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influence on some future day, when we beauty and glory of that King who lived approach the contemplation of any spiritual and died in their midst; so true is it that object, especially the spiritual Church of real beauty and true spiritual power can Jesus Christ, we should remember,

only be discerned and appreciated by those That of ourselves we can have no true who live a Divine life. Let us take heed perception of the meaning and beauty of of this spirit, and seek to maintain the spiritual things.

purity of our hope in spite of the carnal That not having any true perception of and materializing influences which ever the worth and beauty of spiritual things, surround us. In Christ there is neither we cannot have any true sympathy with Jew nor Gentile, nor ever will be; but let them.

us beware of a Judaizing spirit, which, That not only have we no true spiritual rather than not have a visible king and sympathy with the things of God, but we temple, will take the spiritual Church back - positively hate them, for the carnal mind again to Jewish sacrifices, wed the spouse

is is enmity against God; and that hating of Christ to the beggarly elements again, Send them, we not only cannot understand and inix the children of the resurrection o them, but we misrepresent them; and that with the sinful and imperfect children of is this is especially true in reference to the sin and sorrow. Reader, if thou wilt have

Church. As men of themselves could not a just and Scriptural view of the Church

understand or love Christ, so neither can of God, and the true glory which she has is they of themselves understand or love his and is to inherit, seek the guidance of that e people. To the extent, therefore, that the Spirit who only can reveal her true glory y life of Christ is reproduced in the Church, to thee ; and then, though thou wilt

to that extent she will by the world be behold her as a burning bush, thou wilt

despised and rejected. And we should also perceive her true glory, and know that C not forget that of ourselves we cannot love she is the brightness of Christ's beauty,

what God declares respecting his Church; his true bride, and, indeed, the living that in this world she is to be as “a miracle of all time. burning bush ;" that she has the sentence Reader, Moses did as he was comof death in herself, that she may not trust manded, and heard the voice of truth and in herself, but the living God; that she love and Divine consolation, the voice of needs to be constantly chastened of God, to | his fathers' God, for which he had waited be kept from love of ease, and to be emptied through many a night of darkness and

from vessel to vessel, that she may be pre adversity. And so, reader, if in love, and Sve served from the spirit of pride and false secu a humble, reverent, and dependent spirit,

rity, and from some form or other of refined thou shalt approach the contemplation of self-love and self-trust, and to receive con this great subject, thou shalt find in the stant communications of living grace. Church more than a burning bush; thou Neither do we like to be told that a shalt find God's living Spirit in her-the burning bush is the symbol of the Church's | Angel of the Covenant--and hear his voice public position here; that as Christ was through the truth proclaimed ; a voice despised, and his apostles accounted as the that will humble, and correct, and chasten filth and offscouring of all things, so it thee, but a voice that will comfort, and will be with her. Left to ourselves, we strengthen, and guide thec, nor fail to like to be connected with that which is bless, enrich, and elevate thee until thou deemed to be respectable, and not thought shalt reach that place where the Church to be foolish in the eyes of power and intel shall no longer appear as a burning lectual greatness ; we are not willing to be bush, but a city in which there shall be thought fools, and to abide our time. The no temple; for the Lord God Almighty Jews wanted a visible king, who should and the Lamb are the temple of it. And cunquer the nations for them, and sur the city had no need of the light of the round them with a material glory which sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it; should appeal to the senses, and while for the glory of the Lord did lighten it lusting after this could not behold the and the Lamb is the light thereof.

Tales and Sketches.

HOW TO DEAL WITH A SURLY | into my own hands? He is a poor man, NEIGHBOUR.

too, and an injury inflicted upon him will WILLIAM LADD had a fine field of grain increase his poverty; while God has 80 growing upon an out-farm, some distance prospered me, that even the loss of the from his homestead; but whenever he rode entire crop of my field will scarcely be felt. by he saw his neighbour Pulsford's sheep Besides this, if I cannot forgive a wrong, in tho field, destroying his hopes of a even if intentionally done, where is my harvest. These sheep were of the gaunt, Christianity ? And where is it I am told long-legged kind, active as spaniels: they that I am not to render evil for evil, but could spring over almost any fence. Wil contrariwise blessing? It will not do: I liam Ladd complained to his neighbour have gone the wrong way to work with my himself, and also sent him several messages, poor neighbour. I will try another plan." but all without avail. Perhaps the sheep Mr. Pulsford was an ugly-tempered man; would be kept out for a day or two ; but surly, and unwilling to oblige. This was the legs of the intruders were long, and his natural disposition; and trouble had the tender blades of wheat were more made him still more cross-grained. It tempting than their own scanty pasture. seemed to him that everybody had a spite

