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Our Missions.


Lord's day afternoon. It is a very gratify. COLINGAH BAPTIST CHURCH.

ing feature in the character of this native Our readers are aware that for some church, that it strives to be a missionary years this church, established under the | church. auspices of the Calcutta missionaries, and The following relation of the additions for awhile under the pastoral care of the made to this community, and of the results Rev. J. Wenger, is now a self-supporting of the year's labours, will be read, we are church, having for its pastor our esteemed sure, with deep and grateful interest :native brother Goolzar Shah. Its annual “ The Lord has not suffered the labours meetings are occasions of great interest. of his servants to be altogether fruitless ; Not only do the members of the congrega two women from among the Muhammadan, tion assemble to review the proceedings of and six from among the nominal Christian the year, but usually the service is attended community, have been added to the church by large numbers of native Christians from by the rite of baptism. Also two Muhamthe churches to the south of Calcutta, as well madans and one Hindu are frequently as by native brethren of our own and other de coming to us for religious instruction. nominations from Calcutta itself. This year Our preachers have been cheered by the large chapel in Circular Road, in which the very remarkable attention paid to the the Rev. A. Leslie ministers to an English preaching of God's holy word by their congregation, was completely filled with audience ; several of those who in former native auditors. The Rev. Geo. Rouse took years were disposed to cavil and raise objecthe chair, and resolutions were moved by tions against our most holy faith, only with the Revs. J. Wenger, G. Highfield, of the the view of annoying the preacher, have Wesleyan Mission ; Soorjokoomar Ghose, become earnest and attentive listeners, and of the London Mission; and our venerable those whose visits to our preaching places long-tried brother Shujaat Ali.

were very infrequent, now come often to The cash account of the church showed hear the word of life. While one of the a total receipt of £70 168., of which sum brethren of this church was preaching, a £20 19s. 6d. were the contributions of ceriain Hindu, an up-countryman, listened members of the church. A native preacher attentively, and then placed at the feet of is sustained from the church funds. He the preacher two oranges, one pice, and a was already a member of the church, and four-anna piece, and went away. The for this good work left a profitable situa preacher called after him, but he never tion in a Government office, and relin came back. The money has accordingly quished the prospect of promotion. His been put into the church collection-box as services are invaluable in Hindustani an offering at the feet of our Emanuel by preaching. He always gathers around him | one who is still a heathen. May the Lord large congregations to listen, while in bring him to his own fold soon. earnest strains he unfolds to them the story "The number of members in church of the Cross. Other members also assist in fellowship at the beginning of 1862 was spreading abroad the word of God. Thus | forty-four. In the course of the year fourthe Gospel has been preached in many teen have been received into the church parts of the city, shops and houses visited, (eight by baptism, four by letter from other and 3,000 tracts and Gospels distributed churches, and two by restoration), making during the year. The pastor and two other a total of fifty-eight. Of these, nine have brethren, during two months in the last joined Baptist churches in other places, two cold season, made an extensive preaching have been excommunicated, and one bas tour to the north of Calcutta. All these entered into his rest; leaving forty-six labours are carried on in addition to the members in full communion with this usual weekly and Lord's day services. church at the beginning of this year, Prayer-meetings are also held from house “Of the eight received into the church to house, and a female class meets for the by baptism, five are women and three men. instruction of seinale members on the Of the five women two were formerly

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followers of the false prophet, and a , to receive instruction from the lips of our short account of their conversion may be venerable friend Munshi Shojáut Ali. She interesting.

was baptized on the 5th of October, 1862. “The first is an old woman who has for May the Lord grant that every servant and thirty years been engaged as a domestic maidservant in every Christian family may in the house of Mrs. Andrews, of Tiljalla. become a follower of the Lord. Last year she was attacked with a very “ One of our brethren has been received severe illness, and Mr. H. Andrews on that into glory. His name was Ramjiban Naskor. Occasion pointed out to her the true Refuge ; He had been for many years excommunihe pastor of this church also, accompanied cated from the church, but about two years by two other brethren, visited her, and she ago he remembered his first love, and bebegan to think seriously, and at last began came very regular in his attendance on the

