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back part of the boat, and put it up for for it heartily. A knife and dish were auction. You know what an auction is, I called for, and the auctioneer was invited suppose? I mean, I will sell it to the one to cut it up and divide it with those who who will pay the most for it.”

had bidden for it. “Now," said the baron, " That would not be right!” cried Fritz further, “take two good slices to the and Martha at the same time. “The peasant boy and girl. When you have melon isn't worth more than a dollar, and done this, you can hand them their we couldn't think of taking more than that." money."

But the officer insisted on their trusting Fritz and Martha, who were at the bow the whole matter into his hands. So he of the boat, were peeping back all the while took the melon, and went back to where to see what was going to become of their the rich passengers were. He stepped water-melon; and when the officer went upon a stool, and said, smiling, “ Ladies forward to them with the two slices and and gentlemen, hearken a moment, if you | twenty-three bright dollars, they could not please. Who of you wishes the largest believe their own eyes. They refused to melon in all Saxony ? If I followed my take it at first. They never had seen so own inclination I would have bought it for much money before, and thought that no myself; but it belongs to a peasant boy and king had more than that amount. But the girl, and I want to see them paid well for officer insisted, and at last Fritz took it and their property. Now, who bids? A water tied it up in his red handkerchief. melon always rises in value as quicksilver “Now, Martha, come with me a minute," goes up in the thermometer. I will start said the officer; "you can return again in the sale myself. A half-dollar-half-dollar a very short time." -half! half! going!”

He then led her back to the wealthy The passengers rose up from their seats. | people where he had sold the melon. He Some ladies had been sleeping, but all stepped up on the stool again, and saidwere wide awake at the officer's funny " Ladies and gentlemen, there is nothing speech.

like finishing a thing when you go about it. *“Now, Baron Warder, what will you When we stopped at Schandau this girl bid ?" continued the auctioneer, as he came down to the boat to see her brother, turned aside and spoke to a fat old gentle who was the owner of the water-melon that man who was almost melting from the we have been enjoying. But, unluckily, heat.

the steamboat started off before she stepped “One dollar !" said the baron.

ashore. So she is here without a home. “Three dollars !" said the mother of Perhaps some lady would like to take her Charles and Louise.

into her family as house-girl. You can “ Five dollars !" shouted the old baron. judge for yourself as to whether she will « Six!" shouted his opponent.

suit or not." “ Ten dollars !” cried out a young man. The mother of Charles and Louise was Nobody answered him.

needing & girl very much, and she quesTen dollars for the water-melon!” said tioned Martha as to what she could do. the auctioneer; “ten dollars is all I have By-and-by the bargain was made. She for this great luxury. You know, ladies was to live in Dresden, near where her and gentlemen, that it belongs to a peasant brother was to be gardener. Her wages boy and girl. They have no parents, and would be good, and she was to have the are strangers in the world. Who bids privilege of seeing Fritz whenever she eleven dollars ? Ten dollars ! going, wanted. Thanks to the kind officer. Truly, going "

the Lord gives us friends when we least « I'welve dollars," said the old baron, expect them. whose heart was as big as his body. Then One autumn day there was to be a great the officer made another little speech to military review in the suburbs of the city the people, and somebody bid higher still. of Breslau. People from all parts of the At last the water-melon was struck off to country came to it, for there had been no the old baron, however, at the large sum of review like this in the kingdom for several twenty-three dollars! Now, did you ever | years. When the cavalry soldiers were hear of such a price for a water-melon running their horses at full speed, a large before? I am sure I never did.

white horse fell with his rider, and threw The old gentleman paid for the melon in | him some distance. Every one thought silver dollars, and the officer thanked him the man must be killed, but he was not. A leg was broken, and that was all. , tures. One was a steamboat, and the 21 He was taken to a little cottage in the other a water-melon. That was Martha's neighbourhood of the city. There was a house, and she was handing some tea to little garden in front, and vines were climb. the man who had sold the water-melon on ing up the sides of the house. A dog was the steamboat ten years ago! sleeping beside the door. He did not even The officer was almost overcome when bark, he was so good and quiet. The the whole truth flashed on his mind, and wounded officer--for the man who was 50 was Martha, too; but her own eyes thrown was an officer of high rank-was told her that the man who was now in her taken into this house, and carried into the house was none other than her former front bed-room.

friend on the steamboat Magnolia. He was insensible at first, but by-and It was a long time before the officer got by opened his eyes. A young woman then well. Martha had married a respectable brought him some tea to refresh himself, man, and was in comfortable circumstances. for that was what the surgeon prescribed. Fritz worked as gardener two years in On the tray were these words:

Dresden, and afterwards was invited to “Give us this day our daily bread.Berlin to be gardener for the King of A very large clock was standing in the Prussia. So he gets a large salary, and can corner. It was made of rosewood, and also pay regular visits to his sister. over the face was written in gold letters, So you see the Lord takes care of those “Time leads to eternity.”

who place themselves in his hands.- The On the wall were two magnificent pic Quiver.

