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CHURCH may be disposed to compete for the prize, who do not see The Freeman. We trust that the discussion will lead to a better understanding of the important subject. Both deacons and churches, as well as ministers, will be all the better for a careful examination of their respective duties and responsibilities.


WOULDst thou do thy Father's will?
Fill the post to thee assigned ;
All thy daily task fulfil
With a patient, willing mind.
Think not that some wider sphere
Would be more befitting thee :
God appoints thy portion here,
Humble though the work may be.
Be it some repulsive scene,
Dark with wretchedness and woe,
Where no cheering ray has been,
Ministering angel, go.
Let the lost thy pity claim,
Wand'ring far from paths of peace;
Such to seek, the Saviour came :
Imitate his matchless grace.
Heaven, perchance, confines thy lot
To the narrow bounds of home :
Bless that oft-neglected spot;
Potent good through thee may come.
Cultivate the tender soil ;
Work unwearied day by day :
Self-denying, patient toil,
Heaven will soon or late repay.
May be thou art called to share
Weary nights and suff’ring days :
"Twere a heavy load to bear,
But for all-sustaining grace.
If to suffer be his will,
Humbly bow to God's behest;
If to toil, thy task fulfil :
Pain and labour sweeten rest.
Shrink not, then, from duty's call :
Sloth would blight the noblest powers
God demands thy soul, thy all :
Oh, redeem life's fleeting hours !
Work on earth's ungenial soil,
Though unseen by mortal eye :
Self-denying, patient toil,
Finds a record in the sky,


Tales and Sketches.


Everybody said “Why not? " except the In an old German city, long ago, there

singer, whose name was Carlovitch, and was an old German college, as there be

who was very busy vowing that many such-like all over the Fatherland, as "Should proud oppression dare approach,

We'll form a valiant band, Germany is called. It does not inuch mat

Each man a hero on that day ter, so far as 'our story is concerned, in

For German Fatherland." what part of Germany the old city stood:

But being called upon for his opinion, he the college windows looked out upon a

stopped his song, and said he thought it broad river, and that river was the Rhine,

an excellent suggestion. of which the Germans are so proud, and

So they threw on their cloaks and went have sang so many songs and written so

round to the postern, and hid themselves many poems, and to which so many tour

till the door opened, just as the clock ists go every year to look on “Andernach's

struck seven, and forth came a tall, thin old towers," and other old towers by the

lad, with a pale face and a thread bare score.

suit, and a book under his arm. They al. And one autumn evening there were

lowed him to pass on for some little dissome German students, six or seven of

tance, and then followed him. Up this street them, who could not have reckoned a hun

to the right, down that street to the left, dred if they had clubbed all the years of

across the road, through a maze of turntheir lives together; and they were in one

inge, till he came to a church with a lamp of the college rooms which looked out on

burning over the porch; up the steps unthe river, and one of them was singing

der the arch, and then down sat Meurice gaily, and the rest were talking merrily,

on the cold, bare stones, opened his book-a and they seemed on excellent terms with

book of Latin exercises—and began to themselves and with each other. “Gentlemen," says the singer, suddenly

study by the light of the church lamp.

The students who had followed him were stopping his song as he came to the words,

at first so surprised that they did not know “Strong of heart, and sword in hand,

how to act; but they settled at last that We'll die for thee, our Fatherland ;'

the right thing to do would be to surprise and turning to the talkers as he spoke, | him, and shame him out of what they “Have any of you seen aught of one called such “a miserly trick.” So they ran Meurice, the mysterious, hard at his les up the steps together, and Meurice started sons in the hall, sparing of his words to in terror. every fellow who accosts him, not over “Meurice," they all cried out, “what smart in his dress, and always hiding away | are you doing here?". somewhere? Gentlemen, it is due to the The pale face of the student crimsoned. college to unearth him and know all about “No harm, I assure you,” he said. “ May

I ask why you are here?” "Five nights this week,” said a short, “We came for sport,” said Carlovitch. stout lad of sixteen, “I have seen this "And I for study." Meurice leave the turret-room where he Good; but,” says Carlovitch, "one roosts, and creep out at the postern. I might imagine your own chamber a better have seen him turn to the right, then to place for study than the church porch." the left, and then- ".