pray, and committed herself entirely ordinances of Divine grace. One lovely anto the Lord, who has bought us with a feature in Ramjiban's character was, that price. He that opened Lydia's heart, opened | he was always most frank, and whenever the heart of this old woman also. By the | overtaken in a fault he would candidly blessing of God she recovered from her confess it. During his last illness he was llness, and then exclaimed, 'I was dead often heard to exclaim, “It is good to be a sin, but the Lord Jesus has given me with the Lord !'' to depart and to be with ife; I shall devote myself to his service for Christ is far better than to abide in the fe.' She received further instruction after flesh ! A little before his death, he rehe had been completely restored to health, quested one of the brethren connected with nd began to attend church regularly, I this church who was near him, to read the Ithough the distance she has to walk each word of God and offer up prayer : at the ime is more than two miles, which must time of reading, Ramjiban lifted up his bead e trying for a woman of her age. She was and began to look at the place. After aptized on the 1st of June, 1862. Now prayer had been offered up, Ramjiban began he is rejoicing in the Lord. May the Lord to say 'Lord, Lord, and with these words eep his aged handmaid as the apple of his he committed his spirit to the Lord who ye, preserve her blameless unto her life's has bought him with a price. His body nd, and at last present her faultless before was committed to its kindred dust, there 'he throne, through the merits and worthi to repose till the last trumpet shall disturb ess alone of our blessed Redeemer.

the slumbers of the tomb, and make our The other woman that has been bap vile bodies to be fashioned like unto the ized is the ayah of Mrs. Campagnac. At glorious body of our adorable Emanuel, er house she had heard of the unspeakable fit receptacles of an immortal spirit that ve of Christ, and the utter baselessness of shall know neither sorrow nor sin. We luhammadanism : she had been in the have reason to hope that Ramjiban died in abit of attending some of the places where the Lord. 'Blessed are the dead which die ur preachers were wont to preach the in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith fospel. When Mr. Campagnac's mother. | the Spirit, that they may rest from their -law was baptized and joined the Colingah labours; and their works do follow hurch, the ayah also had a desire to know them." he way of God more perfectly, and began |

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ing of the new hall in that town, has gone with GENERAL.

the Princess to a residence in the neighbourhood PARLIAMENT having closed at the beginning of

of Balmoral, there to enjoy a little rest and retire. month, we are now in the midst of the “dull

ment after the fatigues of the past few months. son." Statesmen and Members of Parliament

If that nation be happy which has no history, scattered all over the Continent, or are shoot. England is happy enough just now. on the moors; the Queen has gone on her Foreign affairs, however, are still of some inte

annual excursion to Germany; and the rest. The American war drags its slow length along,

e of Wales, after having honoured the Dis. the advantage being, however, now decidedly with uung Mayor of Halifax with a visit, at the open. I the Federals. The diplomatic correspondence with


Poland goes forward, the probabilities at present being apparently in farour of peace rather than of war. Letters from India state that the notorious

:. Nana Sahib has been captured, and that papers

hanc were found on him which discover another extensive conspiracy.

The Queen has written to the Mayor of Birmingham respecting the dreadful accident to the “Female Blondin" in the Aston Park. Her Majesty expresses her pain and “personal feel. ings of horror," and remarks on the demoralizing taste for such performances, and on the degradation of the park, which the Prince Consort had opened for such different purposes to such exhibi. tions. The Queen's letter has been followed by another from the Home Secretary to the directors of Aston Park, who lamely excuse themselves.

Mr. Newman Hall has published a long and strong remonstrance to the editors of “Good Words," " The Evangelical Magazine,” and other religious periodicals which have admitted the advertisement from the clergy of the Confederate States. He thinks that, notwithstanding the license allowed in the case of advertisements, it does not extend to vindicating of slavery, Southern slavery especially, any more than to advertisements in favour of infidelity and licentiousness. To us the document referred to appears calculated to produce but one impression on moderately intelligent Christians - that American slavery, like some other awful crimes, can entirely subvert the moral judgment of those who are guilty of it. We can hardly, however, justify the insertion of such a frightfully false, pharisaical, and unchristian paper, even as an advertisement, without some indication on the part of the editor of his judgment respecting it.

Our brethren of the German Baptist Mission have just held their sixth Triennial Conference at Hamburg. Interesting accounts of the meetings appear in The Freeman. We have only room here to state that the mission is being spiritually much blessed, though suffering severely from the want of funds. During the last three years 4,658 persons have been baptized; and there has been a clear increase in the membership of the churches during that time of 3,367. The present number of members is 11,275. Nine new churches have been formed during the three years, and 327 stations established for preaching the Gospel. The English churches were represented at the conference by the Revs. F. Trestrail and W. Walters, and by several other friends.

