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BATTLE OF WATERLOO-Field of Waterloo described-Disposition of

the British Forces-Valley between the Armies-Hougoumont-Po-

sition of the French Army-Dawn of the 18th-Preparations of the

French-Communication between the British and Prussians-Com-

mencement of the Battle-Spot where Bonaparte was posted-Advance

of French Cavalry-Determination of the British Troops-First Attack

of the French-Their partial Success-Defence of Hougoumont-Re-

newed attack upon it-Resistance of the Black Brunswickers-Forma-

tion of the Regiment into Squares-Attack upon Mount St John-In-

efficiency of Light Cavalry-Temporary Superiority of the French-

Charge of the Heavy Brigade-Instance of Military Indifference-Feats

of Personal Valour-Corporal Shaw-Sir John Elley-French Cavalry

beaten off-Alarm at Brussels on the arrival of French Prisoners-

Contest renewed on the Right Wing-Charges of French Cavalry-

Courage of Individual Frenchmen-Coolness of our Soldiers-Retreat

of a Belgian Regiment-Cowardice of the Hanoverian Hussars-The

Centre and Left again assaulted-La Haye Sainte stormed-Dreadful

Carnage of Hougoumont-Burning of the Chateau-The position suc-

cessfully defended-Duke of Wellington-He encourages the Troops

-Losses among his Staff-Sir W. De Lancey-Sir A. Gordon-Lieut.-

Col. Canning-Incessant Attacks of the French - Determination of

Wellington-Bulow's Division appears-They are met by Lobau-Can-

tion of Blucher-Grouchy attacks the Prussian Rear-Defence of the

Bridge of Wavre-The Bridge forced-Grouchy waits for orders-

March of Blucher-Reasons assigned by the French for their Defeat-

Blucher appears near Sunset-Bonaparte miscalculates on Grouchy's

support-Attack of the Imperial Guards-Position of the British-Ad-

vance of the Imperial Guards-Our Guards meet them-The French

fly-The British form Line and pursue-Bonaparte-His Admiration

of the British-His Flight-The English advance-Final Rout of the

French-Last Gun'fired by Captain Campbell-The Flight and Pursuit

-Wellington and Blucher meet-La Belle Alliance-Cruelty of the

French-Retaliation of the Prussians-Death of Dabesme-Utter Rout

of the French-Humanity of the English to their wounded Enemies.


English Visitors to Waterloo-De Coster, Bonaparte's Guide-Appear-

ance of the Field of Battle-Livrets of the French Soldiers German

Prayer-books-Letters-Gentle Shepherd-Quack Advertisements-

Crops trampled down-Houses and Hamlets ruinous-Claim of Da-

mages-Hougoumont-Relics taken by Visitors-Number slain in the :

Battle-Plunder obtained by the Peasants-Sale of Relics of the Battle

-MS, of French Songs-Romance of Dunois-The Troubadour-

Cupid's Choice-Reflections suggested by these Poems-Chanson-

Romance du Troubadour-Chanson de la Folie.



Flemish Farms-Brussels - Face of the Country- Forests-Antwerp

Dock-yards-Bombardment of Antwerp-Carnot the Governor-Union

of Flanders and the Netherlands-Difference of Religion-Antwerp

Cathedral-Pictures carried off by the French-Rubens' Descent from

the Cross-Painting in the Chapel where he is buried-Wax Figures

-Effect of the Union on Dutch Commerce-King of the Netherlands

-Belgian troops-Flemish Ballad-singers-Kindness of the People of

Brussels to the British of Antwerp-Reaping-Scythe-Clumsiness of

Flemish Furniture and Implements-Apparatus for Shoeing a Horse.


Road to Paris-Valenciennes-Garrison of Valenciennes-Dismay of the

Inhabitants-Disbanded Garrison of Condé-Extortions of the Inn-

keepers-French Roads-Appearance of the Country-Rivers-Churches

-Fortified Towns-Want of Ruins of Feudal Castles of Farm-houses

-of Enclosures-Mode of Feeding Cattle-Want of Country-Seats

-French Forests-Richness of the Soil-Mad Ambition of the French

-Retaliation-Foraging Parties-Odd Rencontre-Bourbon Badges-

Strict Discipline of the British-Military License of the Prussians-

Military Method of Picking Locks-Interesting Adventure-Distress

of a Flemish Peasant at the Loss of his Horses-Discomforts felt by the

British-Regulations of the Post respected-Towns-Cambray-Pe-

ronne-Attachment of the People in the Towns to the Bourbons-Fêtes

on the Restoration-Pont de St Maxence-Senlis-Road to Chantilly

-Forest of Chantilly-Chantilly occupied by the Prussians-Palace-

Stable of the Prince of Condé-Ruins of the Palace-Le Petit Chateau

-Ruins of the Palace.


