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in holy sympathy, in the faith that regards | lamp burning." "Watch ye; stand fast in self as nothing and Christ as all, and then the faith.” « Quit you like men." "Be you shall know how the glory of tbe re- | strong.” “And to him that overcometh surrection can burst like a summer morn will Christ give to sit down with him upon ing on the dark valley of the shadow of his throne.” death. “Let your loins be girt, and your


My whole, though broken heart, O Lord,
From henceforth shall be Thine;
And here I do my vow record,
This hand, these words are mine.
All that I have, without reserve,
I offer here to Thee:
Thy will and honour all shall serve
That Thou bestow'dst on me.
All that exceptions save I lose ;
All that I lose I save;
The treasure of Thy love I choose,
And Thou art all I crave.
My God, Thou hast my heart and hand;
I all to Thee resign:
I'll ever to this covenant stand,
Though flesh hereat repine.
I know that Thou wast willing first,
And then mad'st me consent :
Having thus loved me at the worst,
Thou wilt not now repent.
Now I have quit all self-pretence,
Take charge of what's Thine own;
My life, my health, and my defence
Now lie on Thee alone.
Lord, it belongs not to my care,
Whether I die or live;
To love and serve Thee is my share,
And this Thy grace must give.
If life be long, I will be glad,
That I may long obey;
If short, yet why should I be sad,
That shall have the same pay ?
Christ leads me through no darker rooms
Than He went through before ;
He that into God's kingdom comes,
Must enter by this door.
Come, Lord, when grace hath made me meet
Thy blessed face to see ;
For if Thy work on earth be sweet,
What will Thy glory be?
Then I shall end my sad complaints,
And weary, sinful days;
And join with the triumphant saints,
That sing Jehovah's praise.
My kuowledge of that life is small,
The eye of faith is dim ;
But 'tis enough that Christ knows all,
And I sball be with Him.


Tales and Sketches.


if he wished to earn some money by helping THE harbour of Genoa rested in calmness to roll those barrels on board, he might do under the burning summer sun. As the so. Carlo was delighted with the offer; light breeze now and then swept across the and finding a shady place on the quay water, each little wave seemed formed of where he could leave his sister in safety, he purple and gold; and the city, with its ran off to work. palaces, its overhanging mountains, and its When evening came the captain praised mirror-like bay, well deserved its old name Carlo for his diligence, and told him that if of “Genoa the Magnificent."

he had no better work there was an empty But who is that dark-eyed boy, whose | berth for a cabin-boy on board his vessel. bare feet and tattered clothes contrast so Tears rushed into the boy's eyes, and in strangely with the scene around ? It is poor broken words he told his true, sad story. Carlo Frugoni. Six months ago Carlo had His parents dead-his dear little sistera home among those hills where grapes how could he leave her? No, no, he must festoon the rocky terraces, and the olive stay and work for her ; or if that could nct tree yields its fatness to each sheltered be found, they must starve together. The nook. But now the wide world must be captain was vrough man, who neither Carlo's home; for death had laid both his wanted babies nor barrel-organs on board parents in the grave; the vines and the his schooner ; but then there was a peaceful Olives were no longer his : 80, leading his cottage home in England, where a gentle little sister by one hand, while the other lady lived, who could speak in the same supported a strange, old-fashioned barrel soft tones as Carlo, and had left the sunny organ, he crept down into the busy city. land of Italy to be his wife; and there was

