Of the blessed way of his recovery by Chrift. Chap.3. Concerning the Mediator between God and man: Wherein are handled these seven things, Holinesse and fincere obedience. 111 The Contents of the Second Part. + 2. Of secret prayer and thanksgiving. 4. Of living continually as in the view of God. 5. Of living by Faith, in ten particulars. Directions concerning it. د Remedies against finful thoughts. ibid. 4. Over our Actions. and natural conftitution. 267 2. Against the fins our particular callings and conditi- ons of life most expofe us to. 268 5. Against dishonouring God in the use of lawful Of reviewing at night and reflecting upon all the Of the observation of the Lords day. ibid. Of hearing the word. How we are to prepare our selves Chap. 14. Of the duties of such as are in Office, and the |