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As yeters would com sum of £5

onir names age;

cluding a donation of £30 from the gentleman who | Sunday, Nov. 9th, when the Right Hon. Lord laid the stone, was about £45.

Teynbam delivered two discourses—in the morning

from Gal. v. 7-9, and in the evening from Rom. v. THE NORTH WALES BAPTIST COLLEGE.-The

20. 21. The Rev. W. M'Phail, pastor of the above institution was opened at Llangollen, the

church, preached in the afternoon. The services 24th of August, 1862. Six promising young men

were numerously attended, and collections were now prosecute their studies as students. As yet

taken wbich amounted to £10 3s. 114d. On the only the northern part of the principality has

Monday following a soirée was held in the hall, contributed to its funds, and the Welsh friends at

when some 600 persons were present. The chair Liverpool, together with Mrs. Blair, Bridge of

was ably occupied by T. Shiel, Esq., and very inAllan, who generously contributed £50, and T.

teresting addresses were delivered by the Right Bickham, Esq., of Manchester, who gave the accept

Hon. Lord Teynham ; the Rers. W. Walters, of able donation of £10. The Welsh Baptist church,

Newcastle; J. Lewis, of Witton Park; J. Hunter Great Cross Hall Street, Liverpool, contributed

(Reform); J. Hargreaves (Free Church); and W. about £20, and the Welsh church at Athol Street,

M.Phail. It was stated that various sums had been in the same town, about £7. Several of the

given and promised, amounting to about £50. churches belonging to the three northern Welsh

REDDITCH.-On Lord's day, Nov. 9th, a Baptist Baptist associations did their part well, Anglesea

church was formed in this town, Sermons were alone collecting about £100 under the manage. ment of Messrs. Lewis, of Holyhead, and Palmer,

preached in the morning and evening by the Revs.

M. Philpin, of Alcester, and H. E. Sturmer, of of Amlwch. These gentlemen, besides contributing to the funds of the college £20 each at pre

Worcester In the afternoon addresses were deli.

vered by the Revs. T. James, J. Phillips, H. E. sent, engage to subscribe annually the sum of £5

Sturmer, and M. Philpin ; and the newly-formed each, provided eight others would come forward to do the same. As yet only two have sent in

church, with many of their brethren from the

neighbourhood, commemorated the dying love of their names as ready to follow their example. In

the Lord Jesus. On the following Monday 200 compliance with the wishes of many, the com

friends sat down to tea, after wbich there was a mittee deem it advisable that the institution should henceforth be known as the North Wales

public meeting, presided over by the Rev. I. Lord, Baptist College.

of Birmingham. At present the church and con

gregation worship in a large room hired for the KINGSCOTT ST. GILES, Devon.-On Monday, purpose; but the universal opinion is that a good Nov. 10th, a very neat little Baptist chapel, capable and commodious chapel is indispensable. Already of seating about 120 persons, was opened for something practical has been done. An eligible site Divine worship in the above village. In the after. for the erection of a house for God has been pur. noon the Rey. Thomas Winter, late of Bristol, chased, and liberal promises of money have been preached from Luke viii, 1. The congregation then obtained. adjourned to a large room, where upwards of 140 North FREDERICK STREET, GLASGOW.-A soirée persons partook of tea. A hymn having been sung,

to welcome tho Rev. T. W. Medhurst to Glasgow, and prayer offered, the Rev. G. Lovering, of Swim as pastor of North Frederick Street Baptist church, bridge, took the chair, and after some very impres

was beld on Thursday evening, Nov. 13th, in tho sive remarks, animated and appropriate addresses

City Hall. The ball was entirely filled by a large were delivered by the Revs. Thomas Winter; W.L.

and respectable audience. The Rev. A. K. M'Cal. Wingell (Wesleyan); G. Williams, of Bideford; A.

lum presided. After tea had been partaken of, the Powell, of Appledore; and Mr. John Norman, of chairman addressed the meeting in a kind conTrithelstock. Mr. Winter stated that the land on

gratulatory speech. The Rev, Mr. Medhurst then which the chapel was built, and that designed for a

spoke, amidst repeated expressions of applause ; burying-ground, cost £35. Towards this a lady

after which the Revs. Dr. J. B, Johnston, Howie, had generously given £20, and the remaining £15

R. Glover, J. W. Boulding, and J. Alexander, had been raised by subscription in the immediate

each in an appropriate speech, expressed his pleaneighbourhood. The building itself, including

sure in welcoming Mr. Medhurst as a fellowboundary-walls, fencing, deed, &c., would cost | labourer in Glasgow. The meeting was brought to £150.

a conclusion shortly after ten o'clock by pro. NEWBURY.-The third anniversary of the new nouncing the benediction. Baptist chapel in this town took place on Wednes. THAXTED, Essex.-The anniversary of Park day, Nov. 12th, when two excellent sermons were

Street Chapel, Tbaxted, was held on Sunday, Nov. preached by the Rev. C. H. Spurgeon. The meet.