There were buying and selling, walking a little fair-haired boy, whose dark eyes and visiting, merry faces and sad ones too; were so like Maria's, that, brushing away but no one seemed to notice poor Carlo, or a rising tear, he told Carlo that if he the footsore little Maria, except, indeed, wished to see the world he might work when he tried to earn a morsel of food by his passage to London, and that they playing and singing a soft Italian air before would stow away Maria and the music the great houses of the principal street. | into some corner. A servant might so far notice him as to | The vessel sailed shortly after, and call out in an angry voice that be bad Carlo soon became a general favourite; better be off as quickly as possible. Nothing | and the sailors were often glad to pass was to be got among the rich,. 8o Carlo away an idle hour by listening to a merry turned to the narrow lanes in hope of tune, or watching the gambols of the orphan better success. But here each poor family girl. But a terrible trial awaited Carlo. had little boys and girls, with eyes as dark He had never learned to look above earth and mouths as hungry as those of the for a friend ; and now that his parents wanderers, and thought it better to keep were gone his love centred in Maria, and their scanty store of bread for the next every spare moment was spent in attending meal, instead of sharing it with the orphans. to her wants. Just as the vessel entered the At length the children found their way to Bay of Biscay the child was taken ill, and the quay, where a ship was just loading before they reached sight of the white cliffs with fruit for England. Carlo had often of England the poor little girl was buried heard his father say that the English were beneath the waves. And Carlo's heart very rich and often generous too; so he seemed buried too. The sound of that resolved to ask that gentleman who stood | heavy, gurgling plunge, as the sheeted form watching the sailors as they listed in boxes of his lovely little sister found its way to and barrels, and whom he guessed to be an ocean bed, never left his ears; the sight the captain, if he would be so kind as to of those closing waves so quietly folding give him something to buy bread for the over the buried child was always present little Maria. The captain did not like to his eye; while, alas! his soul was not beggars, and said he worked hard himself, brightened by the hope of that world where and gave nothing to idle people; but that. I there is no more sea. The sailors were often

alarmed at seeing him moodily hanging over ! ing up for a blessing, she resolved to offer the bulwarks, as if he longed to try the the same precious gift to her little country depth of those cold, dark waters; and man. So, drawing a small Italian Testa. though his work was done, his manner ment from her pocket, she again appeared was reserved, and bis replies sullen. As at the top of the steps, just as Carlo was soon as the schooner reached London, and about to retire. unloaded her cargo, Carlo went away, no “Little boy," she said in Italian, “ you one knew where. The barrel-organ was are far away from friends. If you can read, gone also, but neither captain nor crew here is a book which will tell you about a missed the smallest trifle that belonged to Friend always near, even about the good them.

Savipur, who died that poor sinners like Summer was giving place to early you and I, through believing on him, autumn when Carlo wandered to a fishing might reach the happy home above." village on the southern coast of England. Carlo listened with wonder, and turning His restless spirit had led him away from over the leaves, almost on the last page & that great city where he had for some line caught his attention. It was this: weeks gained a scanty livelihood by the “And the sea gave up the dead which were aid of his organ. He wanted to look once in it.” That was enough to insure the more at that loved, yet dreaded sea, where book a hearty reception. He took it with his little sister slept. He had walked far many thanks, and pressed it to his bosom. that day, and sat down to rest on some Day after day passed, and though Carlo steps which led to a pretty white cottage never called again at the cottage door, still in the middle of a garden. More to cheer some strong attraction seemed to bind him himself than in hope of attracting atten to the spot. He wandered up and down tion, he sang some words which he had among the country people, who often relearned among the grape-gatherers of his warded his music with a crust of bread or native hills; and he was not a little sur a drink of milk; but his leisure moments prised when the garden gate at the top of were devoted to the study of the Tesa the steps opened, and a little boy about tament. three years old, with his pinafore full of One morving he was passing at a short flowers, advancing towards him, said, distance from the garden where he had “ Freddy Manly will give his bright penny first seen his little friend Freddy. The to buy poor boy bread.” A lady now ap gate opened, and the child hurried down peared from behind the trees, holding a the steps all alone. Drawn by some child. One glance at the poor organ-boy, bright flowers which grew in a field, and as he expressed his thanks in broken Eng. not seeing that a railway-train was quickly lish, assured her that he had come from drawing nigb, he crossed the railway lines her native Italy.

which lay between. A minute more, and he She hastened back to the cottage, and would have been crushed to death. His brought out some food for the stranger, mother ran in search of the child-saw all, adding sixpence to her child's gift, and but could render no help, and her wild cry then, with a kind feeling, withdrew while was lost in the noise of the puffing, shriekthe half-starved boy ate the tempting ing engine. Carlo rushed to the spot, supper.

and, stepping on the line, in one moment What a rapid flight thought has! Those flung the child on the green side-bank, and few moments brought to Carlo's mind a !

