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head, that it not merely takes its place men seem to think that there is something beside the sovereign, but claims precedence. very ennobling in their position: and howIt is ego et meus rex that we still hear ; | ever strange the fact, it is a fact, that they Church and Queen, not Queen and Church. are as truly a caste in England, as the The consequence is, that through all classes Brahminical order is in the East; a caste of society, from the Prince of Wales down saying to their neighbours, “Stand by, for to the stable-boy, the establishment assumes we are better than ye;" a caste employed an importance and a right of intermeddling, directly and indirectly in thwarting the to which its character gives it no claim; and success in life of all who will not bow down often does it dare to insinuate a charge of to their idol. I am never consulted by man deficient loyalty against all who repudiate or woman on the question of Dissent—and its authority. If the arrangement now such consultation is no infrequent occur. existing were reversed, and a law passed that 'rence-without telling the inquirer first, and the sovereign should be a Congregationalist, | inost plainly, to count the cost of Nonconhow eloquently and vehemently would formity. The advice is ever, in substance, Episcopalians denounce the violence done as follows : “If you mean to act firmly as a to the conscience of the highest person in Dissenter, you will assuredly lose caste. the realm, and the insult flung in the face You may meet with toleration and condeof all who are not Congregationalists ! cension, but even that is doubtful. You

The population of England and Wales is will certainly find many of the avenues to about eighteen millions. It is computed success in life closed against you. If you that about three millions and a half attended are not prepared to suffer for conscience' Episcopalian places of worship on the 30th sake, you had better keep away from the of March, 1851. Make any hypothetical strait gate of Nonconformity.” Dissenters addition you please, even the most extrava could suggest to Dr. Tait, that he would do gant, for absentees. Raise the number to wisely to speak of that only which he underfive, or if it be wished, six millions; and stands. Many of them could inform him, still the following startling facts emerge. that they were persecuted for their NonconFive millions sterling, of national property, formity in childhood; that in later life they are year by year lavished on the six millions, have found they must sacrifice truth, or be in which the remaining twelve millions have shut out from the prizes of the universities, no share. If this huge mass of wealth were and from all such pathways as he has taken from Episcopalians, and given to the climbed: they could assure him that their Wesleyans or the Catholics, Dr. Tait would lives have been happy in a constant course not need a microscope to discover the of civil degradation, because they have grievance.

cheerfully made the sacrifice to Him who To this enormous partiality must be gave himself for them. For themselves added numberless chaplaincies; professor they heed not the injustice ; but as parents, ships; a thousand, fellowships, worth on an they utter an indignant protest against the average, £200 a year each ; public schools, partial and unholy ecclesiastical laws of &c., &c., all which are either integral parts their country, and the caste which they of, or appendages to the establishment: and create. When they look at their children, Episcopalians, instead of walking humbly, and hear the Bishop, clad in lawn and revel. as becomes men thus subsidized, in the ling in an income of ten thousand a year, presence of Dissenters who pay their own telling them they have no grievances, they way, assume that they are the dignified class may be forgiven if their patience is exof society. Exceptions there are, and noble hausted. exceptions, and many; but as a rule, Church

Tales and Sketches.

MRS. WINTERS' TEMPTATION. | into her hands by her husband, a few days

before, to pay the collector when he came A SKETCH FOR DELINQUENT CHURCH

round to gather the money for the minisMEMBERS.

ter's salary. He was to call in a few days, "A HUNDRED dollars! Can't afford it. I and as she had never put him off before wish John's business affairs were in a more she could do 80 now, and by excessive prosperous condition. I really want the economy and a few little meannesses, gather furs. I might take it, Yes; John wouldn't the sum together within two months. The know, and I could easily save it in a month principles of honesty are not always clearly or two out of the household expenses. And, defined, even in the bosom of a professing after all, ministers get along better than Christian ; and Mrs. Winters would have other folks. This one sends them butter been horrified to be told that she was in --that one wood; and I dare say Mr. any way dishonest. Yet she had no more True's closet is better stocked than mine right to appropriate that sum to her use 18. Mrs. True, to be sure, don't have new than if it had been laid away in the till of things very often, but then when she is some merchant's drawer. Again and again asked why, she says, “Oh, she isn't at all she half resolved that she would not yield fashionable ;' and that is right enough : | to the temptation. She brought out her ministers' wives shouldn't be, of course. I own furs and laid them by the side of those But the furs—how can I get them ?” in the box. The contrast was very great.

