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gratuitously, the Dr. urged upon the members now in this season of plenty (which he compared to the seven years of plenty in Egypt) the necessity of making some provision for the time when these advantages should cease. This suggestion was adopted by the committee, and circulars were sent to all the members and friends of the Church, asking how much each would contribute to this purpose, the result of which has been most satisfactory. In every way the Doctor's visit has been productive of many happy results. It has strengthened the hands of the committee, and brought members together in a spirit much calculated to benefit themselves and others, and has been the means of removing much prejudice from the public mind with regard to the New Church Doctrines. The announcements provoked the editor of the Bath Chronicle to insert a sermon of the Vicar of Swainswich against "Swedenborg's New Church," but on the following Thursday Dr. Bayley's reply appeared in the columns of that paper, thus giving an opportunity to many who otherwise probably would never have known anything about our doctrines to judge for themselves. The Vicar also received Dr. Bayley in a private interview, and showed unmistakeable signs of a desire for further information concerning the truth.

BRADFORD. For twelve years past the friends at Bradford have assembled for worship in a room used as a dayschool, for which they paid a small rent for permission to meet on the Sabbath. The building, which is erected in an ecclesiastical style, is situated in a convenient and central part of the town, at the top of Drewton Street, and has always been considered suitable as a Church for a small congregation, if the means of attaining it could be procured. Two years ago a zealous member of the society, learning that the owner was disposed to sell, at once purchased the property, with a view to secure it solely for Church purposes. The society now have it leased to them at a moderate rent, and are in full possession of it for their use. In October last the services were suspended to allow the interior to be appropriately furnished and beautified. This has been done in a superior manner. The

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walls and ceilings are coloured, and the body fitted with neat and convenient open sittings and pulpit. On Sunday, November 13, 1870, the re-opening services were held. In the morning the Rev. J. Hyde preached a suitable sermon on the duties and blessings of public worship from Isa. lx. 13. In the evening the "Divine Wisdom of the Word of God" was the subject of an instructive discourse from the "Vision of the Holy Waters" (Ezekiel xlvii.) Collections were made at the close of each service, towards defraying the expenses incurred in alterations, and which were covered by these and previous contributions. On Monday the 14th Mr. Hyde lectured in the same room on 'Swedenborg; his Life and Writings." The room, which accommodates 120 persons, was filled at each service. The claims of Swedenborg were advanced in most forcible and eloquent language, and attentively listened to for nearly two hours. were pleased, both with the improved appearance of the interior of the church, and the special services so generously rendered by Mr. Hyde on this interesting occasion. The society has also been favoured with two lectures by the Rev. R. Storry on Thursday and Friday January 12th and 13th. The subject of the first lecture was "The Bible a Revelation from God, needed for the full development of the Nature of Man." The spiritual lessons involved in the Jewish sacrifices and Christian Sacraments, in the wars of the Jews, and in the miracles and parables of Christ, being briefly expounded in illustration of the true nature of the Word. The evidence of facts on which the divinity and complete inspiration of the Bible rest, were put in the most clear and convincing light. To the young inquirers more especially, this portion of the lecture was of great value in assisting them to see the paramount claims the "Word" has on their attention above those of any work of finite man. The subject of the second lecture was "The future lot of the wicked. If God is love, why is there a Hell? What are its Torments? How long will they continue?" The impressive solemnity with which the lecture was given and listened to had an influence on the minds of those present, the effects of which will not easily be effaced. For

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DEWSBURY.-On Tuesday, January 3, 1871, the members and friends of the New Church celebrated their second anniversary by a public tea-meeting. After tea the annual meeting was held, when the treasurer's report showed a small balance in hand. Addresses were delivered by Mr. Bastow (colporteur), and Mr. Hannah of Leeds, Mr. Swinburne of Embsay, Mr. Dean, and Mr. Arran of Dewsbury, and other friends. Mr. J. Walmsley occupied the chair. The evening's proceedings were enlivened by music and suitable recitations. The New Church in this town so far presents great anticipations, and if continued with that assiduous zeal which has been manifested since its establishment in Dewsbury, the future will show a goodly band of receivers of the heavenly doctrines. It is only three years since a small room was taken by three or four New Churchmen, for the purpose of spreading the doctrines, and now after this small space of time, the congregation amounts to above thirty, besides casual hearers, who take great interest in the discourses delivered, especially those by the Rev. E. Whitehead and Mr. Bastow. Dewsbury is a thriving manufacturing town with a rapidly increasing population, and the New Church friends are beginning to feel an earnest desire to erect a small place of worship for themselves, and of commencing a Sabbath school, in order to supply a want now felt amongst some of their hearers, and they trust ere long by mutual co-operation and with the kind assistance of friends, this growing want may be supplied.

