THE SERMONS, AND OTHER. PRACTICAL WORKS, Of the Late REVEREND and LEARNED MR. RALPH ERSKINE, Minister of the Gofpel in DUNFERMLINE. CONSISTING OF Above One Hundred and Fifty SERMONS, IN TEN LARGE VOLUMES OCTAVO. To which is prefixed, An ACCOUNT of the AUTHOR'S LIFE and WRITINGS, Go, preach the gospel to every creature, MARK XVI, 15. PRINTED BY PATRICK MAIR, For the Revd. JOHN STEWART, HUGH MITCHELL, Bookfeller, M.DCC.XCVI. THE The Strength of Sin, and how the law is the Strength thereof, opened up and unfolded, I COR. XV. 56. The ftrength of fin is the law. The words being viewed in their connection, analized and explained, there are The FIRST is, "That fin is a very strong and powerful thing." And from this 2. The firength of fin unfolded, by viewing the qualities and degrees of its 3. How the ftrength of fin difcovers itself, evinced, The SECOND doctrine is, "That the law of works is the ftrength of fin to the Two difficult cafes folved, relative to hypocrites and believers, Twelve inftances of the firength of fin in believers, Four inftances of the miferable ftate of unbelievers, (3.) Of examination; containing a fourfold inquiry to know who are de- (4.) Of exhortation; firft to unbelievers, who are under the law; and then Ps.cvii.8. Nevertheless be faved them for his name's fake The words being divided, explained, and fummed up in a doctrinal observation, 1. What is that name of God, for the fake of which he faves, 4. What is imported in this NEVERTHELESS; God bring about falvation for his name's fake, 5. Some reasons offered why he faves for his name's fake, 6. Some inferences deduced for the application, 33 Heaven's Grand Repofitory; or, the Father's Love 203 JOHN iii. 35. The Father loveth the Son, and bath given After an introduction unto, a divifion, and explication of the words, EZEK. xliii. 2. This is the Law of the House; upon the top of the mountain, the whole limit thereof round about fhall be most holy; behold, this is the Law of the House. The words being viewed in their connection, analized, explained, The Little City befieged, and delivered: or, the De- liverance of the Church by Christ, and the Ingra- titude of Men to the glorious Redeemer, repre- ECCL. ix. 14, 15. There was a little city, and few men within it; and there came a great king against it, and besieged it, and built great bulwarks against it: Now, there was found in it a poor wife man, and be by his wifdom delivered the city; yet no man remembered that fame poor man. The fenfe of the words being afcertained, accurately analized, and REV. vii. 17. For the Lamb that is in the midst of the The words being viewed in their fcope and connection, divided, 1. To speak a little concerning the Lamb, 4. What is imported in the Lamb's being in the midst of the throne, 368 5. Confider the benefit of feeding, that iffues from the Lamb's being Stability in the Faith, the Church's Strength, ISA. XXX. 7.-Their Strength is to fit ftill. The author having taken a view of the words in their connection, 1. What these times are, that may be called perilous times, in which people fhew much instability in the faith, 2. The nature of ftedfaftness in the faith opened, 3. That this ftability is people's ftrength in perilous times, |