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Shall reveal even this unto you. v. 16. Nevertheless whereto we have already attained, let us walk by the fame Rule, let us mind the fame thing.

It may be alledged alfo, That fuch Tefts of Orthodoxy, and Determinations of Councils, are extremely prejudicial to the Interests of Goodness and Holiness among their Admirers: They make them naufeate practical Religion, and fill their Heads with airy Schemes of a fruitless Speculation, and divert them from their main Bufinefs of Chriftianity; fuch love naturally to be more employed in Matters of doubtful Difputation, than in a fincere Obedience to the Laws of the Gospel, and a regular Government of their Paffions and Appetites; they come eafily to depend upon their fuppofed Orthodoxy, and make up with it the Want of more valuable Qualities; and thus a contentious Zeal, a dogmatical Stiffness of Opinion, a fowr and fcornful Ufage of others, with a proud uhcharitable Spirit of Impofition and Anathematizing, fill the Room of all the noble and amiable Graces of Religion.

They think further, That their Notions of the Nature and Tendency of Creeds is juftified by the History of the Church in all Ages, which fhows that they have been the Springs and the Fomenters of numberless Divifions and Disorders; whereby the Church hath been torn to Pieces, and true Religion entirely loft amongst the fierce Combatants: That they have been often framed to entangle the Confciences of Mankind, to ftifle Truth and Light, and ferve the worst and bafeft Purpofes: That cunning ambitious Men have made ufe of them as Engines to ferve their Luft of Power, their Avarice and their Cruelty; and have framed them fo as to exclude from any Influence in Church or State, thofe whofe eminent Qualities they apprehended gave them a better Title than themfelves to the Efteem of the Publick: That there have been numberless Examples, where, by the help of thefe Tefts of Orthodoxy, ignorant, revengful and felf-conceited Perfons have overclouded the brighteft Merit, and oppreffed the lovelieft Virtues; and in ftead of a real Zeal for Truth, have thence taken occafion to gratifie their Paffions, and raife their Reputations, with a blind Multitude, upon the Ruines of the best Men and Chriftians. In a word, that in order to a forcing an Affent to fuch humane Compofures, the bloodieft Perfecutions have been raifed, and incredible Numbers. facrificed for a Trifle: That as thefe melancholy Effects foon appeared in the Church, fo the Difeafe ftill increafed and no Bounds were fet to the Humour of Creed-making.

For in the firft Ages, different Councils met, and pofitive Decifions were haftily made about Opinions of no Moment, contradictory to one another, and frequently on both fides to common Senfe, and yet they difputed them with an invincible Obftinacy, and impofed them upon one another with the utmoft Violence, which was often attended with a mutual Hatred and Anathema's to the utter Diftraction of the Church, and Neglect of the great Duties of our Religion: For to fo low an Ebb was Christianity reduced by thefe Methods, that Peace and Love and Charity were of fered as a Victim,to fo airy and contemptible a Thing as the Day of


the Celebration of Eafter; nor was there any thing fo infignificant, bu at length Doctors came to wrangle about it, and Councils to decide and impofe it: And with the Lofs of Meeknefs and Forbearance, the fubftantial Truths of the Gofpel were changed into inactive lifelefs Schemes; and Religion dwindled into thin Subtilties, and entangling Intricacies. To remedy all thefe Evils, they think the only way is, to adhere clofly to the Scriptures, and reject all humane Compofures as Tefts of Orthodoxy; to exprefs divine Truths only in the Words of the infpired Writers, and fecure to every Man the Liberty of private Judgment.

In fuch a Cafe they flatter themfelves we should foon fee a happy Change on the Face of Things, Religion would flourish, an univerfal Love would diffufe it felf, and Peace and Vertue again revive: Moderation would be the Ornament of a Difpute, and Minds that were united by Charity and Good-will, would fooner arrive at a Harmony of Sentiments alfo; or at least Differences in Speculation would not be attended with fo black a Train of Mifchiefs, nor banish away, practical Goodness; Freedom of Thought and Learning would be encouraged, and Advances made in every Part of Knowledge; Truth would not be oppreffed by Power, nor the Understandings of Mankind fettered in Shackles of humane forging.