Mr. Ladd rode by again, and again he against him; but he had never, perhap: found the trespassers trampling down his thought that if a man would have friends corn. What was to be done ? Naturally | he must show himself friendly. enough the injured farmer felt aggrieved, He was in a particularly ill humour on and in the first impulse of his anger he one particular morning. He had heard of told his men to set the dogs on the sheep; | the threats of his richer neighbour, and and if they did not keep them away, to the direction he had given about his poor shoot them.

sheep ; while he was not at all aware that But farmer Ladd was a man of a the hasty order given to the men abou thoughtful turn of mind, and not one to dogs and guns had been set aside hours indulge feelings of wrath and malice. He before. was in the habit of reading the Bible, and And so, fretting and fuming, he set about he loved the lessons he learned from that chopping wood in his yard, and was giving best of all books. In other words, the vent to some of his overboiling anger in farmer was a Christian. So when he this work, when he was stopped by a reached his home, with his anger cooled pleasant voice close by. down, William Ladd began to think " Good morning, neighbour." calmly. While he thought of his own field Pulsford looked up, and whom should of wheat, trampled down and ruined, his he see facing him but Ladd, sitting quietis mind turned to his neighbour's sheep, | on his borse, and smiling good-humouredly? torn, and bleeding, and dead. Neither | It was almost more than he could bear; picture was pleasant; but of the two, the but he bore it somehow, and, without latter was the more painful to him.

replying, went on chopping his wood more The farmer's better feelings began to furiously than before.** provail. He knew where it was written, “Good morning, Mr. Pulsford,” re.

The discretion of a man deferreth his peated the unwelcome visitor. anger;" and, “Let not the sun go down Pulsford grunted and growled, and still upon your wrath." At any rate, the more continued his labour. he thought of what had passed, the more “I am come to see you again about those dissatisfied he was with himself, and the sheep of yours," said Mr. Ladd. more his compassion and forbearance were This was too much for the angry man tstirred up in favour of his neighbour. endure silently. He threw down his axe

“Poor Pulsford," thought he, “is not so straightened his back, and looked hi much to blame, perhaps, after all. It may | adversary full in the face. be he cannot prevent his sheep from “You are come to see me about my #traying; and even if he can, what sheep,” said he wrathfully. “A pretty business have I to take his punishment sort of neighbour you are, to tell your me

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to kill my sheep. Yes, I have heard of it, I hand, love will beget love; kindness, kind. I have: a rich man like you to go shooting | dess ; forbearance, gratitude. "Be not a poor fellow's sheep!"

overcome of evil, but overcome evil with « Well, I was wrong about that," said good :' there is no other way." the farmer mildly, “and I don't mind telling you I was wrong. And since you know what I told my men, I may as well

A LOST OPPORTUNITY. y tell you now that your sheep are safe from I HAD been invited to preach for a few 1 any harm I ever intended them. But it Sabbaths in a pleasant village at the seaside. I won't do, you know," added he good During the services, on my first Sunday's

humouredly,“ to let your sheep eat all labours, my attention was attracted to a ni my corn ; so I am just come over to make tall rough-looking man, of pale countenance, is you an offer."

on my right. Each time I glanced in his Oh, an offer;" still surlily and direction, I saw that his eyes were fixed

upon me, as if he were intent to hear, and “Yes, neighbour ; I have been thinking, yet with an expression that betokened any. and I am come over to say, that, if you thing but sympathy with the truths of the like, I will take your sheep to my home Gospel. There was nothing in his apstead pastures, and put them along with pearance that would lead one to single him mine. I think they will do better there from the throng of strangers in the sanctuary, than here, perhaps. They won't be likely yet anxiety for his spiritual good arose in to stray, because they will be under my my heart, and during the succeeding week

shepherd's care; and they will not be any I experienced a solicitude in his behalf that RE further trouble to you through the sum could only express itself in prayer. Next svo mer. Then, after harvest, you can bring Sabbath, on my return, the stranger occupied

them back again ; and, meanwhile, if any. the same seat, and while preaching I often Tything goes wrong with them, or you miss felt for him an interest so peculiar that I

any of them, you shall take your pick out | resolved to seek an interview for religious 910 of my flock.''

conversation. Lingering to speak with The man looked confused and con. Christian friends, he had retired from the EL 3 founded. It seemed as though his rich congregation before I had put my resolue neighbour was in earnest, but he was not tion in practice. Bavi sure; so he said, "Do you mean what you “Who is the tall man that sat in the say, sir?"

third seat on my right?" I asked of a lady be "Certainly I do," said Mr. Ladd. " It! resident of the place Lid will be better for me to feed your sheep in “Oh," she replied, “ that's Mr. L , a

my pasture on grass than to feed them poor wretched infidel, who does not believe here on corn ; and I see that your fence in the Bible, nor even that there is a God. cannot keep them out."

