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seemed to act and to feel as though he had blood can wash away my sin. I now deawoke from a long and dreary dream, he sire to love thee with all my heart, and said to me, in an almost inarticulate voice, soul, and strength. Oh come, thou Eternal and with an imploring look and gesture, Spirit, and cleanse my heart, that my prethat told of the fierce conflict within, cious Saviour may receive it as his own ; for 6 You see, sir, what I am ; a wretch un thou hast redeemed it by thy precious done. What shall I do? what can I do?". blood !" &c. A ray of light seemed now to I replied, “You must believe on the Lord have suddenly broken in upon his darkened Jesus Christ.” “ That,” said he,“ is what mind as if an angel spoke to him; and I am told.” For some kind followers of such a heavenly radiance overspread his Him who came to save the lost, had been countenance as could not have been occaalready there to whisper to him a thought sioned by the mere sudden cessation of the of hope and heaven.“ This, this is what anguish he had been suffering; the bloated they tell me; but I cannot believe; I visage was softened; the sunken, bloodknow not how to believe ; I cannot do it; shot eye, though dimmed with tears, shed I never could. No, I cannot believe; it is forth at intervals rays of intelligence and impossible; God will never have com- animation. The words first spoken though passion on a wretch like me. What, oh, they had troubled the stagnant waters of what am I to do? Oh, great God, what the drunkard's heart, yet proved, as will will become of me?" I explained to him, | have been seen, the words of peace and of in as simple and faithful a manner as I was | eternal life. From that hour the poisoned able, the nature of true repentance and faith. | chalice was forsaken, together with all the My words at first seemed to be regarded by | other vices that had proved his bane, and this unhappy outcast as if uttered in he became a changed man, transformed by mockery of his poor, crushed, sin-sick soul, | the renewing of his mind into the image and he turned from me as if in angor. He and likeness of the Saviour. was at length re-assured, and I urged him His remaining days, though few from his to pray for pardon, grace, and peace, as age and the fell disease that preyed upon his comprehendingeverything he then required; once athletic frame, passed now peacefully and he did pray. And what a prayer! along. Religion having torn the veil from the How artless, how earnest, how intense! heart, threw sunshine around the dwelling Through this channel his soul gushed forth, so recently beclouded with darkness and and revealed the whole inner man of the sorrow, lighting it up with Christian love! penitent, and, apart from its great object, and heavenly hope. I went to visit this proved how little a full, earnest soul, under once depraved and sceptical transgressor, the teaching of God's Spirit, requires a set but now transformed and humble believer, form of words to disburden itself before its several times after this first interview, and a God. "O God, be merciful to me a sin found him gradually sinking into the ner! O Lord, help me! I feel that I have grave, but as evidently meetening for glory, i been an enemy to thee, a rebel against thy During his illness he was almost con throne. I have broken thy holy law, and stantly in prayer, pleading in a softening rejected thy authority. I have been the | penitential, beseeching manner, for graonie enemy of the precious Saviour, and have patience, meekness, and love, and exhibito1 forced my passage to blackness, and dark- | ing the workings of a breast oppressed and ness, and eternal woe. The crucifier of 'overflowing with a gratitude greater and a my Lord, in league with the devil to more powerful than I had ever observede destroy thy work, I have persecuted thy | in any other instance. In reply to some people, and treated thy word with con- questions I proposed as to his future prola tempt, and I deserve nothing but for my pects, he clasped his hands together, and soul and body to be cast into hell to burn directing his eyes upward, a smile beaming for ever. And yet, O Lord, most mighty, upon his pallid, quivering features, bet most holy, and merciful Saviour, thou most exclaimed, “I have waited for thy salvar worthy Judge Eternal, deliver me not over tion, O Lord"! What words of faith and to the bitter pangs of eternal death. Oh, be I joy were these from the lips of one who merciful to me! Oh, save me! I plead for had so recently lived without God and mercy in the name of Jesus. I can go to | hope in the world! How expressive of his no other. O Lord Jesus, I now believe spiritual affiliation, of the plastic power of that thou art the Christ, the Saviour of the the new life which he had begun to live world. I believe now that thy precious Who can despair of God's mercy, or of

obtaining the blessed influences of the placid bosom of the deep, when not a Holy Spirit to enable them to live a life of straggling vessel skims its surface. No holiness and peace, when they see such a sudden up-flashings — po flickering un.sinner thus changed, with his robes made steadiness." Like a river that rolls deeper white in the blood of the Lamb”? “The and wider as it hastens to the ocean, or blood of Jesus," said he, after an interval · like the needle that moves with increasing in which he recovered from the exhaustion rapidity as it approaches the loadstone occasioned by some expressions of gratitude such was the end of this “ brand plucked for the mercy he had experienced the from the fire.. blood of Christ is my foundation; his

Touch'd by the Cross we live; or more than die. bleeding side my refuge; his name my That touch, with charms celestial, heals the soul trust! Precious Saviour! 'whom have I Diseased ; drives pain from guilt, lights life in

death ; in heaven but thee? '" &c.

