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vented the former from preserving the command of the batteau, which caused them both to be carried by the current over a milldam, and to perish in the waters. Mr. Overhalt t was a young and single man, but Mrs. Allen left a husband and one infant to bewail her loss. Both their remains were interred on the 10th, and an uncommon concourse of persons had assembled on the solemn occasion. Between 1 & 2 o'clock p. m. the people crowded into the new brick church where a funeral address was to be delivered; and after several verses were sung, there was heard a hideous noise, like the cracking and breaking of large timber. The whole congregation was in an instantaneous commotion, and every face directed towards the doors. Some leaped from the gallery to the lower floor, while others threw themselves out of the windows! Some cried "the house is on fire! the gallery is breaking down!" &c. Such exertion and violence were used by many in order to escape, that along the aisles they lay, heaps upon heaps! Shoes, gloves, handkerchiefs, and veils were seen lying in almost every direction. The terror and confusion occasioned by the burning of the Theatre at Richmond, could not have surpassed this tragic scene, for the most apprehended their lives in danger, and but very few knew for what cause. After the tumult ceased it was found that all this confusion was occasioned by the breaking of the sleepers or lower joists, which caused the floor to sink about eighteen inches. Five or six ladies were considerably bruised, but they have all since recovered. J. P. E.


The established religion in Sweden is, as I have already said, the Lutheran, the forms of which are too well know to need any obser vations of mine. One custom, however, I have noticed in the interior of Wermeland, which may perhaps be worth recording. Near to the conclusion of the service, and after some observations apposite to the occasion, the clergyman read from a paper entitled per sonalia, the names of those persons who had recently died within his parish. This contained also many particulars relating to the birth, parentage, &c. of each of the deceased individuals. He then expatiated on their good or bad deeds upon earth, and concluded with some remarks on the uncertainty of life, or other reflections of a similarly impressive nature. I subjoin a personalia which I happen to have in my possession, which to some may not be uninteresting. "There is but a step between me and death," said a man whose life was at that time in imminent danger; and every day, experience shows the truth of his saying. If we always thought and saw how near death was to us-how near he follows our steps-how soon he comes up with us then we should tread the uncertain path of life with more caution, and count the passing moments, and contemplate with awe his inevitable coming. Of what immense importance is this step! We must all take it, and how is it taken! In one mo

ment we are snatched from the theatre of life, on which we appeared as passing shadows!-What a difference between the light of day and the darkness of night-the warmth of life and the chill of death-the animating feeling of existence and the mouldering grave! We have now before us a melancholy instance of the uncertainty of human life. A young man, in the bloom of youth, in the full enjoyment of health and vigor, is in a few moments bereft of existence-lifeless. What an example does that corpse exhibit to us! What does it say to us, though dumb?-What I have just said, "There is but one step between me and death " He that has now taken this last earthly step, and whose remains have been this day consigned to the grave, was Olof Carlsson, from Bu-torp, eldest son of Carl Dicksson and his wife Christina. He was born the 22d October, 1810, and was drowned in the river Uf, the thirtieth of last month, being then in the eighteenth year of his age. This unlooked for event is to be deeply lamented for many reasons. All participate in your sorrows, disconsolate parents! You are advanced in years. Heavy will be the afflictions of your old age, now that they can no longer be lighted by the hand of your child. You had, without doubt, fondly anticipated that he would have been the prop of your declining years, when you were tottering on the brink of the grave, and have rendered you the last sad offices by closing your eyes. For many reasons, the departed has made himself worthy of our regrets. One of the sublimest, and, alas! unusual epithets of our days which we can ascribe to his memory as an example for the present and future generation is, that he was never known to take the Lord's name in vain. For this he deserves our unqualified praise, that sin being unhappily so prevalent. According to the concurrent testimony of every one, the life of the deceased, in other respects, was irreproachable. He was always to be seen near his aged parents. The evening of the day may be different from the morning. Every one knows in what short space of time this unhappy occurrence took place. Thus hastily was the prop of your old age, and the good example for youth, hurried into another life But you sigh heavily! Do you think he is gone forever? I pour balsanı into your bleeding heart, the departed live, and we become immortal through death. He is only gone a little while before you. When you have finished your course on earth, you will find him in the blessed abodes of eternity. And time flies so fast, that perhaps in a few moments some of us will be reckoned among the dead."-Lloyd.


LOUISA SCHEPLIR, the housekeeper of Oberlin, was honored with a prize from the French Academy, at a late distribution of the Nonthyon prizes, in consideration of her having been the foundress of Infant Schools. Baron Cuvier delivered the oration, in which he bestowed the highest encomiums upon her. At a very advan ced age she still devotes herself to her beloved gratuitous school of a hundred children, from three to seven years old.


At a meeting of the Stockholders of the Gettysburg Gymnasium, held on the 19th of May, the following were elected trustees for the ensuing year-Rev'd D. F. Schaffer, Rev'd B. Kurtz, Rev'd A Reck, Rev'd E. Keller, and Rev'd J. Ruthrauff.

