammersmith, the laying of the foundation-stone, but, as the rain continued, it was concluded to have the address MINISTERIAL CHANGES.-The Rev. Joseph J. first. Mr. Brown then spoke in his usual interest

Goadby, of Lenton, near Nottingham, has accepted ing and excellent style for a considerable time, and

a cordial and unanimous invitation to the pastorate at the close the ceremony of laying the stone took of the General Baptist Church, Dover-street, place. After the ceremony, a tea-party was held

Leicester, and will enter upon his new sphere on in the school, and at six o'clock a public meeting

the first Sabbath in July.-The Rev. W. Davies, of in the old cbapel. L. Whittaker, Esq., of Has

Pontypool College, has accepted the cordial and lingden, presided, and a number of friends in the

unanimous invitation of the Baptist Church. town and neighbourhood took part in the meeting. Argoed, Monmouthshire, and entered upon The cost of the new chapel is to be upwards of

his ministerial labour at that place on Lord's£1,500, and it is intended to accommodate 750

day, May 25th.-The Rev. E. L. Hull, B.A., adults.

of King's Lynn, Norfolk, has been compelled RAMSBOTTOM, LANCASHIRE.-A new Baptist by prolonged illness to relinquish the pastorate of Chapel has recently been erected in this rapidly the Union Church in that town. - The Rev. R. J. increasing place, and was opened for Divine worsbip Langridge has given in his resignation of the on Good Friday, April 18tb, when the Rev. H. S. Baptist Church, Chilver's Coton, near Nuneaton, Brown, of Liverpool, preached in the morning, the Warwickshire.- Mr. W. H. Payne, late of the Rev. T. Pottenger, of Rawdon College, in the Baptist College, Regent's Park, bas accepted the afternoon, and the Rev. A. M'Lareri, B.A., of Man invitation of the churcb meeting at Presteign and chester, in the evening. On Easter Sunday, the Stansbatch, and has at once entered on his duties Rev. J. Acworth, LL.D., President of Rawdon as pastor.-The Rev. W. Lloyd, late of Eye, College, preached morning and evening. On Mon. Suffolk, has accepted the invitation of the church day, April 21st, two sermons were preached by the at Barton Mills, and has entered on his laboursRight Hon. Lord Teynham; and on Sunday, April The Rer. Thomas Grove, of Rawdon College, has 27th, the opening services were brought to a close accepted an invitation to the pastorate of the by two sermons preached by the Rev. J. Pywell, of church meeting in Dudley-street, Wednesbury. Stockport. At many of the services the chapel Staffordshire, and hopes to commence his labours was filled to overflowing, and the collections, con on the last Sunday in June.--The Rev. William sidering the very depressed state of trade, were Cheetbam, of Rawdon College, has accepted an good, upwards of £136 being collected. The invitation from the Baptist Church, New Mill, chapel is a very neat, substantial stone building, Tring, Herts, and hopes to commence his labourg capable of seating, when the galleries are put in, on the first Sabbath in July.

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