"No, but as I come past I see your father a turnin' some out o' that piece o' lignum vitæ you got him last week, so you can get some o' him," said the pedler quietly; then turning again to the window - "Can I suit you to-day, ma'am ? I've all sorts o' notions - powder and shot, (but I 'spose you do all your shootin' at home,) but may be your old man goes a gunnin' - I sha'n't offer you lucifers, for ladies with sich eyes never buys matches, but you can't ask me for any thing I haven't got, I guess." While I was considering my wants, one of the men must try a fall with this professed wit. "Any goose-yokes, mister?" said he. "I'm afraid I've sold the last, sir; there is so many wanted in this section of the country. But I'll take your measure, and fetch you a supply next time I come along." This of course produced a laugh. "Well! I want a pair o' boots, any how," said the prostrate hero, rallying, to show that he was not discomfited. "These here old ones o' mine lets in gravel, but won't let it out again. If you've got any to fit me, I'll look at 'em." And thus saying he stretched out a leg of curious wire-drawn appearance. "Any to fit, old boss?" "Fit you like a whistle, sir," said the pedler, fumbling among his wares, and at length drawing forth a pair of candle moulds, much to the amusement of the bystanders. The rain which had begun to fall now cut short our conference. I bought a few trifles, and the pedler received his pay with a bow which was almost a salaam. Mounting his blue hearse, he drove off in triumph, not minding the rain, from which he was completely sheltered by a screen of boughs fitted in the sides of his wagon, and meeting over his head, - a protection against sun and rain which I much admired. This is the first specimen of Autolycus that I have seen. There are scores of pedlers travelling the country, but they are generally grave, businesslike personages, standing much upon their dignity, or rude and saucy, and disposed to attempt bullying one into buying. One of the former kind told me that he was "about retiring from this section of the country," and had it "in contemplation to go to the south." So much for my laugh, which I could have justified more fully if I had been industrious enough to write out more of my recollections. But indeed, spite of good resolutions, there is something wilting in this gentle, uniform, soft-dropping rain. It takes the energies out of my morale as it does the starch out of my collars, leaving all alike limpsy to use a favorite term of Mrs. Boardman. must yield me to the drowsy influences - not however without having fulfilled my intention of covering this goodly sheet with "an infinite deal of nothing." I Mr. Sibthorpe, who pretends to be busied in arranging a multitude of accounts and such like rainy-day improvements, while he is in reality catching a very consoling nap now and then, is just now awake enough to beg his duteous remembrances to your ladyship, with like friendly greeting to Mr. Williamson and to Mr. Ellis, who lives in our memories as a most engaging wight, Of social glee, and wit humane, though keen. Charlotte's little love too, and a larger share From yours, F. S. If one's better mind, or only of one's present and temporary humor? If the former, I must throw away the pen, I fear, for some time to come. the latter, I have only to scrawl the single word AGUE a thousand times on the face of my paper, or write it once in letters which would cover the whole surface. I have no other thought. I can no longer say, "My mind my kingdom is." I am deposed, and this vile blue-visaged fiend has usurped the throne. There he sits with his yellow eyes and his quivering chin, making hideous faces at me, and calling up dreams, which might terrify one far stouter-hearted than I. I see my wife, pale and ghastly, with filmy eyes, imploring help, which I cannot give her. My daughter, stiff - cold dead the life pressed out of her little heart by the chill monster. Waves of sorrow, heavy, tangible, rise to overwhelm me; no friend remains to cheer my dying pillow. Stretched on the damp ground I see all around me graves yawning, and wild shapes impatiently waiting for my last breath. The clouds teem with lurid fires; the very light is burning flame, while I shiver with cold. Horror pursues me - never again, O my friend, shall this trembling hand - just here came the sweet voice of my little darling. "Dear papa," she said, laying her cool hand on my forehead, "dear papa, why will you write when you are so ill? you promised mamma to lie still on the sofa, if she would go away and get some rest; and very soon you started up and said you must write ; and ever since, I could hear your pen, scratch - scratch - so wildly - I am frightened, papa! shall I call mamma? she always persuades you to be so quiet دو It is even as you see, my dear Williamson, and I shall send this very awful "scratch - scratch," that frightened poor little Charlotte, that you may have some idea of the condition in which one "comes out" of an ague fit. I had begun to feel relieved, and thought my fever had subsided, as it probably would have done, if I had remained quiet. But the slightest intellectual effort, and particularly the least indulgence of the imagination, recalls and redoubles the departing horrors. I could with difficulty be persuaded by my little trembler; but after she had enticed me to the sofa I soon fell asleep, and so remained for two or three hours, when I awoke quite relieved. And this has been the course for a fortnight past. However, I believe I am now quite cured, and I shall endeavor |