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General data. The Polytechnical Institute, the Technical College of Denmark was founded in 1829. Its purpose is to offer higher technical instruction on scientific foundations and to further the development and the practical use of technical science and the general knowledge for which it is a basis.

The Technical College is under the supervision of the Ministry of Education and under the immediate direction of a rector appointed by royal resolution for a period of 5 years. The rector is assisted by a Laererraad (faculty council), and Undervisningsraad (council of instruction), the Fagraad (departmental faculties), and an inspector.

The faculty council consists of the rector, the inspector of the college, and of all appointed or active professors and instructors. The council of instruction includes the rector and the chairman of the departmental faculties.

Each departmental faculty prepares Studie og Eksamensordninger (study and examination regulations) for the instruction it offers. The normale Studieordninger (normal or regular plans of study) are approved by the faculty council; the normale Eksamensordninger (normal examination regulations) by the Ministry of Education. Deviation from the normal plan of study must be approved by the council of instruction; deviation from the normal examination regulations by the Ministry of Education.

According to the new regulations of February 8, 1933, which became effective September 1, 1933, the academic year begins on September 1. The first part of this discussion (pp. 55-60) is a summary of the main points of the new provisions.

Requirements for admission.—To the extent that there is room, instruction is available to a man or woman of good character regardless of whether or not it is taken with the purpose of preparing for an examination; however, preference is given to be to polytekniske Eksaminander, i.e., to those who are registered as polytechnical students.


An applicant who has passed one of the following listed examinations or groups of examinations may be admitted as a polytechnical student:

(a) Studentereksamen in the mathematics-science line.

(b) Adgangseksamen (entrance examination) to the Technical College of Denmark. Admission to this is dependent on having passed one of the three following examinations:

1. An examination qualifying for admission to the University of Copenhagen.

2. Almindelige Forberedelseseksamen (general preliminary examination) with three foreign languages and with an average of not less than good and with not less than a mark of good in Danish.

3. Realeksamen (real or modern examination) or Pigeskoleeksamen (girls' school examination) with English, French, German, practical arithmetic and mathematics, and geometry.

(c) 1. Either the Realeksamen, the Pigeskoleeksamen, or the al-
mindelige Forberedelseseksamen in connection with the
Eksamen for Maskin or Elektrokonstruktörer (examina-
tion for machine- or electro-constructionists in the man-
ner in which this examination is offered at one of the fol-
lowing listed schools:

(a) Det Tekniske Selskabs Skoler i Köbenhavn (the schools
of the Technical Association at Copenhagen).
(b) Odense Maskinteknikum (Machine Technicum st

(c) Aarhus Elektroteknikum (Electro-technicum at Aarhus);
or in connection with the udvidede Eksamen for
Bygningskonstruktörer (extended examination for
building constructionists) at one of the following
listed schools:

(1) Husbygningsteknikum i Köbenhavn (Housebuilding or architectural Technicum at Copenhagen). (2) Husbygningsteknikum i Odense (Architectural Technicum at Odense).

(3) Bygningsteknikum i Horsens (Building Technicum at Horsens).

2. Adgangseksamen to the second from the highest department of Officersskolen (School for Officers) passed according to its plan of 1923.

3. Overgangspröven (promotion examination) at Kadetskolen (School for Cadets) passed according to the decree of August 29, 1929.

All applicants within this examination group must pass, in addition, an examination in natural and physical science subjects.

(d) An applicant with training other than that described above must secure the approval of the Ministry of Education on the recommendation of the college.


The degrees conferred by the Technical College of Denmark are:

Polyteknisk Kandidat (candidatus Polytechnices) polytechnical candidate usually written "cand. polyt.", requires from 4% to 6% or 7 years of study after admission to any one of the four departments of the college and success in the Civilingeniöreksamen (examination in engineering).

Den tekniske Doktorgrad (doctor technices) doctor of technology usually written "dr. techn.", may be attained by a cand. polyt. who has passed the Civilingeniöreksamen with förste Karakter (first mark), by one who has passed an Embedseksamen at the University of Copenhagen with first mark, or by one who has passed a Magisterkonferens, after success in the public defense of a thesis written by the candidate and based on independent research.


