2716 ALEXANDER (SIR WILLIAM, EARL OF STIRLING). AURORA. | 4to, full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt back, edges and borders, gilt panels 2717 ALEXANDER (WILLIAM, EARL OF STIRLING). Recreations With the By WILLIAM Earle of Sterline London. Printed by THO. HARPER. Small folio, original calf, gilt ornaments on back and corners, gilt panels on sides, The following extract from the Bibliotheca Anglo Poetica [1815] will attest the It "The circumstance which so much enhances the value of the present fine copy of this For the copy above spoken of fifty pounds was asked in 1815. It is described as 2718 ALEXANDER (SIR WILLIAM, EARL OF STIRLING). DOOM'S DAY; | or, the | LAST JUDGMENT. | A | Poem. | Written by the Right 8vo, half olive levant morocco, top edge gilt. 2719 ALEYN (CHARLES). The | HISTORIE | OF THAT VVISE | AND FORTUNATE | Prince, HENRIE of that | Name the Seventh, King | of England. | With that famed Battaile, fought | betweene the Sayd King Henry and | Richard the third named Crook- | backe, upon Redmoore neere | Bosworth.\ In a Poem by Charles Aleyn. | London Printed by Tho. Cotes, for William Cooke, | and are to be fold at his shop, neere Furni- | vallsInne gate in Holburne. 1638. 12mo, sprinkled calf, gilt back. The lower inner margin of title pieced, a few letters supplied in MS. Portrait missing. 2720 [ALLOT, ROBERT.] ENGLANDS | Parnassus: |or | The choysest Flowers of our Moderne | Poets, with their Poeticall comparisons. | Descriptions of Bewties, Personages, Castles, | Pallaces, Mountaines, Groues, Seas, | Springs, Riuers, &c. | Whereunto are annexed other various discourses, | both pleasaunt and profitable. | Imprinted at LONDON for N. L. C. B. | and T. H. 1600. 12mo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt back, edges, and inside borders, by STIKEMAN. Measures 5% x 334 in. A FINE, TALL COPY OF THIS RARE AND MOST It is the FIRST POETICAL ANTHOLOGY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE, and is also the MOST VALUABLE. This extremely rare Selection from SHAKESPEARE and other Poets has enabled Editors to assign to their true authors various pieces not otherwise known. It has also preserved numerous verses of the Elizabethan and ante-Elizabethan period nowhere else to be met with, and the names of poets who are not otherwise known in literary history than by their mention in England's Parnassus. IT CONTAINS NO LESS THAN 79 EXTRACTS FROM SHAKESPEARE ALONE. 2721 ANNALIA DUBRENSIA. ANNALIA | DVBRENSIA. | Vpon the yeerely celebration of | Mr ROBERT DOVERS Olimpick | Games vpon Cotswold-Hills. | Written by | MICHAELL DRAYTON. Esq. * * * BEN: JOHNSON. * * * THOMAS HEYWOOD. Gent. (and thirty others). LONDON, Printed by Robert Raworth, for Mathewe Walbancke. 1636. 4to. Bound in half dark brown morocco, gilt edges. ENGRAVED FRONTISPIECE of the COTSWOLD GAMES (early reproduction), mounted. The title has also been neatly mounted, and bears the Autographs of THOMAS and RICHARD ROSS. (1664). The headlines of a few leaves cut into, and a small hole in one. Last leaf (K 2) missing. Mr. J. HALLIWELL-PHILLIPPS'S COPY, WITH A NOTE IN HIS Handwriting. RARE. MR. Dover was eminently a man "of parts." He conducted these noted games for 40 years, wrote a poem in response to the tributes herein contained, and is addressed as "the great Architect and Inginere of the Famous and Admirable Portable Fabricke of Dover Castle." The book possesses SHAKESPEAREAN INTEREST, as the Poet speaks of a stout fellow as a Cotswoldman. 2722 [AMES (RICHARD).] Fatal Friendship; | or, the Drunkards Milery: | Being a | SATYR | Against | HARD DRINKING. | By the AUTHOR of | The Search after Claret. | London, | Printed for, and Sold by Randal Taylor, near | Stationers-Hall, 1693. 4to, half roan. 2723 ΑΝΤΟN (ROBERT). THE | PHILOSOPHERS | SATYRS, | written by M. ROBERT | ANTON, of Magdalen Colledge in Cambridge. | LONDON, | Printed by T. C. and B. A. for Roger Iackson, and are to be sold at his shop in Fleet street, ouer against the great Conduit, 1616. 4to, calf, gilt corner ornaments. Stain on side, one leaf re-margined, a few corners repaired, and text of two leaves cut into. RICHARD FARMER'S COPY, with his AUTOGRAPH on fly-leaf. 2724 ARMIN (ROBERT). The ITALIAN TAYLOR, and his Boy. By ROBERT ARMIN, Seruant to the Kings most excellent Maiestie. At LONDON, printed for T. P. 1609. (reprint, 1810.) 4to, cloth. Curious cuts. CONTAINS MS. NOTE BY REV. A. B. GROSART RELATING TO THE BOOK. 2725 ARTHUR. THE MOST | ANCIENT AND | FAMOVS HISTORY | of the Renowned | Prince | ARTHUR | King of Britaine, | Wherein is declared his Life and Death | with all his glorious Battailes against the | Saxons, Saracens and Pagans, | which (for the honour of his | Country) he most wor- | thily atchieued. | As alfo, all the Noble Acts, and Heroick | Deeds of his Valiant KNIGHTS of | the RoOVND TABLE. | newly refined, and published for the delight, and | profit of the READER. | London, | PRINTED BY WILLIAM STANSBY, ❘ for Iacob Bloome, 1634. Three parts in one vol. (third part dated 1624) 4to, full straight-grained blue morocco, gilt back, ornamented corners, gilt edges and borders, by W. PRATT. A few leaves cut close, and some neatly re-margined, title neatly mounted. CONTAINS THE THREE ENGRAVED FRONTISPIECES (lower line of one cut into). FINE COPY. 2726 ASCHAM (ROGER). THE | SCHOLEMASTER | or plaine and perfite way of tea- | ching children, to understand, write, and | speake, the Latin tong, but specially purposed for | the priuate bringing up of youth in Ientlemen | and Noble menf houses, and commodious alfo for | all fuch, as haue forgot the Latin tonge, | and would, by them selues, without | à Scholemaster, in shorte time, and | with |