Paris-Tuileries-Reflections-Tuileries-Parisian Punning-Statue of

Bonaparte Public Works by Bonaparte-Want of Pavement-Courts

before the Houses-No Smoke over Paris-The Seine-Church of St

Genevieve-Tombs in the Pantheon-Mirabeau and Marat-Voltaire







Introductory-Sea-sickness-The Flemings-Houses-Women-Dress-Cottages.

IT is three long weeks since I left the old mansion-house, which, for years before, has not found me absent for three days, and yet no letter has assured its quiet inmates and neighbours whether my curiosity has met its punishment. Methinks I see the evening circle assembled, and anxiously expressing their doubts and fears on account of the adventurous traveller. The Major will talk of the dangers of outposts and free corps, and lament that I could not have marched under the escort of his old messmates of the **** regiment. The Laird will speak scholarly and wisely of the dangers of highway robbery and overturns, in a country where there are neither justices of peace nor turnpikes. The Minister, again, will set up his old bugbears of the Inquisition, and of the Lady who sitteth upon the Seven Hills. Peter, the politician, will have his anxious thoughts on the state of the public spirit in France, the prevalence of Jacobinical opinions, -the reign of mobs, and of domiciliary visits, the horrors of the lantern, and of the guillotine. And thou, my dear sister, whose life has been one unwearied course of affectionate interest in the health and happiness of a cross old bachelor brother, what woful anticipations must thy imagination have added to this accumulation of dangers! Broken sleep, bad diet, hard lodging, and damp sheets, have, in your apprehension, already laid me up a patient in the cabaret of some miserable French village, which neither affords James's Powders, nor Daffy's Elixir, nor any of those infallible nostrums which your charity distributes among our village patients, undiscouraged by the obstinacy of those who occasionally die, in despite both of the medicine and physician. It well becomes the object of so much and such varied

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solicitude, to remove it as speedily as the posts of this distracted country will permit. I anticipate the joy in every countenance when my packet arrives; the pleasure with which each will seize the epistle addressed to himself, and the delight of old James, when, returned from the post-office at * * *, * he delivers with an air of triumph the long-expected despatches, and then, smoothing his grey hairs with one hand, and holding with the other the handle of the door, lingers in the parlour, till he, too, has the reward of his diligence, in learning his master's welfare.

Till these news arrive, I cannot flatter myself that things will go perfectly right at the old chateau; or rather my vanity suggests, that the absence of so principal a person among its inmates and intimates has been a chilling damp upon the harmless pleasures and pursuits of those who have remained behind. I shall be somewhat disappointed, if the Major has displayed alacrity in putting his double-barrel in order for the moors; or if the Laird has shown his usual solicitude for a seasonable sprinkling of rain to refresh the turnip-field. Peter's speculations on politics, and his walks to the bowling-green, have been darkened, doubtless, and saddened, by the uncertainty of my fate; and I even suspect the Parson has spared his flock one Seventhly of his text in his anxiety upon my account.

For you, my dear Margaret, can I doubt the interest you have given me in your affections, from the earliest period of recollection, when we pulled gowans together upon the green, until the moment when my travelling-trunk, packed by your indefatigable exertions, stood ready to be locked, but, ere the key could be turned, reversing the frolics of the enchanted chest of the Merchant Abudah, sprung once more open, as if in derision of your labours? To you, therefore, in all justice, belongthe first fruits of my correspondence; and while I dwell upon topics personal to myself, and therefore most interesting to you, do not let our kind friends believe that I have forgotten my promise, to send each of them, from foreign parts, that species of information with which each is most gratified. No! the Major shall hear of more and bloodier battles than ever were detailed to Young Norval by his tutor the Hermit. The Laird shall know all I can tell him on the general state of the country. Peter shall be refreshed with politics, and the Minister with polemics; that is, if I can find any thing of the latter description worth sending; for if ever there existed a country without a sense of religion of any kind, it is that of France. The churches indeed remain, but the worship to which they are dedicated has as little effect upon the minds of the people, as that of the heathen Pantheon on the inhabitants of modern Rome. I must take Ovid's maxim, "Tamen excute nullum;" and endeavour to describe the effects which the absence of this salutary restraint upon our corrupt

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