Turns earth to heaven; to heavenly thrones How different now the smile, the mild,

transforms sadsome smile on his pallid features, from The ghastly ruins of the mould’ring tomb.” the vacant, stare of idiooy so lately wit Spanish Town, Jamaica.' nessed!

The difference was as great as between the soft, stealing, expansive twilight, and the full, gladsome beamings of the morning;

THE DREAM OF DR. DODDRIDGE. rather between the blackness of midnight and the meridian brilliancy of our tropic

DR. DODDRIDGE was on terms of very day. On a subsequent visit I found him intimate friendship with Dr. Samuel Clarke, lying on his couch in a very low and weak

and in religious conversation they spent condition of body, evidently declining ra very many happy hours together. Among pidly; still he looked as placidly as his other matters, a very favourite topic was, fallen features would allow him. All was

the intermediate state of the soul, and the calm, mentally, as a summer-evening sun probability that at the instant of dissoluset. The sight and sense of earthly things tion it was not introduced into the prehad become like shadows, and he felt, in sence of all the heavenly hosts and the the decay of the outward man, the steady splendours around the throne of God. growth of an inward and immortal life. One evening, after a conversation of this He had evidently, like Enoch, walked with nature, Dr. Doddridge retired to rest with God, enjoying that sweet communion and his mind full of the subject discussed, and fellowship with him indicative of his in “the visions of the night” his ideas almost perfect meetness for the inheritance were shaped into the following beautiful of the saints in light. He was, in a word, dream. He dreamed that he was at the like a man entering into the porch of hea house of a friend, when he was suddenly ven; who in faith, and hope, and holy taken dangerously ill. By degrees he desire, had become so habitually acquainted seemed to himself to grow worse, and, at with its inhabitants, and with the nature of last, to expire. In an instant he was sentheir employments and pleasures, as though sible that he had exchanged the prisonhe had absolutely received a special revela house and suffering of mortality for a tion respecting them.

state of liberty and happiness. Embodied When I saw him for the last time, and in a slender aërial form, he seemed to float which was just before he breathed away in a region of pure light. Beneath him lay his immortal spirit into the hands of him the earth, but not a glittering city or a who gave it, his mind had been subject to village, the forest or the sea, was visible. some little alternation of hope and fear; There was nought to be seen below save but it was only for a moment, and was the melancholy group of his friends, weep-evidently the result of some insidioụs sug ing around his lifeless remains...' . gestions of the great adversary. More than Himself thrilled with delight, he was his past courage and composure were re surprised at their tears, and attempted to sumed. He evinced no tumultuous ecstacies inform them of his happy change, but by of soul; none of the boisterous extrava some mysterious power utterance was gancies of enthusiasm which I had wit denied ; and as he anxiously leaned over nessed in some others. His departure was the mourning circle, gazing fondly, upon like that of the sun sinking gradually lower, them and struggling to speak,, he rose lower, lower. Calm and unrufiled as the 1 silently upon the air, their forms became

more and more indistinct, and gradually | much uneasiness. Among others, he was melted away from his sight. Reposing particularly struck with a picture in which upon golden clouds, he found himself he was represented as falling from his swiftly mounting the skies with a venerable horse, when death would have been inevi. figure at his side guiding his mysterious table, had not an angel received him in his movements, and in whose countenance he | arms, and broken the force of his descent. remarked the lineaments of youth and age These merciful interpositions of God filled were blended together with an intimate him with joy and gratitude, and his heart harmony and majestic sweetness. They overflowed with love as he surveyed in them travelled together through a vast region of all an exhibition of goodness and mercy far empty space, until at length the battlements beyond all that he had imagined. Suddenly of a glorious edifice shone in the distance; his attention was arrested by a rap at the and as its form rose brilliant and distinct door. The Lord of the mansion had arrived among the far-off shadows that flitted --the door opened and he entered. & athwart their path, the guide informed him powerful and so overwhelming, and withe that the palace he beheld was, for the of such singular beauty was his appearance, present, to be his mansion of rest. Gazing | that the doctor sunk down at his feet, com. upon its splendour, he replied, that while pletely overcome by his majestic presen.. on earth he had often heard that the eye His Lord gently raised him from the ground had not seen, nor had the ear heard, nor and taking his hand, led him forward to could it enter into the heart of man to con: the table. He pressed with his fingers the ceive, the things which God had prepared juice of the grapes into the golden cam for those who love him, yet, notwithstand. and, after having himself drank, presented ing the building to which they were then it to Dr. Doddridge, saying, “This is the rapidly approaching was superior to any. new wine in my Father's kingdom.” M thing which he had actually before beheld, sooner had he partaken than all uneast its grandeur had not exceeded the con sensations vanished, perfect love had now ceptions he had formed. The guide made cast out fear, and he conversed with his no reply : they were already at the door, Saviour as with an intimate friend. Like the and entered. The guide introduced him | silver ripling of a summer sea, he beard into a spacious apartment, at the extremity fall from his lips the grateful approbation of which stood a table, covered with a “Thy labours are over, thy work is approved snow-white cloth, a golden cup, and a | rich and glorious is the reward.” Thriller cluster of grapes, and then said he must with an unspeakable bliss, that glided one now leave him, but that he must remain, bis spirit and slid into the very depths for he would receive in a short time a visit his soul, he suddenly saw glories upon from the Lord of the mansion, and that I glories bursting upon his view. The dog during the interval before his arrival the

