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The mysteries of revelation are useful. They teach us a lesson of faith. The child takes much in trust from his father; and so God would have us repose thorough confidence in him, and believe what we cannot now understand or explain. They teach us also a lesson of patience. All will be cleared up at length. Light will be shed on the dark things of God. In eternity more may be learned in an hour than can be learned in a whole lifetime now. We should quietly wait till then. They teach us, moreover, a lesson of hope. A bright and blessed day is coming. Soon will the morning break and the shadows flee away. And then what discoveries will be made! Let the heart be stirred by the prospect. We shall yet know even as we are known.

While there are mysteries in the Bible, all that is necessary for us to know has been plainly revealed. It tells us plainly of the evil of sin. It tells us plainly of a Divinely appointed and Divinely accomplished Saviour. It tells us plainly of the necessity of repentance, faith, and holiness. It tells us plainly of the vast importance of giving immediate heed to the things which belong to our peace. It tells us plainly of an everlasting heaven and an everlasting hell, and how we may secure the one and escape the other.

These and such like truths are clearly revealed. There is no mystery about them. They are written as with a sunbeam on the page of Scripture; and it is the dictate of true wisdom not to suffer what we know to be disturbed by what we know not.

Reader! Attend to the things which belong to you. Act from day to day simple faith in Christ. Set yourself earnestly to the performance of all plainly commanded duty. Be not harassed by the dark truths of revelation, but seek to conquer all known truth. Remember that you are but in the first stage of your existence; and look forward hopefully to a time when, endowed with loftier powers than those you now possess, you will be privileged to make discoveries which it has not entered into the heart of man to conceive.

Such are the hopes that cheer the just;

These hopes their God hath given:

His Spirit is the earnest now,

And seals their souls for heaven.


THE plague of frogs is upon the land of Egypt. Frogs are everywhere in their houses, upon their beds, upon their persons, everywhere are the filthy, loathsome creatures. Pharaoh feels the finger of God, he is convinced of his sin, begs Moses to entreat the Lord to remove the plague, and promises to obey God's command. Moses says, "Name the time;" and Pharaoh says, “To-morrow."

What a strange, strange answer! A man tormented with a loathsome plague, yet, on being asked when it shall be removed, he answers, "To-morrow." Why is this? Does he not want the frogs removed at once? Of course he does, but he has promised to cease sinning when the plague shall be removed; and hence, if the frogs are removed at once, at once he must cease to sin. It is not because he wants the plague to remain, but because he wants to sin a little longer, that he says, "To-morrow." So unwilling is he now to cease his sin and obey God, that he is willing to endure a little longer the presence of the filthy


"He said, To-morrow," and that one word sealed his doom. The morrow came; and though the plague was removed, his heart was hardened. He continued in his sins. He began his swift and sure course to utter ruin. The plague of flies was placed in his path, but it stopped him not on he went, for his heart was hardened. The plague of locusts was thrown in his way, but it stopped him not; on he went, for his heart was hardened. The tenth, the terrible plague, which was the death of all the first-born, was before him, but it stopped him not; on, on he went, leaping over every obstacle and dashing aside every obstruction, until a horrible death closed his


Here we have Pharaoh's sinning, his being told by the messengers of God to cease his sin, his refusing to obey, his being threatened, his still continuing to sin, his being afflicted, his seeing his sin and promising to do right, his saying, "To-morrow," his heart being hardened, and his doom made certain, his pressing on, in spite of obstacles, to destruction. This is a true picture of the life of the vast majority of those who go from a Christian land to dwell amid eternal burnings.

Like Pharaoh, they sinned. Like Pharaoh, they were

told by the messengers of God to cease their sin. Like Pharaoh, they refused to do so. Like Pharaoh, they heard the threatenings of God. Like Pharaoh, they persisted in their sin. Like Pharaoh, they were afflicted. Like Pharaoh, they promised to cease sinning. But when? Like Pharaoh, they said, "To-morrow." Like Pharaoh, the morrow found their hearts hardened and their doom sealed. Like Pharaoh, they pressed on in the road to death. Though obstacle after obstacle was placed in their path, on they pressed, for their hearts were hardened. Though personal sickness, family affliction, and national calamity were thrown in their way, on they rushed, for their hearts were hardened. Though the prayers of the church and the tears of their parents and the blood of a Saviour blocked up their road, on, on they rushed, on prayers and tears and blood, until they plunged into the world of woe.

