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sionary for Christ. Once, when reading PART II.

an account of a young man who attended Little Frank early learnt to be self and comforted his dying mother, the redenying and useful. He was about five mark was made, “ Well, Frankie, I should years of age when a fever broke out in the like to have you beside me when I die.” village ; and one day he found his mother He inquired with an affectionate earnest. in her room, making up bundles of cloth ness, “ Mamma, dear, when do you think ing. 6 What are these for, mamma ?you will die ?"

He was told that they were for the sick His mother told him that the time of children. His interest was immediately our death is in God's hands. “But why awakened, and he asked if he might not | do you ask, Frank ? give them something.

"Because, you know, mamma, if I am “But you have not anything of your 1 old enough to go to the heathen I cannot own, Frankie, except the clothes you wear be with you." and the meals you eat; so how can you But Frank did not wait till he was "old help them?”

enough to go to the heathen” before be He caught up the words “the meals tried to do good. The greater portion of his you eat," and said, “I should like to send pocket-money was given to missionary ob. them half of all my meals : do let me.” jects, and he also endeavoured to be a home

Consent was given without much 'missionary himself. During a stay of thought; and from that time, while the | some months in the Isle of Wight, when fever lasted, he never tasted food until he | he was eight years old, one of his favourite had first put a full half of whatever it was employments was to distribute tracts in into the children's bowl. Nor was he ever, the roads and streets of Ventnor; and in reminded: it was his own first thought. the summer Sunday evenings, when walkHis father was accustomed to give him, ing to church, he would run on ahead of after dinner, a small biscuit, and to his the family, and entering the public teste mother's surprise this too was divided gardens, give a tract to each person. The every day. Even if he received a piece of gift was always accompanied with 80 bread at any hour the half was silently pleasing a smile, that he never received devoted to the “ children's bowl.”

either a refusal or an unkind word. At another time he consulted one of his And in the course of his daily walks he sisters as to whether if he left off eating became acquainted with a very old woman, biscuits he might have their value in living in a cottage by herself. As she had money ; because, if so, he would make not received any education, be asked leave over his share to the The to call and read the Bible to her; and this bargain was concluded, and he never de- | act of real kindness he continued until his parted from it until he received a regular return home. His mother was afterwards weekly allowance of pocket-money, and informed by a Christian friend, that these had thus money of his own to dispose of. visits seemed to have been blessed to the

But it had been his daily treat to have a poor benighted woman. nice biscuit from his papa while sitting When Frank was asked one day by upon his knees and listening to a story. some friends of the family-and he was The story was told as usual, but no per then scarcely five years old-whether he suasion could induce Frankie to eat the would like to be a judge, he answered, “I biscuit. His papa, not knowing of the think I should like better still to teach the agreement, tried to coax him to eat.

children about the Bible, to tell them “No, thank you, papa."

about Jesus, and how he loved them, and “But why not, Frank? You used to hung upon the cross for them; for that be so fond of your bit of biscuit : have would make them love him; and if they you taken a dislike to it?".

loved him they would be good, and not “I never eat biscuit now, papa."

need to be judged at all." This perseverance in the refusal from Frank grew day by day more lovely and day to day puzzled his father, until it was gentle in conduct. He was dutiful, indus. explained to him. The child had kept the trious, and very careful in doing what was matter quite secret, under the impression | right. His tenderness of conscience mode that acts of benevolenco should not be, him willing to own his faults, and to seek boasted of, nor talked about.

for their forgiveness. On one occasion, Frank's great desire was to be a mis. | after some outburst of temper, his mother found him sobbing, and asked the reason. | death. You may be like the little girl He said that he wished to be alone. He who said once, " Mamma, don't all good was left, and his mother heard him engage children die soon!" But Frank did not in prayer, Upon her entrance, and asking die while a little boy: he grew up to be a the cause of his sorrow, and his anxiety to comfort to his parents and a blessing to be alone, Frank replied, with eyes filled all around him. And therefore it is not with tears, “I intended to tell you every: because I wish you to learn how to die thing, mamma; but I could not until I had happily that I have given you this account first confessed my sin to God, and ob of his childhood, but because I want to tained his pardon.”

teach you how to live rightly; for “ GodWho could help loving so sweet and liness hath the promise of the life that tractable a child ?

now is as well as of that which is to Perhaps you think I am going now to come.' tell you about dear little Frank's early

Gems from Golden Mines.

