LIST OF PLATES TO VOL. IV. The Hon. Anna Seymour Damer, facing the title Arms of Lord Burlington, Sir James Thornhill, and W. Kent, to follow the title. continued. W. Hogarth with his Pipe,* J. Stephen Liotard, Bernard Lens, Laurent Delvaux, Earl of Pembroke, Chiswick House as in 1740, The Vicar's Garden, Letherhead, Surrey, * From an original painting by himself, in the Collection of His Grace the Duke of Bedford, copied by G. P. Harding, and drawn on the block by W. Harvey. The following inscription is on the back of the original This Portrait of Mr. Hogarth was made me a present of by him in friendly return for a tobacco bor I gave him, S. Graves, Chiswick, 29 Dec. 1761. TO HIS GRACE CHARLES, DUKE OF RICHMOND, LENOX, AND MY LORD, Ir is not to court protection to this work; it is not to celebrate your Grace's virtues and abilities, which want no panegyric; it is to indulge the sentiments of respect and esteem, that I take the liberty of prefixing your name to this volume, the former parts of these Anecdotes having been inscribed to a Lady, now dead, to whom I had great obligations. The publications of my press have been appropriated to Gratitude and Friendship, not to Flattery. Your Grace's singular Encouragement of Arts, a virtue inherited with others from your Noble Father, * [Charles Lennox, third Duke of Richmond, died December 29, 1806.] |