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For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C.

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Interpretation of the tables..

I. (a) The National University: Köbenhavns Universitet

(University of Copenhagen)

Studieplaner (study plans).

Requirements for admission...


Den almindelige filosofiske Pröve (the general
examination in philosophy)---.

Det filosofiske Fakultet (the faculty of philosophy)--

Degrees in philosophy...

Candidatus (candidata) magisterii.

Magister artium (master of arts).

Den filosofiske Doktorgrad (doctor of philoso-

Examinations in philosophy....

Skoleembedseksamen (professional examina-
tion for teachers) -

Magisterkonferens (master's conference)---

Det matematisk-naturvidenskabelige Fakultet (the
faculty of mathematics-science).

Degrees in mathematics-science.

Candidatus magisterii___

Magister scientarium (master of science) _ _ _
Magister scientarium et candidatus magisterii....
Den filosofiske Doktorgrad (doctor of philosophy).
Examinations in the mathematics-physics subject

Skoleembedseksamen i den matematisk-fysiske
Faggruppe (professional examination for teach-
ers in the mathematics-physics subject group)..
Forpröven (preliminary tests).
Laererpröven (teaching tests).
Fagpröven (subject tests)---

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C. Institutions of university rank—Continued.

I. (a) The National University-Continued.
Examinations in the mathematics-physics subject

Skoleembedseksamen i Gymnastik (professional
examination for teachers in gymnastics)-----
Magisterkonferens i den matematisk-fysiske Fag-
gruppe (master's conference in the mathe-
matics-physics subject group) -
Examinations in the natural history-geography subject

Skoleembedseksamen i den naturhistorisk-geogra-
fiske Faggruppe (professional examination for
teachers in the natural history-geography sub-
ject group)----

Forberedelseseksamen (preliminary examina-

Part I and part II of the examination...----
Skoleembedseksamen i Gymnastik (professional
examination for teachers of gymnastics) - - - - -
Magisterkonferens i den naturhistorisk-geografiske
Faggruppe (master's conference in the natural
history-geography subject group).

Det rets- og statsvidenskabelige Fakultet (the faculty of
law and political science...

Degrees in law and political science or economics..
Candidatus juris (candidate in law)................
Candidatus politices (candidate in political

Kandidat i Forsikringsvidenskab og Statistik
(candidate in insurance and statistics) -----
Den juridiske Doktorgrad (doctor juris) doc-
tor of law).

Examinations in law and political science or

Juridisk Embedseksamen (professional exami-
nation in law).

1ste Del (part I)_.

2den og 3die Del (parts II and III). Statsvidenskabelig Eksamen (examination in political science) __.

Juridisk Tillaegseksamen for statsvidenska

belige Kandidater (supplementary exam-
ination in law for candidates in political
science) -

Eksamen i Forsikringsvidenskab og Statistik
(examination in insurance and statistics).....

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