THE NAME LONGEST REMEM. I to remember how the love of Christ's BERED.

spouse is “strong as death”-a love that If you know the love of Christ, his is | many “waters cannot quench”--stooped the latest naine you will desire to utter :

to his car and said, “Do you remember his is the latest thought you will desire to

Jesus Christ ?" The word was no sooner form; upon him you will fix your last

uttered than it seemed to recall the spirit, look upon earth ; upon him your first in

hovering for a moment, ere it took wing heaven. When memory is oblivious of all

for heaven. Touched, as by an electric other objects—when all that attracted the

influence, the heart beats once more to the natural eyes is lost in the midst of death -

name of Jesus ; the features, fixed in death, when the tongue is cleaving to the roof f

relax; the countenance, dark in death, the mouth, and speech is gone, and sight is

lights up like the last gleam of day, and, gone, and hearing gone, and the right

with a smile, in which the soul passed hand, lying powerless by our side, has lost

away to glory, he replied, “Remember its cunning-Jesus! then may we remem

Jesus Christ !-dear Jesus Christ! He is ber thee! If the shadows of death are to

all my salvation, and all my desire."-Dr. be thrown in deepest darkness o'er the

Guthrie. valley, when we are passing along it to glory, may it be ours to die like that gaint, beside whose bed wife and children once

LIVING BY THE DAY. stood, weeping over the wreck of faded ONE of the reasons why Christians do faculties, and a blank, departed memory. not attain to fuller and deeper and richer One had asked him, “Father, do you life, is, that they do not live by the day. remember me?" and received no answer; Practically, they assume to themselves long and another, and another, but still no į lives-ample time for the performance of anawer. And then, all making way for those duties and the carrying out of those the venerable companion of a long and plans which should be begun at once. They loving pilgrimage--the tender partner of leave unsaid many words of cheer and many a past joy and sorrow-his wife counsel; they defer many kind acts; they draws near. She bends over him, and, as neglect to enter many a by-path of influher tears fall thick upon his face, she cries, ence, giving as an exouse, when conscience “ Do you not remember me?” A stare, but lifts up her quiet tone of reproach, “ Time it is vacant. There is no soul in those filmy epough yet : I can do it to-morrow." The eyes, and the seal of death lies upon those habit results from mental and moral inlips. The sun is down, and life's brief ertia ; from a desire common to all for pretwilight is darkening fast into a starless sent ease--"yet a little more sleep, a little night. At this moment, one, calm enough | more slumber.” One says, “I do not exerflow;

ciee the charity which I ought: I will, Before they rest they pass through the begin the New Year with a different spirit.” I strife, Another knows that he is penurious :

One by one; “Next week I'll begin to give more.” One Through the waters of death they enter life, y thinks he is not exerting any direct influ

One by one; ence for Christ : “to-morrow" he will be To some are the floods of the river still, more faithful to souls. Another sees bis As they ford on their way to the heaven's business suffering through lack of provi hill; dent forethought, and says, “Well, time To others the waves run fiercely and wild; enough yet: I'll look over matters sys- | Yet all reach the home of the undefiled, tematically soon.” The indolent man saye,

One by one! “Monday I will go to work." The ignorant man fancies that at some indefinite future

We, too, shall come to that river-side, time he will be wise. The impenitent man

One by one; Hopes that at some time in the ample here

We are nearer its waters each eventide, after he shall make his peace with God.

One by one; Many pangs would it take away from

We can hear the noise and dash of the death-bed reflections, were it our habit to

stream live by the day. Many lives that now seem

Now and again thro' our life's deep dream ! futile would be saved to the Master and to

Sometimes the floods all the banks o'era world sorely in need of labourers. The gain in peace of conscience would be almost

Sometimes in ripples the small waves go, immeasurable. There are probably very

One by one! few who, were the angel of death to knock

Jesus ! Redeemer! we look to thee, for admittance at the close of some day in

One by one ; the midst of what is called “a career of

We lift up our voices tremblingly, active usefulness," would not say with

One by one; sudden dismay, “Why, I have not really

The waves of the river are dark and cold; begun my life. I have been getting ready

We know not the spot where our feet maj to live. I am not yet prepared to give hold: account of one day of full living !"— Tract

Thou who didst pass thro' in deep midJournal.

Strengthen us; send us the staff and the

One by one!

