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leaving examination in commercial science and thereafter participated in the instruction in one of the special studies to a sufficient extent and who, in addition, has had sufficient practical experience may complete his training at the Commercial College with the examination for candidate in commercial science. This examination is open also, after additional study, to one who has passed the diploma examination. To be eligible for the examination for candidate in commercial science, the student, after consultation with the instructor concerned, must write a thesis based on independent research in his Specialstudium (field of special study). If the thesis is approved the student takes an oral examination the object of which is to test his general and special knowledge and his understanding of the various phases of industrial life. The oral examination may be taken at any time within the two semesters of the academic year and is graded simply Bestaaet (passed) or Ikke bestaaet (not passed).

Revisoreksamen (examination for auditors), also called Pröven for statsautoriserede Revisorer (examination for auditors licensed by the National Government).-The examination for auditors is conducted by a Revisorkommission (Auditors' Commission) appointed by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The application for permission to take the examination is sent to the Commission accompanied by certificates of birth and conduct, and by a certification that the applicant has been employed for at least 3 years by a licensed auditor or that he has received dispensation from this requirement from the Ministry of Commerce. After passing the examination one may obtain from the Ministry of Commerce and Industry a Beskikkelsesbrev (letter of appointment) as a licensed auditor.

The examination consists of a teoretisk Del (theoretical part) and of a praktisk Del (practical part) which must be taken within 5 years after the theoretical part.

The theoretical part of the examination consists of a written and an oral test in general study of industry, general commercial and maritime law, accounting, and the technique of auditing. Exemption from this part of the examination may be granted to one who has passed the Embedseksamen in law or the examination in political science at the university,

or to one who has passed the diploma examination at the Commercial College.

The practical part of the examination consists of 4 propositions for 1 or 2 of which the student may substitute 1 or 2 reports based on work connected with his practical experience in bookkeeping and auditing. After the reports and practical work have been approved the student must be ready to answer in an oral examination questions concerning the reports and practical work.

The marks used in grading the examination range from 0 to 6. In the theoretical part of the examination the student receives one mark for each subject. No mark may be less than 2, and to pass the examination there must be a total of at least 15.

In the practical part of the examination one mark is given for the oral test and for each practical proposition and report. No mark may be less than 2 and a total of at least 18 points must be received for this part of the examination.


Handelssproglig Afgangsprove (leaving examination in commercial languages).-The leaving examination in commercial languages marks the completion of a 2-year course in the department of commercial languages. Admission to preparation for this examination is open:

(a) To one who has passed the Studentereksamen in the modern language line.

(b) To one who has passed the Höjere Handelseksamen (higher examination in commerce), i.e., the leaving examination from a commercial gymnasium.

(c) To one who has passed either the Handelseksamen (commercial examination) or the real examination and who in an Optagelsespröve (entrance examination shows himself to possess the required language qualification.

The work begins with a two-semester Forkursus (preliminary course) including bookkeeping, commercial arithmetic, office work, stenography, typewriting, commercial history, commercial technique, commercial law, industrial economics, and practical work in a practice office. The course concludes with a written examination in bookkeeping and in industrial economics and with oral tests in each of commercial history, commercial technique, and commercial law.

The main subjects of the course are English, German, French, and Spanish of which one, preferably English or German, shall be studied as the Hovedsprog (major language) and two as Bisprog (minor languages). The fourth language may be selected as an optional subject.

The examination in the major consists of an 8-hour written Hovedopgave (main proposition) for which the student may have the use of aids; a proposition in commercial correspondence and a translation from Danish to the foreign language without aids; and of a test in stenography.

In each of the remaining languages there is a proposition in the foreign language and a translation from Danish into the foreign language. No aids are to be used for the first proposition but dictionaries may be used for the second.

There are also examinations in Danish in stenography and typewriting.

The oral examination in the major consists of a translation from the foreign language into Danish and of two tests in conversation. In each of the remaining languages there is a translation from the foreign language into Danish and one test in conversation.

