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“"No, little Therese,' said he; “it is the all these little children, enug in their beds, King of glory.

were on their way to dream-land. " And where is “Glory," sir ?' I asked : 1 Therese had not slept very long, when is it far away behind the mountains, and is she felt a sudden shook, as if something it very near England ?'

had struck the little châlet, and made it "No,' said he, smiling more and more: tremble all over. 'it is no nearer England than Switzerland. “What is that?" murmured little Franz, But all good people are coming towards it | dreamily. every day, and the journey will not be long; "Is it morning already? " sighed poor, but bad people are always going farther and tired Robert. farther away."

But Therese did not know what it could “Well, sister,” said Franz slowly, "I tried be, and while she was trying to think, her to do right to-day. Neighbour Ulrich was , heavy eyelids drooped, and she was soon just going up the mountain with his mule fast asleep. and a heavy load of bread and fruit, when Two or three times she awoke again, and the mule fell, and everything tumbled upon wondered if it were not almost morning; the ground. Ah! how angry he was; and but it was as dark as midnight, and she when I first ran up he struck at me with would try to compose herself again. But at his whip, for he thought I only meant to last she became so broad awake, that she trouble him.

arose up in the bed, and tried to look around “At first all sorts of bad thoughts came the room. “It must be a very dark night,” tumbling into my head, and I wanted to thought she to herself, “ for almost always call him an ugly name. But I held my the stars give a light. I wonder how I breath, just as you told me, sister, and shut happened to wake so early.” my teeth hard ; and pretty soon I felt sorry Just then little Franz spoke in a very for him again, and helped him, till every weary voice. “Dear Therese, when will it thing was picked up."

be morning? It is the very longest night I “And what did he say then ?" asked ever knew." Therese.

"So I think,” cried Robert: “I've been “Oh! he said I was not as bad as some awake half a dozen times, and now I mean boys."

to get up." « The old curmudgeon!” cried Robert. « Oh, no," pleaded Franz; “let us tell “Not so bad as some boys, indeed! Were | stories till daylight.” So Therese, Robert, those all the thanks you got ?"

and Franz, each told a long story; and just “Well," said Therese soothingly, “he is a as they finished, Karine waking up, cried poor, lonely man, and has no children to loudly for her breakfast. make him smile. I am very glad Franz "Ah!” sighed Therese, “ if we only had helped him.”

a light!" but they could not find any, for "Do you think I came any nearer to their father kept all such things in a little glory ? ” whispered Franz with great ear cupboard in the wall, and had taken the nestness.

key with him. “I hope you did," replied Therese ; So Therese searched till she found some “but Robert must not be left behind. We milk for Karine, and some black bread must ask the great King to guide us, and which she gave to her brothers. to-morrow we will all go on together.”

Then, as they could no longer sleep, they “The gates are shutting up now, are they all dressed as well as they could in the dark. not, sister ? ” said little Franz, as the beau "I will go out,” said Robert, “and see if tiful rosy light paled in the west, and the I can discover any signs of morning." old mountain tops stood cold and solemn As he took down the heavy bar, to his against the clear sky.

surprise the door flew open, and he found "Let us go in," added Robert. "The himself upon the floor, half buried in some night wind is cold from the ravines, and cold substance. I'm sleepy and tired.”

"Oh, Therese! Franz !" cried Robert, “And I,” said little Franz, rubbing his "come, help me.” misty blue eyes.

“What can it be?" exclaimed all three, Karine was already sleeping, with her as they belped him upon his feet. sat hand under her rosy cheek ; and in a “Why, this is snow," cried little Franz, short time the cottage door was bolted, and putting a handful into his mouth.

his feet.

“How can that be," exclaimed Therese, | Karine might not be hungry. But at last " when it was so pleasant a few hours ago ? " there was nothing left to eat. Karine was

For a few moments there was a profound | too tired and weak to cry any more, and only silence; then Robert gave a sharp, quick once in a while made a little grieving moan. cry.

Robert had not spoken for a long time; “Oh! Therese, could it be an ava not since he had said wildly, “Oh, Therese, lanche ?"

Therese, I cannot die!" and threw himself “No, no," said Therese in a trembling sobbing upon his bed. But little Franz, who voice; "that cannot be, or the roof would was becoming very ill, said some very have fallen, and we should have been strange things, so that Therese could not crushed to death."

help weeping, when he whispered sadly,"No," said Robert; "I have heard 6 All dark ! no moon, no sun, no stars! father say that small ones sometimes fall so Sister, when will the King of glory come light that sleeping families have never been

in ?" disturbed. But then, I remember a noise Suddenly a sound broke the stillness. in the night.”

