THE LOVERS OF THAT TRUTH AND BEAUTY WHICH SHALL EXALT MEN TO A HIGHER LIFE, THIS VOLUME, —ALTHOUGH WRITTEN BY THOSE WHO, BECAUSE THEY WEre human, oFTEN ERRED; AND EVEN IN THE PIECES HEREIN COLLECTED did not APPROVE THEMSELVES PERFECT, IS DEDICATED. IN THE HOPE THAT ITS GOOD MAY LIVE FOR EVER, AND ITS EVIL DIE WITH IT. The Mourners, by Caroline E. S. Norton, The Bridge of Sighs, by Thomas Hood, Evening Song of the Weary, by Felicia D. Hemans, 21 How Jesus was Received, by Theodore Parker, A Christian Slave, by John G. Whittier, Song Writing, by James Russell Lowell, Capital Punishment, by Lydia Maria Child, Moments, by Richard Monckton Milnes, A Christian Home. by R. W. Evans, Demagogue Arts, by Lord Brougham, An Evening Song, by Francis K. Butler, Lilias Grieve, by Professor Wilson, The Cry of the Children, by Elizabeth B. Barrett, 35 The Happy Life, by Sir Henry Wotton, The Factory Girls of Lowell, by J. G. Whittier, The Labourer, by William D. Gallagher, Truth and Freedom, by William D. Gallagher, ་ Nelly Belcher, Sonnet, by William Lloyd Garrison, 83 134 135 135 136 137 The Human Sacrifice, by John G. Whittier, The French Revolution, by William H. Burleigh, Forest Wood, by Ebenezer Elliott, To a Waterfowl, by William Cullen Bryant, The Farewell of a Virginia Slave Mother to her From Longfellow's Hyperion, 228 A Requiem, by James Russell Lowell, Song of the Free, by John G. Whittier, Clerical Oppressors, by John G. Whittier, Elijah P. Lovejoy, by William H. Burleigh, Wendell Phillips, by James Russell Lowell, Birds, 246 It is Little, by Thomas N. Talford, 248 Our Father, by F. A. Krummacher, 249 The Branded Hand, by John G. Whittier, To Toussaint L'Ouverture, by Wm. Words- |