Gems from Golden Mines.


a Bible with Gospels and Epistles. How In the days of King David, the Bible | do you love that law? How often have 10% was a scanty book; yet he loved it well, you found yourself clasping it to your and found daily wonders in it. Genesis, bosom as the man of your counsel? How path with its sublime narration of how God made often have your eyes glistened over 89: the worlds, with its glimpses of patriarchal brightening page as one who had found 55 piety, and dark disclosures of gigantic sin; great spoil? How often have you dwelt on it Exodus, with its glorious marchings through

its precious promises, till they evolved a poco that great wilderness, its thrilling memorials sweetness which made you marvel ? How it of Jehovah's outstretched arm, and the many times have you praised the Lord for me volume of the written law ; Leviticus, the clearness of its light, the sanctity of its : "% through whose flickering vistas David's eye truth, and the sureness of its immortality? discovered the shadows of better things to -Dr. J. Hamilton. come ; Numbers, with its natural history of the heart of man; and Deuteronomy,

THE BLESSED HOME. with its vindication of the ways of God; HOME! To be at home is the wish of je Joshua and Judges, with their chapters of the seaman on stormy seas and lonely providence, their stirring incidents and watch. Home is the wish of the soldier, peaceful episodes; the memoirs of Job, so and tender visions mingle with the troubled fraught with spiritual experience; and the dreams of trench and tented field. Wheru domestic annals of Ruth, which told to her the palm-tree waves its graceful plumes, grandson such a tale of Divine foreknow and birds of jewelled lustre flash and flicker ledge, and love, and care, all converging on among gorgeous flowers, the exile sits to himself, or rather on David's Son and staring upon vacancy; a far-away home lies David's Lord :-these were David's Bible; upon his beart; and borne upon the wings and, brethren, whatever wealth you have, of fancy, over intervening seas and lands, remember that David desired his Bible be- he has swept away to home, and hears the yond all his riches. So thankful was he for lark singing above his father's fields, and such a priceless possession, that he praised sees his fair-haired boy-brother, with light in God for its righteous judgments seven times foot and childhood's glee, chasing the but a day. But you have got an ampler Bible terfly by his native stream. And in his -a Bible with Psalms and Prophets in it best hours, home, his own sinless home, a

home with his Father above that starry , not unriddle his conduct in particular sky, will be the wish of every Christian dispensations, we must remember that he man. He looks around him; the world is God; that we are to walk by faith, and is full of suffering; he is distressed by its to trust him as implicitly when we are in sorrows, and vexed with its sins. He looks " the valley of the shadow of death," as within him; he finds much in his own when his “candle shines upon our heads." corruptions to grieve for. In the language We must remember that it is not for us to of a heart repelled, grieved, vexed, he often be admitted into the cabinet of the King of turns his eye upward, saying, “I would not | kings; that creatures constituted as we are, live here always; no, not for all the gold could not sustain the view of his unveiled of the world's mines; not for all the pearls agency; that it would confound, and of her seas; not for all the pleasures of her scatter, and annihilate our little intellects. flashy, frothy cup; not for all the crowns As often, then, as he retires from our of her kingdoms, would I live here always.” observation, blending goodness with maLike a bird about to migrate to those sunny | jesty, let us lay our hands upon our mouths, lands where no winter sheds her snows, or and worship. This.stateliness of our King strips the grove, or binds the dancing | can afford us no just ground of uneasiness. streams, he will often in spirit be pluming - Rev. John Mason. his wing for the hour of his flight to glory. -Dr. Guthrie.


“We glory in tribulations also.”-Rom. v. 3. DIVINE MYSTERIES.

WITHIN this leaf, to every eye THERE are secrets in our Lord's pro So little worth, doth hidden lie cedure which he will not explain to us in Most rare and subtle fragrancy. this life, and which may not, perhaps, be

Wouldst thou its secret strength unbind? explained in the life to come. Tie cannot

| Crush it, and thou shalt perfume find tell how he makes evil the minister of

Sweet as Arabia's spicy wind. good; how he combines physical and moral agencies of different kinds and

In this dull stone, so poor, and bare orders in the production of blessings. We Of shape or lustre, patient care cannot so much as conjecture what bear. | Will find for thee a jewel rare. ings the system of redemption, in every But first must skilful hands essay, part of its process, may have upon the | With file and flint to clear away relations of the universe ; not even what The film which hides its fire from day. may be all the connections of Providence in

This leaf? this stone? It is thy heart. the occurrences of this moment, or of the last. "Such knowledge is too wonderful

It must be crushed by pain and smart, for us : it is high, we cannot attain it."