“What is that?" cried Robert, starting to “And I," said Therese. “And I," echoed frightened little Franz. There were several heavy blows, and

“What can we do ? asked Therese, as then a ray of bright, beautiful sunshine firmly as she could.

came flashing through a hole in the wall, and “Will not father dig us out ?" sobbed a voice exclaimed, Franz.

“Little Franz Hoffmaster, are you there?” "I'm afraid he cannot find us."

Franz could not speak; but Robert gave “Well,” said Robert, “I will try and dig a wild shout and hurrah. “Yes, yes, neighthrough to the light;" and finding an old bour Ulricb, we are all here!” and in a few shovel, he hurried to the door, and began moments the room was filled with kind to work manfully. But it was all in the neighbours, who bore them out into the dark, and the snow fell over him till he was dear light and air, where their father, who half dead with cold and fatigue. Several had dropped from fatigue, was awaiting them times he tried again; but as soon as he dug with great anxiety. I cannot tell you of all a little way, the snow was sure to fall down, the tears and embraces that were showered and fill it all up; so at last he came in, say upon these children. But it would have done ing despairingly, “ Well, Therese, if father your heart good to see cross old neighbour does not find us, we must die here in the Ulrich holding little Franz, and feeding him dark."

as tenderly as if he had been his mother. “If I could only see you, sister," said And, oh, how beautiful the world looked to Franz, in a choking voice, “I should not them all! mind it so much."

“My dear children," said their father, "Let us hold each other's hands," pro “God has been very kind to you, and has posed Therese, and they all huddled to saved you from very great peril; but next gether by little Karine.

to him you must thank neighbour Ulrich, At first they were quite cheerful, and said who has given himself no rest, but when often, “Oh, father will certainly find us.” others were discouraged has always said, But the long hours dragged on, and all was “Work on, work on; there is a boy worth still as the grave. Poor Karine cried very saving down here!""" hard, for she could not understand why it Robert blushed as he remembered his was so dark, and she could not see the sweet unkind words; but Therese looked at Franz smile of her little sister-mother.

with a sweet smile. But you would be very tired if I should Little Franz turned and kissed the rough tell you all these children said and did cheek of neighbour Ulrich; then clasping through this long night-how often they his hands, looked up to the clear sky, and prayed to the King of heaven for help; how said softly,kind and gentle they tried to be ; and how “Help me always to please thee, O King they denied themselves food, that little l of glory!”

Gems from Golden Mines.

NO TIME FOR DEVOTION. close at his side. Darkness is a reason Do we take devotion itself to be no busi- for distrusting one's sell, and walking ness, or a business of no consideration ? warily in prayer, and crying out for Do we conceit when we pay God his debts,

Christ's help, but certainly not a reason or discharge our duties toward him-when

for unbelief. When Peter was in dark. we crave his mercy, when we solicit the ness-nothing but darkness around him, main concernment of our souls—that we are

darkness within him, and the waves idle, or misemployed ? that we lavish our | opening to swallow him up-Christ was time or lose our pains ? What other affairs shining; and the only light that could can we have of greater moment or necessity

be seen that night was in him. It is than this ? Can there be an interest more always so. We may seem to have light in close and weighty than this, of promoting ourselves; but it may be mere ignorance for our own souls eternal health and happi | and pride; or if there is real light, it ness? Is not this indeed the great work is only because Christ is shining within the only necessary matter--in comparison

us and upon us, and some reflection is with which all other occupations are seen of his own light. Darkness in our trifling? What are the great businesses of selves, and darkness around us, is no this world? What but scraping for pelf, reason for doubting the light, but for compassing designs of ambition, courting believing in it, loving it, and pressing for the respect and favour of men, gratifying ward to it. “I am the light of the sinful curiosity and carnal humour? Shali world: he that followeth me shall not these images, these shadows of business, walk in darkness, but shall have the light suppress or crowd out devotion ? that of life. While ye have the light, believe which procureth wealth inestimable, plea

in the light, that ye may be the children of sure infinitely satisfactory, and honour in the light. Walk while ye have the light, comparably noble above all this earth can lest darkness come upon you ; for he that afford ? Is it not, besides, no such indispen walketh in darkness knoweth not whither sable business, but rather some base dotage he goeth." All the real light of the world on lucre, some inveigling bait of pleasure,

is in him, and he that followeth him shall that crosseth our devotion ? Is it not often not walk in darkness, but shall have the a complimental visit, an appointment to | light of life. “Why art thou cast down, tattle, a wild ramble in vice or folly, that so O my soul? Hope thou in God.”—Di. deeply urgeth us to put off our duty ? Cheever, Nay, is it not commonly sloth, rather than inclination to any other employment, which