HULL.-The usual missionary visits to this society have been continued with as much regularity as could be provided. In July last and again in November, the Rev E. Madeley visited the Society.

At his last visit, he preached twice on the Sabbath, Nov. 20th, attended an interesting social meeting on the Monday evening, when the subject of the Society's building fund was strongly urged on the attention of the friends, and gave a long and interesting lecture on the Tuesday evening on the Second Coming. The services were well attended and warmly appreciated by the members and friends of the society. The sermons and lectures were given with great earnestness and zeal and distinguished by Mr. Madeley's well-known intelligence and ability. On January 8th, the society was visited by the Rev. E. Whitehead, of Dalton, who preached twice to good congregations, and administered the sacrament of Baptism in the morning and of the Holy Supper in the evening. Mr. Whitehead gave a lecture also on the following Tuesday evening on the Resurrection, when there was a larger audience than usual, most of whom were strangers. The discourses throughout were of an interesting kind, and were well received by those who attended, many of whom expressed a desire that Mr. Whitehead would again visit the society. At the close of the lecture, a cordial vote of thanks were given to Mr. Whitehead for his able services and to the committee of the National Missionary Institution, to whom the society is indebted for these visits.

JERSEY.-Perhaps a few words by way of sequel to my communication so kindly inserted in last month's "Intellectual" may not be uninteresting. So great was the interest awakened at St. Aubin, that Mr. Moss's last lecture was attended by more than 300 persons, many of whom must have come in from the surrounding parishes. His opponents, however, thought discretion the better part of valour, for no one came forward to attempt to refute his arguments. This effort it was determined to follow up if possible; and, accordingly, a room was hired and three members were appointed to lecture in turn with the minister. One service was perforined, and then permission to use the room was withdrawn. Subsequent efforts to obtain a suitable place have been made, but hitherto without success. On Thursday, Jan. 5th, a complimentary soiree was given to Mr. Moss. Thanks to the able efforts of

Mr. Albo, Salvandy Terrace, seconded by a committee of ladies, it was attended with complete success. About 270 sat down to tea. The evening's entertainments, which were of a most varied and attractive character, were carried out with great spirit. To mark their appreciation, some of the most talented professionals in the island, French and English, who were present, kindly volunteered their services. It was most pleasing to witness the genial spirit that pervaded all present.

LIVERPOOL.- The members and friends of the New Church Society in this town held a Bazaar and Christmas Tree on Thursday, January 5th, in the church schoolroom. The object was to provide funds for defraying the expense of painting and beautifying the interior of the church, which has been recently effected at a cost of £88. The room was tastefully decorated for the occasion with evergreens, banners, &c. and presented a very pleasing appearance. The stalls, numbering five, were presided over by the following ladies— Mrs Barnes, the Misses Blundell, Miss Calderwood, Mrs Francis, Miss Gillaird, Mrs Hallet, Mrs F. L. Jones, Mrs Pixton, Mrs Rumney, and Mrs Swift. The Bazaar opened at 2 o'clock, and tea was provided from 5 to 7 o'clock. There was a very good attendance, though but few strangers were present: this is however rather a matter for congratulation, the gratifying pecuniary result of the effort evidencing the liberality of the members and friends themselves. From beginning to end, indeed, the undertaking has been a complete success, earnestness, harmony and charity pervading one and all. The utmost anticipations of the committee were realized, and the total gross receipts amount to about £123. Not for many years have we had in Liverpool so pleasant and useful a gathering, and the committee beg sincerely to thank all these ladies and gentlemen who by their kind contributions or their valuable services contributed to its success. The knowledge of this success will, it is felt, be a satisfaction greater than any expressions of gratitude, and we all feel that efforts such as this to be of use to the Church are more than repaid by an increase of that cordial good feeling one towards the

other which should ever distinguish its members. One pleasing feature of the evening was the presentation to Mrs Goldsack, our minister's wife, of a very handsome worked woollen shawl, a contribution from America. This was subscribed for by some of the ladies present, and as an expression of kind feeling, could not fail to be gratifying to the estimable lady who was its recipient. We have also to thank our transatlantic friends for a further handsome donation (per Mrs Hallet). Long may the stars and stripes float alongside the Union Jack as they did at our Bazaar! On behalf of the Bazaar Committee J. Y. SWIFT, Hon Sec.