9th. Mr. J. O. Fellows preached in the morning, ings were held in the New Corn Exchange, and and the Rev. W. A. Blake in the afternoon and notwithstanding the large capacity of this fine


bio evening. The congregations were good and the

ona tha building, calculated to accommodate at least 2,500

collections liberal. On the following Tuesday the persons, it was not any too large. Between the

recognition of Mr. J. 0. Fellows, as pastor of the afternoon and evening services tea was provided in

church, was held. The Rev. B. Davies, of Green. two other large rooms in the town. The collections

wich, delivered an address to the church, and the amounted to rather legs than £50, which, with the

Rev. W. A. Blake gave an address to the minister. profits of the tea, will, it is hoped, make the entire

The Revs. Messrs. Rook, Lay, Ellis, and Mostyn proceeds of the anniversery amount to about £100.

conducted the devotional exercises. At five o'clock In that case Mr. Drew and his friends will have the

a tea-meeting was held in the British School-room, satisfaction of feeling, that they have been enabled

with an attendance of between 200 and 300 perto raise during the present year hard upon £300

sons. After tea a public meeting was held, towards their chapel debt alone, and that without

presided over by T. Moor, Esq., from the Metroany assistance whatever from abroad.

politan Tabernacle. Addresses were given by MIDDLESBOROUGH-on-TEES, YORKSAIRE.-The neighbouring ministers to a very large gathering. want of a Baptist chapel in this rapidly increasing NEW WHITTINGTON. DERBYSHIRE. - On Wedtown is felt to be a very great necessity, to meet nesday, Oct. 29th, the foundation-stone of a Bapwhich the friends have been induced to inaugurate tist chapel was laid in this village, by William a fund for the erection of a suitable place of wor | Sissons, Esq., of Sheffield. After prayer for ship. For the furtherance of this object special Divine blessing on the undertaking, an address was eervices were held in the Odd Fellows' Hall, on delivered by the Rev. C. Lurom, of Sheffield. At

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the close of the open-air service, a large number / GILDERSOME, YORKSHIRE.- A public tea-meetof persons adjourned to the Primitive Methodist ing was held on Nov. 5th, in the vestry of the chapel, kindly lent for the occasion, in which Baptist chapel, Gildersome, to welcome the Rev. place about 140 persons took tea. This being done, John Haslam (late of Rawdon College), as minister a public meeting was held, William Sissons, Esq., of the church and congregation. About 240 sat down in the chair. Addresses were delivered by the to tea; after which a crowded meeting was held in Revs. 0. Larom, Messrs. Devine, Sydney Smith, the chapel, under the presidency of the Rey. J. Sar. Sawyer, Spendlove, Mason, T. D. Ingram, and gent, who in a speech replete with Christian feelother friends. The chapel is intended for the use ing, on behalf of the young people of the congrega of a branch church, connected with the first Bap tion, presented to Mr. Haslam a very handsome tist chapel, Sheffield, and with a special view to time-piece, as a mark of respect and affection. the Divine glory and the spiritual benefit of the Mr. Haslam suitably responded. The deacons of rapidly increasing population of the locality.

the church, Messrs. J. Crowther and George HolHACKLETON, NORTHAMPTON.-On Tuesday af

liday, and two of the oldest members, Messrs. J.

Fox and N. Hartley, gave very pleasing addresses ; ternoon, Oct. 28th, a crowded congregation assem

as did also Messrs. J. Harper: J. Harrison, of bled in the Baptist chapel, Hackleton, to witness the ordination of the Rev. S. Williams. The Rev.

Rawdon College ; Mr.Raws, of Bacup; Mr. HasE. L. Forster, of Stoney Stratford, delivered the

lam, of Derby (father of the newly-settled pastor) ;

Mr. Gelder; and other friends. introductory discourse. The Rev. J. Mursell, of Kettering, asked the usual questions, to which GILDENCROFT, NORWICH.-On Tuesday evening, Mr. Williams replied very satisfactorily. Mr. G. Nov. 11th, interesting services were held in the Cave described the leadings of Providence as to Baptist chapel, Gildencroft, to commemorate the the call of Mr. Williams; the Rev. W. Knowles first anniversary of the church meeting in that (the late pastor), offered the ordination prayer, place. After an excellent tea, of which nearly 200 with laying on of hands; and the Rev. T. T. persons partook, a public meeting was held, the Gough, of Clipstone, delivered the charge to the chair being occupied by the pastor, the

