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Lately Published, by the same Author, price 3s. 6.1.


Addresses and Sermons on the Labour Duestion,

"There is a ring about this little volume which has not been heard often of late in the speech of English Clergymen. Scarcely, indeed. since Parson Lot was delivering his soul in 'Politics for the People' in the crisis of the Chartist agitation thirty years ago. The sermons on 'A Strike for Wages' and Arbitration seem to us the most characteristic, but are by no means the most striking in this vigorous little book. That on 'Poverty and Religion' and 'The Agitator,' are perhaps the best where all are good "-The Spectator.

"Calculated to set men thinking, as well as to disarm prejudice, and allay unreasonable irritation."-Mark Lane Express.

"Breathes throughout a healthy spirit, and is warmly to be commended for its broad sympathies, its judicious counsels, its friendly cautions, and for the earnest purpose that animates the author."-Capital and Labour.

"There is one word which we cannot help using about them, they are very plucky and as sensible as they are courageous."-Literary World.


Sermons apter or wiser we have seldom seen."-Aylesbury News.

"A clergyman who bases sermons on such a groundwork as this, is no ordinary preacher."-Liverpool Albion.

"Grapples with the question in a far-seeing spirit, and with an impartiality of tone greatly needed at the present moment."-John Bull.

"If every clergyman of the Church of England had as much breadth of view, as much moral courage, as clear a conception of economic laws, and as lofty an ideal of the true relations and obligations of class to class, a very long time would elapse before disestablishment became a practical question."-Scotsman. "Advocates the cause of the labourer in forcible language, and with great good sense." "-Pall Mall Gazette.

"The author almost takes our breath away with his facility for drawing analogies out of Bible story."-Graphic.

"It is a most encouraging sign of the times, that a clergyman of the Church of England can be found to deliver such discourses as these."-Westminster Review. "The sermons in this book are all worth reading. They are full of warm sympathy for the labourers, and sound practical advice to all classes concerned in the struggle."-Guardian.

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"It is lucky for Mr. Stubbs that he is not a citizen of the great German Empire, or the publication of this book might bring him into serious trouble with Prince Bismark's police. It is dedicated to the farm labourers of England, in sincere sympathy with their struggle towards citizenship, through selt-reliance and association,' and if read as it deserves to be, will do more to put their case fairly before the country than any previous publication that we know of. We have gone through the book a second time to ascertain to which of the Schools, High, Low, or Broad, the writer belongs, and have risen in doubt upon this point, but with nore as to his earnestness, courage, and true loyalty to his Master and His mission."-THOMAS HUGHES, in the Academy.






Author of "Village Politics," "The Land and the Labourers," etc.

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