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Figure 83. Pattern for Toy Duck

[blocks in formation]


Figure 85. Pattern for Toy Squirrel


Motivation. To create interest in others and to cultivate the natural impulse of desiring to share, gift making as an activity becomes a strong motive. Many children retain too long the natural instinct of selfishness. Gift making presents a real opportunity to give the children right ideas of sharing. The instinct of sharing motivates this activity and hence it will be pursued with unusual interest. The teacher should make it definite to whom the gifts are to be given. Some of the stronger appeals are making gifts for Hospitals, Orphans' Homes, Children of Mission Lands, Aid Societies, Children of Mountain Districts and many others of local interests. These activities are more strongly motivated when preceded by lessons on sharing or on various mission themes.

(a) Puzzles.

Methods of Construction

Cut from magazines pictures having educational value and paste on cardboard, then cut the picture into irregular pieces. The pieces should not be too small and should have irregular shapes. Pictures of animals drawn on this cardboard, and sawed out and cut into irregular shapes with a scroll saw, make interesting and durable puzzles.

(b) Nut Sunshine Gifts.

Write a cheery message on a piece of

paper and

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