The youth's face crimsoned again, and “And then?” asked all the students in a he said in a low itone,breath, all except the singer who was still “This light serves me for a candle. I proposing to die for the Fatherland.

beg of you leave me in peace.“And then-I lost sight of him.”

So, after saying a few rude things, they I am sorry to say the German students left him, firm in the conviction that he was lised some strong expressions, as German a miser, and after drinking some wine they students will, and declared that Meurice | marched back to the college. ought to have been watched more closely. Many were the insults offered to poor

Why not watch him to-night?” said | Meurice after that night. They offered to the short student.

| get up a subscription to pay for candles;


they jested at his worn doublet and thin l saved, how little he regarded his own com. hose; they asked him to lend them money fort, how much he has endured. He has at heavy interest; and many other things done it for your sake, and you are worthy wbich folly and impudence suggested.

of his love and honour. But we cannot Some time afterwards they found out spare him from these walls. He must conthat although Meurice left the college as tinue his studies. the darkness set in, and regularly came "No, sir, I have now to work " back before the bell tolled, that he was not “Silence,” says the professor in his under the church porch; so they made up

sternest voice. “ Your son, madam, will their minds to look into the matter, and

remain with us as librarian, at a salary discovered that he had engaged himself to which will enable bim to support you with help a law-writer transcribe, and was thus comfort, and to go on with his studies." earning four or five florins a-week. Nothing “Kind, generous man " could exceed their indignation. It was

"Not a word.” The professor rose and voted to be à degradation to the college. left the room. And so Meurice the Miser, Carlovitch said he doubted whether Meurice being librarian, rose to great reputation as could be a true son of the Fatherland, one of the most learned men in Germany. and sang,

The rest of the students became good friends “ The golden grains, the sordid dross,

with him in time; and when Carlovitch, We care not for such yellow sand;

years afterwards, came back from the wars Ours it is to raise the flag,

without a leg, many a pleasant night he And live and die for Fatherland.”

spent with Dr. Meurice. However, the examinations were coming on; then doubtless, so they said, Meurice the Miser would be "plucked," and leave

HUNGRY JOHNNY. college without a feather.

Not many winters ago there lived in a And the examination day arrived, and large city a little boy, whom we shall call the heart of many a bold student sank Johnny. His father was dead, and his within him as the hour approached. Car mother, a very wicked woman, occupied a lovitch forgot to sing; they all forgot to cellar in one of the lanes or alleys of the worry the miser; each was intent on his city. As she was frequently intoxicated, coming trial. It is not necessary to describe what little she could earn when sober was all that passed. Enough that the golden spent for liquor, instead of buying food and prize of the day was awarded to Meurice, clothes for her little boy. So poor Johnny and that when he quitted the table at which often went to bed cold and hungry. Very he stood during the examination, a poorly ! often, too, he might be seen going across clad old woman, who was standing with the the street to a public house, with a dirty crowd in the lobby, struggled forward, 'tin cup and a penny, which he had begged, threw her arms round his neck, and wejt to buy rum for his mother. like a child.

1 About the time our story begins, Johnny's " Mother, mother! be comforted," le mother had found some work to do, for said. “See, your wish is gratified; I have which she had been paid partly in money won the prize."

and partly in bread. But the money was “He is my son-my own son,” said the spent as before, and the crust tbat remained old woman, half talking to herself, half to had made Johnny meals for two days. the curious group that gathered round. Late one Sunday afternoon Johnny's mo“He has laboured for me, and studied for ther awoke from her drunken stupor, and me, and denied himself for me. God reward knew that her liquor was all gone; so callhim for it; and he will."

