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And sette a souper at a certeyn prys;

And we wolde rewled be at his devys,


In heygh and lowe; and thus by oon assent

We been accorded to his juggement.

And therupon the wyn was fet anoon;

We dronken, and to reste wente echoon,

Withouten eny lengere taryinge.


A morwe whan that the day bigan to sprynge,
Up roos oure ost, and was oure althur cok,



And gaderud us togidur alle in a flok,
And forth we riden a litel more than paas,
Unto the waterynge of seint Thomas.
And there oure ost bigan his hors areste,
And seyde; 'Lordus, herkeneth if yow leste.
Ye woot youre forward, and I it you recorde.
If eve-song and morwe-song accorde,
Let se now who schal telle ferst a tale.
As evere I moote drynke wyn or ale,
Who so be rebel to my juggement

Schal paye for al that by the weye is spent.
Now draweth cut, er that we forther twynne;

Which that hath the schortest schal bygynne.'

'Sire knight,' quoth he, '[my] maister and my lord,
Now draweth cut, for that is myn acord.
Cometh ner,' quoth he, 'my lady prioresse;
And ye, sir clerk, lat be your schamfastnesse,
Ne studieth nat; ley hand to, every man.'
Anon to drawen every wight bigan,

And schortly for to tellen as it was,
Were it by aventure, or sort, or cas,



The soth is this, the cut fil to the knight,

Of which ful glad and blithe was every wight;
And telle he moste his tale as was resoun,


By forward and by composicioun,

As ye han herd; what needeth wordes moo?
And whan this goode man seigh that it was so,
As he that wys was and obedient

To kepe his forward by his fre assent,

He seyde Syn I schal bygynne the game,
What, welcome be thou cut, a Goddus name!
Now lat us ryde, and herkneth what I seye.'

And with that word we ridden forth oure weye; And he bigan with right a merie chere

His tale, and seide right in this manere.




WHILOM, as olde stories tellen us,
Ther was a duk that highte Theseus;
Of Athenes he was lord and governour,
And in his tyme swich a conquerour,
That gretter was ther non under the sonne.
Ful many a riche contré hadde he wonne;
That with his wisdam and his chivalrie
He conquered al the regne of Femynye,
That whilom was i-cleped Cithea;

And weddede the queen Ipolita,

And brought hire hoom with him in his contré,
With moche glorie and gret solempnité,
And eek hire yonge suster Emelye.

And thus with victorie and with melodye
Lete I this noble duk to Athenes ryde,
And al his ost, in armes him biside.
And certes, if it nere to long to heere,
I wolde han told yow fully the manere,
How wonnen was the regne of Femenye
By Theseus, and by his chivalrye;

And of the grete bataille for the nones
Bytwix Athenes and [the] Amazones;
And how asegid was Ypolita,

The faire hardy quyen of Cithea;

And of the feste that was at hire weddynge,
And of the tempest at hire hoom comynge;
But al that thing I most as now forbere.
I have, God wot, a large feeld to ere,
And wayke ben the oxen in my plough,
The remenaunt of the tale is long inough;

I wol not lette eek non of al this rowte
Lat every felawe telle his tale aboute,

And lat see now who schal the soper wynne,
And ther I lafte, I wolde agayn begynne.



This duk, of whom I make mencioun,

Whan he was comen almost unto the toun,
In al his wele and in his moste pryde,
He was war, as he cast his eyghe aside,
Wher that ther kneled in the hye weye

A companye of ladies, tweye and tweye,
Ech after other, clad in clothes blake;
But such a cry and such a woo they make,
That in this world nys creature lyvynge,
That herde such another weymentynge,
And of that cry ne wolde they never stenten,
Til they the reynes of his bridel henten.
'What folk be ye that at myn hom comynge
Pertourben so my feste with cryenge?'
Quod Theseus, 'have ye so gret envye

Of myn honour, that thus compleyne and crie?
Or who hath yow misboden, or offendid?
And telleth me if it may ben amendid;
And why that ye ben clad thus al in blak?'





The oldest lady of hem alle spak,

When sche had[de] swowned with a dedly chere, 55

That it was routhe for to seen or heere;

And seyde Lord, to whom Fortune hath yeven
Victorie, and as a conquerour to lyven,

Nought greveth us youre glorie and honour,
But we beseken mercy and socour.

Have mercy on oure woo and oure distresse.
Som drope of pitee, thurgh youre gentilnesse,
Uppon us wrecchede wommen lat thou falle.
For certus, lord, ther nys noon of us alle,
That sche nath ben a duchesse or a queene;
Now be we caytifs, as it is wel seene;
Thanked be Fortune, and hire false wheel,
That noon estat assureth to ben weel.
And certus, lord, to abiden youre presence
Here in the temple of the goddesse Clemence
We han ben waytynge al this fourtenight;
Now help us, lord, syn it is in thy might.




I wrecche, which that wepe and waylle thus,

Was whilom wyf to kyng Capaneus,

That starf at Thebes, cursed be that day!


[blocks in formation]

That lord is now of Thebes the citee,
Fulfild of ire and of iniquité,

He for despyt, and for his tyrannye,

To do the deede bodyes vilonye

Of alle oure lordes, which that ben i-slawe,
Hath alle the bodies on an heep y-drawe,


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