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Important points in this epoch.

DURING the years which we are going to talk about England went through great changes. She grew very powerful, and gained a strong government, and order was made to reign in the land. To see how this came about we shall have to notice

1. What the Norman Conquest did for England.-We shall see that much good came to England from the Normans, even though at first they treated the people hardly and cruelly. They gave the English new life; and the Norman kings, though harsh and stern, loved order and good government, and knew how to make wise laws.

2. How the Conqueror and his sons kept the Barons from gaining too great power.—This is a very important point. It shows us why the history of England and the history of France are so different. In France the

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barons were almost as powerful as the king himself, and treated the people very harshly; but in England the barons were not allowed to grow too powerful, and when in after-times they wanted to go against the king they had to get the help of the people, and so they had to treat the people as friends.

3. How the English and Normans became one people. -The Normans did not drive out the English, as the English had driven out the Britons, but they mixed with them and became one people, and what was good and strong in them made the English people greater and stronger than they had been before.

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4. How the kings made order and good government in the land. The Norman kings did not make sudden changes in the government of the land. They made use of what seemed to them good in the English customs and laws; but they.brought in many new ways of government, for they knew more about law than the English did. They ordered things wisely and firmly, and began to build up our present laws and ways of government on the old foundation, on which they have slowly risen since that time.

5. What steps the people made towards governing themselves.-At first sight it will seem as if the people themselves had very little power, and as if the kings had things all their own way. But we shall see that the Norman kings had to keep up the old English forms of freedom. At first these were only forms, but in time the people grew stronger, and learnt how to make them something more. The people grew so strong that when King John tried to govern badly and treat them unjustly, they were able to make him promise them good government. He had to sign the Great Charter, to which Englishmen have always looked back as one of the great steps in the growth of their liberties.







after the battle of

1. WILLIAM, Duke of Normandy, had won the battle of Hastings, but still he did not wish to come before the English as a conqueror. He claimed to be rightful heir of Edward the Confessor, and he thought that now that Harold was dead, Hastings. the English would crowd to his camp and hail him as their king. But no one came. The chief of the English met in London and chose for their king Edgar the Atheling, the grandson of Edmund Ironside, who was a mere boy.

of London.

2. William did not march direct on London. He wanted to give the English time to feel their weakness, that they might own him for their king Submission themselves. He marched by the great cities of Dover, Winchester, and Canterbury, and made them submit to him, so that London stood alone. London was very helpless, for the great Earls of the Marchland and of Northumberland, Edwin and Morcar, had gone away to their earldoms, and there was no strong man left in the city. At last the chief men came out, and Edgar the Atheling with them, and met William at Berkhampstead. They bent humble knees to him and

begged him to be their king. So William accepted the crown, and promised to be their loving lord.

3. William entered London as the chosen king of the English. On Christmas-day he was crowned in the Abbey at Westminster by the Archbishop

William crowned.

of York. When the Archbishop turned to the crowd gathered in the Abbey and asked whether they would have William for their king, they shouted ‘Yea, yea, King William !’ So loud was their shouting, that the Norman soldiers who stood outside thought they meant some evil, and set fire to the houses round the Abbey. The English rushed out to save their homes, and none were left within but William and the trembling bishops. In haste and fear the crowning was finished. Meanwhile there was fighting and bloodshed between the Normans and English when William most wished for peace.

Though William was now the crowned king of the English, very little of the land was really in his power. He had only subdued the South-eastern shires. But little by little the English from other parts came to bow before him and own him for their king, and the great Earls Edwin and Morcar came with the rest. He let all those who submitted to him take back from his hands their lands and possessions. But he seized the lands of all those who had fallen in the battle of Hastings, for he looked upon them as traitors who had fought against their rightful king. He gave these lands as rewards to his own Norman followers.

4. Only three months after he had been crowned, he felt so sure of his position that he dared to leave England and go back to his own duchy of Normandy. He wanted to show his people his new power and to fetch his wife, whom he dearly loved. He took with him some of the chief of the English, so

William visits


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