It may be mentioned here that we have also recently established association in connection with the church for intellectual and religious improvement, with every prospect of success.

NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE.-The following paragraph from the Newcastle Daily Chronicle, December 31st, shews how our friends are occupied, and the prospect of future work for them:-"The Education Act.-The time for applications for aid to build and furnish denominational schools will expire tomorrow. One of the last applications will be from the New Jerusalem Church Society, Newcastle. They conducted a school for poor children, at a penny a week for many years; but the strain was too great upon their own resources, and they were obliged to give it up. Recently, one of their members deceased, left them £400 for educational purposes, and although they are not prepared to commence building directly, they have thought it prudent to memorialise the Lords of the Privy Council to assist them in carrying out this object, so soon as they are ready with a suitable site, &c. The memorial, signed by the minister and committee, will reach Mr. Foster to-day." Should this movement prove successful, another participant of Conference aid may be expected. A schoolroom is greatly needed by the Society at Newcastle, for meetings as well as Sunday-school; and the re-establishment of its day-school will add new prestige to its position in the town and impart new zeal to its members.

SALFORD.-The Society in this town

has been favoured with a visit by Mr. David John Smithson, student in the College, London. As he was spending his Christmas holidays in Manchester, his brief stay among us was made all the more agreeable and useful, by conducting the services and preaching twice for us in the Temple on Sunday, Jan. 8th. For his morning discourse, he took for his text, John xviii. 37, and shewed by many pleasing illustrations the object for which the Lord came into the world. In the evening he gave a very beautiful sermon on "Heaven or the future life," taking for his text John xiv. 2. Both discourses were listened to with great attention, and produced a very favourable impression upon his hearers. Not only on his own account, but also out of respect for his late revered father, was he welcomed among us, and whenever he is again making a stay in Manchester, we shall be very glad if he will grant us a similar favour.


SPALDING.-Our friends in Lincolnshire continue their efforts to make known the doctrines in several towns of the county. Spalding has been recently visited by Dr. Bayley and Mr. Gunton. We extract from the Lincolnshire, Bostm, and Spalding Free Press, of 29th November, the following notice of the lectures by Mr. Gunton:-On Monday evening this gentleman gave his first lecture on the Second Coming of the Lord, in which he argued that the Coming of the Lord to man consisted in man's reception of the Lord's precepts and a life according to them; and that this was involved in the Lord's own word "He that hath my commandments, he it is that loveth Me, and he that loveth Me shall be loved of my Father, and we will come unto him and make our abode with him." For the Lord to come in person, said the lecturer, could be of no service to mankind except they receive his precepts, and if mankind received His precepts that was a real coming. This principle he argued is as true of His first coming as of his second. When He was in the world they only were benefitted who listened with an obedient heart; and to him it appeared that this was the

1 This notice was in type for our last Number, but was excluded to make room for articles received as we were going to press.

only way in which an Omnipresent Being could come; for the Omnipresent One is in all time without time, and in all space without space-and the Lord himself declared in the last chapter of Matthew "Lo I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world." The Lord really comes to man by means of His Word. The Word tells us about God, and His Kingdom and its laws, and in the degree that man makes those laws the laws of his own life he becomes the Lord's disciple, "Ye are my disciples if ye do whatsoever I command you," and in such the Kingdom of Heaven is established. The lecturer argued that by the sun being darkened and the moon withdrawing her light, and the stars falling from heaven, were represented in the symbolic language of Scripture the decline of love or true charity, faith, and knowledge in the Church. The lecturer illustrated his meaning by referring to the influences of the light and heat of the material sun, producing in nature effects corresponding to those of the sun of heaven, whose heat is love, and whose light is wisdom, upon the human soul, and shewed that in both cases life, order, and beauty were the results. By the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory, he said was signified the power of the Lord by means of His Word, even in its letter, which the clouds of heaven signify. Hence we read "His truth reacheth unto the clouds," reacheth even to the letter of the Word. And He maketh the clouds his chariot," for as a monarch goes to his friends in his chariot, so Jehovah goes to His friends-those who do his commandments-in his chariot, which is the letter of Scripture.