| then threw himself violently backwards to rushing flood of things gone by. “That escape the wheels of the train. The engine, baby's eyes, they were just like Maria's; with its long line of carriages, påseed; and and then the name, Manly—that was the the mother, first clasping her frightened captain's. And surely that lady's voice but unhurt child to her breast, hurried to reminded him of home. All this might | the spot where his noble deliverer still lay. he the case, but he could and would keep The boy was stunned-she thought he was his secret."

dead. He was removed to the cottage, Nor was memory less active at the other | and, after some hours had elapsed, they side of the garden wall, where the lady found that a few bruises were the only inbent over her flowers. She thought of her juries he had received in his heroic effort beautiful native land, too long the home of to save life. We need not tell what care ignorance; she thought of the blessed the captain's wife bestowed on nim, or how book which had made her free; and look. I the captain himself, on coming down from

London to gay farewell to his family before I grinding woman, and never had a tear to setting out on another voyage, found his / spare for the living or the dead." lost cabin-boy. During his abode in that * I heard no more, for I hastened to overhappy English bome Carlo began to take the stranger. mourn for sin with a deep and godly " Are you a relation of Mrs. Mason's ? " sorrow, and to know and love that Saviour "No, ma'am ; at least not that sort of who had lain down his life for his enemies, kin which you mean, though in heaven, I that they through him might be brought believe, it will come out that we are very nigh to God.

nearly related ;” and the woman wept like When the captain left home for sea | a child. “I believe,” she continued, " that si Carlo went with him, and was his com it is owing to the prayers of that dear

panion for many a voyage; and on the saint, whose body has been put into the wide ocean, from the same Italian Testa grave this afternoon, that my soul was ment, he learned the truth which in the ever snatched from the wrath to come, and midst of England's Sabbaths and her brought to Christ." Bibles he had neglected and despised. “Margaret herself would have told you," There was music in Carlo's soul now-sing said I, “that the praise is due, not to her ing and gladness—for his loving heart had prayers, but to the saving grace and living found an undying Friend ; and each mem intercession of God's dear Son. However, ber of the captain's family, as well as the I believe we mean the same thing." poor Italian boy, felt the meaning of those After a few minutes the old woman enwords of the Lord Jesus, “ Blessed are the tered into a fuller narrative. “ Late one merciful: for they shall obtain mercy." evening,” she said, “ long after the shop

was closed, Frank Mason (Margaret's unworthy husband) came to our side-door

with a bundle of wearing-apparel to put MARGARET MASON'S PRAYER.

into pawn. At first I refused to have anyIt seemed as if the whole village had thing to say to him out of business hours ; turned out to attend Margaret Mason's but he said he must have money on any funeral. Every one mourned as for a terms. So my greediness of gain prevailed friend. Margaret, though a poor woman, as usual. I advanced the money, and took was an important person in the village. the things. In those days my heart was Wherever there was a sick neighbour to as hard as flint. Yet when I turned over nurse, or a mourner to be comforted, there the carefully mended clothes—that cloak this hard-working woman might be found. which had faced so many a storm, those No wonder, therefore, that the tears which shoes which had trodden so many a rough fell on the day of the burial were tears of mile in duty's path, those coarse pettitrue and abundant sorrow.

coats, always tidy, yet worn so threadbareWhen the funeral had dispersed a somehow my heart misgave me. I tried to stranger still lingered near the grave. And fight it out with conscience, but it would when it was filled up, and the hillock not do. So I roge earlier than usual, tied smoothed, she took a young rose-tree from up the clothes in a bundle, and hurried beneath her cloak, and planted it on the with them and some breakfast to the grave. With a quickened step she then cottage. passed down the village, stopped for an " Hearing Margaret Mason's voice, I instant at the gate of Margaret's little waited and listened for a minute at the garden, plucked a sprig of sweetbriar and window. I expected to hear reproaches a bit of the flower which our villagers call and complaining; ; but the words I heard

the "everlasting," and was about to walk were these : 'Forgive him, Lord. Thou 4 away.

who clothest the lilies, wilt thou not much “Dear me!” exclaimed one of the old more clothe me also ? Thou knowest I home people, “if that isn't Mrs. Stainton, the have need of these things. Yet, though

Pawnbroker's wife, who used to live at the the fig-tree shall not blossom, neither fruit end of the village. Why, it must be well be on the vine, I will rejoice in the Lord ; nigh five-and-twenty years since she and I will joy in the God of my salvation. Í her husband gave up business and left the heard no more; but after giving Margaret place.”