ied by the pastor, the Rev. C. newly-ordained minister. More than 200 persons H. Hosken. A few opening remarks having been took tea together in the new school-room at the offered by the chairman, interesting addresses were close of the service. At the evening meeting ad. delivered by the Revs. T. A. Wheeler, R. Govett, dresses were delivered by the Rev. J. T. Brown, M.A., H. Wilkinson, S. Collins, J. M. Kerridge, of College Street, Northampton, who presided; and J. J. Kempster. As this church contemplates the Rev. J. Mursell; the Rev. J. Lea, of Moulton; the erection of a new place of worship, Mr. and the Rev. T. Árnold, of Doddridge Chapel, Wheeler moved a resolution commending the obNorthampton. Upwards of £18 was raised during ject to the cordial sympathy and assistance of the the day in aid of the liquidation of the debt on the inhabitants of the city and the public generally. new school-rooms.

BURES, SUFFOLK.-Services to celebrate the BAPTIST CHURCHES IN NORFOLK, -On Wednes. enlargement and improvement of the Baptist day, Nov. 5th, a meeting was held at St. Mary's chapel in this place were held on Wednesday, Oct. Chapel, Norwich, for the purpose of uniting into 22nd, and on the following Sabbath. The preachers one body the East and West Norfolk Associations were the Revs. C. Elven, of Bury; J. Steer, and of Baptist Churches, and placing under the man W. Bentley, of Sudbury. The sermons were agement of this new corporation the home and highly appropriate and excellent, and were foreign missionary movements in the county. preached to largo and attentive congregations. Twenty-eight churches entered into this new As About £500 has been expended on this place of sociation, which bears the title of The Norfolk worship ; and the minister, the Rev. J. RichardAssociation of Baptist Churches," and it is hoped son, recently appointed in the room of the late that other churches in the county, and some on Rev. A. Anderson, has great cause for gratitude and the borders thereof, will join it. Hitherto, five joy in the co-operation and liberality of the people different Associations have existed in Norfolk, of his charge. The chapel is generally admired and combined action for the support of our reli for its neat appearance, and the internal arrangegious societies has been very difficult. It is anti ments have secured universal approval. cipated that the difficulty will be greatly lessened,

CONINGSBY.--Thenew General Baptist chapelin if not wholly removed, by this new organization,

this place, which has been in course of erection and that the help rendered to our missionary during the last six months, was opened for Divine societies will thereby become more efficient. J. J.

service on Thursday, Oct. 30th, when two sermons Colman, Esq., was elected treasurer of the new

were preached by the Rev. Giles Hester, of Loughassociation, and the Rev. T. A. Wheeler secretary. borough. The public tea in the afternoon was nu

BOND STREET CHAPEL, BIRMINGHAM.-On Sun. merously attended; and on the following Lord's day, October 21st, Ordination services were held in

day two sermons were preached by the Rev. W. the above place in connection with the settlement

Sbarman, minister of the chapel. The congrega. of the Rev. John Davies as minister. At the morn

tions on all the occasions were large, and £20 was ing service the devotional exercises were conducted

obtained in addition to the previous efforts of the by the Rev. A. G. O'Neill. The Rev. C. Vince

people. The building, which is of the Tuscan gave the introductory discourge ; the Rev. I. Lord order, is very much admired, and is considered an put the usual questions to the minister; and the ornament to the village. Rev. R. D. Wilson offered the ordination prayer. GLANDWR, GLAM.-A series of very interesting In the evening the Rev. J. Acworth, LL.D., of services was held in connection with the recogRawdon College, gave the charge to the minister, nition of the Rev. E. Prichard, late of Cwmrhos, und the Rev. S. G. Green, B.A., of Rawdon Col Breconshire, on the 20th and 21st October, at lege, the charge to the people. At the close of the Glandwr, Glamorgan. On the Monday night the evening services the ordinance of the Lord's Revs. Mr. Roberts, of Coedy Cymar, and J. Matsupper was administered. On the following Mon thews, of Neath, preached; the following day the day, a tea-meeting of the members of the church Rev. J. Stephens, of Brychgoed, preached. Then and congregation was held in the school-room, the Rev. J. Hughes, of Aber, asked a few queswhen many encouraging and interesting addresses tions of the church and the new minister, which were delivered by several ministers and friends. were angwered satisfactorily. After this the Rev.

