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until the whole land was fubdued before him. There failed not ought of any good thing, which the Lord had spoken to the house of Ifrael. All came to pass. Even so shall it be to the whole Ifrael of God. Every good foldier of Chrift Jesus shall be kept fafe by his almighty power, and under his banner shall fight the good fight of faith, until he obtains the promised inheritance, which is incorruptible and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, referved in heaven for them. He has taken poffeffion of it in their name, as their surety, and not one of them can perish : For he keeps the inheritance for them, and them for it: yea, the day is haftening on, when he will present all his redeemed unto the Fa

ther. "Of those whom thou haft given me have I lost none; Be hold I, and the children whom thou hast given me."

On all these accounts it is evident, that a believer every day, and in every thing, finds matter for the deepest humiliation. He has still a body of fin, remaining corruptions, daily infirmities, and short comings. All that he has of his own abafes him in his own eyes: so that his triumph is never in himself. His falvation with all its graces and blessings depends entirely upon what he is in Chrift. On this foundation he may rest safely always, notwithstanding he has nothing of his own to glory in. Most of his mistakes and miseries come from his seeking to be independent of Chrift-hoping to find that in himself, or in the world, which is only in Christ. L5


Self love is unwilling to be beholden to Chrift for every good thing: It is always trying to put fome confidence in the flesh: But the believer is commanded, and is taught to deny self-to put it upon the crofs and to crucify it daily with its affections and lufts. As Christ is exalted, self goes down. As Christ is beloved, felf is not only denied, but is also abhorred. The prophet Ezekiel in the thirty-fixth chapter describes the very height of the experience of a great believer, who is blest with the abundant graces of the Holy Spirit: The refult of which is, "Then shall ye remember your own evil ways, and your doings that were not good, and ye shall loathe yourselves in your own fight for your iniquities, and for your abominations: Not for your sakes do I this, faith the Lord God, be it known unto you; be ashamed and confounded for your own ways, O house of Ifrael." Such is the genuine working of true grace-it lays the finner low at the Saviour's feet, abased and humbled to the dust-Behold, I am vile-I abhor myself, and I repent in dust and ashes. The sense of God's distinguishing and sovereign mercy brings all high ☐☐ thoughts of self into subjection to Christ Jesus, and teaches the believer to walk humbly with his God, afcribing all his falvation to the praise of the glory of the exceeding riches of God's grace in his kindness towards us through Christ Jesus: That according as it is written, "He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord."


Thus it is evident, that when the believer looks back upon what he was by nature, or confiders what he is now by grace, he has nothing of his own to boast of, yet even in this continual warfare between the flesh and the spirit, in Christ Jesus he may rejoice even to a triumph, a jubilee of joy. But the grand triumph is yet to come. The best glorying in the Lord here is only a prelude to it. Now we have the espoufals with our heavenly bridegroom, but then the marriage will be consummated. Now we are kept waiting in hope for the crown of righteousness, but that will be our coronation day. What a day will it be! What wonders and miracles! The promises, exceeding great and exceeding precious, will then have their full and everlafting accomplishment by a faithful

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