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3033 LAVATER (LEWIS.) Of ghoftes | and fpirites walking | by nyght, and of strange nopses, crackes, and | sundry forewarnynges, whiche | commonly happen before | the death of menne, | great slaughters, | & alterations | of kyng- | domes. One Booke, | Written by Lewes Laua- | terus of Tigurine. And tranflated into Eng- | lyshe by R. H. | Printed at London by Henry Benneyman | for Richard VVatkyns. 1572.

4to, Black Letter, FIRST EDITION, bound in full crimson crushed levant morocco, broad gilt tooled inside borders, gilt over marbled edges by LORTIC FRÈRES. Title and following leaf in excellent fac-simile, OTHERWISE A BEAUTIFUL COPY.


3034 LAW-DICTIONARY. An | Exposition | of Certaine | difficult and obfcure | words, and Termes of the Lawes of this | Realme. | Newly Amended and augmented, both in French and | English, for the helpe of fuch young Stu- dents as are defirous to attaine to the knowledge of the same. | London, | Printed for the Company of Stationers. 1607.

12mo, Black Letter, original calf, rebacked. BOOKPLATE of REV. HENRY GORGES DOBYNS YATE, LL.B.

3035 LEVINS (PETER). MANIPULUS VOCABULORUM. A RHYMING DICTIONARY of the ENGLISH LANGUAGE. (1570) Edited, with an Alphabetical index, by HENRY B. WHEATLEY. LONDON: Early English Text Society. 1867.

8vo, paper, uncut.

3036 LINCH (RICHARD). THE | FOVNTAINE OF | ANCIENT FICTION. | Wherein is liuely depictured the IMAGES and | STATUES of the gods of the ANCIENTS, with their | proper and perticular expositions. | Done out of ITALIAN into English, by RICHARD LINCHE Gent. | LONDON, | Printed by ADAM ISLIP. | 1599.

4to, bound in dark blue straight-grained morocco, gilt and blind tooled back and sides, ornamented gilt panel on sides, enclosing gilt lettering and arms, elaborately tooled gilt inside borders, gilt edges, by RODWELL. A few leaves repaired at blank margins. FROM THE LIBRARY of the DUKE OF SUSSEX, with his HANDSOME ENGRAVED





TRANSLA- | TED INTO | ENGLISH: | By W. L. Gent. LONDON, | Printed by William Iones, dwelling | in Redcroffe-street, 1628.

16mo, bound in full calf, blind tooled, red edges. Blank corner of title and one other blank margin slightly torn. GOOD Copy.

In the preface, the author of this translation states that SOME OF THE POEMS HAD BEEN COMPOSED NEARLY THIRTY YEARS BEFORE, and had since "lyne imprisoned by mee."


Men-Miracles. | with other |

POEMS, on feveral | SUBJECTS. | By | M. LLuellin Student of Ch. Ch. in | Oxon. | LONDON. | Printed, and are to be fold by Peter Parker, at the Leg and Star in Cornhil, against | the Royal Exchange, 1679.

12mo, bound in full polished calf, gilt back and edges. Additional title of 1656 edition (neatly inlaid) is inserted. GOOD COPY.

A curious combination of serious and comic poems. This is the edition of 1656, with a new title-page, and the preliminary matter omitted.

3039 LODGE (THOMAS). Scillaes | Metamorphosis: | Enterlaced with the unfortunate loue | of Glaucus, etc. | Imprinted at London by Richard Jhones. | 1589. (Reprint, Chiswick Press, 1819.]

Small 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Edited by S. W. SINGER.


3040 [LONDON (WILLIAM).] A CATALOGUE of the MOST VENDIBLE Books in ENGLAND, Orderly and Alphabetically Digested; under the heads of Divinity, History, Architecture, Romances, Poems, Playes, etc, with Hebrew, Greek, and Latin Books for Schools and Scholars. THE LIKE WORK NEVER YET PERFORMED BY ANY. LONDON, Printed in the year 1658.

4to, vellum. Contains "A Supplement of New Books, come forth since August the first, 1657, till June the first, 1658." Worm-marks on the leaves at end of book.


LOVELACE, | Esq. | LONDON, | Printed by THO. HARPER, and are to be fold | by THO. EVVSTER, at the Gun, in | Ivie Lane. 1649.

