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THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY, JERUSALEM, 1929/30. Jerusalem, Azriel Printing Works, September 1930. 170 p.

The University was opened in 1925. This volume describes its work and progress.



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The laws governing the school system of Panama.

Memoria que presenta el secretario de instrucción pública a la asamblea Nacional de Panama en sus sesiones de 1928. Panama, The Times Publishing Co., inc., 1929. 130 p.

Contains the plans of study in primary, secondary, and normal schools.

Programas de enseñanza en la escuela de artes y oficios. Panama, The Times Publishing Co., inc., 1927. 181 p.

Programs of study in the School of Arts and Trades,

Programas de enseñanza de la escuela profesional. Panama, The Times Publishing Co., inc., 1927. 294 p.

Programs of study in the Vocational School.

Programas de enseñanza en el instituto Nacional-Liceo. Panama, The Times Publishing Co., inc., 1927. 160 p.

Reglamento del Instituto Nacional, 1926. Panama, The Times Publishing Co., inc., 1927. 51 p.

The National Institute is the largest and most important school in Panama. The two books listed give its programs and regulations.

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Explains the new plan of secondary studies and gives the text of Decree No. 39149, issued January 19, 1931, in regard to it.

CARDOZO, RAMÓN I. Por la educación común. Asunción, Imprenta Nacional. 1928. 192 p.

A description of the school system of Paraguay.

Public instruction in Paraguay. Washington, D.C. The Pan American Union, 1928. 8 p.

A brief account of the education system. DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ESCUELAS. Memoria de la dirección general de escuelas, sobre en estado de la instrucción primaria y normal correspondiente al año de 1929. Asunción, Imprenta Nacional, 1930. 193 p.

Data, mainly statistical, in much detail about primary and normal instruction in 1929.

MINISTERIO DE JUSTICIA, CULTO E INSTRUCCIÓN PÚBLICA. Memoria del ministerio de justicia, culto e instrucción pública, correspondiente al año 1931. Asunción, Imprenta Nacional, 1932. 119 p.

Contains the official information on public instruction for 1931.

La reforma de la enseñanza normal. Decreto No. 47.212 y sus antecedentes. Asunción, Imprenta Nacional, 1933. 57 p.

Gives the new programs and regulations for the normal schools.


ELLIOTT, ARTHUR ELWOOD. Paraguay: Its cultural heritage, social conditions, and educational problems. New York, Bureau of publications, Teachers College, Columbia University, 1931. 210 p.

A good survey of the schools including their curricula.


NOTE. See also pages 7-8: Secondary school courses in Latin America; Teacher-training courses in Latin America; and Education in Latin America.


SADIQ, ISSA KHAN. Modern Persia and her educational system. New York, Teachers College, Columbia University, 1931. 125 p.

An analysis of the education system of Persia.


DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ENSEÑANZA. Programas analiticos de instrucción primaria. 1931. Lima, Imprenta "San Cristobal", 1931. 170 p.

The official programs for primary instruction in Peru.

NOTE-See also pages 7-8: Secondary school courses in Latin America; Teacher-training courses in Latin America; and Education in Latin America.


BUREAU INTERNATIONAL D'ÉDUCATION. L'Éducation en Pologne. Genève, Bureau International d'Education, 1931. 259 p., illus.

This is a collection of articles by different authors on education in Poland. Among other titles are: Progress and problems; Psychological research on children; Esthetic education; Professional preparation of teachers; Moral education; and School hygiene. CHRZONOWICZ, L. Zasady organizacji szkolnictwa zawodowego. In Oświata i Wychowanie, 2: 473–494, Czerwiec, 1930.

Principles of the organization of professional education in Poland,



Education in Po

land, past and present. Washington, 1927. 130 p.

Written as a thesis for the degree of doctor of philosophy. Contains a historical sketch and a study of the present situation.

EDUCATION IN POLAND, 1918-1928. Warsaw, Ministry of Education, 1929. 131 p.

An outline of school systems in Poland.

FELIŃSKI, M. The Ukrainians in Poland. London, Published by the Author, and printed by Reynolds & Co., ltd., 1931. 173 p.

Contains a chapter on Statistical review of schools for Ukrainians Poland.


HENSEL, G. Ustrój szkolnicwa technicznego w Polsce i jego reorganizacja. In Oświata i Wychowanie, 2: 494-507, Czerwiec, 1930.

Technical education in Poland and its reorganization.

KORNILOWICZ, K. Adult education in rural Poland. In International Quarterly of Adult Education, 1: 213-322, February 1933.

LEWICKI, JÓZEF. Bibliografia druków odnoszących się do Komisyi Edukacyi Narodowej. Lwów, Księgarnia, Polska B. Połonieckiego, 1907. 172 p.

A list of references to publications referring to the establishment of the Commission of National Education in Poland in 1773, being the first among the national ministries of education in Europe. MINISTERSTWO WYZNAŃ RELIGIJNYCH I

OŚWIECENIA PUBLICZNEGO. Szkoły powszechne Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w roku szkolnym 1925/26. Warszawa, 1927. 698 p.

Official list of all elementary schools in Poland in 1925/26.

Spis szkół zawodowych Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. Warszawa. 1927. 78 p.

Official list of vocational schools in Poland, including the requirements for admission to and graduation from each type of those schools.



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A mimeographed circular prepared for the purpose of assisting in the evaluation of credentials of students who come from Poland. It gives the programs of studies in detail and a list of all public and private secondary schools whose graduates in 1930 were admitted without examination to institutions of university rank in Poland.

USTAWA Z DNIA 11 MARCA 1932 R. O USTROJU SZKOLNICTWA. In Dziennik Urzędowy Ministerstwa Wyznań Religijnych i Oświecenia Publicznego. Warszawa. Rok XV. 30 czerwiec 1930. No. 4. 122-138.