In grading, the mark for the major proposition is doubled as is also the average mark for the two conversation tests in the major. In the other languages a separate mark is received for each oral and written test. The student also receives a mark for stenography and typewriting in Danish.

One who has passed the leaving examination in languages is eligible for further language study in preparation for the examination for translators.

Korrespondent proven (examination for correspondents).-In its school for correspondents and its school for translators the department of commercial languages offers training in Sprogstudier (language studies) which corresponds to the Specialstudier of the department of commercial science. The training is more advanced than that offered for the leaving examination and is intended mainly for those whose regular employment permits attendance only at early morning or evening classes. The language studies include English, German, French, and Spanish.

To be admitted as a student in English or German in the school for correspondents the applicant must have passed

one of the following listed examinations and received a mark of at least "good" in the language concerned:

(a) Köbmandsskolens Afgangspröve i fremmede Sprog (leaving examination in foreign languages from the Merchants School).

(b) Handelseksamen (commercial examination).

(c) Höjere Handelseksamen (higher commercial examination).
(d) Leaving examination in commercial science or the leaving
examination in commercial languages.

Others may be admitted on examination.

The requirements for admission as a student in French are the same as those for English and German except that one who has passed the Studentereksamen in the mathematicsscience or the classical language line is also eligible.

An applicant may be admitted as a student in Spanish without previous knowledge of the language when he can show that he otherwise possesses the maturity and qualification necessary for following the instruction.

Preparation for the examination for correspondents which is offered in English, German, and French consists normally of a 2-year course of 4 hours of instruction per week.

The examination includes an oral examination in conversation and four written propositions consisting of:

1. Translation of commercial letters in Danish into the foreign language.

2. Preparation of commercial letters in the foreign language
according to an outline.

3. Translation of a general passage into the foreign language.
4. Translation of a passage of general mercantile content from the
foreign language into Danish.

In grading, one mark is given for each written proposition and for the oral examination. The mark for propositions no. 1 and no. 2 are combined to form a Hovedkarakter (final mark) in correspondence which counts double. In order to pass the examination the Hovedkarakter in correspondence as well as the Hovedkarakter or average and final mark for the entire examination must be at least mg+ (very good minus).

Spanskproven (examination in Spanish).-The examination for correspondents is not offered in Spanish. In its stead there is the examination in Spanish which is similar in content to the examination in this language in the leaving

examination in commercial languages (see p. 96). Preparation for this examination may be completed with a 2-year course of 4 hours of instruction per week.

Translatoreksamen (examination for translators).-Admission to preparation for the examination for translators is open to one who has passed the leaving examination in commercial languages with the language concerned as the major, or to one who has passed the examination for correspondents. Admission is granted also to one who has passed an entrance examination or to one who has shown that he can follow successfully the instruction offered.

The examination may be taken in English, German, or French. It requires from 2 to 3 years of 4 to 5 hours of instruction per week of preparation beyond the requirements of the examination for correspondents. Preparation in the various phases of the major language includes general language, mercantile, legal, and technical language. The other subjects of the examination are civil law and sociology including the history, culture, industrial life, and sociological conditions of the country of the major language.

Application for permission to take the examination is sent to the Ministry of Commerce and Industry accompanied by certificates of birth and conduct. The application must include an account of the applicant's academic training, the manner in which he acquired knowledge of his major language, and the handbooks used. As a rule the application shall contain also the signature of one or more persons who declare themselves willing to conduct the oral examination.

The written examination consists of five 4-hour propositions of which 1 shall be a general language test; 3 translations of commercial, legal, and technical passages or tests; and 1 within the examinee's field of special study. At least two of the propositions must be translations from Danish to the foreign language. No aids are to be used in the general language test or in commercial correspondence; a dictionary may be used in the remaining tests.

The oral examination includes tests in general language, in the interpretation of a passage from the student's field of special study, in his ability as an interpreter, and in the sociological conditions of the country of his major language.

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