Mr. Henry Grattan Guinness has become a Plymouth Brother, and has renounced the title “Reverend." The Londonderry Standard says,“Having relinquished for the time the Baptist communion, Mr. Guinness has now commenced in this country a propagandist mission in connection with the Plymouth Brethren,' to whom he had attached himself in Canada, as our readers are aware, and during the last week or two he has been addressing meetings in Belfast, for the seeming purpose of holding up Presbyterians to the contempt of the religious public, as a set of the worst heathens he has ever met with under the guise of professing Christians.”

We hear that the University of Chicago has conferred the honorary degree of D.D. on the Rev. J. Aldis, of Reading. The University of Rochester has also conferred the degree of LL.D. on Mr. E. B. Underhill. Mr. Aldis, in a letter to The Freeman, expresses his wish that the title of Doctor may not be given to him by his friends.

WORCESTER. - The memorial - stone of a new Baptist chapel was laid in Worcester on Tuesday, July 28th. The principal contributor is Mr. E. B. Evans, of Whitbourne Hall, one of the partners in the wealthy firm of Hill, Evans, and Co., of the Worcester Vinegar Works. Mr. Evans has given £1,500 towards the new building, on condition of a similar sum being raised by the rest of the con. gregation. The new edifice is to be in the decorated style, and will accommodate about 900 persons, school children included, and will consist of a nave with aisles, supporting a lofty and steeppitched open timber roof; small transepts, suffi. cient to give a cruciform character to the strue. ture: with a turret and handsome spire at the south-west angle. The cost of the whole is estimated at £3, 600, towards which £2,600 has been already contributed. On the day named the congregation assembled in the Silver Street Chapel, when the Rev. N. Haycroft, M.A., preached an excellent discourse from Mark xiii. 34. After this service an adjournment was made to the site of the new building, when, after singing and prayer, the Rev. H. E. Sturmer delivered an address. Mrs. E. B. Evans then laid the stone, under which were deposited a history of the church, a ground-plan of the building, and copies of The Freeman, The Nonconformist, and the local papers. The Rev. N. Haycroft then gave a lengthened and able exposition of the principles of the denomination for whose use the obapel was to be erected, and the Rev. J. Bartlett, on behalf of the Worcester Independents, congratulated Mr. Sturmer and his people on the event of the day. In the evening a tea-meeting was held in the Guildhall, where about 500 persons were present, and where, under the presidency of Alderman T. R. Hill, addresses were delivered by Mr. Hanson (the treasurer), the Rev. J. Bartlett, the Rev. N. Haycroft, the Rev. J. Green (of Hebden Bridge, Yorkshire), the Rev. H. E. Sturmer, and the Rev. B. Bird.

NEWPORT, MONMOUTUSHIRE.--The recognition services of the Rev. E. Thomas as pastor of the newly formed English Baptist church at Pillgwenlly, Newport, and the laying of the memorialstone of the new chapel, now in course of erection, for the use of that church, took place on the 15th and 16th of July. At seven o'clock in the evening of the 15th a sermon was preached in Commercial Street Chapel by the Rev. D. Evans, of Dudley, On Thursday, at eleven, the recognition services took place at the same chapel. An address was given by the Rev. E. Roberts, Bethel, on the nature of a Christian church, and the circumstances which led to the establishment of a new English church at Pillgwenlly. The Revs. R. Griffiths and N. Thomas, of Cardiff, followed, the former in an address on the necessary qualifica. tions of a Christian minister, the latter in a statement of the duties of Christian churches. At three in the afternoon a large concourse of people met at the new building for the purpose of witnessing the ceremony of laying the memorial-stone. The service was commenced by the Rev. D. Morgan, Blaenavon, and addresses were given by the Revs. J. Williams, Stow Hill, Newport, and D. Evans, Dudley, after which the memorial-stone was laid by the Mayor, G. W. Jones, Esq. At four a public tea-meeting was held in the new market place, where upwards of 1,000 persons sat down together. At seven a public meeting was held at the same place, when addresses were delivered by the Revs, J. Williams, Newport; D. Evans, Dudley; N. Thomas, and R. Griffiths, Cardiff; E. Roberts, Rev. P. Bailhache, of Salisbury, from Isaiah lix. 1. Thus terminated the proceedings of an interesting day, which the friends at Damerham will long remember with pleasure.