Piant thou thy feet be-ide as we tread, Tey are gathering homeward from every

One by one; land,

On thee let us lean each drooping head, One by one, ***

One by one; As their weary feet touch the shining strand, Let but thy strong arm around us bo One by one,

twined, Their brows are enclosed in a golden crown, / We shall cast all our fears and cares to the Their travel-stained garments are all laid wind : down,

Saviour! Redeemer! with thee full in And clothed in white raiments, they rest view, on the mead

Smilingly, gladsomely, shall we pass Where the Lamb loveth his chosen to lead, through, One by one!

One by one!

Our Missions.


tive of the progress of Divine truth and its . The accounts from the various mission effects upon the people among whom the stations during the last few months pre missionaries laisur. Thus from the missiou sent several interesting incidents illustra- ' in Brittany we learn that no little oppositioa

has been awakened on the part of the not displeased. I am come to you having Romish priests in the town of Guingamp, my loins girt about with truth; for we where Mr. Bouhon has for a short time have to wrestle not against flesh and blood, past been permitted to preach. The intro but against principalities, against the rulers duction of the missionary to this Breton of the darkness in high places; and,” said he town arose from visiting there a few Pro to the priest, “ I think it is you that is testant families. Divine worship has been meant there." Hearing this, the priest held in the house of the commandant of turned his back and went away. cavalry, to which a few Catholics were at The confidence which the holy and contracted. But the attention of the entire sistent character of our missionary inspires, body of inhabitants was more particularly is shown by the following incidents. A drawn to the Gospel at the interment of a lady (a Catholic) waited till Mr. Bouhon young man whom Mr. Bouhon was re arrived at Guingamp, in order to confide quested to bury. Although a Protestant, to him a sum of money she wished to his funeral was attended by the principal transmit safely to Morlaix. She refused a people of the town; even the maire was receipt for the deposit, saying that she present. More than 800 persons listened | knew it would safely reach its destination. to the preaching of Christ, « tbe resurrec | At Brest there is a lawyer (a Protestant) Sion and the life.” Some workmen chose to whom most priests in the department jo forego a day's work to listen to the word | entrust their money matters in preference of God. The town of Guingamp swarms to Roman Catholic practitioners. A simiwith priests ; convents are met with in lar manifestation of confidence was shown lmost every street. No wonder that the to Mr. Wobley, of Jacmel, when he last roceedings at the Protestant's grave ex went to Jamaica. Persons whose daughited their anger. On the following Sun- | ters were in the convent at Kingston, lay the missionary was denounced from wished him to take over money to pay for he altar; and one of the priests even went their schooling, although they might have o Morlaix, there to declaim against the sent it by Catholic acquaintances who went Protestant heresy now spreading widely - by the same steamer. n the department. The result is the pro. Our readers are acquainted with some able permanent establishment of Pro portion of the history of a Hindu, by name estant worship in Guingamp, and the Subha Chund, whose conversion is detailed ddition of several persons to the Church in the Annual Report. During a visit reof God.

cently paid to his village by the Rev. John At Morlaix, a Breton countryman, living Gregson, the following interesting facts n the mountains twelve miles off, lately were learned. He owns a considerable alled on Mr. Jenkins with his son for quantity of land, on much of which he eligious conversation. Some twelve years cultivates the sugar-cane. The fields about go he had received a tract, which awakened Ronah are watered by a canal. But Subha n him a desire to know more of the truth Chund's neighbours refused him water for

taught. Not long since, he, therefore, his fields, because he had become a Cbrissought a New Testament of the Scripture

tian. This was no pleasant prospect. eader. By the blessing of God on its | What was he to do? Without water his erusal he became an altered man, bringing crops would be lost. He resorted to the ip his family of eight children in the know throne of grace, and God heard his prayer. edge of Christ Jesus. His eldest son

| A short time after, when his crops were eems to have received into his heart the fading through the refusal of his foes, the vord of life. The change brought upon bank of the canal broke down; his fields, im persecution. His landlord threatened and no others, were flooded, and his crops o deprive him of the slate quarry by which were saved. le lives. He replied, “ You have a right On another occasion he was hard put to o do what you like with your own pro

it, and his faith sorely tested. He had perty ; but I cannot give up my religious been preaching against idols in his own views. I put the salvation of my soul village. Now in that village was the tomb above all other things." The landlord left of a Mobammedan, a reputed saint; and a him in peace. The priest now took him to large number of Hindus, including all the task. He had books which it was for people of Ronah, used to worship there. bidden to read. The convert replied, “I le pointed to this tomb and rebuked them have indeed the Gospel of our Saviour. Be for their folly. “ Well," they replied, “ if