ing her little boy, she said One of the professors elbows bis portly | “Johnny, you must go and beg a penny person through the crowd ; begs that the to buy some whisky with." young man, and "you, my excellent mo. “But,” said Johnny,“I cannot go-it is ther," will come into his room; and there very cold ; and what shall I tell them I he speaks so kindly and 80 warmly that want the penny for when they usk me?” Meurice would kncel and kiss his hand if “Tell them you want to buy bread," said he were permitted.

his mother. “ Your $0.," Jie said, “has done well, Johory began to cry. “Mother," said be, and those who do well prosper. I have “I have no coat, no stockings, and my shoes watched him closely, seen how carefully he | are all worn out: I shall freeze to death." This fanned the last spark of a mother's mother wants it to buy whisky with," he love in the drunken woman s heart, and replied. she said

The gentleman stopped and looked “Well, Johnny, go and get Charley to go | Johnny full in the face. with you."

“What's your name, my boy, and where Charley was a boy four or five years older, do you live ?” he asked. So Johnny told and lived a little farther up the alley. him, and he wrote the name of the street

So off the poor little fellow started in in his pocket-book. the cold, and, finding Charley at home, he “Now what made you tell me that your said

mother wanted to buy whisky ?" “ Charley, my mother wants me to go “Because she does want it, and I heard and beg a penny to buy liquor with. Will the minister say, in the church there, that you go with me?"

God loves the truthful, so I thought I “Why, no, Johnny,” exclaimed Charley; would not tell any more lies." “ you will freeze to death-it is so cold!” The gentleman smiled pleasantly, for be

“But I must go,” said Johnny ; "and if was the preacher in the church, only you will not go with me, I must go alone," Johnny did not know him again, because and he began to cry again as though his it was so dark. He put a shilling into heart would break.

Johnny's hand and said“Well, I will go with you, Johnny," said “Give it to your mother, and ask her if Charley, at last.

she will please to buy you some supper with Then they went up a street to a large it; and before you go to sleep, kneel down church where they had been before. They and pray God to teach you how to love went in and sat down near the wall. Here hiin, for Jesus Christ's sake.” And so he they quietly waited for the service to close, passed on. when they should have an opportunity to For a moment Johnny's sad heart beg. Very soon Johnny heard the preacher | almost danced for joy as he exclaimedsay, “ God loves the truthful!" and he be- “What a nice supper I'll have, for I've gan to think, “I am not truthful; I have had nothing to eat to-day !" told a great many lies ; I am very wicked." When Johnny got home he found his

Again the minister said, “ God loves the mother had fallen asleep, so he crept awas truthful, but hates all lying," Turning to his filthy straw, for this was all the bed around, Johnny said, “ Charley, I am very he had. The next morning he awoke with wicked. I've lied a great deal, and God a burning fever and was very ill. During does not love me. Nobody loves me, not the day he sent for Charley, to whom he even my mother!"

repeated the words the clergyman had said But 'Charley replied, “ Yes, Johnny, the evening before, and told him how somebody loves you ; I love you!"

badly he felt because he had been so " Charley, I'll try never to tell another wicked, and had told so many falsehoods. lie as long as I live,” said Jolinny.

The third day he had grown much worse, Presently the sermon was ended, and the and sent for Charley again. When he people began to pass out, when little Johnny arrived, Johnny said stepped up to a gentleman and said

"I am very sick. I think I am going to “ Please give me a penny, sir."

die, and God does not love me! Nobody “What do you want with a penny ?” he loves me but you, Charley. I wish I knew askel.

where to find the man that said, 'Gold I will not tell a lie !” said Johnny loves the truthful!' May be he would tel to himself, and then answered, “My me how to love God, and whether he will mother wants it to buy whisky with.”

love me.” The gentleman passed on with a stare of While he was speaking they heard a tap surprise, and did not give the inoney. at the door, and when Charley opened it,