The lady folded her hands and thought. She had better have let them lay in their She sat in a well, or rather a richly fur wrappers. She had better have said nished room. Beside her, on a table, stood candidly, “The money is not mine-it a box covered with marble paper. The belongs to God; and shall I take from cover was off, temptingly displaying a set him pro of rich furs. Near these lay å note, its Instead of this she yielded. Time was folds inclining together, and this note read passing. A lad called for the furs ; he rethus :

ceived the price of them; and Mrs. Winters “Dear Mrs. Winters,—These are the went about the household duties with fars I spoke to you about. They are burning cheeks and an uneasy conscience. perfect, and have been worn scarcely a Later in the day an acquaintance called season. I will sell them for one hundred in. I wish I might record that the condollars, cash. They cost me very nearly

versation of these two women was of twice that amount. I do not know of any | heavenly things; that their talk was on one who I would rather should wear them subjects pertaining to the immortal welfaro than yourself: it would give me pleasure of human souls, or that the needs of the while in the tropics to think of the beauties poor, the wants of Zion, were held up for (excuse me---they were my first love in the purpose of inquiring how either or both the way of furs) giving so much warmth might be remedied; but the truth must be and comfort to my dear friend. Please told. Mrs. West was a showy woman, exdecide as soon as possible, as my cousin is ceedingly well dressed, and with an air that after them and offers me more. I wish I spoke of her excellent self-appreciation. were not under the necessity of receiving She discoursed, first on the weather, then money, but you know how we are situated on her daughter Julia's wondersul progress since my husband lost his health. Yours," under the instruction of her new Italian etc., etc.

music-master, and then on silks and velvets, Mrs. Winters wanted the furs. Not but and the propriety of paying fifty dollars for what she had very good furs of her own; | a jet bracelet set in gold. Look around but they were not fashionable ; they had you, women of the covenant. You need been worn two winters. Here was an not go far to find a Mrs. Winters, a Mrs. opportunity of procuring just the thing she West. Perhaps your own wardrobe would wished for one hundred dollars. Twenty-five condemn you. Perhaps your own rich dollars of her own was the most she could laces, your own jewelled bracelete, your compass; but there were seventy-five given furs that cost almost the salary of a strug. gling country minister, would cry out ' “I am always sure of you, Mrs. against you if you would only listen with Winters," he said, adjusting his spectacles your inner, spiritual-sense hearing.

and taking out his book. “Let me see“Those velvet cloaks, my dear Mrs. seventy-five dollars, is it not?” Winters, are so very becoming! I am Mrs. Winters wished her furs at the talking of having one ; but with husbands bottom of the Red Sea, at that moment. the times are always hard, you know, and Her head beat painfully as she replied, “I our children cost us so much!”

believe I must ask you to wait a few weeks, Ah! do they cost prayers, and struggling brother Ingles : I am not quite ready." sighs ? Do they cost effort, personal and “Ah, dear, dear! I'm sorry; but then I painful, that they may grow up as corner suppose it can't be helped. Brother True's stones” to the temple of purity,“ polished salary will not come up to the mark by after the similitude of a palace," both sons several hundred at the time it should. I and daughters ?

feel exceedingly sensitive about this matter, “I had one last winter, you know," said for I have been obliged, one or two years Mrs. Winters : “it will need only a little past, to go round among our moneyed men new trimming."

and borrow the deficit, and it is very dis“Yes: they last for ever, and after all are agreeable to me. I shall not have the the most economical things one can buy. courage this time, I'm afraid, for, really, To tell you the truth, I'd have one if I judging from appearances, our congregacould take a little money I have laid by. tion are well able to make up the whole It is the amount of my subscription for amount. I dare to say, sister, you are not to this year; but I don't suppose thirty or blame in this matter you have never failed forty dollars would make much difference, before but I know some women who had do you? It is only a question of time. I better wear less furs, less flounces, feathers, am sure to get it again."

and jewels, and come up promptly to the The red came up into Mrs. Winters' work of the Lord in settling with our hardcheeks. She saw the consequence of her working pastor. It really grieves me to sin. She knew that if in one case it might see the little self-denial there is, in this seem justifiable, so it might in twenty ; but work of sustaining the Gospel. No wonder it was not hers to rebuke. She had virtually! the world points the finger of scorn tied her own tongue. She had, in yielding

at us!” to temptation, become forced to be the Mrs. Winters sat conscious and inwardly silent tempter of another. The love of cowering before true judgment. She felt dress bad triumphed over the love of recti. herself guilty, for very little self-denial had tude, of fearless Christian honesty. She she ever practised for the cause of Christ. had sold doves in the temple, and changed Very little of her money had ever gone money: was she the one to raise the re towards feeding God's poor and God's buking rod and say, “Ye shall not make prisoners. No; it had perished in costly my Father's house a den of thieves"? fabrics, now in possession of the moth and These thoughts were broken by an exclama of rust. tion from Mrs. West.

