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This enquiry is the more neceffary, becaufe of the place which faith holds in our religion. It reaches to the whole of it: So that nothing is good before God, however fair and fpecious it may appear to men, without it. The confcience, the heart, and its affections, are purified only by faith. All duties, for their right motive, and for their acceptance, depend upon it. Without faith it is impoffible to please God. No trials and afflictions can be patiently and profitably endured, unless faith be in exercife. Our whole warfare is carried on, and can be, by our being ftrong in the Lord, and fighting in the power of his might, finifhed victorioufly only by faith. Indeed it enters fo much into every thing wherein we have to do with God, that the strengthening

of it is the ftrengthening of every other grace; which are weak or vigorous according as more or less faith enters into them. And therefore the fcripture encouragements for our growth in faith fhould be well weighed with much prayer, frequent meditation, and thankf giving, that they may have their proper effect upon the believer's heart and life. And as this can be done only by power from on high: Affiftance muft ever be fought from thence, and depended upon. The Holy Spirit is the very breath of fpiritual life, and of all fpiritual activity. Every godly motion of the heart is from his holy inspiration. So the fcripture teaches: 2 Cor. iii. that we (even apoftles) are fufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourfelves, but our




fufficiency is of God." So we are taught to pray: O'Lord, from whom all good things do come, grant to us thy humble fervants, that by thy holy inspiration we may think thofe things that be good, and by thy merciful guiding may perform the fame, through our Lord Jefus Chrift. Amen. Fifth Sunday after Eafter, and again, the nineteenth Sunday after Trinity. O God, forafmuch as without thee we are not able to please thee; mercifully grant that thy Holy Spirit may in all things direct and rule our hearts, through Jefus Chrift our Lord. Amen.

A great Divine has thus expreffed the fame fentiments.

"In those who are truly converted all faving truths are tranfcribed out of the fcripture into their hearts. They are taught

of God; fo as they find all truths, both concerning the eftat and the gracious and happy eftate of man, in themfelves. They carry a body of divinity in them, and about them; fo as from a faving feeling they can fpeak of converfion, of grace, of the Spirit, &c.

and from this acquaintance are ready to yield and give up themfelves to truth revealed, and to God fpeaking by it. And thus a man may know his eftate before God by his relifh for the word. There is a heavenly and divine relish in the word of God, as for inftance-Take the doctrine of his providence, that all things fhall work together for the best to them that love God. What a fweet word is this! A whole kingdom is not worth this

this promife That whatever befals a Chriftian in this world, there is an overruling Providence to fway all to good, to help forward his eternal good-That Chrift will be prefent with us in all conditions-1 hat he will give us his Holy Spirit-That when we confefs our fins, and lay them open, he is merciful to forgive them-That if our fins were red as fcarlet, they fhall be as white as wool. What kind of incredible fweetness is in thefe to a heart that is prepared for thefe comforts? The doctrines of reconciliation, of adoption, of glory to come, of the offices of Chrift, and fuch like, how fweet are they? They relish wonderfully to a fanctified foul. Thefe truths that come out of the mouth of Chrift, and out of

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