INTELLECTUAL REPOSITORY AND NEW JERUSALEM MAGAZINE VOL. XVIII.-ENLARGED SERIES VOL. XLI.-ENTIRE WORK 1871 LONDON: Published by the General Conference of the New Church, SIGNIFIED BY THE NEW JERUSALEM IN THE REVELATION: AND SOLD BY JAMES SPEIRS, 36 BLOOMSBURY STREET. Essays. CONTENTS. Address from the General Conference to Address of the General Convention of the New Jerusalem in the United States of America, to the General Conference of the New Church in Great Britain, 411. Agapemone, Visit to the, near Bridge- Angelic Announcement of the Everlasting Animal Kingdom, Man and the, 216, 265, British Association, The, 441, 489. Children, Why do they Live and Die? 257. Church, The Visible and Invisible, 270. Death and Sleep, 120. Dictionary of Theology, on the Article Difficulties of Isolated Receivers, 387. Education as a Means of Mental Develop- and the Formation of Character, 505. Everlasting Gospel, The Angelic Announce- Faith, Natural and Spiritual, 279. Hagar, or the Well and the Fountain, 176, Honour, Official as distinct from personal, Improvement, Opportunities of, 39. Internal and External Man, The, 87, 126. Isolated Receivers, Difficulties of, 387. Jesus and Him Glorified, 7, 57, 105, 154, Man and the Animal Kingdom, 216, 265, New Church in Lancashire, Fragments of the Early Social History of the, 160, New Translation of Swedenborg's Writings New Trials Bring New Deliverances, 539. Official as distinct from Personal Honour, Opportunities of Improvement, 39. Peace Concluded: how are Wars to be Rationalism with its Aims, and Reason with its Duties, in relation to the Chris- Refiner by Fire, The Lord the, 519. "Several," as used in the English Tran- Space and Time, Infinity and Eternity, Spiritualism, its Mistakes and Dangers, Starting-Points, 1. Swedenborg and Harris, 288, 339, 381, 527, 583. Swedenborg in the New Dawn, 23, 68, 110. "Swedenborgianism" in the Dictionary How to Keep our Young People in the The Argument a Priori for the Being and the Attributes of the Absolute One, and the First Cause of All Things, 393. |