| David Masson - Literary forgeries and mystifications - 1874 - 336 pages
...Mrs. OLIPHANT. LETTERS OF WILLIAM CO WPER.— Edited, with Introduction By the Rev. W. BENHAM, B D. THE POETICAL WORKS OF JOHN KEATS.— Reprinted from the Original Editions, with Notes. By FRANCIS TURNER FALCRAVE LYRICAL POEMS. By LORD TENNYSON. Selected and Annotated by FRANCIS TURNER PALGRAVE.... | |
| Paris bibl. nat, dépt. des imprimés - 1885 - 306 pages
...in-4°. [4° Ym. 5 [Chansons populaires iougo-slaves. Publiées par Fr.-S. Kuhaó.] Keats (John). — Poetical Works of John Keats, reprinted from the original...editions with notes by Francis T. Palgrave. — London, Macmillan, 1884, in-16. [8° Yk. 154 Keilhack (Konrad). — Reisebilder aus Island. Von Dr Kourad Keilhack,...... | |
| Thomas Gray - 1884 - 468 pages
...Pygmalion : A Poem. Crown 8vo. 7s. 6d. Silenus : a Poem. Crown 8vo. 6s. GOLDEN TREASURY SERIES. NEW VOLUMH The Poetical Works of John Keats. Reprinted from the Original Editions, with Notes. By FRANCIS TURNER PALOEAVE. With a Vignette after FLAXMAN. 18mo. 4s. 6d. MACMILLAN AND CO., LONDON. ... | |
| Thomas Gray - 1884 - 452 pages
...Pygmalion : A Poem. Crown 8vo. 7s. 6d. Silenus : a Poem. Crown 8vo. 6s. GOLDEN TREASURY SERIES. NEW VOIUMH. The Poetical "Works of John Keats. Reprinted from the Original Editions, with Notes. By FRANCIS TURNER PALGRAVE. With a Vignette after FLAXMAN. 18mo. 4s. 6d. MACMILLAN AND CO., LONDON. I III III... | |
| Henry Calderwood - Ethics - 1885 - 378 pages
...Introduction, Ey the Rev. W. BENHAM, BD, Editor of the "Globe Edition " of Cowper's Poetical Works. THE POETICAL WORKS OF JOHN KEATS.— Reprinted from the Original Editions, with Notes. By FRANCIS TURNER PALGRAVE. LYRICAL POEMS. Ey ALFRED, LORD TENNYSON. Selected and Annotated. By FRANCIS TURNER... | |
| Sir Norman Lockyer - Electronic journals - 1885 - 760 pages
...With Portraits and Facsimile. In Four Volumes. Globe 8vo. 2or. GOLDEN TREASURY SERIES. NEW VOLUME. THE POETICAL WORKS OF JOHN KEATS. Reprinted from the Original Editions, with Notes. By FRANCIS TURNER PALGRAVE. With a Vignette. l8mo. 4-f. 6./. NEW BOOK BY MR. TOIIN FLSKE. MAN'S DESTINY. Viewed... | |
| Mrs. Molesworth - 1885 - 306 pages
...COWPER.— LETTERS of WILLIAM COWPER. Edited, with Introduction, by the Rev. W. BENHAM, BD KEATS.— THE POETICAL WORKS OF JOHN KEATS. Reprinted from the Original Editions, with Notes by FRANCIS TURNF.R PAI.GRAVE. Large Paper Edition. 8vo. 9*. LYRICAL POEMS. By ALFRED, LORD TENNYSON, Poet Laureate.... | |
| American literature - 1885 - 998 pages
...annotated by Francis Turner Pal^ravc, Golden treasury str., a limited edition on hand-made pap., 8°. The poetical works of John Keats, reprinted from the original editions, with notes by Francis Turner Palgrave, a limited edition on hand-made pap., 8°. Goethe's Reynard the Fox, ir. into English... | |
| Joseph Addison - 1885 - 422 pages
...COWPER— LETTERS OF WILLIAM COWPER. Edited, with Introduction, by the Rev. W. BENHAM, BD KEATS— THE POETICAL WORKS OF JOHN KEATS. Reprinted from the Original Editions, with Notes by FRANCIS TURNER PALGRAVE Large paper Edition. 8vo. 9$. LYRICAL POEMS. By ALFRED, LORD TENNYSON, Poet Laureate.... | |
| Charlotte Mary Yonge - 1885 - 388 pages
...Introduction. By the Rev. W. BENHAM, BD, Editor of the "Globe Edition" of Cowper's Poetical Works. THE POETICAL WORKS OF JOHN KEATS.— Reprinted from the Original Editions, with Notes. By FRANCIS TURNER PALGRAVE. LYRICAL POEMS. By LORD TENNYSON. Selected and Annotated by FRANCIS TURNER PALGRAVB.... | |
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