THE LAST-SOUGHT REFUGE. diverts us from our prayers? Is it not the true reason why we pray so seldom, not

If there had anywhere appeared in space because we are very busy, but because we

| Another place of refuge where to flee, are extremely idle-so idle, that we cannot

Our hearts had taken refuge in that place, willingly take the pains to withdraw our

And not with Thee. affections from sensual things, to reduce

For we against creation's bars had beat our wandering thoughts, to compose our

Like prisoned eagles, through great worlds hearts to right frames, to bend our unto

had sought ward inclinat ons to a compliance with our

Though but a foot of ground to plant our duty ? Do we not betake ourselves to other

feet, conversations and commerces merely for

Where Thou wert not. refuge, shunning this intercourse with God and with ourselves ?--Barrow.

And only when we found in earth and air,

In heaven or hell, that such might noDARKNESS NO REASON FOR

where be

That we could not flee from Thee any. DOUBT. DARKNESS is a reason for doubting every We fled to Thee. thing but Christ, but a reason for trusting

-- Dean Trench. in him, drawing near to him, and keeping


PEACE IN THE MIDST OF PAIN. | dying saint, who was suffering greatly, NOTHING is more fatal to peace, per

said, shortly before her death, that there haps, than severe bodily pain. While the

was no one with whom she would like to worldling's health is such as to permit of

change places. In such cases, it seems as engrossing attention to his ordinary pur

if God, in consideration of, and to soothe suits, and the enjoyment of his ordinary

them under, their severe bodily suffering, pleasures, he can manage to maintain a

granted them an excess of inward joy, as if tolerable degree of mental composure ; but he would specially magnify his grace in the when his body, racked with pain, inca

experience of his suffering ones, by showpacitates him for all worldly enjoyments,

ing to the world how his religion sustains when sleepless nights and restless days are

under the severest trial. The Saviour's appointed unto him, his condition becomes

promise is then most strikingly fulfilled wretched indeed. Then his soul within

peace in tribulation, joy in sorrow, soulhim doth mourn, because his flesh upon

rest under bodily anguish; and the lans him hath pain. But even in these circum

guage of the sufferer attests that, in the stances the Christian's peace survives.

hottest furnace, and under the most painUnder the most excruciating bodily suffer

ful chastisement, he can realize his Father's ing, strange to say, there is sometimes the

love. “Though he slay me, yet will I most perfect serenity of mind. Payson,

trust in him.” “For I reckon that the when suffering in the most exquisite man

sufferings of this present time are not ner, declared that he was filled with rap

| worthy to be compared with the glory turous joy-joy such as tongues could

that shall be revealed in us.”-Rev. W.

Landels. not express. And but a few days ago, a Lan

Our Missions.

A CONVERT FROM KRISNHA TO washed and dressed, is taken from the CHRIST.

couch where it is supposed to have slept, A FEW years ago, the writer found and placed upon a seat. Soon after the himself one early morning of the cold sun has risen, refreshments are offered, season in India, at the gateway of a betel and pan are presented, and the lamps temple dedicated to the god Krishna. The of the dark interior of the abode are lower portion of the front was occupied trimmed. The image, now anointed and with shops, but above them were tiers of perfumed with oil, camphor, and sandal richly carved figures and ornaments cha wood, and splendidly attired, holds his racteristic of Hindu taste. Ascending court, the people from the city enter, and through a low archway a long range of the devotees crowd round the open doorway steps, a large court presented itself, around through which the god may be dimly the four sides of which were corridors with seen. During this time the musicians mendicants, pilgrims, and devotees rising were beating their tom-toms with a sort of from their mats, preparing to join in rhythmic beat, the sitars, a kind of guitar, the morning worship of the god. The gave forth their sweet tones, the reed pipe temple consisted of a shrine of about shrieked out its piercing notes, but above twelve feet square, built of red sandstone, all rose the voice of a boy singing the but before the door of it was a large hall morning hymn to Krishna. The song was open on every side, the roof supported by plaintive and most expressive. The melody numerous pillars, all richly coloured and was very simple, but varied with many painted. On the platform of this ball was turns and florid passages. The cadences assembled a group of musicians and a few were very melancholy. Brahmins, awaiting the opening of the The following is a short specimen of the door of the shrine, the signal that Krishna hymns addressed to this god :-“O infinite had risen from his couch, and was ready to king of gods! habitation of the universe. receive the homage of his worshippers.