A fearfully violent and blasphemous They shall not trouble you any more, opposer of religion : I can't imagine how he Mr. Ladd," said the other in a subdued happened to come to chapel to-day; he has

tone. “I'll take care that they don't get not been within a Christian sanctuary for Los into your corn-field again. And if I do

not accept your offer," he added, “I thank "It is singular, but without any knowIk you for it all the same. It is kind and į ledge of his condition, I have falt an esmest Tabor neighbourly; and when a man is neigh- desire to speak to him on the subject of his bourly I can be the same."

soul's salvation. How do you think he Pulsford was as good as his word. His would receive it?" sheep never strayed again : by some means “He would swear at you terribly, I fear. they were kept to their own ground. Why, that man will stand up, and dare God What is still better, a kindness sprang up to strike him dead!" between the prosperous farmer and his "Is it possible ?" unsuccessful neighbour, which did not end “Yes, and what makes his case worse, is, in kind words, though it began with them. he has a bad cough that may end in con

“ And, friends," said Mr. Ladd, when he sumption. When a coughing-fit comes on, Totalt once told this little history of his, “re- it puts him in a rage, that vents itself

member that when you talk of injuring in the most shocking oaths," your neighbours, they will not only talk, What I heard respecting the man of itself but think of injuring you. On the other I would not have disheartened me. But there


was such a thing, I remembered, as cast. | been made for him; he had cried for ing "pearls before swine," and impressions mercy at last : there was a gleam of com. were so trustless. Therefore, I deferred fort in these reflections, but, oh, what calling upon him, as I had designed that would I not have given to have had some week; however, I was unhappy from a con testimony from his own lips tbat he had viction of neglected duty that no reasoning renounced atheism and cast himself on the could remove. Wherever I went, however grace of the compassionate Saviour! occupied, his pale face would haunt me, Christian reader, our fathers and mothers and mentioning the case to a Christian in Israel believed in the work of the Holy acquaintance, united prayer was frequently Spirit ; believed that he moved the hearts offered for his conversion. I had deter. in which he dwelt to special labour for mined to speak with him the next Sabbath, perishing souls. Have we not wandered without fail. But he was not in his place. away from their simple Scriptural faith, My engagements were such that I could and thus grieved the Holy Comforter, and not conveniently visit him at his home. become unfruitful in the work of the Lord, Another week rolled by, and he was still till it is to be feared that the blood of souls missing.

may be found on our garments ? Oh, if "Where is Mr. L- " I inquired of you would never know the bitter sorrow the friend before alluded to; “I must see that to this day overwhelms me, as memory him. I believe the Holy Spirit is impressing recalls that poor sceptic, yield to the his case upon my soul, and I shall not find heavenly guidance, and fear not to speak peace till I have one faithful rolex with him, when the Spirit prompts ! whether he repulses me or not.”

Ah, sir," was the reply, "you are too late!"

LITTLE FRANK'S CHILDHOOD. “Too late ? What do you mean?” I

(FOR THE YOUNG.) ; asked tremblingly. “He is dead!"

PART I. « Dead ?"

LITTLE Frank's childhood was a very “ Yes, his end was dreadful. A week | happy one, not only because he had kind ogo last Thursday night, he was sitting parents to take care of him, and a beauti. conversing with his wife, when, she says, ful home to live in, but because he loved something internal seemed to break, sound. | Jesus, and early gave his heart to him. ing like the running down of a clock. In So bright and joyous was Frank, that one stantly he sprang to his feet, exclaiming, of his aunts always gave him the name of My time has come !" then sinking on his

"a little sunbeam." knees, he cried to God for mercy. His shrieks His dear mother taught him about God were heard by neighbours living far away. as soon as he was able to understand any. In a few moments all was over, he had thing. One day, when he was very little, breathed his last.

she found him alone in the nursery, play. The lintelligence smote heavily on my ing with his toys, and said, " Ah, Frankie, heart, filling me with an agony almost too | nobody here but you ? " “ Yes, mamma," keen to be borne.

he replied ; “ God is here." "Oh,” I cried, “would that I had yielded Another time, when he was alarmed by a to the Spirit, and not lingered to question sudden gust of wind in the garden, and and doubt!' Oh, that I had spoken one thought his mother of course shared in word to him concerning his need of Christ!" his fright, he looked affectionately towards I then related, with shame and confusion her, and quietly said, “ God is with me, of face, all my exercises in relation to the dear mamma." deceased.