Bethel; D. Morgan, Blaenavon; J, Morgan, St. Bride's, and others. The chair was occupied by the Rev, E. Thomas, pastor of Pillgwenlly church. An English Baptist chapel is greatly needed in this part of the town. It will be of good size--71 feet by 42. The church already numbers upwards of 120 members, while there are several now waiting for baptism.

ROMSEY, HANTS. ---Some most interesting meetings were held on Tuesday, August 4th, at Bell Street Chapel, Romsey, on the occasion of the public recognition of the Rev. Clarence Chambers, of the Rev. C. H. Spurgeon's Col. lege, as pastor of the church in that place. The recognition service was held at three o'clock in the afternoon, and was well attended, the chapel being nearly filled. The Rev. J. Collins commenced by reading and prayer. The usual questions of the church and nastor were asked by the Rev. J. B. Bart, of Beaulieu, and were satisfactorily answered by Mr. G. Harris, one of the deacons, on behalf of the church, and by the pastor. The Rev. G. Rogers, senior tutor of the Metropolitan Tabernacle Col. lege, delivered some judicious counsels to the new pastor. This charge was followed by some appropriate admonitions to the church by the Rev. J. B. Burt. Notwithstanding the showers of rain which continued to fall during the afternoon, a good company of nearly 200 adjourned to the Yew Hall to partake of tea, which was provided by the ladies of the congregation. In the evening another meeting was held in the chapel, still more numerously attended, the chapel being quite filled. At seven o'clock F. Backell, Esq., took the chair. After singing and prayer, which was offered by the Rev. S. Sincox, a former pastor, and some introductory remarks hy the chairman, some most stirring speeches, which were listened to with deep attention, were made by the Revs. G. Rogers, W. Burton, Dr. Perrey, J. Collins, J. Burt, W. Shearne, and the pastor. An appeal was made to the practical sympathy of the friends, for the purpose of building an upper school-room upon the vestry, to serve also as end gallery to the chapel. The collection and the profits of the tea amounted to £11.

DAMERHAM, WILTS. --The foundation-stone of the new Baptist chapel in this village was laid on Wednesday, July 29th. The weather was most favourable, and a numerous assembly of persons gathered together from Damerham and the neighbourhood. After singing and prayer, a short statement was made by the pastor of the church, the Rev. W. Earney. A bottle was then deposited beneath the stone, containing a local newspaper, a few small coins, and a piece of parchment, on which was written a record of the proceedings of the day, also an account of the fire on the 11th of May last, by which twenty-eight dwelling-houses and many other buildings were destroyed, together with the old chapel, erected in the year 1833, by the late Mr. Rhodes. The stone was then laid, in a proper and efficient manner, by Williara Taunton, Esq., of Redlynch, near Downton; after which an aldress suitable to the occasion was delivered by the Rer, J.T. Collier, of Downton. Contributions, chiefly in small sums, were offered, and placed on the stone, to the amount of £1. The friends then retired to the Independent chapel, which was kindly placed at their disposal, and here the chilciren of the Sabbath and day schools drank tea together to celebrate the laying of the stone. The friends assembled afterwards, refreshed and enjoyed themselves in a similar way, and in the evening a public religious service was held, at which 3: impressive sermon was preached by the

HOUGHTON REGIS, BEDS.-On Thursday, July 16th, the foundation-stone of a new Baptist chapel was laid at Houghton Regis, Beds. At seven o'clock a.m. a prayer-meeting was held to ask the blessing of God upon the undertaking. At halfpast two the foundation-stone was laid by the Rev. J. Russell, of Blackheath, who delivered an appropriate address. The Rev. D. Gould, of Dunstable, afterwards gave a history of the church, which he traced back to the vear 1751. Corner-stones were laid by Mrs. T. D. Cook, of Brewer's Hill; Mrs. M. H. Davies, of Blackheath ; Miss Annshee, of Lewsey; and Miss Cook, of Bramingham. In the evening the Rev. W. Brock preached to a large and attentive congregation from Phil. ii. 9-11. The offerings made were most liberal: £3 waa laid upon the foundation-stone, £5 upon each of the corner-stones, and about £20 in smaller sums upon different bricks. The luncheon and tea, which were given by members of the congregation, yielded a large sum to the funds. The collections, including those of the previous Sabbath, amounted to £16. From these and other sources the total so nearly reached £100 that a friend generously offered to make it up to that sum. The building will be a noble monument to the power of voluntary effort. The style is to be Brzantine, and the design re. flects great credit upon the architect, Mr.J. Neale, of Bristol, who has inore than usually combined economy with effect. The contract has been taken by Mr. J. Tofield, of Houghton Regis, for the moderate sum of £800. An additional sum of £200 at least will be needed to improve the approach and finish the schools. £750 has already been subscribed ; so that there remains, it may be said, £300 yet to be provided.

