The One True God: Father, Son, and Holy SpiritThe One True God clearly and succinctly answers the questions that many Christians have about the doctrine of the Trinity. |
Common terms and phrases
Abraham Acts angels apostles APPLYING DOCTRINE authority believer Bible BIBLICAL Christian church creation Creation-the creatures crucifixion David declared deity Deut disciples divine earth eternal evidence Exod fact faith Father give God the Father God's Holiness Taught God's Power Gospel grace hath heaven Holy Ghost Holy Spirit honor human infinite Isaiah Israel Jerusalem Jesus Christ Jews John Joseph Joseph of Arimathaea justice King kingdom Lamb lives Lord Jesus Christ Lord's Luke man's marvelous Matt mercy Messiah ministry miracles Moses nature Old Testament omnipotence Passover Paul perfect person Peter Pharaoh Pharisees predicted promise prophecy prophets Psalm punishment recognized resurrection of Christ resurrection of Jesus revealed REVIEW QUESTIONS righteousness Roman sacrifice Sanhedrin Satan Savior Scripture second coming sinner sins Son of God speak stars teach testimony things thou throne Transfiguration Trinity truth unto wisdom witness word worship