Another came up, and Johnny held out he was surprised to see the preacher him. his hand and asked

self come in. When Johnny saw his face “ Will you give me a penny, sir ? "

and heard his voice, he knew that the gen. “And why a penny ?” inquired the tleman he saw in the church was the same gentleman.

that met him outside and gave him the "Goci loves the truthful,” thought shilling. Johnny, “and I will not be á liar! My “Oh, sir, I am so glad you have come !"

he exclaimed. “You said God loved the not see a row of nice brick houses, three truthful, but I have been very wicked. I storeys high; but instead of these, high have told a great many lies. “And now I mountains stretched their grand old heads am going to die, and God does not love up into the very sky. The mother of these me! No one loves me but Charley. Can't little Swiss children had died more than a you tell me how to love God, and whether year ago; and as they were very poor, sister he will love me or not ?"

Therese—who was only twelve years old Then the good man told him of the had been the little housekeeper ever since. Saviour's love, and prayed beside him; and The father had gone to guide some trawhile he prayed, little Johnny prayed too, vellers over the mountains, and would not and his face beamed with joy, and he be back until the next day. It was sunset, cried out

and Franz, quite tired of play, leaned his “Now I know that God loves me! head against Therese's knee, and fixed his Jesus loves me! It seemed, sir, when you gentle blue eyes upon the glittering mounwere praying, as though the Saviour came tain tops. down and lifted a great load from my “Do you remember, Robert," said Theheart. I am going to live with Jesus. I rese, at length, “what the little English shall not be wicked any more. I shall boy's father said, the night he was here?" never feel hungry again. I shall never be is No. What did he say?”. cold !”

“Why, we were looking at the sunset, His mother, who was sober now, pre and it was just as pretty as it is to-night, sently came in, and wept bitter tears over for it seemed as if all the mountain tops him, and he put his hand on her head and were on fire, and you could imagine the whispered her to pray God to make her strangest things. At last I thought it must love him.

be like some of the grand, far-away cities, The minister then went away, saying that of which the travellers so often talk. So I he would call again the next day. He did went up to the good gentleman and said, so, but found Johnny lying cold and white "Does it look like London, sir ?' as marble on his bed of straw. He had "I do not think he heard me, for he died early that morning, and his spirit had just kept his eyes fixed upon the mountains, gone to live with the God of truth for ever. and he looked as if he saw something won

In the church where Johnny went that derful a great way off. And while I was Sunday, there are a great many free seats ; trying to think what it was, he stretched and on one of these seats, near the wall, out his hands so slowly, and said softly, you may see regularly, at the morning and "Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even evening service, a poor woman, decently | list them up, ye everlasting doors; and the dressed, but very pale, and weak, and care King of glory shall come in.'" worn. She joins devoutly in the worship, "Well," broke in little Franz breathlessly, and her aspect is that of a humble peni “ what happened then? Did you see any tent, who receives with meekness the Word door or gate, sister, and did any king of Life. That is Johnny's mother.

come in ?"

"No," said Therese thoughtfully. "I.

could not think what the good gentleman THE LONG NIGHT.

meant, for he only looked straight into the

beautiful, red sunset, and I had seen it just FOR THE YOUNG.

the same often before. But he looked so It was the close of a warm day in the long, and so earnestly, that I began to be latter part of August, and little Franz afraid that something was going to happen. Hoffmaster was playing in the door with So I took hold of his hand and said, his baby sister, Karine. His elder sister, Please, sir, do you see any gate, and will Therese, was busy clearing away the even- | the king soon come through ? ing meal, and his brother Robert was in- "I had to ask him two or three times dustriously carving curious wooden spoons, before he heard me, and then he looked and knives and forks, to sell to travellers, down so kindly, and smiled with his eyes, whom his father might guide over the moun but did not say anything at first. So I tains; for you must know that these four asked again, children lived in a little Swiss châlet, or cot " Is it your king, sir?' tage, at the foot of some famous mountains ; “Yes, little Therese, my King,' he said. and when little Franz lifted his eyes, he did “Is it the King of England ?" I asked..

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