thou findest thy Hellish Heart loath to let them go, think with thy felf in this manner: Shall I have my Sins, and lose my Soul? Will they do me 'any good when Christ comes? Would not Heaven be better to me than my Sins? And the Company of God, Christ, Saints, and Angels, be better than the Company of Cain, Judas, Balaam, with the Devils in the Furnace of Fire. Canft thou now that readest or hearest these Lines, turn thy Back, and go on in thy Sins ? Canft thou set so light of Heaven, of God, of Christ, and the Salvation of thy poor, yet precious Soul? Canst thou hear of Christ, his bloody Sweat and Death, and not be taken with it, and not be grieved for it, and also converted by it? If so, I might lay down several Confiderations to ftir thee up to mend thy Pace towards Heaven; but I shall not, there is enough written already to leave thy Soul without Excuse, and to bring thee down with a Vengeance into Hell-fire, devouring Fire, the Lake of Fire, eternal, everlasting Fire; O! to make thee swim and roul up and down in the Flames of the Furnace of Fire. Doctrines laid down, and the Page 1. 2. Who the Covenant of Works is, and when
3. What it is to be under the Covenant of i was given, p. 6. 3. What Works, Contents of the Second Part 8. Christ compleatly fulfilled the Conditions of 9. The Covenant of Grace unchangeable; the 10. Who, and bow Men are actually brought in- 12. The Privileges of the New Covenant, p. 185. 13. Two Hell-bred Objections answered. p. 197. 14. AUse of Examination about the Old Cove- 18. Objections answered for their Comfort, wha.. A A Catalogue of Book, Printed for, and Sold by John CLARKE, at the Golden-Ball in Duck-lane. Will Pray with the Spirit, and I will Pray with the Understanding also. Or, A Difcourse touching Prayer, from 1 Cor. 14. 15. Wherein is briefly discovered, I. What Prayer is. II. What it is to pray with the Spirit. III. What it is to pray with the Spirit, and with the Understanding also. By John Bunyan. The Fifth Edition. 2. The Pilgrim's Progress, from this World to that which is to come: Delivered under the Smi litude of a Dream; wherein is discovered, the manner of his setting out, his dangerous Journey, and safe Arrival at the desired Country. By John Bunyan. The Twentifith Edition, with Additions of new Cuts. 3. The Pilgrim's Progress, from this World to that which is to come: The Second Part. Delivered under the Similitude of a Dream. Wherein is set forth the Manner of the setting out of Chri. stian's Wife and Children; their dangerous Journey, and fafe Arrival at the defired Country. By John Bunyan. The Fifteenth Edition, with an Addition of five Cuts. Note, the 3d Part suggested to be his, is an Impoftor. 4. The Holy War, made by Shaddai upon Diabolus; for the Regaining of the Metropolis of the World: O, the lofing and taking again of the Town of Manfoul. By John Bunyan, Author of the Pilgrim's Progress, First and Second Part. 5 Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners: A Brief and Faithful Pelation of the excee 1 ding Mercy of God in Chrift to his poor Servant John Bunyan: Namely, in his taking him out of the Dunghil, and Converting of him to the Faith of his Blesled Son, Jesus Chrift. Here is also particularly shewed, what Sight of, and what Troubled he had for Sin; and also, what various Temptations he hath met with, and how God hath carred him through them, Corrected, and much Enlarged now by the Author, for the Benefit of the lempted and Dejected Chriftian. The Eleventh Edition, Corrected, with the Remainder of his Life and Character; by a Friend fince this Death. 6. The Progress of Sin; or, The Travels of Ungodliness. Wherein the Pedigree, Rife, (or Original) Antiquity, Subtilty, Evil Nature, and prevailing Power of Sin is fully descovered; in an - apt and pleasant Allegory: Together with the great Vitories he hath obtained, and abominable Evils he hath done to Mankind by the help of the Devil in all his Travels, from the beginning of the World, to this very Day. As also, the manner of his Apprehenfion, Arrainment, Tryal, Condemnation, and Execution. By Benjamin Keach, Author of the Travels of True Godliness. War with the Devil. And Sion in Distress. The Fifth Edition, Corrected. With some Additions by the Author.. 7 The Travels of True Godliness, from the Beginning of the World to this present Day, in an apt and pleasant Allegory. Shewing what True Godliness is; also the Troubles, Oppofitions, Reproaches, and Perfecutions te hath met with in every Age. Together with the Danger and fad declining State he is in at this present Time, by Errors, Hereties, and ungodliness, or open Prophaneness. The Ninth Edition Corrected, and with the Addition of one whole Chapter. By Benjamin Benjamin Keach, Author of a Book called, War with the Devil, and Sion in Distress. 8. War with the Devil: Or, The Young Man's Conflict with the Powers of Darkness. In a Dia. logue: Discovering the Corruption and Vanity of Youth; the horrible Nature of Sin, and deplorable Condition of Fallen Man. Also a Definition, Power, and Rule of Conscience, and the Nature oi true Convertion. To which is added, An Ap pendix; containing a Dialogue between an old Apoftate and a young Profeffor. Worthy the Pe rusal of all, but chiefly intended for the Inftructi on of the Younger Sort. The Nineteenth Impretion. By B. Keach, Author of Sion in Dastress, or the Groans of the Proteftant Church, 9. The Gentleman's New Jockey: Or, Farri. er's approved. Guide. Containing the exacteft Rules and Methods for Breeding and Managing Horses, in order to bring them up in the beft Manner for Profit, Pleasure, Service or Recreation; especially in what relates to Racing or Running, Courfing, Travel, and War'; with Directions for Heats, Dieting, Dressing, and the several Paces requifite on any of the like Occafions. Also approved Receipts and Remedies for all manner of Diseases, Sorrances, Hurts, or Grievances incident to Horses, according to the Opinions of the best Farriers of all Ages. With Directions for preventing Sicknesses and Griefs, and the Symp toms whereby they are known. To which is ad ded, a Second Part; containing many rare and new Secrets, relating as well to Management as Cure, and what else may contribute to the Advantage of Buying or Selling; and many other Things and Matters, highly neceffary to be known by all Lovers of good Horses. With a Treatise for curing Difeafes in Cattle, added this Impreffion, and divers other rare Experiments. Illuftrated with fundry curious and neceffary Cuts. The Seventh Edition, with large Additions. |