DANTE ALIGHIERI: La Divina Commedia (translated by H. F. Cary)... DAVIES, T.: Dramatic Miscellanies.. แ Memoirs of the Life of David Garrick.. DAVIS, C. K.: Law in Shakespeare.. DELIUS, N.: Shakspere Werke.. DENNIS, J.: Letters, Familiar, Moral, and Critical... DUPORT, PAUL: Essais Littéraires sur Shakspeare. Tell... DYCE, A.: Remarks on Collier's and Knight's Editions... 66 Few Notes, etc.... DYER, T. F. T.: Folk-Lore of Shakespeare.. EDWARDS, T.: Canons of Criticism (Seventh Edition)... FLEAY, F. G.: Shakespeare Manual.... FLETCHER, G.: Studies in Shakespeare.......... FONTANE, T.: Aus England: Studien und Briefe über Londoner Theater.... FORSYTH, E.: Some Notes on Shakespeare. FRENCH, G. R.: Shakespeareana Geneologica.. VON FRIESEN, H.: Shakespeare Studien.. FROUDE, J. A.: Reign of Elizabeth... FULLOM, S. W.: History of William Shakespeare.. GARNETT, R., and Gosse, E.: Illustrated History of Eng GERVINUS, G. G.: Commentaries (translated by Bunett) 1863 GILDEMEISTER, OTTO: Shakspeare's Werke (ed. Bodenstedt) vii. of Rowe's 2d ed.). GILES, HENRY: Human Life in Shakespeare... Wright, 1809).... GREEN, H.: Shakespeare and the Emblem-writers.. ......... GRIFFITH, Mrs: Morality of Shakespeare's Dramas.. HAGENA: Berichtigungen der Schlegelschen Sh. Uebersetzung HALLAM, H.: View of the State of Europe during Middle HALLIWELL-PHILLIPS, J. O.: Memoranda on Love's Lab., King John, Othello, and Rom. & Jul.... London, 1879 HARDING, S. and E.: Whole Historical Dramas of Shake (ed. ii.). HEARD, F. F.: Shakespeare as a Lawyer. HEATH, B.: Revisal of Shakespeare's Text. HERAUD, J. A.: Shakespeare's Inner Life. 1817 HAZLITT, W. C.: Shakespeare: Himself and His Work 1906 HERR, J. G.: Scattered Notes.. HILGERS, PROFESSOR DR: Der Dramatische Vers Shake speare's...... HUDSON, H. N.: Shakespeare: His Life, Art, and Characters HUNTER, JOSEPH: New Illustrations of Shakespeare.. INGLEBY, C. M.: The Still Lion... IRELAND, JOSEPH N.: Records of the New York Stage. JERVIS, S.: Emendations of the Text of Shakespeare. KEAN, C.: Selections from the Plays of Shakespeare..... KEMBLE, J. P.: King John, as acted at Covent Garden KENRICK, W.: Review of Johnson's Shakespeare.. speare.. KINNEAR, B. G.: Cruces Shakespearianæ.. KNIGHT, C.: Studies of Shaks pere.. KREYSSIG, F.: Vorlesungen uber Shakespeare.. LEE, SIR SIDNEY: Life of Shakespeare (new edition).... LETTSOM, W. N.: New Readings in Shakespeare (Black wood's Maga.).. LEWES, L.: Shakespeare's Frauengestalten. LINGARD, J.: History of England.............. LLOYD, W. W.: Essays on Shakespeare... LUCE, M.: Handbook to the Works of Shakespeare.. MABIE, H. W.: W. Shakespeare, Poet, Dramatist, and Man (new edition). MACDONALD, G.: A Dish of Orts... MACREADY, WILLIAM C.: Reminiscences (ed. F. Pollock).. MADDEN, D. H.: Diary of Master William Silence. 66 Comments on Beaumont, Fletcher, and Ob- MASSEY, G.: Secret Drama of Shakespeare's Sonnets (ed. ii.) Text of Shakespeare (transactions of Lit. & Hist. MEYER, ARNOLD O.: England and the Catholic Church un- NICHOLS, J.: Illustrations of the Literary History of the Eighteenth Century. .... NORGATE, KATE: John Lackland. OECHELHAUSER, W.: Shakespeare Dramatische Werke.... Minden, 1885 PERRING, SIR P.: Hard Knots in Shakespeare (ed. ii.). . . PHELPS, W. M., FORBES-ROBERTSON J.: Life and Life Work of Samuel Phelps... PYE, H. J.: Comments on the Commentators.. RAICH, J. M.: Shakespeare's Stellung zur Katholischen Religion RALEIGH, W.: Shakespeare (English Men of Letters)... REED, HENRY: English History and Tragic Poetry as Illustrated by Shakespeare ... RITSON, J.: Remarks Critical and Illustrative. ROBERTSON, J. M.: Montaigne and Shakespeare.... ROHLEDER, J.: Internal Evidence for Determining the ROLFE, W. J.: Life of William Shakespeare. ROSE, E.: Shakespeare as an Adapter (Macmillan's Maga., RÜMELIN, G.: Shakspere-Studien.. RUSHTON, W. L.: Shakespeare's Legal Maxims. " Shakespeare Illustrated by Old Authors. SAINTSBURY, G.: A History of English Prosody.. Boston, 1908 SCHLEGEL, A. W.: Dramatic Literature, Lectures (trans lated by J. Black). London, 1815 SCHWARTZKOPF, A.: Shakspere's Dramen auf Ewigen Bremen, 1888 STOKES, H. P.: Chronological Order of Shakespeare's Plays (ed. Hone)....... STUBBS, WILLIAM: Historical Collection of Walter of Cov แ entry.... Constitutional History of England. STÜMCKE, FERD.: Studien zu Shakespeare's King John...... TETZLAFF, ARTHUR: Die Kindergestalten bei den Englischen St. Louis, 1877 THEOBALD, L.: Shakespeare Restored.. THUMMEL, JULIUS: Vorträge uber Shakspere-Charaktere TIECK, L.: Alt-Englisches Theater.... TURNER, SHARON: History of England during the Middle ULRICI, H.: Shakespeare's Dramatic Art (translated by " UPTON, J.: Critical Observations.. Remarks on Three Plays of Ben Jonson. VALPY, R.: King John: An Historical Tragedy... VAUGHAN, H. H.: New Readings in Shakespeare's Tragedies (ed. ii.). VEHSE, EDUARD: Shakespeare als Protestant, Politiker Psycholog und Dichter... VERPLANCK, G. C.: Shakespeare's Dramas. WALKER, W. S.: On Shakespeare's Versification. 66 WARD, A. W.: English Dramatic Literature.... WATSON, SIR F. B.: Religious Sentences from Shakespeare WENDOVER, ROGER OF: Flowers of History (translated by WETZ, W.: Shakespeare vom Standpunkte der Vergleichen den Literaturgeschichte.. WHALL, W. B.: Shakespeare's Sea Terms Explained... Shakespeare Studies.. WHITER, W.: Commentary on Shakespeare. WILKES, G.: Shakespeare from an American Point of View Series).. WIVELL, ABRAHAM: Shakespeare's Monument. WORDSWORTH, C.: Shakespeare's Knowledge and Use of |