D. Richards, of Caerphilly, offered up the recog. 1 Portsea ; G. Arnott, of Southsea ; H. H. Cullis, of nition prayer. Then the Rev. D. Price preached Landport; and G. Triggs, of Fratton; and Messrs. to the minister, and the Rev. E. Watkins to the Sapp and Blake. Several anthems were sung by church. In the afternoon the Rev. Megsrs. the choir : among others one of considerable merit Hughes, of Aber: Williams, of Abercwmboy; and composed for the occasion by its leader, Mr. G. D. Jones, B.A., of Cardiff, preached. In the Tilly. The lecture-room was filled to overflowing, evening the Revs. D. Richards, of Caerphilly ; J. and many were accommodated in the chapel. Matthews, of Neath; and J. Stephens, of Brychgoed, preached. The Rev. Messrs. Davies, of MINISTERIAL CHANGES.-The Rev.G. M‘Michael, i Maesycwmwr, and Philips, of Llantrissant, B.A., late of Bridgewater, has accepted the invi. preached on the Monday at Tongwynlas.

tation of the church at Bourton-on-the-Water, HENRIETTA STREET, OLDHAM ROAD, MANCHES

Gloucestershire.-The Rev. W. T. Rosevear, a TER.-The first social tea-meeting was held on the

Coventry, has accepted the unanimous invitation 4th ult., in connection with the congregation and

of the church and congregation assembling in Oek

Street Chapel, Abingdon, and expects to commence Sabbath school in this place. About fifty sat down

his labours the first Sunday in December. --The to an excellent tea, after which the Rev. S. Borton

Rev. J. E. Perrin, in consequence of ill-health, has Brown, B.A., of Salford, was voted to the chair.

resigned the pastorate of the church at Walbos, A hymn was sung, and prayer was offered by the chairman, who then called upon the secretary,

Suffolk. Mr. Perrin's address will now be, Mr. Watts, who presented a report of the success

Langham Place, Northampton.-The Rev. W. G.

Fifield, late of Blackburn, has accepted the unaniand prospects of the infant cause, which was

mous and cordial invitation of the Baptist church highly encouraging. The paucity of places of

at Goodshaw, Lancashire, to become their pastat. worship in the locality was shown to the meeting in a very telling manner. Addresses were de

--The Rev. S. Todd, for some years past the minis livered by the Rev. Richard Chenery, Messrs.

ter of Drake Street Chapel, Rochdale, has acceptet Crossley, Howard, Ailsbury, Watts, Ralston, Net

the cordial and unanimous invitation of the Baptas tleton, Smith, Mayo, and Barker. The meeting

church meeting in the Assembly Room, Lancaster, was enlivened at intervals by several pieces of

to become their pastor, and entered on his labeus

on the third Sun ay in November.-The Rev.J.G. music sung by the Salford choir.

Phillips, having resigned the pastorate of 1* ST. PAUL'S CHAPEL, SOUTHSEA. -On October Baptist church, Llantrissant, has rccepted to 28th, the anniversary tea and public meeting was unanimous invitation of the church at 2000, held. The chair was taken by the minister, the Merthyr Tydvil, and commenced his labours there Rev. J. Hunt Cooke. The reports showed the last month, --The Rev. J. Bastow, B.A., of My past year to have been one of peace and advancing son University, United States, having accepted to prosperity. Suitable addresses were given by the cordial invitation of the Baptist church, Trinity Revs. A. Jones, of Buckland; H. Kitching, of Road, Halifax, to supply their pulpit for the ne Landport; T. Cousins, of Portsea ; W. T. Matson, six months, entered upon his labours on the ti of Gosport; J. B. Little, of Ryde; E. G. Cecil, of | Sabbath in November.

Editorial Postscript. We cannot close another Volume of THE CHURCH, without expressing our thankful ness to the Giver of all mercies, that we have been permitted to continue our labour during another year. We would not omit our expressions of gratitude, either, to 1.2 many brethren who have favoured us with contributions, and to the many more who have aided us by efforts to increase our circulation. All these friends will, we are sure believe, that our gratitude, though briefly expressed, is not the less sincere and heartfelt.

May we say a word as to the necessity there is that our friends should continue the kind efforts to increase our circulation ? In consequence of the large increase in the number of periodicals published, nothing but the constant efforts of friends can maintain the older publications in their former efficiency. We confidently leave the matter in the hands especially of the Pastors and Deacons of our churches, in the hope that they will enable us, by their kind efforts, especially during the present month, 9 begin the new year with an enlarged circulation.

No effort on our part shall be wanting to make THE CHURCH still worthy of the sup port of its friends.

We have pleasure in announcing that a beautifully-executed Portrait of E. B. UNDER HILL, Esq., Secretary of the Baptist Missionary Society, will appear in our per Number. During the year, a Portrait of the REV. WILLIAM LANDELS, of Regent's Park Chapel, and other Portraits, will be issued.

*.* As some of our friend found it difficult to procure the TITLE AND INDEX when they were publis separately, we have this year as las made it a part of the Magazine, adding in consequence, *** halfpenny to the price of ibi month's Number. This plan will be continued.



“Built upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, Jesus Christ himself being

the chief corner-stone."--Ephesians ii. 29.




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