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he then experienced the power of the crucified and risen Jefus: I am in Chrift, fays he, crucified with him, truly and spiritually dead to fin, to felf, to the world, by the virtue of his crofs: Nevertheless by the fame faith in the fame Jefus, I live, the Spirit of life in him has quickened my spirit: He has given me a new birth into the fpiritual world, and has brought me to live upon the fulnefs of Jefus, as really now by faith, as I hope to live upon him by fenfe in heaven; "Yet not 1," I neither had it of myself, nor do I continue it by any act of my own, but Chrift liveth in me :' And although I seem to live outwardly like other men, yet the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God, depending upon him every moment

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for fresh supplies of his Spirit, to keep me in union and communion with the Father and the Son, and thereby he gives me to feel in my heart fome of the bleffings of that love of God in Chrift, which furpaffeth knowledge. It is this that purifies my foul, and fanctifies my life: Bleffed, for ever bleffed be his name, who thus loved me, and gave himself for me.

Such were the heroes of chriftianity. They fought the Lord's battles, and in the power of his might they fubdued fin: They obtained dominion over it through faith in Jefus. And the fame faith in the fame Jefus is ftill mighty through him to obtain as great victories. The truth of his promife, the faithfulness of the promifer, the ftrength of his arm to fulfil his promise; these did not

fail Mofes, nor Paul-never didnever can fail any believer. Thus fpeaketh the Lord unto them— Sin fhall not have dominion over you-having pardoned it by my blood. I will fubdue it by my Trust me, you fhall find

Spirit ftrong faith

an overmatch for ftrong fin: Because it fights in the ftrength of Jefus, to whom all things are poffible, and who must reign till he hath put all his enemies under his feet. And fin and death fhall be no more. Say, it is a befetting fin, this only gives more employment for faith, and for the power of Jefus. It may be a fin of conftitution, breaking out into wrath and paffion, that the man has no government of himfelf: But the Spirit of Chrift can make him a new creature, and can enable him to put off the old F 3


man with his deeds, and to put on the new man, which after God is created in righteoufnefs and true holinefs. It may be a long habit of fin: But is any thing too hard for the Lord ? Has he not promised—“ A new heart will I give you, and I will put my Spirit within you, and I will caufe you to walk in my ftatutes, and ye fhall keep my commandments and practife them." Wherever grace reigns this fcripture is fulfilled.

The armies of the Lord of hofts. fight under his banner, and no weapon formed against them can profper-Kept by his mighty power they are daily more than conquerors, marching on triumphant over all oppofition: For he enables them to hold faft the confidence, and the rejoicing of hope firm unto the end. Thus they


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were commanded to pray-" Order my steps, O Lord, according to thy word, and let not any iniquity have dominion over me. They looked to his word, and to his arm for the right ordering of their steps, believing that he would keep the fteps of his faints, and fin fhould not have dominion over them, now they were no longer under the law, but under the kingdom of his grace. The victory which he had promised, they expected, and he did put forth his power, according to that good word wherein he had caused them to place their truft. They found his grace fufficient to fubdue the tyranny of iniquity; yea, where fin had abounded, grace did much more abound in daily victory over its wiles, and its affaults. And

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