12mO, FIRST EDITION, IN THE ORIGINAL OLD CALF BINDING, GILT BACK AND RED EDGES. Two leaves misplaced. BOOK PLATE of EDWARD BURTON, Lacks the engraved frontispiece, and the portrait (supposed to be Lucy Sacheverell).

RARE. If complete, with the two plates, it is safe to say there would be no finer copy in existence. In this edition it will be noticed that, by the printer's error, "AMARANTHA" is given as "ARAMANTHA."

3042 LOVELACE (RICHARD). LUCASTA. | Posthume | POEMS | OF | Richard Lovelace. Esq;| LONDON. | Printed by William Godbid for | Clement Darby. | 1659.


ELEGIES | SACRED | To the Memory of the | AUTHOR: By several of his Friends. | Collected and Published | By | Dudley) P(osthumus)-L(ovelace). | London, Printed


12mo, bound in full dark blue straight-grained morocco, gilt back, paneled sides, gilt edges. FRONTISPIECE to the "Elegies," ENGRAVED by FAITHORNE. The original portrait is lacking, its place being taken by an early and finely etched one from the same original.

3043 LOVELACE (RICHARD). LUCASTA. The Poems of RICHARD LOVELACE, Esq. now first edited, and the text carefully revised. With some account of the Author, and a few notes, by W. CAREW HAZLITT. LONDON: 1864.

8vo, cloth, uncut.


3044 LYDGATE (JOHN.) A TREATISE | excellent and compēdious, shewing and declaring, in maner of Tragedye, the | falles of sondry most notable Princes and Princesses with o- | ther Nobles, through y mutabilitie and | change of vnstedfast Fortune together with their most | detestable & wicked vices. First com- | pyled in Latin by the excellent Clerke Bocati | us, an Italian borne. And sence | that tyme translated into our | English and Vulgate tong, by Dan John Lid- gate Monke of Bu- | rpe. And nowe newly im- | prynted, correc | ted, and aug- | mented out | of diuerfe and | sundry | olde writen copies | in parch ment. | In ædibus Richardi Tottelli. | Cum priuilegio.

[Colophon] [Imprinted at London

in Fletestrete within Temple barre at
the sygne of the hande and starre, by Richard
Tottel, the X. day of September in the
peare of oure Lorde,


Cum Priuilegio ad impri-
mendum folum.

Folio, Black Letter, bound in full dark blue straight-grained morocco, gilt and blind tooled borders, marbled edges, by THOS. BROWN, NEWCASTLE. Title, within elaborate woodcut border, has been cut to the margin and neatly mounted. Name of former owner on title. A few leaves repaired, and some slightly wormed. Contains "The daunce of Macbabree" (12 pp.) at end, also the duplicate leaf CCXX, with "Greneacres' a Lenuoy vpon John Bocbas," which, MR. HAZLITT states, is NOT IN ALL COPIES. The same may be said of "THE DAUNCE." 12 FINE AND CURIOUS OLD woodcuts, including the one of "ADAM AND EVE IN THE GARDEN OF EDEN," ORNAMENTED INITIALS. Barring the slight defects mentioned, A REMARKABLY FINE COPY, WITH AMPLE MARGINS.



Chowe Adam and Eue for they? nobedience wet put out of paradise, and le ued in sozow and woe, they & their offpring: And how they standyng naked before Bos chas, desyzed him to putte they? woefull fall Fyll in remembzaunce.

The fylt Chapter.

Han John Bochas, considied had and sought The woeful fall, of mightie conquerours: A remembrance entred In his thought, Rekening the numbre of our predeceflours. And first to mind came the progenitours of all mankend farre I ranne iu age. And toward him holding their passlage.

And as him thought in his inward light In their comming full pitouage tremlyng,

Quaking for age and for lacke of might, their great feblelte by signes out hewing And one of fyant at hys cummyng Dur fader Adam sodeynly abzayde, and to mine autour euen thus he laydе.

Coline Bochas, I win wel that thou lere

thou that art buly to searche out ouer at, Of infortune the maner to enquere, Her sodayn chaunge turning as a ball, of earthly princes from they? estate royall It is most sitting or we a sundre twinne, It vs twayn thy processe to begynne.

Considie fylt the lord in his auyle, whan he be made buto his likenes. He put bs both into paradise, There to have lived in perfit Nablenes, till the serpent did his busines, of false enuie, to make bs lese our grace, Berpetually texile vs from that place.



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