2810 [CHETTLE (HENRY).] ENGLANDS Mourning Garment : Worne heere by plaine Shepheards, in me- To the which is added the true manner of her omitted in the first Im pression. After which followeth the Shepheards IAMES our most potent Soueraigne. Dedicated to all that loued the deceased KING. Imprinted at London for Thomas Millington, Paules Churchyard by Walter Burre. 1603. 4to, bound in dark blue morocco, gilt back and edges, gilt lines on sides and inside borders, by CHARLES WINSTANLEY. A FINE, LARGE, CLEAN COPY of the second (and RAREST) EDITION of this most interesting work. It is described by MR. INGLEBY in "SHAKESPEARE ALLUSION Books," Part I., as one of the most interesting of the works having CONTEMPORARY REFERENCES to SHARESPEARE, who is referred to as MELICERT. Most of the principal ELIZABETHAN POETS are also referred to under different names-SIDNEY, SPENSER, DANIEL, CHAPMAN, BEN. JONSON, DRAYTON, and others. Both MR. LOCKER-LAMPSON'S and MR. HALLIWELL-PHILLIPPS'Ss copies of the first edition were imperfect. ENGLANDS Mourning Garment: Worne beere by plaine Shepheards, in memorie of their sacred Mistresse, ELIZABETH; Queene of Vertue while sbe liued, and Theame of Sorrow being dead. To the which is added the true manner of her Emperiall Funerall. With many new additions, being now againe the second time reprinted, which was omitted in the first Im- After which followeth the Shepheards Spring-Song, for entertainment of King IAMES our most potent Soneraigne. Dedicated to all that loued the deceased KING. Imprinted at London for Thomas Millington, and are to be fold at the signe of the Crane in Paules Churchyard by Walter Burre. 2811 CHURCHYARD (THOMAS). THE FIRSTE | parte of Churchyardes | Chippes, contayning | twelve feuerall | Labours. Deuifed and published, only by Thomas Churchyard (** Imprinted at London in Fleete Streate neare Church by Thomas Marshe. Cum priuilegio. 4to, Black Letter, bound in claret colored crushed levant morocco, super extra, gilt back and edges, paneled sides, with tasteful center and corner ornaments, by RIVIÈRE. Title printed within elaborate woodcut border. The front margin of the title-page, and of the first leaf of the dedication, "To Maifter Chriftofor Hatton Esquier," are discolored; and the top corner of the last leaf has been delicately repaired (a few letters missing). RARE. 2812 CHURCHYARD (THOMAS). A Lamentable, and pitifull Description, of the wofull warres in Flaun ders, since the foure last yeares of the Emperor Charles the fifth his raigne. With a briefe rehearsall of many things done since that feafon, Iohn. Written by Thomas Churchyarde Gentleman. Imprinted at London by 4to, Black Letter, bound in bright crimson crushed levant morocco, super extra, gilt back and edges, paneled sides, with tasteful corner ornaments, by RIVIÈRE. A BEAUTIFUL, CLEAN and PERFECT COPY, in the FINEST POSSIBLE CONDITION. RARE. 2813 [CLEVELAND (JOHN).] THE | CHARACTER | OF | A London-Diurnall: | With feveral felect | POEMS : | By the same Author. Optima & novissima Editio. 4to, bound in half brown crushed levant morocco, by R. W. SMITH. A few headlines cut into, OTHERWISE A FINE COPY. 2814 [CLEVELAND (JOHN).] THE | IDOL | of the | CLOVVNES, or, | INSURRECTION | of | WAT the TYLER, | With his PRIESTS BAAL and STRAW, | &c. London, Printed in the Year, 1654. 12mo, FIRST EDITION, in the original sheep binding, rebacked. "EX-LIBRIS J. WOTTON" written on title. FROM THE COLLECTION of "T. JOLLEY, Esq.," with his BOOKPLATE. FINE, CLEAN COPY. 2815 CLEVELAND (JOHN). POEMS, By John CLEAVLAND, With Additions, never before Printed, [LONDON.] Printed for W. Shears at the Bible in Covent-Garden, and in the New-Exchange at the Black Beare, 1659. 8vo, old calf, rebacked. ENGRAVED PORTRAIT. BOOKPLATE of F. OLCOTT. On back of portrait appears "NATHAN DRAKE'S BOOK, 1705," with other writing. 2816 CLEVELAND (JOHN). J. Cleaveland Revived:|POEMS,| ORATIONS, | EPISTLES, | And other of his Genuine | Incomparable Pieces, never | before publisht, | WITH | Some other Exquisite Remains of the most eminent Wits of both the | Universities that were his | Contemporaries. | LONDON, | Printed for Nathaniel Brook, at the | Angel in Corn-hill. 1659. Small 8vo, half calf. Engraved bust portrait, crowned with laurel wreath, blank corner margin repaired. GOOD COPY. 2817 CLEVELAND (JOHN). CLIEVELANDI VINDICIÆ: | or, | CLIEVELAND's | Genuine POEMS, | Orations, Epistles, &c. | PURGED FROM | the many False and Spurious Ones | which had ufurped his Name, | And from innumerable Errours and | Corruptions in the True Copies. | To which are added many never Printed | before, with an account of the Author's Life. | Published according to the AUTHOR'S | own Copies. | LonDON, | Printed for Robert Harford, at the Angel in | Cornhill near the Royal-Exchange, 1677. 8vo, old calf, gilt back, red morocco label, marbled edges, margins of two leaves torn, in one case obliterating a few words. FINE IMPRESSION OF THE ENGRAVED PORTRAIT. |