HUS we have reprefented the chief Things, which may be

Enemies to Confeffions; which we thought neceffary in order to give impartial Light to the Controverfie: And have been fo far from difguifing any Thing that is plaufibly faid by thofe who dif fer from us, that on the contrary we have endeavoured to give their Caufe all the Strength that fo narrow a Compafs could admit of. And it must be acknowledged that thefe Reafonings are extremely plaufible, and they may in fome Measure excufe the Oppofition made to Creeds, tho' they can't juftifie it: For we hope it will appear that the Practice, of our Church at leaft, is perfectly confiftent with the Honour of the Scriptures, and the Liberties of Mankind, that it hath none of the alledged pernicious Confequences, but is in many Refpects neceffary and advantageous; that the Objections we have mentioned ftrike only against thofe who abufe Confeffions, or flow from an Unacquaintedness with the juft Foundations upon which any Church may require an Affent to fuch Forms of Doctrine; fo that the Adverfaries to Creeds ftrive to abolish what they fhould only reform, and in ftead of rectifying Abufes, deftroy thefe Forms, and unhinge all Order and Govern



Before we endeavour to defend the Management of our Church in this Affair, it will not be improper to ftate the Matter of Fact, which will be beft done by the following Acts of Parliament and Alembly relating hereto.



Will. & Mary, Parl. 1. Seff. 2. A&t 5.

Alt ratifying the Confeffion of Faith, aud settling Prefbyterian Church-Government.

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UR Sovereign Lord and Lady, the King and Queen's Majefties, and three Eftates of Parliament, conceiving it to be their bound Duty, after the great Deliverance that God hath lately wrought for this Church and Kingdom; in the firft Place to fettle and fecure therein the true Proteftant Religion, according to the Truth of God's Word, as it hath of a long Time been profeffed within this Land: And alfo the Government of Chrift's Church within this Nation, greeable to the Word of God, and moft conducive to the Advancement of true Piety and Godliness, and the establishing of Peace and Tranquillity within this Realm; and that by an Article of the "Claim of Right it is declared, That Prelacy, and the Superiority of any "Office in the Church above Presbyters, is and hath been a great and unfup"portable Grievance and Trouble to this Nation, and contrary to the Incli"nations of the Generality of the People ever fince the Reformation, (they "having reformed from Popery by Presbyters) and therefore ought to be abolifhed; Likeas by an Act of the laft Seffion of this Parliament, Prelacy is abolished.


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"Therefore Their Majefties with Advice and Confent of the faid "three Eftates, do hereby revive, ratify and perpetually confirm, all Laws, Statutes and Acts of Parliament, made against Popery "and Papifts, and for the Maintenance and Prefervation of the true Reformed Proteftant Religion, and for the true Church of Chrift "within this Kingdom, in fo far as they confirm the fame, or are "made in Favours thereof. Likeas, they by thefe Prefents ratify "and establish the Confeffion of Faith, now read in their Prefence, "and voted and approven, as the publick and avowed Confeffion "of this Church, containing the Sum and Subftance of the Doctrine of the Reformed Churches.

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As alfo they do establish, ratify and confirm the Presbyterian Church Government and Difcipline; that is to fay, the Government of the Church by Kirk-Seffions, Presbyteries, Provincial Synods, and General Affemblies, ratified and established by the 116 Act, Ja. VI. Parl. 12. Anno 1592, entituled, Ratification of the Liberty of the trew Kirk, &c. and thereafter received, by the general Confent of this Nation, to be the only Government of Chrift's "Church within this Kingdom; reviving, renewing and confirm"ing the forefaid Act of Parliament.

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Will. & Mary, Parl. 1. Seff. 4. Act 23. Act for fettling the Quiet and Peace of the Church.

UR Sovereign Lord and Lady, the King and Queen's Ma

ment, ratify, approve, and perpetually confirm the fifth 4 of the fecond Seffion of this current Parliament, entituled, At ratifying the Confeffion of Faith and fettling Presbyterian Church-Government in "the whole Heads Articles and Claufes thereof.