Can you take comfort, like Frank, in “Strange," said my friend, “but that the thought that God is with you? man talked much about you the last week Little Frank was very fond of prayer. or two, and always in your favour. He It was customary for him, almost from uttered not a word against your preaching. infancy, to be present-sitting by his I know not but he would have welcomed mother's side or on her knee-while his anything you might have said to him.” brothers and sisters had their morning

He had heard something of the Gospel Scripture reading; but before prayer he those two Sabbaths; he had not scorned was sent into an adjoining room, lest he what he heard ; united intercession had | should disturb the elder children.

But one day, when asked as usual to 1 always go to my own room. This mornretire—he was not then three years old- | ing I was sitting at the end of the school. he looked up at his mother, and with an room table, going to begin my lessons : imploring face said, “Mayn't baby pray governess did not know about it." too?" His request was at once granted; On another occasion, while on a visit to and when he rose from his knees he gazed his aunt, he was reproved for some fault, at his mother with an expression of de and at first he would not allow that what light which she will never forget. From he had done was wrong, and continued to that morning he was always allowed to stay argue the point in his own favour. Soon, to prayer, and seemed greatly to enjoy it. however, he was brought to acknowledge

One day the passage read by the chil his error, and to own that he was sorry ; dren was Exod. xxvii. 20. It was about and in his evening prayer he, of his own the oil for the vessels of the tabernacle, accord, confessed his fault, and asked forand the meaning was explained by pag giveness. “O my God," he said, “forsages from the New Testament. Frank give me for having been so wicked, and was then only five years old, and it was for having made Satan so glad this day; not supposed that he felt any interest in a for, oh, Satan rejoices when he makes one subject thought to be too difficult for him. of thy children do what is wrong.” But afterwards, when he knelt down as Do you know anything, dear children, usual to pray, he said with deep earnest of this sorrow for sin ? When you have nege, “ O my God, make me to burn this done wrong do you repent of it, and ask day with pure oil.”

God to forgive you? Are you in the In his evening prayers he frequently habit of praying, not merely because you mentioned his desires to his mother, and have been taught to do so, but because e begged her to put them into words; but you love it, and cannot do without it?

he often expressed his feelings in language Besides loving prayer, little Frank loved of his own, such as this : “O God, grant to read God's word. I can hardly tell you that I may stick to thee as close as the how great his joy was when he had for the snail stuck to the rock, and could not be first time a new Bible of his own. He got off.” The idea had come into his head had before used one that had belonged to through what he had seen in the rock his brother; and that he still continued to garden near the house.

read; but he kept the new one for his pri“Mamma,” he said once, “ I wanted to vate use in his own little room: and many be a good boy at my lessons this morning, are the striking verses marked in it by his and when I was going to begin I asked hand. And the following instance, among God to make me good, and help me; and many others, shows that little Frank not my lessons, which seemed so difficult only read the Scriptures, but thought

yesterday, were not difficult at all to-day, about what he read. * but very pleasant and very easy."

When reading, one Sunday evening, the His mother, in her reply, spoke of God's twenty-eighth chapter of Matthew, with his goodness in permitting and inviting little mamma, he stopped after the fourth and children, as in the words of the Saviour | fifth verses, and said, “I think there is (Matt. xix. 14), to come to him in all their such a meaning in that word YE, there." difficulties; and Frank exclaimed with His mother did not at once catch his idea, great animation, “Oh yes! indeed God and said, “How is it that you mean, love ?" does answer prayer: I know that."

" Why, in the verse before, we are told “But how?"

that the keepers and guards did fear and "Oh, mamma, sometimes when I do shake. Then it is said, 'Fear not ye, ye feel very naughty, I have prayed to God seek JESUS ;' they that seek Jesus need to make me good—to give me a good never be afraid !” heart to please him; and, do you know, he Dear children, are you seeking Jesus ? has just done it, and not let me be Little Frank loved the Saviour: do you naughty any more."

love him ? This dear boy was very young His mother talked to him of the com when he began to serve God: ought not fort of private prayer, and observed, that you to begin to walk in his ways, and to when we cannot go alone by ourselves, we do his will ? Think about this; and ask can lift up our hearts to God in the midst God to put his fear in your heart; and of business or of people.

next Sunday you shall, perhaps, hear some1 “Oh yes,” he answered ; " for I do not | thing more of little Frank's childhood.

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