The departments of instruction at the college with the examination offered by each are:

(a) Fagafdeling for Kemisk Ingeniörvidenskab (Department of chemical engineering):

Civilingeniöreksamen for Fabrikingeniörer (examination for chemical engineer).

(b) Fagafdeling for Maskinteknisk Ingeniörvidenskab (Department of mechanical motive-power engineering including shipbuilding):

Civilingeniöreksamen for Maskiningeniörer (Examination for mechanical engineers).

(c) Fagafdeling for Bygningsteknisk Ingeniörvidenskab (Department of civil engineering):

Civilingeniöreksamen for Bygningsingeniörer (Examination for civil engineers).

(d) Fagafdeling for Elektroteknisk Ingeniörvidenskab (Department of electrical engineering):

Civilingeniöreksamen for Elektroingeniörer (Examination for electrical engineers).

In addition to the four departmental faculties of these departments the instructors who offer training in prepara

tion for part I of the Civilingeniöreksamen form an additional departmental faculty called the Fagraad for de almene Videnskaber (departmental faculty for the general sciences or knowledge). This departmental faculty is in charge of the Studie og Eksamensordninger (study and examination regulations) for part I of the examination. The study and examination regulations for the remainder or part II of the examination are in the hands of the department offering the examination concerned.

Preparation for part I of the examination may be completed in 2 years; for part II, in 21⁄2 years except in electrical engineering where an additional year of practical training is required. In practice, however, the training is extended to 51⁄21⁄2 or even 7 years.

The examination includes written, oral, and practical tests. In addition, prescribed Kursusarbejder (work performed in courses) are to be presented for evaluation. To pass the examination the student must receive one of the following marks as the Hovedkarakter or average and final mark: 1ste Karakter med Udmaerkelse; 1ste Karakter; 2den Karakter.

Supplerende eller videregaaende uddannelse (supplementary or further training).-With the consent of the curriculum committee there may be organized within each faculty special courses for supplementary or further training. Opportunity for the use of the laboratories and collections of the college for research under the guidance and direction of the instructor concerned may be provided in the same manner. In each case after success in an examination at the conclusion of the work the student may receive a certificate.

Opportunity for supplementary training or research with the object of obtaining a certificate is open to one who has passed the examination for civil engineers at the college but may be extended also to others possessing the necessary qualifications.

The laboratories and other scientific equipment at the college are, insofar as circumstances allow, at the disposal of anyone who wishes to carry on scientific research. In each case, however, the consent of the instructor in charge of the material must be obtained and the consent is not to be granted until the instructor has been satisfied that the appli

cant is qualified for the research contemplated. The consent is granted also with the understanding that the applicant is responsible for the expenditures incurred through his research.

Den tekniske Doktorgrad (doctor of technology).—The degree of doctor of technology may be conferred by the college on the basis of an Afhandling (thesis) on one who has passed en af Höjskolens afsluttende Eksaminer med förste Karakter (one of the completion examinations of the College with a grade of first mark), or on one who has passed a Magisterkonferens or who has received a grade of first mark in an Embedseksamen at the University of Copenhagen. (See pp. 13, 19, 23, 27, 29, 31.)

On occasion, on the recommendation of the council of instruction and of the faculty concerned, the faculty council may grant permission for the doctorate in technology to be obtained in a similar manner by a foreigner or by one not included in any of the aforementioned groups when the applicant can produce evidence showing that he has the necessary qualifications as to training and scientific information.

To obtain the doctorate the candidate must produce a thesis based on independent research in some phase of a branch of scientific knowledge related to the work of one of the departments of the college and not previously published. The thesis must be accepted by the departmental faculty concerned and by the faculty council; printed, made public, and successfully defended by the author at a public defense.

The thesis should be written in Danish but may be accompanied by an abstract in English, German, or French. However, when the subject matter, the readers likely to be reached, or financial considerations make it seem advisable, the director on the recommendation of the departmental faculty concerned may grant that it be written entirely in English, German, or French.

On the recommendation of a departmental faculty supported by a majority of at least two thirds of the council of instruction and of the faculty council an honorary degree of doctor of technology may be conferred on one whom the college wishes to honor because of distinctive achievement.

Regulations of October 25, 1913.-The regulations governing instruction at the Technical College of Denmark preceding

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