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In looking over the enormous list of the works of Daniel de Foe," of which Mr. W. Wilson has specified more than two hundred in his recent elaborate Life and Times of that remarkable man, we observe that in the year 1728, he published his " Augusta Triumphans; or the way to make London the most flourishing city in the world; first, by establishing a University where gentlemen may have academical education under the eye of their friends," &c. It is a curious coincidence, that exactly a century afterwards, such a university was opened and a second planned. De Foe also published in 1729, a plan for preventing street robberies; as he had done the year before, one "to save our lower class of people from utter ruin, by preventing the immoderate use of Geneva." The year 1829, a century after witnessed the plan of the new Police, which has effected the former : and temperance societies have recently been instituted, to promote the latter. It may be some comfort to those who devise schemes of public benefit, that their plans may probably be in the end carried into effect, though they may not live to witness the event. Sharpe, and Clarkson, and Wilberforce, saw the slave trade abolished; a consummation which appeared at one time, as unlikely, in any reasonable period, as to Mr. Pitt, and Fox, and Burke, and Canning would have seemed that much litigated measure, which their successor, in a few short weeks, saw voted by overwhelming legislative majorities. The more rapid march of public intelligence in the present day, may lead us to expect, in future, far less tardy results. We should be sorry to think that any lengthened period will elapse before our code and practice of jurisprudence will be amended; pauperism by law be abolished; our clergy specifically educated for their high office; all our parishes supplied with resident incumbents; colonial slavery exterminated; our population universally educated; and churches provided adequate to their wants. Our chief fear is, that this new march of mind may not prove a march of scriptural piety and Christian principles. Let the friends of religion look well to the result, and labour to direct it aright.-Phil. Rec.


"Suffer not the pressure of public engagements to contract unduly the exercises of private devotion.

"A man can receive nothing except it be given him of God." What succes, then, can the Christian minister be warranted to expect, either in his studies or in his visits, or in his public discourses, unless he devoutly and earnestly seek the blessing of Him on whom all depends? How mistaken, then, and short-sighted are the views which would lead him to depend much on his intellectual efforts, and little on his devotional exercises-which would induce him to prolong the former by unduly curtailing the latter. Although we are not to be heard by the father of Mercies by virtue of vain repetitions, yet it is to fervent, persevering, and importunate prayer that spiritual blessings are promised. Might not our prayers be much more frequent were our minds and hearts yielded more vigorously, and for a more ample portion of our time, to the devotional reading of the word of God, to the musings and meditations which the Scriptures are calculated to suggest, and to the direct efforts of the heart to enjoy intimate communion with our God? Ought we not to feel the excitement and encouragement arising from the numerous promises which the scriptures contain, of the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Are we not greatly wanting in wisdom when we do not plead these promises with the utmost ardour of soul, and the most lively confidence of faith? What was it that gave to the apostles of the Saviour, and the primitive propagators of the Gospel, their peculiar elevation of spirit and sanctity of character, and success in exertion? and what was it which has produced the eminent piety and extensive usefulness of inspired ministers of more recent periods, and of our own day, but the copious effusion of divine influences the unction of the Holy Spirit? Let then the minister of the sanctuary daily and earnestly ask it, and he shall receive it; let him perseveringly seek it, and he shall obtain the heavenly gift; for if we, being evil, know how to give good gifts to our children, much more will our heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him. Let the young minister reflect much on the habits of communion with God, which distinguished David, Daniel, and Paul. Let him consult the biography of the most eminent Christians and the most useful ministers. Let him trace the admirable alliance and intimate affinity of intellectual effort and devotional dependance. Let him remember that at one period of his life, the ever-active Luther devoted three hours in the day to the duty and delights of prayer. Let him think of such men as Dr. Cotton Mather, who in the midst of his multifarious and arduous engagements as a pastor and as an author, retired six times every day for the purpose of communion with God; and although he may not feel the necessity of strictly imitating their example, let him at least endeavor to imbibe their devotional spirit. H. F. BURDER.


The Bible our rule of faith!-The right of private judgment our privilege.'
Hier stehe ich, ich kann nicht anders;-Gott helfe mir! Amen !--LUTHER.

VOL. V.]

JULY, 1830.

[No. 5.


How awfully important, are the present times. The spirit of infidelity, superstition and error, is abroad in our land, and operating to a considerable extent. Since the blessed Reformation, the times have not been more important, nor called louder upon the true fol lowers of Jesus to "be up and a doing" than at present. In making this assertion, we are not influenced by imagination merely, but by stubborn facts, which cannot but be appalling, to every one, enlightened by the Holy Ghost, and who is the friend of religious and civil lib erty.

No nation can be prosperous-no people can continue to be happy and free, if true and vital religion is not promoted, for as it diminishes, Satan the arch enemy of mankind, succeeds in his operations -blinds our wise men, and enslaves the minds of men; and can a single instance be produced, that where the mind was thus shacked, civil liberty and national glory continued to dwell? Does not history place it beyond doubt, that, when a people forsake God and shrink from the contest with the Prince of darkness and his emissaries, the blessing of God is withdrawn? Were not Rome, and Greece free, free as we are in the United States, and yet cast into the lowest state of degradation, in a civil point of view? Is it not then very afflicting, to hear among our citizens, language, as if it were impossible that our liberties could be subverted, and the "lamp of our feet" taken away?

The times are such, that periodical publications are sustained, which are devoted to the cause of infidelity and openly avow it, Vol. V. No. 5.


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