“Tremble, ye women that are at ease; be "What beautiful furs !"

troubled, ye careless ones”! “Yes ; I think them very handsome. All that day, and for many days after, Phey are a new purchase," was the reply. Mrs. Winters was miserably unhappy. She

“You'll outshine us all, Mrs. Winters. had tried to dispose of the furs, but no one That is surely a two-hundred-dollar set." seemed to want them, and their original

“It is; but I bought it somewhat cheaper owner had gone away. Her husband knew of a friend, who is going to a warmer climate nothing of all this. He had trusted his on account of her husband's poor health.” wife implicitly. Rather would he have

“Oh, bow fortunate! it's the very richest sacrificed a much larger sum than that set I have seen this season. How splendidly should have gone unpaid; for he was a it will contrast with your velvets! I half strictly honest man. envy you."

She needed not, for Mre. Winters had It was a dull, dreary morning in De. not spent one easy moment since the furs cember. The rain had fallen all night, had come into her possession.

the wind was high, and the leafless It was not long after Mrs. West had branches swung in the wet gusts, making gone before the church collector called. Ta mournful accompaniment to the voices of the storm. A month had passed since 1

I have not come to beg, Mrs. Winters, the day the collector had called, and con

but I have come to ask you, as my husitant sickness in her family had prevented

band's salary has not been paid, and as Mrs. Winters from that close attention

all our bills have been (for we had rather to her domestic duties that might have

suffer privations than owe to any man), resulted in a saving of more or less money.

I have come to ask for some sewing to Her little child had, however, been pro

take home. I heard you wished for assistnounced out of danger, and she sat with ance in sewing for your children." i thankful heart by the nursery fire,

Al this Mrs. Winters heard, still dumb waiting for an answer to an application

with astonishment. Was it possible ? she had made for a seamstress. She knew

Had this refined woman, who before her 20t why, but there were brooding shadows

marriage had lived with an uncle whose on her mind, in the midst of her joy

wealth gratified her every wish, come to for the restoration of her babe. She this ? She could hardly believe her senses, looked out, and began to pity any who

but only sat gasping, "Why, Mrs. True!” were exposed on land or sea to the wild

"I know it has a very strange look, zale, when the bell rang. In another Mrs. Winters, for your minister's wife, noment the servant opened the door, and especially one who has so many cares and rith “Mrs. True, mem," a lady entered

duties of her own, to come to you for he room.

work; but I repeat, if Mr. True's salary The new comer presented one of those i had been paid promptly, as was promised, weet innocent countenances that we we should have been comfortable. Yes : nstinctively gtamo childlike. Her face and even if the third of the deficit had Tas very fair, her hair light, soft, and found its way to our hands, we should ne, and just now a colour-too rich, have wanted for nothing. But we have las! for settled health-mantled her cheeks.

entertained a great deal of company in a he was dressed neatly, but it was evident

ministerial way, and the money that came hat her shawl had been worn for many

in barely sufficed for the debts due, and ears, and her bonnet was not of the which we had promised to pay. Even stest style, though a certain grace in their then, if we had dreamed of this long isposition made them better than fashion delay on the part of our people, we should ble.

have withheld some. As it is, I must .. She took the seat proffered as if weary

work.” -weary of a struggle that had so often

“Oh, Mrs. True! we must raise the iade her long for a higher existence, a

money!” cried Mrs. Winters, and, overome that was nearer, perhaps, than she

powered by the thoughts of the past, she hought.

burst into tears. “My subscription was .:“Why, Mrg. True! how did you dare not forthcoming,” she added in an agony enture out on such a day? Did you

of humiliation, and what is worse, I had Talk ?"

no excuse. Here are only twenty dollars “I did,' replied the minister's wise,

of it-and-ob, Mrs. True! I shall never, asting a glance at her soiled dress and never forgive myself. Do not cough, or it enerally dripping appearance,

will kill me. Change the shoes, and let " Do draw up to the fire. I hope me send you home. The servant shall obody is ill-there is no trouble, is there ". go for a carriage.” he asked, seeing the lips of her visitor Reader, if I could spare you the conclu. remble.