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Mr. Gunton's second Lecture was on the New Heaven and the New Earth, and the New Jerusalem. The lecturer laid great stress upon the fact that every man has his own earth, and his own heaven, in his own mind; that his earth consisted of all his knowledge and experience of earthly things stored up in his memory and his heaven of all his knowledge and experience respecting heavenly things. These, he said, were additional to the material orb on which we walk and live and the spiritual orb on which the angels walk and live. He contended further that the New Earth represented all those new and

improved conditions of man on earth which have been so largely ushered in for his benefit and happiness within the last fifty years-all the improvements in our modes of travelling, of communication by telegraph, all the improved supplies of good habitation and clothing. And, the New Heaven, he further said, consists of those more exalted ideas of the Supreme Being, as a God of Love-and not of wrath and implacable revenge-a universal Father, who on the return of the prodigal, runs to meet him, falls on his neck, and kisses him. And, seeing that God loves all His creatures, for He makes His sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust, we begin to see the force of the Lord's admonition-"Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you, that ye may be the children of your Father who is in heaven.' By the New Jerusalem, he said, was represented a renovated Church-for this Jerusalem is called the Bride, the Lamb's wife; and what Jerusalem but the true Church could be the Lamb's wife. The wall of this city represented the defence which the true Church has in the literal sense of the Scriptures, for all the doctrines of a true Church are drawn from the letter of Scripture, and the doctrines of any Church which cannot be found in the letter of Scripture are not true. The gates of the City represented the truths of God's Word which introduce man into the true Church. Just as a man may be introduced to the palace of a king by passing through the gates and doors which lead to it; so man, spiritually, may be introduced into the mansion of the King of kings by accepting and living according to the truths of the Holy Word, for they lead to the mansion as certainly as the gates and doors do to the palace of an earthly prince. This view of the matter, said the lecturer, divests the subject of all mysticism, presents it in an eminently useful and practical form, and if continually increasing acceptance of such views goes on in the world the result must be most beneficial. Both lectures were well attended, several questions were asked and answered, and no charge was made to the public for this opportunity of listening to what must

certainly be regarded as new views on these important subjects.-Mr. Henry Watkinson presided, and order and propriety prevailed during the delivery of the Lectures on both evenings, and at the close questions were put to and answered by Mr. Gunton, to whom a unanimous vote of thanks was accorded on both occasions.


At Albion Chapel, Leeds, on Thursday, January 12, by the Rev. R. Storry, William Snowball, to Ann Hannah; both of Leeds.


WILLIAM CHAUVENET, LATE CHANCELLOR OF THE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY. We are indebted to Dr. R. L. Tafel for the following account of this distinguished member of the New Church, and of the funeral services which took place at the Church of the Messiah, in St. Louis. Dr. Tafel also incloses an extract from a letter of Col. Th. T. Garth, judge-advocate on the staff of General M'Clellan, who acquainted him with the death of Chancellor Chauvenet: "Wm. Chauvenet, LL.D., the late Chancellor of the Washington University in St. Louis, was one of the most brilliant ornaments of the New Church in America. He was one of the greatest, if not the greatest, of the American mathematicians and astronomers; and his handbook of Spherical Astronomy is a textbook in use in all European and American observatories. As a practical teacher of mathematics and astronomy, he was unrivalled in America; and it was entirely owing to his untiring exertions that the U.S. Naval Academy was founded in Anapolis. It was there that I first made his acquaintance, when in 1854 I received the appointment of Assistant-Librarian in that Institution, he being the Chief Librarian, and occupying the Chair of Nautical Astronomy. In 1859 he received the appointment of Professor of Mathematics in the newly established Washington University in St. Louis; and a few years afterwards he was made the Pre sident of that Institution, which post he filled to within a short time before his death. In 1860 I rejoined him at

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