Thou art the first of the gode, the most The waking of Krishna is attended to ! ancient person. Thou art the supremo with the greatest reverence; the image is | receptacle of the universe. Thou knowest

all and mayest be known, and art the a hymn on the death of Christ for him. “I supreme mansion. By thee is this universe have a tune for the hymn," he said. The caused to , emanate, Othou of endless hymn was given him, and he was heard to forms !" Such is a short example of the sing scarcely anything else. songs addressed to an idol, a thing of Another day he applied, with the same wood or stone.

success, to another preacher. Again the The worship of Krishna is ever attended subject was the death of Christ. And with music and song, and the class of men now Joy Kishto seemed happy, and never is large who obtain a good livelihood by happier than when he was singing how their services in the temples, and by their Christ loved and died. At this time he musical gifts exerted at the festivals. For was known to pray at home, and to urge such men to become Christians entails on his wife's attention what so interested great loss in temporal things, while their him. If any Brahmin or religious teacher vagabond life is but little calculated to came to the village, Joy Kishto would prepare them for the pure truths and holy hurry off to the native Christian pastor to requisitions of the Gospel. Yet it pleases fetch him to confute the Hindu or Mothe Spirit of God, in his sovereign grace, hammedan, and to speak to him of Christ sometimes to call even these intensely and his death. idolatrous men to the knowledge of Jesus, Four or five years passed in this way, and that by the means of the very gift Joy Kishto slowly coming to a perception they possess.

of the truth. The converts urged him The story of the conversion of Joy to confess Christ. He told them he was Kishto is such an one, recently related waiting Mr. Page's return, and that he by the Rev. J. C. Page. He is an inhabi wished to bring others with him. The tant of the village of Koligaon, in Backer second day after Mr. Page reached the gunge, where for some years there has village of Rajapore, when he set out to existed a native Christian church under visit the stations at his arrival, Joy Kishto the care of the native pastor Sookhiram. was true to his promise. No sooner hail Joy Kishto was the chief singer of the he heard that Mr. Page was returned, than village, a staunch Hindu, but by caste a away he came with the native preacher of a chandal. Wherever the praises of Koligaon, and a Hindu neighbour whom Krishna were to be sung, there he would he had persuaded to accompany him. He always be found. By-and-by he was had to tear himself away from his wife, for attracted to the little bamboo chapel by she opposed him. He was introduced to the singing. “Let us hear how these | Mr. Page as the new Christian. Putting Christians sing," he said. He listened ; his hand on the man's shoulder, Mr. Page he came again and again. The tunes asked, “Will you be a Christian, Joy pleased him, but the sentiments he could Kishto? I am so glad.” He replied, not understand. He became a constant “I waited for you, sir; here I am now, attendant. Every day when he could spare caste is gone, I am a Christian ; and here is the time, he would be found sitting with a neighbour of mine." the Christian people in the chapel. Now Mr. Page encouraged him, and promised the words of Sookhiram attracted his soon to visit the village. This took place attention, as he read and spoke the word in May, when with gladness Joy Kishto of God. The Old Testament narrations and his neighbour Bhasaram were bapthen interested him, so that he would tized and added to the church. “I don't spend whole evenings, and until late at | like changing names," says Mr. Page, night, at the house of one of the converts, “but really I was under a strong temptalistening to the stories of Jonah and tion to change this good brother's. Joy Daniel, the Three Children in the Lion's Kishto means, Victory to Krishna.' I Den, and others in sacred writ. Soon would my brother were now named, “Joy the tale of Christ's sufferings and death Khristo, Victory to Christ.'" engrossed his attention. There was no Other, the like triumphs of Divine grace, narrative like this, he thought; it was does Mr. Page allude to, among the sixty. solemn, affecting, wonderful. At times he two converts he has baptized since his could think of nothing else. One day return to India. And many more are he went to a young native preacher who seeking to know the way of salvation wag on a visit to Koligaon, and who could through the Cross of Christ. write verses, and begged him to write /

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