CANNON STREET, BIRMINGHAM.-A meeting was held in Cannon Street Chapel, Birmingham, on Tuesday evening, July 21st, for the purpose of presenting an expression of affection and esteem to the Rev. Isaac Lord and Mrs. Lord. The chair was ocenpied by Mr. J. H. Hopkins, who, in an appropriate address, opened the meeting. Mr. Hopkins also presented to Mr. Lord, on behalf of the congregation, a silver tes service, and an affectionate address. Mr. Lord, after a short pause, related the circumstances which had led to his resignation, and said that, acting upon medical advice, he had determined to give up all ministerial engagements and responsibilities at least for one year ; that already he had felt convinced of the wisdom of the step he had taken, for not only was he physically better, but he had a growing convic. tion that his retirement would promote his spiritual life and happiness. After some words of earnest and affectionate coupsel, he concluded by again heartily thanking his friends on his own behalf, and on behalf of Mrs. Lord, for the expressions of affection and esteem which had then been presented to them. Addresses were then delivered by the Rev. J. J. Brown, the Rev. R. D. Wilson, Mr. Jordan, Mr. Tolkien, Mr. Henson, and other gen. tlemen. In addition to the above testimonial, it was announced that the female Bible-clags over which Mrs. Lord presided, and by whom she is greatly beloved, had presented her with a very elegant and valuable writing-desk.

KEIGHLEY, YORKSHIRE - On Monday, July 27th, the foundation-s one of a new Baptist chapel, to be erected near to Skipton Road, Keighley, was laid by Mr. J. Hodson, of Sunderland House, Brearley. The attendance of spectators was large.

After a brief devotional service, the Rev. W. E. , the newly elected pastor a cordial welcome; the Goodman, the minister of the present chapel, read i Rev. J. Hargreaves (Independent), of Morecom2 short historical sketch of the progress of the blake, offered prayer; and practical and appropriBaptist church in Keighley from 1808 to the pre ate addresses were delivered by the Revs. S. sent time. Interesting and eloquent addresses Pearce, of Crewkerne, and W. Wills, of Musbury: were delivered by the Revs. H. Dowson, Bradford, G. M. Jackson, Esq., of Fairfield, Lyme; Mr. and Dr. Brewer, Leeds, which were followed by Perrott, of Axminster; and the Rev. D. Jennings. the ceremony of laying the stone. The Rev. A. M. The late Rev. A. Wayland was pastor of this Stalker, of Southport, offered the dedicatory church for more than forty years, and it is earprayer, and the Rev. W. E. Goodman pronounced nestly hoped that his successor will restore the the benediction. The style of architecture is same peace and prosperity with which he was Byzantine, freely treated. Accommodation will be favoured. provided for 800 sittings. The basement floor will be fourteen feet high, and will contain a large school KINGSTON-ON-THAMES.-On Tuesday, July 21st, room, a lecture-room capable of holding 150 per the foundation-stone of the new Baptist chapel sons, a vestry for the minister, a tea-room, and was laid by J. Stiff, Esq., of Lambeth. Although four class-rooms. The front elevation will be the weather was unfavourable a large number were handsome and unique in design. The contract for present at the ceremony. After laying the stone the whole of the building has been taken by the meeting adjourned to the Independent chapel, Messrs. Gibson and Maude, of Keighley, for when J. Stiff, Esq., the Revs. H. Bayley, W. £2,579 4s., exclusive of the iron-work, which will Barker, and N. F. Davin addressed the meeting. be supplied by Messrs. Clapham.