Law of March 11, 1932, reorganizing the school systems in Poland. WYKAZ SZKÓŁ PRYWATNYCH, KTÓRE W ROKU SZKOLNYM 1932/33 POSIADAJĄ PRAWA SZKÓŁ PAŃSTWOWYCH. In Dziennik Urzędowy Ministerstwa Wyznań Religijnych i Oświecenia Publicznego. Warszawa. Rok XV. 30 lipca, 1932. No. 5. 232-254.

A complete list of all private secondary schools accredited by the Ministry of Religious Cults and Public Education of Poland for the academic year 1932/33. EDUCATIONAL YEARBOOK, 1926. L'ORGANISATION DE L'INSTRUCTION PUBLIQUE DANS 53 PAYS.



DA INSTRUÇÃO PUBLICA Decreto No. 12.425. Promulga o estatuto da instrução secundaria. Decreto No. 12.426, Promulga o estatuto da instrução universitaria. Diario do Govêrno. I Série, Numero 220: 1457-1478. Sabado 2 da Octubro de 1926. Imprensa Nacional de Lisboa, 1926.

Decrees Nos. 12.425 and 12.426 gorerning secondary and higher education in Portugal.

Ensino Normal Primario (Magisterio primario geral e infantil). Programas do curso normal. Lisboa, Imprensa (Nacional, 1920. 200 p.

Programs of study of the normal schools in Portugal.

Ensino Primario Superior, Programas. Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional, 1920. 159 p.

Programs of study of the advanced elementary schools.





the Director of Education for the year 1930. Presented to the Legislative Assembly, 1931. Salisbury, Government Printer, 1931. 30 p.

Official report on education in the Colony of Southern Rhodesia. EDUCATION COMMISSION. Report of the Education Commission. Presented to the Legislative Assembly, 1929. Cape Town, Cape Times, Itd., 1929. 187 p.

A survey made by a commission appointed to inquire into the efficiency and suitability of the education system, other than native education.

GUEST, L. HADEN. Pioneer education in Rhodesia. In New Era, 12: 5154. February 1931.

An illustrated article descriptive of the small schools in Rhodesia.





FORTER, NORMAN L., and ROSTOVSKY, DEMETER B. The Roumanian Handbook. London, Simpkin Marshall, ltd., 1931. 320 p.

Contains a chapter on education. MINISTERUL INSTRUCTIUNII. Programele analitice ale învățământului sesundar (Licee, gimnazii și clasele I-III a şcoalelor normale). Bucuresti, Imprimeriile Statului, 1929. 249 p.

Programs of study of the secondary and normal schools in Rumania.

Programa analitică a învăţământului primar. Bucuresti, Tipografia 'Ion C. Văcărescu", 1929. 115 p.

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Programs of study of elementary schools.

Programa analitică pentru școalele normale. Bucuresti, Imprimeria "Principele Carol", 1925. 164 p.

Programs of study of normal schools.

Programa analitică pentru învănţământul teoretic in școalele inferioare de meserii. Bucuresti, 1926. 26 p.

Programs of study of the lower trade schools.

Lege pentru invăţământul secundar. Bucuresti, Cartea Romaneasca, 1929. 56 p.

Law of 1928 and 1929 governing secondary education.

Regulament pentru aplicarea legii invăţământului primar al statului și învățământului normal primar. Bucuresti, Cultura Nationala, 1928. 238 p.

Law governing elementary and normal education in Rumania.

Statistica invăţământului din România pe anii școlari 1921/221928/29. Bucuresti, Tipografia Curtil Regale F. Göbl Fii, S.A., 1931.

751 p.

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ABEL, JAMES F. Certificates issued by the Scottish Education Department. Washington, Office of Education, Circular No. 66, 1933. 11 p.

A mimeographed circular prepared for the purpose of aiding in the evaluation of credentials of students who come from Scotland to the United States. BOYD, WILLIAM. America in school and college. Edinburgh, Educational Institute of Scotland, 1933. 240 p.

Written by a Scotch educator who spent a year in the United States as a visiting professor in two large universities.



Report of the Committee on Local Expenditure (Scotland). London, His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1932. 130 p.

Contains a chapter on the costs of education in Scotland.

EDUCATION (SCOTLAND) REPORTS, ETC. Issued in 1931-32. London, His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1932.

This volume is a collection of the publications issued by the Scottish Education Department in 1931-32. It includes the annual report of Committee of Council on Education for 1931, report of the accountant, statistics and statistical lists, rules and orders, circulars and memoranda, examination papers, etc. JESSOP, J. C. Education in Angus.

An historical survey of Scottish education from earliest times up to the Act of 1872 from original and contemporary sources. London, University of London Press, ltd., 1931. 328 p.

An attempt to trace the history of the various types of educational institutions in a particular district of Scotland. LAMB, ANDREW SIMON. Education in Scotland; a brief survey of educational organization and a guide to sources of further information. London, A. Blackwood & Sons, 1924. 32 p.

MORGAN, ALEXANDER. Rise and progress of Scottish education. Edinburgh, Oliver & Boyd, 1927. 234 p.

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The report of an experiment in which 87,498 Scottish children. born in 1921 were tested to determine the average level of intelligence in that age-group.

Committee on Advanced Division Curriculum. Curriculum for pupils of 12 to 15 years. London, University of London Press, 1931 343 p.

The proposal to raise the school-leav ing age in Scotland from 14 to 15 called forth this investigation into the curriculum of studies to be offered young people who leave the day schools at 15. A well-arranged study.

THE YEAR BOOKS OF EDUCATION FOR 1932, 1933, and 1934.


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