tor awoke. Tears of rapture from his jour apartment would furnish him with suffi ful interview were rolling down his cheeks cient entertainment and instruction. The Long did the lively impression of the guide vanished, and he was left alone. He charming dream remain upon his mind began to examine the decorations of the and never could he speak of it without room, and observed that the walls were emotions of joy and tenderness. adorned with a number of pictures. Upon nearer inspection he found, to his astonish. ment, that they formed a complete biography of his own life. Here he saw upon the JESSIE AT THE SPRING. canvas that angels, though unseen, had ever been his familiar attendants, and,

FOR THE YOUNG. sent by God, that they had sometimes pre It was the pleasant time of summer served him from imminent peril. He the week was closing, and the next day beheld himself first represented as an infant would be the holy day. The sun wa just expiring, when his life was prolonged about to set behind the hills, and the wind by an angel gently breathing into his nos blew softly and sweetly over the hay-fields, trils. Most of the occurrences here deline At such a time a minister went out for ated were perfectly familiar to his recollec- a walk in the evening. He was many tion, and unfolded many things which he | miles away from home, and had come to had never before understood, and which | village to preach two charity sermons. had perplexed him with many doubts and passed along the green lanes. They were

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the morrow.

in his




just such quiet, shady spots as he loved. | well, and asked her to give him to drink ; a his

And as he walked slowly, he thought of and then he said that those who drank

the texts from which he was to preach on of that water would thirst again, but he inevi:

could give 'living water,' of which if a After walking for some time, he came to man drink he shall never thirst. Jesus the end of one of the lanes, where a spring gives us his Holy Spirit, to make us

gave out a clear supply of water. A bean

little holy and happy ; and then we do not cottage girl was standing by it, with a large desire the vain delights of this world. It pitcher in her hand, which she was about is by his grace that our evil hearts are to fill. She wore a neat straw hat, and a made right and clean. He makes us feel clean pinafore.

our sinful state, and leads us to seek for It was not often that a visitor came to pardon through faith in his name. He RITE that place, and wben one did the eyes of teaches us that he came into the world to

the people of the village were sure to be save sinners, and that to save them he withi

fixed upon him. We must not, therefore, died on the cross.”

be surprised that this little maiden stood After he had spoken to her in this way, 4; CDM and looked at the stranger.

he asked what her name was, and she The minister kindly spoke to the child, said it was Jessie. Then he inquired if

and asked her if she would give him a she would come to God's house on the next Tarife drink of water from her pitcher, as he was day, and hear him preach. As he had

thirsty. She stared again at him with a spoken so kindly, she felt that she must IP look of wonder, and then, with a willing say, “Yes ; ” so she said she would ask her sealt hand and heart, raised the pitcher for him mother to let her go. is 1 to drink.

But I want you to do something else," => ) He tasted the cold, sweet water, and said he. minely thanked her; and thinking it was a time “What is it, sir?" she asked, as if she de when he might speak a few words to do the wished to hear what it was before she pro

little girl good, he said to her, “Did you, de my child, ever hear about the living “Will you say this short prayer every bekend water, of which if we drink we shall never night before you go to bed : “O Lord, give thurst' again ? "

me thy Holy Spirit, to teach me about TOFA! The girl opened her eyes widely, and re Jesus Christ?"" plied, "No, sir."

Yes, I will,” she said ; and that she “Can you read ?"

might not forget the prayer, she repeated "No," was her short answer.

the words over a great many times, until “Do you not go to school ?”

she knew them quite well. “No; mother can't spare me."