the things I hardly knew how it was “Nay, nay," said another elderly person; but something within prompted me to say, “it isn't she. Sally Stainton was a hard, as I was turning away, Mrs. Mason,

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speak my name sometimes, will you, in i never knew from whence they came. I your prayers ?' Till that hour I had never thought I would tell her all when we met cared for prayer, and felt no rererence for I had managed to save a few shillings, and 1 it, and no need of it.

had fixed to come this very summer. But: " What is it,' said I to myself, that Margaret's Lord had sent for her, you see, makes her to differ from me? She talks to before I could see her. So she never knew, the great God as to a friend, and colls him on earth, that her prayers for the pain the God of her salvation. I know nothing broker's wife had been heard and answered. about the God of this Cbristian woman.' And yet I think she knows all about it in “When I came home I went up-stairs

that place where there is joy over one to an old lumber-room, and there I sat sinner that repenteth.'" down by myself. There was a heavy weight upon my heart. I groaned aloud,

PUTTING A COAL ON HIS HEAD. though I hardly knew what I wanted. Presently I said to myself, I wonder if I

FOR THE YOUNG. can pray ;' but no words would come. At Joe's small feet clattered vigorously last I fairly smote upon my breast, and down to the little cave where his boat was cried, 'God be merciful to me a sinner!' hidden. But as he neared the place an I knew afterwards, but not for a good exclamation of surprise escaped him, for while, that God, by his Holy Spirit, had there were signs of some intruder, and tha put those words into my heart; though I big stone before the cave had been rolled believe I had not heard them since I was a away. Hastily drawing forth his treasure, child at a Sunday-school. Well, I rum he burst into loud cries of dismay, for maged out the only Bible we held in pawn there was the beautiful little boat which (for we scarcely ever took Bibles), and cousin Herbert had given him, with its gar turned over its leaves. I was as ignorant sails split in a hundred shreds, and a large as a baby where to find the places. You hole bored in the bottom. will hardly believe it, but I searched all Joe stood for a moment motionless with through Genesis to try to find that story grief and surprise; then, with a face as red about the publican, from which I had as a peony, he burst forth, “I know who drawn my first prayer.

did it, the mean scamp! It was Frita “I knew our business was not good for Brown; and he was mad because I didn't a body to be in who wanted to be a Chris ask him to come to the launch. But I'! tian, and I urged Davie (that's my hus pay him for this caper,” said little Jce band) to give up the pawn-shop, whatever through his set teeth; and hastily pushing it might cost us. At first he flew into a back the ruined boat, he hurried a litt: passion, and declared that he was not going further down the road, and fastening » to be ‘hen-pecked out of a good business | piece of string across the footpath, a fer by any woman. So, then, God showed me inches from the ground, he carefully bid that my place was to wait a bit, and be himself in the bushes. patient, and to put the difficulty into Presently a step was heard, and Joe Christ's hands.

eagerly peeped out. How provoking! in “ Well, to make a long story short, stead of Fritz, it was cousin Herbert, the Davie soon felt much the same as I did. very last person he cared to see; and hastis ! So we gave up the business, left the place, unfastening his string, Joe tried to lie vers and settled in a neighbourhood where my quiet ; but it was all in vain, for cousin husband had relations who might help us, Herbert's sbarp eyes caught a curious we thought, into some honest calling. moving in the bushes, and, brushing them,

“ There was due desire, one little prayer, right and left, he soon came upon little which would always slip in, like a whisper, Joe. between my petitions, and this was that I “How's this p" cried he, looking straight might see Margaret Mason's face once into the boy's blazing face: but Joe an. again, and tell of the change. I could not swered not å word. “You're not ashamed afford the journey ; 80 I put it off from to tell me what you were doing?" year to year, always hoping that the time “No, I'm not,” said little Joe sturdily, would come. Now and then I sent her a after a short pause. “I'll just tell you the little token of love-some flower-seeds, a whole story ;” and out it came down to silk kerchief, or a few yards of black love the closing threat ; “and I mean to make ibbon.' It was all. I could afford; and she / Fritz smart for it!”

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