sion I would. But God spared not Mrs. “There is no trouble, Mrs. Winters, Winters. The little, pale woman, whom ave-that-that I left a wolf at the door." sickness, and care, and churchly neglect Ine, two, three drops fell slowly on her had so worn upon, that she stole out in the hawl. She turned her face away.

storm that detained her husband in his "Why, Mrs. True! surely--surely - study, took the cold that day that carried 100

her in eighteen months to her grave. Hus. “Mrs. Winters," said the minister's band and children followed the fair, wife, slowly, calmly, “my children are stricken flower, weeping as few are wept

eally in need of shoes. It is humiliating, for, mourning as few are mourned for. out I must speak plainly. There are my | Mrs. Winters had been untiring in her own. I have worn them one winter l attentions; but she could not put back, had before, and now my feet are soaking wet. | the hand of her faith been ever so strong,

the stern consequences of her wrong-doing. In the afternoon, when the pastor entered She had paid her debt to the uttermost the pulpit, he found a note in which was farthing. She had wept, she had prayed, writtenThe prayers of this church are she had confessed, she had agonized, but requested for Donald Grant.” The minister all to no avail ; and as she bent over the was taken by surprise, not having heard of coffin, and thought of the sad face pleading his illness, but remembered, as also did the for husband and children on that rainy people when the note was read, that his day, her heart was almost broken. Pass family pew was tenantless in the morning. ing under the rod, however, brought her After service, one asked another what ailed nearer to God. She became a changed, Donald Grant; but none could tell his neigha humble woman. When the Christian's bour, and all decided that some sudden talk was of the fashion of this world illness had brought this request directly from which passeth away, she shuddered at the family. their low estate, and God gave her grace to The Sabbath passed, and Donald, respeak in his fear. As an influentiul woman, freshed by many hours of sleep, and by the her example carried weight, and the sweet breezes and holy calm of his native whole society felt her power. Never again hills, rose on Monday like a strong man to did any minister of that church wait for run a race. But scarcely had the sun begun his salary. Would it were so with all the to gem the dewy heather, when, above the churches in this Christian land! But it is welting of the sickle, he heard the stentorian not. Hearts are heavy with waiting, and voice of Sandy Graham, the village blacksick with hope deferred. The pastor sraith:carries the crushing weight of debt upon “Hoot mon, and are ye at it this airly his shoulders, and his children often, tuo after the deathly illness o' yesterday ?” often, want for the simple necessaries of It was in vain that Donald protested he life. Ponder this well, ye members of had never been better. Sandy declared he Christian churches ! *

was out of his head, and ought to be taken back to bed: he could see by the colour of

his face there was a high fever on him! PRAY FOR DONALD GRANT.

While yet he was speaking, they were In the Highlands of Scotland punctuality joined by Duncan M'Ivor and Malcolm at public worship is reckoned among the Sterling, two large-hearted neighbours, cardinal virtues. The people for generations coming to sympathize in Donald's affliction, have been trained to reverence God's day and and to proffer their aid in reaping his barbis house ; so that it is considered not only | ley; and before any explanation could be wrong, but also disreputable, to lounge at made of the puzzling matter, the loving old home, or to stroll over heath and burn, while minister, staff in hand, had arrived with the others are honouring God in the sanctuary. oil of consolation.

There lived in this region, some years Donald persisted in saying he was never since, an honest farmer, yclept Donald more hearty; when the pastor asked, “Why, Grant. He was very wise for this world ; then, mon, did ye forsake your seat in God's and while professing better things, he gave house, and implore the prayers of his all his strength and energy to his six days' people?” toil, so that when the Sabbath came he was "Aweel, aweel, then,' replied Donald, in unfit for the services of the sanctuary. Once, amazement, “I was awa' fra the kirk wi' in the season of barley harvest, when farm the aching o' my limbs fro' the week's work; help was scarce, Donald so overwrought but I asked prayers o' no mon alive!” himself on Saturday that his seat in the The joke was perceived, and the pastor “auld kirk” was empty the next day. He reminded Donald that the man who abremained at home to recruit his powers for sented himself from God's house for no a fresh campaign on Monday. Some wag better reason than his, ought to ask prayers in the parish, knowing Donald's besetting if he didn't! sin, and fearing the effect of his example on Donald Grant lost more time in enterothers, resolved to nip this delinquency in taining the many who came to inquire for the bud, and took the case into his own him on Monday, than he had gained by hands.

resting on the Sabbath ; but he learned a * The above is taken from an American periodical. We think it best to mention this, lest any reader should be disposed to think that anything in the article has any reference to our own tavoured land. Ou course such things are never heard of in England !Eve,

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