It was now time for little Jessie and the “Nor yet to church, where they pray to minister to part; but before he left her, he Delisa God, and sing his praise, and hear of his gave her a little book and a new sixpence.

great love to sinners, through Jesus Christ “ You cannot read the book now," hre List our Saviour ?."

said ; "you must keep it, that when you The girl gave another strange look, and look at it you may think of the true words shook her head.

I have spoken to you, and of the promise The minister now sat down on the side you have made to me. Perhaps you will of the lane, that he might talk with the have learned to read it by this time next little girl. He asked her many questions, summer, when I hope to come to this place and found that she was dull and untaught, but she seemed glad to hear all that he told Months passed away, and at length summer her. As she still gave attention to his came again with its green fields and flowers. words, he tried to show her what was And the minister went into the same part meant by “liying water," and where an of the country; but not to preach this account of it is to be found.

time. He was not well enough for that; “Water is the gift of God,” said he, but it was to benefit his health by a change "and is one of the most useful of all his of air. When he came to the village, he blessings : without it there would be did not forget little Jessie, whom he had

neither fruit nor flowers, and all creatures met at the spring; and after some inquiry, I would die. But our souls must be refreshed be found out the cottage where she lived.

as well as our bodies. When Jesus was on “Does Jessie live here ?” he asked of a e earth, he met a woman at the side of a woman who came to the door.

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“ Yes," said the woman; “but she is Young reader, will you pray to God to very ill indeed, and I fear she won't last | give you a new heart, and to lead you to much longer."

believe in the Saviour of sinners? Happy "Can I see her?"."0 yes, if you will you be if you seek and find the Saviour please, sir."

as little Jessie did-happy for this life, and The minister went up stairs into the happy for ever. front room, where he found the little girl/ But if you should not seek him, what very ill from à fever. Her lips were quite will become of your soul? If you should dry, and her cheeks were full of colour, but | die without having tasted of the living it was not the colour of health. In a minute water," how sad will be your state in the or two she heard his footsteps, and looked world to come! Let the prayer of little up. Oh, how full of joy she was, as she Jessie be your prayer. He will give the once more saw her kind friend!

Holy Spirit to those who ask him. “Ask, " I was afraid,” she said, “ that I should and it shall be given unto you; seek, and not see you again. I did want so to see ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened you, sir, before I die."

unto you. For every one that asketh, re. 6 Why, my dear child ? "

ceiveth ; and he that seeketh, findeth ; and . “I wanted to thank you for teaching me to him that knocketh, it shall be opened." that little prayer. I never forgot it. I said it, though I did not for some time

« Lord, teach a little child to pray ;

Thy grace betimes impart ; quite know what it meant; but I know

And grant thy Holy Spirit may now. God has, I think, taught me by his

Renew my infant heart. Holy Spirit. He has heard my prayers. I

“A sinful creature I was born, do now love my Saviour, and I shall soon

And from my birth have strayed ; go to him.”

I must be wretched and forlorn, What was then said by the minister to

Without thy mercy's aid. Jessie there is not room to tell : this only But Christ can all my sins forgive, we can say, that in about a week after this

And wash away their stain, time, little Jessie died, happy, and full of

And fit my soul with him to live,

And in his kingdom reign." peace.

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... GIVING MAN. ' ' * « And forgive us our sins ; for we also forgive every one who is indebted to us." · CONCEIVE a revengeful, unforgiving man repeating this prayer, which you all, I hope, repeat daily. Conceive a man with a heart full of wrath against his neighbour, with a memory which treasures up the little wrongs, and insults, and provocations he fancies himself to have received from that neighbour. Conceive such a man praying to God Most High to forgive him his tregoi passes as he forgives the man who has trespassed against him. What in the mouth of such a man do these words mean? They mean-but, that you may more fully understand their meaning, I will turn them into a prayer, which we will call the prayer of the unforgiving man:-“O God, I have

sinned against thee many times from my youth up until now. I have often bent forgetful of thy goodness; I have not daily thanked thee for thy mercies; I have neglected thy service; I have broken thy laws; I have done many things utterly wrong against thee. All this I know; and besides this, doubtless, I have committed many secret sins, which, in my blindness, I have failed to notice. Such is my guiltiness, O Lord, in thy sight. Deal with me, I beseech thee, O Lord, as I deal with my neighbour. He has not offended me onetenth, one-hundredth part as much as I have offended thee; but he has offended me very grievously, and I cannot forgire him. Deal with me, I beseech thee, O Lord, as I deal with him. He has been very ungrateful to me, though not a tenti, not a hundredth part as ungrateful as I

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