If the Spirit of God has not for ever left you—if, in proof of this, you still have some inclination to forsake your sins and turn unto God, say not, A little longer in sin. Say not, A little more of this world. Say not, Another day, and I will go. That is saying, "Tomorrow." Jesus says, Come now; come to-day; come just as you are."



As the Rev. John Newton, that eminent servant of God, lay on his dying bed, a friend was fifteenth chapter of first Corinthians. verse he read: "But by the grace Stop," said Mr. Newton;


my case.


reading to him the Coming to the tenth of God I am what I "that expresses just

I am not what I ought to be. I am not what I might be. I am not what I hope to be. But I am better than I once was. 'By the grace of God I am what I am." Does this not express, Christian friend, the state of each of us? Let us see.

I am not what I ought to be. I ought to be perfect, but, alas! alas! I am very far from perfection. It is my duty to be holy, even as God is holy. But I am not; much, very much of sin mingles with what is best in me. I fall short, every day of my life, of doing even what I know to be duty. I fail to set the example to those about me that I ought. Indeed when I come to look into my conduct and

character there is so much that is evil, that I can only take my stand by the side of the publican, and cry, "God be

merciful to me a sinner!"


I am not what I might be. For God did not leave me alone to struggle through the world. He has said to every child of his, "My grace is sufficient for thee." I can have the resources of Omnipotence. Why then should I fail so grievously? If I had only used those resources I might have been much nearer what I ought to be than I am. might be a much more consistent Christian than I am. I might do more. The fault is not in God. It is not in the religion of Jesus Christ. The fault is in me, who fail to receive the grace of God that is promised to all who depend upon it.

I am not what I hope to be. For I hope, through the grace of God in Christ Jesus, to reach heaven at last. I shall then be purified from all spot and stain of sin. I shall then be perfect! Blessed hope! Glorious expectation! To be no more tempted. To be no more led astray. No more to fail in the discharge of duty. To love even as I am loved. To know even as I am known. This is what I hope for even I, so unworthy a sinner here on earth. Blessed be God that I may hope for this. Blessed be God that, through Jesus Christ his Son, I may confidently expect it.

But I am better than I once was. I once had no love for the Saviour. Now I do love him. I do trust him. I once went on unmoved in my course of sin. Now I do repent of my transgressions. Once I had no pleasure in the Bible, in the sabbath, in the society of Christians. Now all these are my delight. I can honestly say that " Whereas I was blind, now I see." I have a new principle of action. Instead of seeking only self, I am, even if it be in poor and imperfect measure, seeking the glory of God.

But" by the grace of God I am what I am." It was that grace that had mercy on me, and called me from my reckless course of sin. It is to that grace I look to make me what I hope to be, bringing me off conqueror, and more than conqueror. I sing in the words that John Newton himself wrote:

"Amazing grace! how sweet the sound

That saved a wretch like me:
I once was lost, but now am found;
Was blind, but now I see.

Through many dangers, toils, and snares
I have already come;

"Tis grace has brought me safe thus far,
And grace will lead me home."


"Is any among you afflicted? let him pray." We cannot misunderstand or misinterpret this injunction, nor doubt to whom it is addressed.

Are there those who are suffering from poverty? They are the afflicted. Want and dependence are a bitter cup to the selfish heart. To be cast upon the cold charities of this heartless world is to be a man of sorrows.

Are there those who are suffering from the neglect or contempt of others? They are the afflicted. Their sorrows may never be told, but remain shut up within their own bosoms; yet they are sad and depressing sorrows.

Are there those who suffer from oppression and wrong? They are the afflicted. Such were the afflictions of the psalmist when Ahithophel deserted and Shimei cursed him, and Saul and Absalom thirsted for his blood.

Are there those who suffer from unjust imputations and false invective? They are the afflicted. To an honourable mind no trial is more severe than the pestilential breath of calumny and reproach.

Are there those who suffer from disappointments and losses? They are the afflicted. “The rich man fades away in his ways." His property is lost, or destroyed, or injured by accident, or torn from him by dishonesty and fraud; and he feels the loss.

Are there those who suffer from trying bereavements? They are the afflicted. God has removed the desire of their eyes with a stroke: lover and friend are taken away, and their acquaintance into darkness. "Man goeth to his long home, and the mourners go about the streets."

Are there those who suffer from pain and sickness? They are the afflicted. "In the morning they say, Would to God it were evening! and in the evening, Would to God it were morning!" They are "made to possess months of vanity, and wearisome nights are appointed unto them."

Afflictions like these crave alleviation. What shall it be? You cannot relieve the poverty of the poor, nor re

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