this saint is nothing, destroy his tomb, and that I should dig it up." They replied, if you are alive ten days after, we won't “ Yes, we are ; and if after destroying is : worship him again." This challenge rather you shall live ten days, we will betiere startled him. He was then but a young | what you sar, that the saint and bis tomb Christian of a few months' standing; and are nothing." At once he set to work and to lay rough bands on an object which demolished it with his own hands. The through all his life he had been taught to people gazed with astonishment, doubtles reverence, was something he shrank from. feeling something like the barbarians wher! Still he felt it but right and reasonable that the viper darted from the fire and set th he should accept the challenge, and that if | upon the hand of Paul. They looked he did not his character would be im expecting to see some terrible pubisbmest peacher and his influence injured. He fall upon Subha Chand. Ten days passed made it a matter of earnest prayer, and away; months passed away; and now two went to bed unhappy and perplexed. In years have gone, Subha Chund and his the night he saw a vision. Two beautiful family still live to testify for Christ. gentlemen came to him, and said, “Why Many of the villagers have been as good s do you fear to destroy the tomb ? it is now their word, and his portion of the village thing, and cannot harm you." From that has not since worshipped at an idol's shrine, moment his fears vanished. He awoke ! and a deep impression has been made in a lighthearted and resolved. The first thing wide district. It is the purpose of Mr. in the morning he called the villagers Gregson during the coming cold season to around the tomb. He said, “I do not spend some months amongst this interest fear this tomb, nor anything that may be ing people. in it; but I fear you. Are you willing



dential advisers, and, surrounded by them, dell'

like a Rehoboam, his intelligent prime ministre By the time this Magazine reaches the hands of and all the wortbier advisers and heads of the its readers, Parliament, it is expected, will have people. Mr. Ellis concludes his letter with the been dismissed. This will have been closed & remark, “Our missionary prospects seem to feel session less valuable as to its results than any on a better foundation than ever.” It is, however, since the carrying of the Reform Bill. The pro a painful fact that the death of Radama II. shol ceedings during the past month have been worthy enable the veteran missionary to write thus. H of those in the earlier part of the session; and later tendencies had been so little kporn that is all that needs to be said about them.

England, that we remembered him-as alone

wish to remember him-as the protector and the The American news, at the time we write, is

of the native Christians, when his kindness intolat entirely in farour of the North, Vicksburg has at length been taken, and the Confederate invaders

great personal danger. It is probable that insan of Pennsylvania have been driven back by General

was the cause of the irregularities wbich marks Mende with great loss. There are some amongst us

the closing period of his reign. who are gapguine enough to hope that we have A most interesting event occurred on the 24th now seen “the beginning of the end” of this June in connection with the annual meeting

Rawdon College. A memorial-appropriate, has sanguinary struggle.

some, and emphatically well deserved ---Wasper Poland continued her struggle for independence.

sented to the "Rev. Dr. Acworth, on behalf of The Rugsian reply to the «notes” of the three

large number of his friends. on his retireme great Powers has been received by them, and it

from the presidency of the college, which be sa concedes everything except an armistice. It is

held for twenty-seven years. The memorial coba not considered that the reply is satisfactory, and

sisted of a beautiful bust of the Doctor, by further communications are being prepared.

eminent sculptor M. Noble. Esq., and it was Perhaps the most important foreign news of the

companied by a gift of 500 guineas. Tho pro month is from the island of Madagascar. The King,

sentation was made in appropriate terms of Radama, from whose influence in favour of Chris

Rev. J. P. Chown, of Bradford, and was acknot. tianity so much was at one time expected, has

tianity:30ed by a noma to the the husband: little

ledged in an eloquent and most touching ada been killed by a number of his nobles, and his by Dr. Acworth. Several speakers, including Queen has been raised to the throne which had

venerable Dr. Godwin and the Rer, C. II. BUT been occupied by her murdered husband. Ac

of Liverpool, expressed, in appropriate lang cording to Mr. Ellis, King Radama had so little

their regard and esteem for the retiring press fitness to rule, that “almost all government, for

who is succeeded in his official position by the the good of the country, may be said to have been

classical tutor, the Rev. S. G. Green, B.A. in abeyance ever since his accession." Worst of Our readers will see with pleasure the same all, he made the worst of the people his confi- I ment, in another column, of the opening

le opening of s bar

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