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And do further ftatute and ordain, That no Perfon be admit ted, or continued for hereafter, to be a Minifter or Preacher "within this Church unlefs that he-fubfcribe the Confeffion of "Faith ratified in the forefaid fifth Act of the fecond Seffion of this "Parliament, declaring the fame to be the Confeffion of his Faith, "and that he owns the Doctrine therein contained, to be the true Doctrine which he will constantly adhere to: And likewife "that he owns and acknowledges Presbyterian Church-Government, as fettled by the forefaid fifth Act of the fecond Seffion of "this Parliament, to be the only Government of this Church, and that he will fubmit thereto, and concur therewith, and never endeavour directly or indire&ly the Prejudice or Subverfion "thereof.

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"And their Majefties with Advice and Confent forefaid ftatute and ordain, That Uniformity of Worship, and of the Admini"ftration of publick Ordinances within this Church, be obferved by all the faid Minifters and Preachers, as the famen are at prefent performed, and allowed therein, or fhall be hereafter de clared by the Authority of the fame: And that no Minifter or Preacher be admitted or continued for hereafter, unlefs that he "fubfcribe to obferve, and do actually observe the forefaid Uniformity.-

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Will. & Mary, Parl. 1. Seff. 2. A&t 17. Alt for Vifitation of Univerfities, Colleges and Schools.

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OUR Sovereign Lord and Lady, the King and Queen's Ma

jefties, and the three Eftates of Parliament, confidering how neceffary it is for the Advancement of Religion and Learning, and for the Good of the Church, and Peace of the Kingdom, that the Univerfities, Colleges and Schools be provided "and ferved with pious, able and qualified Profeffors, Principals, Regents, Masters, and others bearing Office therein, well af "fected to Their Majefties, and the established Government of "Church and State: Therefore their Majefties, with Advice of "the faid three Eftates of Parliament do ftatute, ordain and enact, "That from this Time forth, no Profeffors, Principals, Regents,



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"Mafters, or others bearing Office in any Univerfity, College or 66 School within this Kingdom be either admitted or allowed to continue in the Exercife of their faid Functions, but fuch as do acknowledge and profefs, and fhall fubfcribe the Confeffion of Faith "ratified and approven by this prefent Parliament-----

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The fifth Act of the fecond Seffion of K. William and Q. Mary is ratified by the fecond Act, Self. 8. K. William, and by the third Act of Q. Anne 1702, and by the fecond Act of the firft Seff. of the firft Parl. Q. Anne.

Q. Anne Parl. 1. Seff. 4. A&t 6.

Alt for Securing the Proteftant Religion,
rian Church-Government.

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and Presbyte

ER Majefty with Advice and Confent of the faid Eftates of Parliament, doth hereby establish and confirm the true Proteftant Religion, and the Worship, Difcipline and Government of this Church to continue without any "Alteration to the People of this Land in all fucceeding Genera"tions: And more efpecially, Her Majefty with Advice and Confent forefaid, ratifies, approves, and for ever confirms the fifth A&t of the fecond Seffion of the firft Parliament of King William and Queen Mary, entituled, Act ratifying the Confeffion of Faith, and "Settling Presbyterian Church-Government, with the haill other Acts of "Parliament relating thereto, in Profecution of the Declaration "of the Eftates of this Kingdom containing the Claim of Right, bearing Date the Eleventh of April, One thoufand fix hundred and eighty nine.

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And Her Majefty, with Advice and Confent forefaid, exprefly provides and declares, That the forefaid true Proteftant Religion contained in the above-mentioned Confeffion of Faith, with "the Form and Purity of Worship prefently in ufe within this "Church, and its Presbyterian Church-Government and Difci"pline, that is to fay, the Government of the Church by KirkSeffions, Presbyteries, Provincial Synods and General Affem"blies, all established by the forefaid Acts of Parliament purfuant to the Claim of Right, fhall remain and continue unalterable; and “that the faid Presbyterian Government shall be the only Government of the Church within the Kingdom of Scotland.

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"And further for the greater Security of the forefaid Proteftant Religion, and of the Worfhip Difcipline and Government of "this Church, as above eftablished, Her Majefty with Advice and Confent forefaid, ftatutes and ordains that the Universities ແ and Colleges of St. Andrews, Glasgow, Aberdeen, and Edinburgh, as now eftablished by Law, hall continue within this Kingdom for ever: And that in all Time coming, no Profeffors, Principals, Regents, Mafters, and others bearing Office in any University,

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