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the power of Christ resting upon them, they were kept in this spirit of prayer.

O thou God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, strengthen me mightily by thy Spirit in the inner man, that Christ may dwell in my heart by faith, and I may have his strength to fet against the power of my fins, and mine enemies. For orders, for courage, for perfeverance, for victory, for eternal triumph, I look unto thee for all. Blessed be thy name, that thou hast chofen me to be a foldier, and to fight under the banner of Jefus. I will fing unto the Lord, for he hath triumphed gloriously. He made all mine enemies his own, and they are now under his feet; and I believe according to thy good word, that thou


thou wilt put them under mine. Thou hast conquered them for me, and haft engaged to conquer them in me, and by me. It is of thy mere grace, almighty Jesus, that I am enabled to deny myself, to take up my cross, and to follow thee in this holy war. my fufficiency is from the fresh supplies of thy Spirit. O grant me them abundantly to the increase of my faith, and to the praise of thy promised help. Cause me to depend every moment upon it, let me experience, that when I am weakest in myself, I may be made strongest in the Lord. And when I have nothing left me to glory in of mine own, then my foul may magnify the Lord, and my spirit may rejoice in God my Saviour. Behold, God is my falvation, I will trust and not be afraid, because the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my fong: He also is become my falvation. To his grace and power be all the glory for ever and ever. Amen and Amen.




The believer's triumph over his troubles.

AFTER fin is pardoned, and

the pardoned finner is enabled to fight the good fight of faith against it, yet there is another enemy affaulting him to the last moment of his life. Fallen man is born to trouble. The man in Christ is so far from being exempt, that many are the troubles of the righteous. He is in common with others, liable to pain and poverty, and to afflictions of every kind: He is by his very profeffion exposed to some of the most trying nature-his owning Chrift -his


-his following Christ-his conformity to Chrift-give offence, provoke the malice of wicked men, and the rage of wicked spirits. Wave does not follow wave more certainly, than every day brings its fresh troubles, and for⚫ces the believer to seek for aids, and comforts out of himself. This is a fore fight of afflictions. To bear up under them with any patience, and to reap profit from them, is a task above the power of mere man. Every little pain ftirs upmurmuringandimpatience, and this rebellion against God's will is the parent of a thousand fretful tempers: And these exercised by sharp fuffering render the man truly miferable. If his fuffering continues long, increases much, it often drives the poor finner to despair; and if he has no Saviour

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