ALL the old teftament words which we tranflate triumph, fignify great joy, felt in the heart, and expreffed outwardly in word or deed; a jubilee of joy, even joy in the higheft, as near as it can be to the joy of heaven. In the new teftament the word is used but twice: Firft, for what Chrift, engaged to do for us, and fecondly, for what Chrift engaged to do in us. For us he undertook to fight our battles against all our enemies -fin, the world, Satan, death and hell: hell: And the Captain of our falvation has gained a complete victory, and had a moft glorious triumph over them in his own perfon-when he blotted out the hand writing of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and he took it out of the way, nailing it to his crofs: And having fpoiled principalities and powers, he made a fhew of them openly, triumphing over them in that fame cross. And he ftill goes on conquering and to conquer: By the preaching of his crofs and paffion, his refurrection and afcenfion, he is to this very day exalting the honours of his victory and triumph in the hearts and lives of his redeemed, giving them fuch a fhare in his conquefts, that they ought to be ever praifing him with joyful lips-Now thanks be be unto God, who always caufeth us to triumph in Chrift. This was the apoftle's happy experience. He found that the gospel, and his preaching of it, and the great fuccefs which attended it, were the fruits of Chrift's prefence with him, and bleffing upon him: Therefore to him he gave all the glory. So do we ftill. We fee the triumphs of the cross fpread far and wide, and we praife him for our day of gofpel grace. The crucified Saviour in his majefty rides on profperously in the chariots of falvation, and his enemies fall under him. In the day of his power he makes them a willing people. They fubmit to his feeptre, and acknowledge him to be their Lord, and their God. Under his banner they fight the good fight of faith, and they daily conquer, yea, they B are are more than conquerors through him who loveth them, crowned conquerors in glory everlasting. Thus it appears that the triumph of the Head includes the triumph of his members. The fountain from whence fprings their prefent, and their eternal joy, is GodGod in Chrift. They glory in the victories of the God-man; Becaufe of his commandment; because of his free promife, which is a perfect warrant for the fulleft confidence: And because of his goodnefs, truth and power, which are bound to fulfil all his engagements. Looking to these infallible fecurities, the believer's heart is established, trusting in the Lord. Being of the true circumcifion, he would put no confidence in the flesh, but would be daily crucifying it with its affections and lufts, and bringing all high thoughts of felf to the obedience of Chrift. If he has been long standing in the faith --an old chriftian-if he has received much confolation from his Lord-or has been very active and fuccefsful in his fervice; his truft is never in himself. The ground of his believing is always one and the fame. He has no new doctrine to learn. No new warrant to encourage him to believe. The word of God-Thus faith the Lord, is always fufficient: And ought to draw forth the fullest credit, that can poffibly be given to the teftimony of the God of truth. What was advanced before. in the Life of Faith, and in the Walk of Faith, is taken for granted in the prefent treatise. Here is no new doctrine. Salvation is in Chrift Jefus, and in no other: I B 2 am, |