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Works of Believers which are fincere, Con. 16. 6. SINGING Of Pfalms, a Part of re

ligious Worship, Can. 21. s. SLANDERING, finful, Cat. 145. SONGS that are lascivious, forbidden, Cat. 139. The SouL of Man is immortal, Con. 4. 2. Cat. 17. The State of Souls when feparate from their Bodies, Con. 32. I. Cat. 86. SOVEREIGNTY, God hath most fovereign Dominion over his Creatures, to do by them, for them, or upon them whatsoever he pleafeth, Con. 2. 2. The Light of Nature fheweth that God hath Lordship and Sovereignty over all, Con. 21.1, Eternal Sovereignty to be ascribed to God alone, Cat. 196. We are to pray with due Apprehenfions of his Sovereign Power, Cat. 189. 185. SPIRIT, See Holy Ghost. STAGE-PLAYS, forbidden, Cat.

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Con. 16. 4.

SUPERIORS, Why ftiled Fathers
and Mothers, Cat. 125. How to
be honoured, Con. 23.4. Cat. 127.
Their Duty, Con. 23. 1,2,3. Cat.
129. Their Sins, Cat. 130. See

ERSTITION, God may not be worshipped according to the Imaginations and Devices of Men, Con, 21. 1. Religious Worfhip not inftituted by God himfelf, is not to be used or approved, Cat. 109. All fuperftitious Devices, &c. finful, Cat.

109. 113.

SUPPER, See Lord's Supper.
SURETY, Chrift the Surery for Be-

lievers, Cat.71. He was thorough-
ly furnished to execute that Of-

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ALE-BEARING, Cat. 1453 TEMPTATION, Why God leaves his Children to manifold Temptations, Con. 5. s. The Wicked given up to the Tempta tions of the World, Con. s. Temptations to Sin are to be a voided and refifted, Cat. 99. § 6. 135, 138. How Temptation is to be prayed against, Cat. 195. TESTAMENT, The Books of the

Old and New Teftament are the Word of God, Gon. 1. 2. Cat. 3. And the only Rule of Faith and Obedience, ibid. See Scriptures. TESTAMENT, Why the Covenant of Grace is called a Teftament, Con. 7. 4. As it was adminiftred under the Law it is called the Old Teftament, Con. 7. 5. And as adminiftred under the Gospel it is called the New Teftament, Con. 7. 6. THANKSGIVING, to be joined with Prayer, Con. 21. 3. Cat. 108. 178. It is to be made in the Name of Chrift, Con. 21. 3. Solemn Thanksgiving, a Part of reli❤ gious Worship, Con. 21. 5. TOLERATION, A falfe Religion not to be tolerated, Cat. 109. TRADITION, No Pretence for ufing fuperftitious Devices in the li Word

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NION of the Ele&t with Chrift, Con. 25.1. 26. 1. Cat. 66. It is infeparable, Cat. 79. Believers are united to one another in Love, Con. 26. 1. UNION of the two Natures in

Chrift, See personal Union, UNREGENERATE, The Ufe of the Moral Law to them, Cat. 96. Their best Works cannot please God, and why, Con. 16.7. But their Neglect to do what God commands, is more finful, ibid. WOCATION, See Calling. Now, a Part of religious Worship, Con. 21.5. What it is, and how to be made, Con. 22. 5, 6. To be made to God alone, Con. 25. 6. Cat. 108. What Vows are unlawful, Con. 22.7. Violating of lawful Vows and fulfilling of unlawful, is finful, Cat. 113. USURY, unlawful, Cat. 142.



AR may be waged by Chriftians under the New Teftameuf, Cen. 23.2

The WICKED, Their Condition
in this Life, Cat. 83. Immediate-
ly after Death, Con. 32. 1. Cat.
86. In and after Judgment, Con
33.2. Cat. 89.

WILL, The Counsel of God's Will
is moft wife and holy, Con. 3. 1.
Cat. 12. It is unfearchable, Con.
3,7. Cat. 13. It is free and im-
mutable, Con. 5.1. Cat. 14. And
moft righteous, Con. 2. 1. How
the Will of God is to be done
and fubmitted to, Cat. 192. The
Will of God revealed in the Scrip-
tures is the only Rule of Faith,
Worship and Practice,See Scripture.
Chrift revealeth to his Church by
his Spirit and Word the whole
Will of God, in all Things con-
cerning their Edificationand Sal-
vation, Cat. 43.
FREE-WILL, The Will of Man is
neither forced, nor by any ab-
folute Neceffity of Nature deter
mined to do Good or Evil, Con.
3. I. 9. I. Man in his State
of Innocency had Freedom and
Power to will and do Good, Con.
4.2. 9,2. Cat. 17. By his Fall
he loft all Ability of Will to any
fpiritual Good accompanying
Salvation, Con. 6. 2, 4. 9', 3. Cat.
25. 192. The Will is renewed
in Converfion, Con 9, 4. 10, I.
Cat. 67. It is made perfectly and
immutably free to do Good alone
in the State of Glory only, Con.
9. 5.

WORD, See Scripture, Reading,
Preaching, Hearing.
ful, Cat. 105. 142.
WORKS, What are good Works,
and what not, Con. 16. 1. Good
Works are the Fruits and Evi-
dences of a true and lively Faith,
Con. 16.2. The Ufes and Ends
of good Works, ibid. Ability to
do good Works is wholly from


the Spirit of Chrift, Con. 16. 3. The actual Influence of the Spirit is required for the Performance of them, ibid. This no Plea for Negligence, ibid. Supererogation, impoffible, Con. 16. 4. We cannot by our beft Works merit Pardon of Sin or eternal Life at the Hand of God, and why, Con. 16. 5. Yet the good Works of Believers are accepted by God in Christ, and rewarded, Con. 16. 6. The Works of unregenerate Men cannot please God, and why, Con, 16.


But to negle& to do what God commands, is more finful, ibid. All Perfons fhall, in the Day of Judgment, receive according to what they have done in the body, whether Good or evil, Con. 33. I. WORSHIP, to God is due from his Creatures, whatever Worship he is pleafed to require, Con. 2. 2. The Light of Nature fheweth that God is to be worshipped, Con. 21. I. But the acceptable Way of worshipping God is inftituted by himself in the Scrip

He not be wor


Con. 21. 1. Cat. 109. Falle Worship is to be oppofed, Cat. As alfo any Worship not inftituted by God himself, Cat. 109. But there are fome Circumftances concerning the Worfhip of God, which are to be ordered by the Light of Nature and Chriftian Prudence, according to the general Rules of the Word, Can. 1. 6. Religious Worship is to be given to God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, and to him alone; and that only in the Mediation of Chrift, Con. 21. 2. Cat. 179. 181. The Parts of religious Worship, Con. 21. 3, 5. Religious Worship not ty'd to any Place, but God is to be worshipped every where in Spirit and Truth, as in private Familics daily, and in fecret, each one by himself; fo more folemnly in the publick Affemblies, which are not to be ne glected, Con. 21. 6. WRATH, See Curse.


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Zeal, finful, Cat. 10s.


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