It must be cleansed by sorrow's art, Our Sovereign's away is in the sea, and his Ere it will yield a fragrance sweet, path in the deep waters : and his footsteps Ere it will shine, a jewel meet are not known.” When, therefore, we are | To lay before thy dear Lord's feet. surrounded with difficulty ; when we can.

--Hymns of the Ages.

Our Missions.

THE CHRISTIAN VILLAGERS OF | usually inundated, and for many miles in

extent the tributary rivers and streams BACKERGUNGE.

overflow their banks, giving fertility by SITUATED in the eastern part of Bengal, | their deposits to the soil, and in ordinary and on the shores of the Pudma, or great seasons quickening into ripeness abundant river, which bears the waters of the mighty harvests of rice, on which the sustenance Ganges united with the flood of the Brah. of the people depends. Owing to the little mapooter to the ocean, lies a district the inclination of the beds of the rivers, and soil of which is barely raised above the the low level of the land, many parts of surging waters. In the rainy season it is | the district become swamps. In the interior is one large jheel, or swamp, many | Brahmins and landlords have tried to stop miles in extent, the chosen abode of the progress of the truth. Many persecu. myriads of water-fowl, and the resort of a tions and trials have been endured. Some population too poor or too numerous to have suffered imprisonment for the Gospel ; occupy the more cultivable parts. Villages others the loss of all their goods; while are thickly strewed over the whole of this houses have been plundered, fields devasdistrict. The houses of each village, often tated, and chapels destroyed with fire. few in number, stand on small mounds of In all these distresses Mr. Page has earth, raised just high enough to be secure been the unflinching advocate of the poor; from the usual inundations. The tanks by has assisted them in their distresses ; has their side, formed by the removal of the been their shield against the rapacity of earth to build the mounds, or bheetahs as landlords and police, and carried their they are called, on which the houses are | cause triumphantly through courts of law. erected, furnish water in the dry season, It is no wonder that he should live in their and an abundant supply of fish, which, with | affections, and so living, exercise a most rice, constitutes the chief food of the powerful influence both among Christians population. What with the density of the and heathens throughout the entire circuit population, the uncertainty of the seasons, of his labours. During his late visit to and the small amount of cultivable land, this country, many of our readers must the inhabitants are generally very poor, and have listened to the thrilling narratives at all times are subject to oppressive exac

which fell from his lips, and will rejoice to tions from their zemindars, or landlords. learn that, through the providence of God,

In some parts of the district Moham he has returned safely to his labours, and medans are found, but the chief portion of resumed his toil among the people he so the people are idolaters, especially worship | ardently desires to serve. ping the god Shiva, whose temples stand With characteristic impatience, the prominently seen in almost every village. people met him before reaching Barisal, Ignorance holds her reign over all classes ; and welcomed his approach by the unthey chiefly consist of Chandals, the lowest usual explosion of fire-arms, and with shouts of the castes recognised among the Hindus. of joy. The first to meet him were many Yet here it has pleased God to establish of the native preachers, who had come in his Church, and to create one of the most from the country for this purpose, and the prosperous missions in Northern India. 1 day closed with a crowded assembly in the

Commenced by the Serampore brethren, little chapel to give thanks to God for the early years of the mission were marked the missionary's safe arrival. For three by the usual vicissitudes. But about 1846 days were Mr. and Mrs. Page overwhelmed there began to appear signs of a remarkable with visits of welcome, till at length it was movement, which, although of a very mixed determined to go on to Dandhoba, the character in its origin, is proved by the nearest out-station, in order to save the results to have been in the main a genuine people from travelling so far from their work of God. The Rev. John Page as homes. The missionaries Martin and sumed charge of the station in 1848. Reed, with their families and other friends, Some time was spent in consolidating the accompanied Mr. Page. churches, in removing improper persons After reaching the station, a large meetfrom fellowship, and making arrangements ing of Christian natives assembled, and for the more thorough communication of | Mr. Page related to them the scenes he the Gospel to the numerous villages. As had witnessed in England, and mentioned sisted first by the Rev. John Sale, and of | the gifts he had brought with him for the late years by the Rev. T. Martin, Mr. Page better observance of the worship of God, has been able to spread the knowledge of and the sums of money he had received for Divine truth very widely ; so that at the the erection of fifteen brick chapels to present time Christians are found in sixty replace the present structures of mat and villages, and the sixteen native churches bamboo. Of course the women and contain more than four hundred and fifty children flocked about Mrs. Page, while persons in full communion. About two the men gathered about their pastor to thousand persons have laid aside idolatry, hear more of the wonders he had to tell and enjoy constant religious instruction. of the land whence the Gospel had come