At five o'clock the friends adjourned for tea, which

was provided in the school-room. The public meet. ABERGELE, NORTH WALES.-A series of meet ing was held in the evening: J. Stiff, Esq., presided. ings were held in the new chapel at Abergele, on The Revs. L. H. Byrnes, G. S. Ingram, H. Bayley, the 13th, 14th, and 15th of July. Sermons were and N. F. Davin, also W. Higgs and H. Flent, preached by the Rev. Messrs. H. S. Brown, of Esqs., addressed the meeting, which, notwithLiverpool; R. Prichard, of Denbigh; Samuel, of standing the rain, was a very crowded one. The Rhuddlan; Jones, of Brymbo; James, of Llanelian; collections during the day amounted to £65. Jones, of Llanberis ; and Jones, of Conway. The English and the Welsh services were very well MINISTERIAL CHANGES.-The Rev. John O'Dell. attended, and many said that it was good to be of George Street Chapel, Hull, has resigned the pasthere. A chapel was much wanted at Abergele; torate in that place, having acceded to the unanibut to get one worthy of the denomination, in the mous request of the committee of the Baptist present state of progress, was almost hopeless for Irish Society to take the oversight of the station so few. But the chapel is a credit to the brethren. at Ratbmines, Dublin.-The Rev. W. Omant has It is built of limestone (rock-work). It measures resigned the pastorate of the church at Stow-on17 yards by 12, with a small vestry, and is very the-Wold, having accepted a unanimous invitation well finished. The whole cost of the land, deeds, from the church at Rickmansworth.-The Rev. S. and all other things, is not more than £162, and Walker has announced his intention to resign, at £180 have been collected and paid. Great exertions the end of September, the pastorate of the Baptist have been made, and very great economy exercised. church at Redruth.-The Rev. A. Spencer has If exertion to pay, on the one hand, and judicious resigned the pastorate of the church at Long care, on the other, be any recommendation for Preston, Yorksbire, having accepted the cordial help, the brethren at Abergele will undoubtedly invitation of the church at Cullingworth, near claim it.

Bingley, Yorkshire.-The Rev. A. Searle, late of HUSBANDS BOSWORTH, LEICESTERSHIRE,—The

Shaftesbury Hall, Aldersgate Street, London, ani? re-opening of the Baptist chapel in this village, after

formerly of the Rev. c. H. Spurgeon's College, considerable alterations and improvements, took

has accepted the unanimous invitation of the place on Thursday, July 23rd, when two excellent

church at Vernon Chapel, Bagnigge Wells Road, sermons were preached by the Rev. C. Vince, of Bir

London, to become its pastor, and will commingham, and J. Mursell, of Kettering. Between

mence his labours at the end of the prethe services about 100 persons sat down to tea, the

sent month.-The Rev. D. Oliver Edwards, late trays being gratuitously furnished by kind friends.

of Llandovery, Carmarthenshire, has accepted The proceeds of the day amounted to the hand

the unanimous invitation of the church at Cricksome sum of £20, making, with the sums col.

howell, Breconshire, and commenced his ministry lected and promised previously, £80 towards the

there at the latter end of August.—The Rev. E. £100 expended. The improvements made in this

Davis, Spaldwick, near Kimbolton, Hunts, having place of worship were highly satisfactory to the

intimated to the church his intention to resign the respectable and numerous parties who attended,

pastorate, is open to another engagement. -The and reflect great credit on all concerned. The

Rev. J. Walters has resigned the pastorate of the ministers in addition to the two named, who took

Baptist church, Broughton, Hants. His address part in the services, were the Revs. T. Lomas,

is, Trafalgar Road, Freemantle, Southampton.Leicester; T. Pottenger, Rawdon College; T.

The Rev. James Owen has resigned the pastorate Gough, Clipstone; R. Evans, Countesthorpe;

of the Baptist church, Aberdare, South Wales, and J. Cooper (Wesleyan), H. Braithwaite (Indepen

has accepted an invitation to the pastorate of the dent), and the pastor of the church.

church in Soho Street, Liverpool.-The Rev. W.

Bontems, of Hartlepool, Durham, has accepted a LYME REGIS, DORSET.-An interesting meeting cordial invitation to the pastorate of the church at in connection with the settlement of the Rev. D. Middlesborough, Yorkshire, and has commenced Jennings, as pastor of the ancient Baptist church bis labours there. The Rev. W. M'Phail, of Midin this town, was held on Wednesday, July 22nd. dlesborough, has accepted the pastorate of the About 200 persons sat down to tea, after which a church at dartlepool, vacated by the Rev. W. public meeting was held, when the chapel was well Bontems.--The Rev. J. H. Jones has resigned the filled. The Rev. J. Price, of Montacute, as senior pastorate of the church at Oundle, and is at liberty pastor in the Association, presided, and gave to to supply any destitute church.

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