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PREUSCHEN, E., Antilegomena. Giessen, 1901.

Psalms of Solomon. Edited by A. E. Ryle and M. R. James. Cambridge, 1891.

RESCH, A., Aussercanonische Paralleltexte zu den Evangelien, ii. Leipzig, 1894.

RIGGENBACH, E., Der Trinitarische Taufbefehl. Gütersloh, 1903.
ROBINSON, J. ARMITAGE, The Study of the Gospels. London, 1902.
The Epistle to the Ephesians. London, 1904.

Isaiah, Ascension of (Dictionary of the Bible, iii. 499 ff.).
Euthaliana (Texts and Studies, vol. iii.).

RÖRDAM, T. SKÄT, What was the Lost End of Mark's Gospel? (Hibbert Journal, July 1905).

SANDAY, W., Sacred Sites of the Gospels. London, 1903. SCHLATTER, A., Die Sprache und Heimat des Vierten Evangeliums. Gütersloh, 1902.

SCHMIDT, N., The Prophet of Nazareth. New York, 1905.

SCHOETTGEN, C., Hora Hebraica et Talmudica. Dresdæ, 1733


SCHÜRER, E., History of the Jewish People in the Time of Jesus Christ. Translated by J. Macpherson. Edinburgh,


Siphra in Ugolini Thesaurus, xiv. Venice, 1752.
Siphri in Ugolini Thesaurus, xv. Venice, 1753.

SMITH, G. A., Historical Geography of the Holy Land. London,


STEPHANUS, H., Thesaurus Græca Lingua. Parisiis, 1831


SWETE, H. P., The Gospel according to St. Mark.



TALMUD, Der Babylonische Talmud. Herausgegeben von Lazarus Goldschmidt. Berlin, 1897.

TAYLOR, C., The Oxyrhynchus Logia. Oxford, 1899.

Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs in Grabe's Specilegium SS. Patrum ut et Hæreticorum. Oxoniæ, 1598.

THOMPSON, R. C., The Devils and Evil Spirits of Babylonia. London: vol. i., 1903.

USENER, H., Nativity (Encyclopædia Biblica, iii. 3340 ff.).

VOLZ, P., Jüdische Eschatologie von Daniel bis Akiba. Tübingen,

VON OEFELE, F., Die Angaben der Berliner Planatentafel, p. 8279.

Berlin, 1903.

VOTAW, C. W., Sermon on the Mount (Dictionary of the Bible, Extra Volume, I ff.).

WEBER, Jüdische Theologie. Leipzig, 1897.
WELLHAUSEN, J., Das Evangelium Marci, 1903.

Das Evangelium Matthæi, 1904.

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Einleitung in Die Drei Ersten Evangelien, 1905. Berlin:
G. Reimer, 1905.

Skizzen und Vorarbeiten. Berlin, 1899.

WESTCOTT and HORT, The New Testament in the Original Greek. Introduction. London, 1896.

WINER, G. B., Grammatik des Neutestamentlichen Sprachidioms. Bearbeitet von P. W. Schmiedel, 1 Theil, 1894; 2 Theil, i. 1897, ii. 1898. Göttingen.

WINER-SCHMIEDEL, Grammatik des Neutestamentlichen Sprachidioms. Göttingen, 1894.

WRIGHT, A., Synopsis of the Gospels in Greek. London, 1903.

ZAHN, T., Forschungen für Geschichte des Neutestamentlichen Kanons. Erlangen, 1881-1903.

Geschichte des Neutestamentlichen Kanons. Erlangen, 1888-

Einleitung in das Neue Testament. Leipzig, 1897-1899.
Das Evangelium des Matthäus. Leipzig, 1903.

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The letters in the margin of the Commentary denote the sources from which the words are drawn:

[blocks in formation]

editorial passages.
the Matthæan Logia.

the Second Gospel.

quotations from the Old Testament borrowed from a collection of Messianic prophecies. See pp. lxi f. Palestinian traditions.

passages in which Mt. and Lk. agree closely, borrowed from an unknown source or sources.




I. 1-17. His Genealogy.

I. 1. Book of the generation of Jesus Christ, Son of David, Son E of Abraham.] Bißλos yevéσews is clearly borrowed from Gn 24 LXX. So far as the Hebrew of that passage is concerned, "These are the generations," etc., would seem to close the preceding section. But it is probable that the LXX translator connected it rather with 24b-426. This section contains J's narratives of the creation of man, of the garden, of the Fall, of the birth of Cain and Abel, and of the descendants of Cain down to Lamech; ending with the births of Seth and of his son. yéveσis here, therefore, covers the genealogy of mankind from Adam to Seth, and includes a good deal of narrative-matter relating to this period. In Gn 5' βίβλος γενέσεως occurs again, and here covers the genealogy of Adam as far as Japheth (582), with an appended history containing an account of the wickedness of men in the days of Noah (61-8). In 69 occurs the shorter superscription avraι dè ai yevéoes Noe, introducing the account of the Flood, 69-929. In ιοί αὗται δὲ αἱ γενέσεις τῶν υἱῶν Νῶε introduces a list of the descendants of Noah, with an appended narrative of the tower of Babel (111-9). In 1110 avrai ai yevéσeis Σýμ introduces a list of the descendants of that patriarch to Terah; and in 1127 a similar formula ushers in the descendants of Terah. It is therefore clear that to a Jewish Christian writer acquainted with the LXX, ἡ βίβλος γενέσεως, or αὗται αἱ γενέσεις, was a biblical phrase which might be used to describe a narrative containing, as in the case of Noah, a list of descendants, and some account of the life of the person named. In strict analogy we should expect Bißλos yevéσrews

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