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said of the next great author who has devoted his energies to the elucidation of ancient story."

If Heeren has seldom struck out original thought himself, there is no one who has furnished in greater profusion the materials of it to others."

If the Revolution in France has warmed into life a crowd of memoir-writers, the War of Liberation in Germany has been hardly less efficacious in calling forth a host of writers who have portrayed, with equal felicity, the changes and feelings of that eventful era."

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If it be true, as the wisest men in every age have affirmed, that

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'Music hath charms to tame the savage breast,'

there is no country which should be so civilized as Germany." If Beethoven is the Michael Angelo of Music, Mozart is its Raphael."

Alison has a peculiarity of a still more offensive form, which consists in the repetition of certain words in close succession to each other. Of this I have noted the following instances in his "History of Europe during the French Revolution:”—

"The circumstance which ultimately brought about the contest was the success with which Cardinal Richelieu succeeded in destroying the rural influence of the French nobility.”

"It would seem as if in the very disposition of the seats, it had been intended to point to the intended union of the Orders."

"Crowds of all classes daily came to Versailles to encourage the members in their courageous resistance to the measures of the court."


"The able leaders of the popular party, keeping in advance of the movement, advanced steadily in their career usurpation."

Lafayette, who was employed on the frontier at the head of the army, employed his immense influence for the same object."

"Cradled in snowy mountains and habituated to severe habits, the Swiss peasantry exhibited the same features."

"The French leaders were not insensible to the danger arising from the attack of so formidable a coalition of foreign powers as was now preparing to attack them.”

"He was at first succcessful, and succeeded in obtaining possession of Breda."

"The troops which the chiefs commanded were divided into three divisions."

"To oppose this formidable invasion, the Royalists were divided into four divisions."

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They formed the nucleus from which those intrepid bands of Chouans were formed."

"Another striking proof of the consequences of disorders consequent on popular ambition.”

"Consequences so extraordinary, so unlooked-for to every class of society, from the throne to the cottage, are singularly instructive as to the consequences of revolutions."

"Contrary to all expectation, and in opposition to what might have been expected from the previous energy of their


"A compulsory regulation which compelled the shopkeepers to accept of the depreciated French assignats.'

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"We may see in its history what would have been the fate of all the northern nations, if their fierce and unbending temper had not been tempered by the blood of a more advanced civilisation."

"The cities of Italy have been celebrated since the very infancy of civilisation, from the marvellous celebrity, in arts and arms, which their inhabitants have attained."

"The Archduke Charles being now assured of the direction which Moreau had taken, directed Latour and the detached parties to join him.”

"The secret spring of all his actions was a deep and manly feeling of piety which pervaded all his actions."

"These constituted so many separate republics, who organised themselves after the model of the great French model.”

"Sir Sidney soon experienced the effects of that feeling, from the treatment which he experienced from his enemies on a reverse of fortune."

"Sir Sidney succeeded in getting off by means of fictitious orders, which his friends procured, purporting to order his transference from the Abbaye to the Temple."

"In the expectation of what he might expect from the probity of the English Cabinet, Sir Sidney was not mistaken."

"Those movements were all punctually executed, notwithstanding the excessive rains which impeded the movements of the troops."

"From the first the disposition of its columns, disposed in part in echelon along the road, indicated an intention of retreating in that direction."

"The same character has characterised their descendants in modern times."

"By the Portuguese law every person is legally obliged to join the battalions arrayed in defence of the country."

"The principle of admitting divorce in many cases was too firmly established in the customs and habits of France, to admit of its being shaken."

"The brave Switzers to the north of the St. Gothard evinced the distinguishing features which in every age have distinguished the nations of German or Teutonic descent."

"This circumstance renders his revelations of the political arrangements which rendered abortive all the efforts of the allies, of peculiar value."

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They do not feel the ardent desire for elevation, which, in free communities, elevates a few to greatness, and consigns many to disappointment."

"Under the influence of so many concurring causes the French influence rapidly declined."

"The new ministry introduced at once a total change of system, by the introduction of enlistments for a limited period of service."

"The Cinca, a mountain torrent which descends from the mountains on the Catalonian frontier of the Ebro."

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'They are totally incapable of appreciating the merits of a system of defence, in which ultimate success was to be purchased by a cautious system of defensive policy."

"It is impossible to doubt that Lords Grey and Grenville were right in the conditions which they so firmly insisted on as a condition of their taking office."

"The high premium on gold was evidently among the political or natural causes which at that period caused the precious metals to be all drained out of the country."

"Seduced by these flattering appearances, the monarch appears for a time to have trusted to the pleasing hope that his difficulties were at an end."

"The contest in Catalonia during the whole Peninsular contest was of a very peculiar kind."

"This renowned fortress was of the very highest importance, from its great strength and important situation."

"To assist him in the discharge of his numerous and onerous duties, he was assisted by a great council, styled the Real Audiencia."

"To favor the monopolies established in favor of the dominant race, numerous restrictions were established."

Many a gallant breast there throbbed for the decisive moment which was to decide this long-continued duel between the two nations."

"Wellington was anxious to be relieved from all anxiety in that quarter."

"The army is kept up by a compulsory levy of so many per hundred or thousand, levied under the authority of an imperial ukase."

"The delays consequent on the march of so many detached bodies, delayed the commencement of the battle till seven."

"A large supply of mules was obtained to supply the great destruction of those useful animals during the retreat from Burgos."

"The crowd of camp followers and sutlers who followed in their train, swept the ground so completely."

"Notwithstanding his defeat at Castalla, and the subsequent operations of Sir John Murray, of which an account will subsequently be given."

"On one occasion, in the autumn of 1813, he had occasion to pass a place where seventy caissons had been blown up."

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"With these words he re-entered his cabinet, and remained the whole remainder of the day wrapped in thought."

Spalatro was taken the same day, and the entire reduction of the province and eastern shores of the Adriatic effected, by the reduction of the strong fortress of Zara."

"The strength of the garrison of the latter city, including the marine forces, was twelve thousand strong."

"The peculiar political situation of their commander-in-chief rendered it very doubtful whether they would render any very efficient service."

"It is not the points of resemblance between Canada and the United States of America, it is the points of their difference which require to be pointed out."

66 The usages of warfare, alike in ancient and modern times, have usually saved from destruction, edifices which are dedicated to the purposes of religion."

"Failures to any great extent in the American provinces, never fail to produce stagnation and distress."

"Obligations were regarded by the latter as obligatory, though ruinous."

"The first of these was the establishment of the Protestant, as the established religion of Great Britain."

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