| Medicine - 1777 - 536 pages
...ig. HUNTEK, WILLIAM,. MDFRS &c. The anato.ry of the Human gravid uterus, iii. 227. HUNTER, JOHN, FRS An account of certain receptacles of air in birds which communicate with the lungs, iii. 53, : : —- On the digeftion of the ftomach after death, ii. 27. Propofals for the recovery of... | |
| Tobias Smollett - English literature - 1787 - 510 pages
...— An Account of an extraordinary Pheafant.— An Account of the Organ of Hearing in Fifties. — An Account of certain Receptacles of Air in Birds, which communicate with the Lungs and Euftacliian Tube.—- .Experiments and Observations on Animals, with P.efpedt to the Power of producing... | |
| Jeremias David Reuss - 1791 - 472 pages
...death. (Phil. Transaft. 1772, p. 447.) Anatomical observations on the torpedo. (Ibid., 1773. p. 481. ) Account of certain receptacles of air in birds> which...parts, and in the hollow bon-es of those animals. (Ibid. 1774* p. 205.) Observation-son the Gillnroo trout, cal. led in Ireland the Gizzard trout. (Ibid.... | |
| Physiology - 1805 - 650 pages
..., Cap. XXII. de Volatu, Prop. igi. p. i8a***} Account ofcerta in receptaclesofairinBlrd s, whi cli communicate with the lungs, and are lodged both among the fleshy parts and in thehollowboncs ofthofeanimals. InderiPhilof. Transact. Vol. I.XIV. p. äö5. — Obfervttionsofcert«inpart»ofth8»nim... | |
| Royal Society (Great Britain) - Meteorology - 1809 - 792 pages
...the whole sum being 2Q£ inches. XXIX. On certain Receptacles of 4ir in Birds, which Communicate wilh the Lungs, and are lodged both among the Fleshy Parts and in the Hollow Bones of those Animals. By John Hunter, FRS p. 205. Reprinted with additions in this author's Observations on the Animal Economy,... | |
| John Fleming - Zoology - 1822 - 632 pages
...have seen, in the heron, respiration perform<.d durmg a whole day through the broken humerus. See " An account of certain Receptacles of air in Birds, which communicate with the Lungs." *e-, by JOHN HUNTF.R. Phil. Trans. 1774, p. 305. bones. A ureter proceeds from each, and terminates... | |
| Natural history - 1825 - 604 pages
...celles du crâne des oiseaux : Ann. du mus., tom. i0. = J. HUBTER , An account of certain réceptacles of air , in birds , which communicate with the lungs , and are lodged both among the jleshj pars and in the hollow bones of those animais : Philos. Trans., vol. 64, pag. ao5. = LJM DACDEHTON... | |
| William Jardine - Ruminants - 1836 - 392 pages
...of them came under Mr Hunter's examination. In 1774, he published in the Philosophical Transactions an account of certain receptacles of air in birds,...which communicate with the lungs, and are lodged both in the soft parts and in the hollow bones of these animals. He also published this year a paper on... | |
| Friedrich Wilhelm Assmann - Anatomy, Comparative - 1847 - 334 pages
...structure des os dans les oiseaux. Mem. de Sav. étrang. 1776. Vol. VIL p. 328. 3369. *JoAra Hunter, au account of certain receptacles of air in birds, which...fleshy parts and in the hollow bones of those animals. Philos, trans. 1774. p. 205. — Observation sur les vessies des oiseaux, qui outre le poumon, sont... | |
| Louis Agassiz - Geology - 1853 - 674 pages
...Anatomical Observations on the Torpedo. — Phil. Trans. LXIII. p. 481.— Journ. de Phys. IV. p. 219. 2. An Account of certain Receptacles of Air, in Birds, which communicate with the Lunge, and are lodged both among the fleshy parts and in the hollow Bones of those Animals. — Phil.... | |
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