These gratifying results have not been to them. The old native preachers, gained without great opposition. Both 1 especially, exhibited their, affection. Shoron, who was baptized by Mr. Ward, generally, the questions were on subjects and has been a preacher for more than more nearly connected with their daily life forty years, said he could find no language | and their social condition. but that of Simeon to express his joy. Old At Ashkor a very pleasing incident took Gour, the aged wrestler, renewed the place. Ramcoomar, the native assistant request he made at parting, two years preacher, came up to the table, leading his before, to be allowed to take up Mr. Page wife by the hand, and calling upon his son in his arms, which, feeble and infirm as he to come forward also, and with a quivering is, he was overjoyed at finding himself able lip and trembling hand laid twenty rupees to do.

on the table for his wife and son, and proSo the day went on. One said, while mised the same amount for himself, talking in the old familiar way with their towards the erection of a new brick chapel recovered pastor, that they had had no at Ashkor. This was done in fulfilment of fears for the safe arrival of the ship, as a promise made a year and a half before, they prayed constantly for it; and was when his house, with all it contained, was not every prayer a towing-line dragging it burnt to ashes, from gratitude for the help swiftly to port? The night echoed their then rendered to him by his fellow-Chrishymns of praise to God, and it was long tians. The next day a widow came forward after midnight before sleep quieted their and laid a rupee on the table for the same joy.

purpose, and since then several others We cannot detail the course of Mr. have given sums 'which would be conPage through the other stations. The sidered liberal among a more enlightened like welcome met him everywhere. At i people. Chhobikarpar Mr. Page baptized twenty Thus a very novel and delightful movetwo persons, men and women, and four at ment is inaugurated, which will, we trust, Pakhor, who were waiting for the ad be the commencement of a spontaneous ministration of the sacred rite of initiation

carrying forward of the cause of Christ, a into the kingdom of God. Both heathens spontaneousness which hitherto our Hindu and Christians everywhere came together native brethren have failed to exhibit. May to see Mr. Page, and hear what he had to prayer follow the labours of our brother, tell them about England. After one of and may he be permitted, in the providence their meetings a Hindu very gravely asked of God, to see yet larger fruit to his labours: whether Maharanee (the great queen, i.e., in this already fruitful field. Queen Victoria) was a goddess! but, I



and for that help which private benevolence can

afford, The news from America has not continued to

I The chief ecclesiastical event of the month has fulfil the promises of the last month or two. The

been the great gathering of bishops and priests at success of the Federals, before Richmond especially,

Rome, and their protest in favour of the temporal has been far from encouraging to their cause; andin

power of the Pope. The sacred city has been consequence there has been much more discussion

inundated by thousands of ecclesiastics, and has in England on the desirableness of some attempt

glittered once again with festive lights, while the at mediation. The proceedings in Parliament have

Sovereign Pontiff has profanely dispensed alike the been generally uninteresting. Lord Palmerston

honours of saintship, and the unavailing anathemashas succeeded in forcing on his scheme for spending

of his obstinate anger. The Italian Parliament money on fortifications, and Sir Morton Peto has

answers by reasserting its claims; the people been obliged to withdraw his Burial of Dissenters

patiently await the coming time; and already, even Bill. There are no other proceedings in Parlia

in Italy, priests are found combining in large numment which we care to note.

bers to petition his Holiness to relinquish his disOne great topic of the month has been the in. puted rights. Meanwhile, it is satisfactory to learn creasing distress in Lancashire. In consequence of that in Tuscany the prosecutions commenced under the failure of the cotton supply, a large number of the old laws against the agents of evangelisation,

hands have been thrown out of employ, and the have all terminated or been abandoned.-From · destitution in many of the districts has become Sweden we continue to receive encouraging reports

quite alarming. The Government have announced of the progress of the Gospel. But the truth is their intention to take some steps for the relief of often impeded in its course by the intolerant laws the suffering, though whether they can devise any that profess to defend it. Compulsory infant bapmeasures that will be effectual is more than doubt tism is still common; and in several instances, ful. The case is one that calls loudly for sympathy, I. children have been taken by force and sprinkled,

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