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sometimes show a marked remembrance of those who have been kind to them. Even the hog we despise is not destitute of them, and is peculiarly sensitive of weather. Most animals too evince pleasure at being caressed.

From the sensibilities of quadrupeds, let us pass to the consideration of their indication of a perceiving and thinking mind. To collect provisions for their future use, to hoard them in safe places, and to use them gradually for their daily sustenance, are actions in the human race which display and require great prudence and foresight: a very large portion of mankind will not exert either this forethought, or the self-government that alone makes it effectual.

The Scottish nation is eminently and honourably distinguished for this intellectual quality. The lower Irish are too often conspicuous for the want of it. Yet it is strikingly exhibited in the Alpine hares, who literally make hay for their winter food; in the active and provident squirrel; and in the ingenious beaver. The quadruped animals, of their own will and nature, and from inborn instincts, do actions which require knowledge, reasoning, and judgment, in mankind. Reindeers follow and obey leaders of their own species. Elephants also make their journeys on the same plau, when necessary. Baboons have been found to make defensive arrangements, like military tactics. Mules and cats make signals to have a door opened. The black bear's mode of fishing is as dexterous as any schoolboy's could be, but much more patient. Deliberation and judgment, with real building skill, appear as much in the beaver's construction of his cabin, as in any human fabrication of a cottage. If it be foresight and caution in a military officer, to place sentinels to watch and give alarm on danger, is it any other quality in animals who use the same precaution? Marmots do this, the wild asses likewise, and many other classes. If the assembling in societies among mankind, arises from a sense of mutual wants, safety, and benefit, and from sympathies that we term moral, must there not be some feelings analogous to these in those species of quadrupeds who voluntarily associate together? The social mouse pairs, and the families they form live together as neighbours; the beavers unite from a distance into societies, for the express purpose of building their habitations in vicinity to each other, and co-operate in their labour, like emigrants in the wilds of America, to build their log-houses and forest towns. Individual instances, of what in human beings we should call contriving mind, have been also remarked in animals. The squirrel's mode of passing a river, the jerboa's provision for his escape if attacked in his retreat, the opossum's mode of obtaining crabs which his paws cannot reach, the monkey's use of his tail as a hand or finger, the bear himself finding out the plant which will heal his wound and making and applying a plaister from it, the wolf's caution too in taking the babe from the mother's bed so gently as not to disturb her, and their resolute co-operation in their fatal attacks, instances of a thinking power that desigus and comprehends.


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There is another class of animals called oviparous quadrupeds, the tortoise, crocodile, and lizard tribes: these spring from eggs, without parental brooding, like fish and insects and as they have left for our present knowledge of their ancient nature, amid the destructions they underwent, some important fossil remains of their bones and figure, they ought not to be omitted in our general review of the economy of the primitive creation. The oviparous quadrupeds are very distinct from the figures and functions of the other quadrupeds. Their blood is not the red, warm fluid, but a cold and pale one. They breathe, but with frequent and long

suspensions, which no land animal could endure. They have the same senses, but in feebler action, with the exception of sight. Their brain is proportionably smaller, they require less food, and can remain a long time without any. Their manners are gentler: they exhibit no ferocity, and appear to enjoy a much longer and more tranquil life. They usually inhabit the sea shores, rivers and their banks, marshes, pools, and other wet and moist places; they herd together, are generally inoffensive, and can be tamed; the young never know their mothers, nor receive any nourishment from them.

The Creator has made nothing that is unuseful, nothing which is not serviceable or instrumental to other purposes besides its own existence. This principle has been pursued throughout the animated classes of nature. No one species of living beings has been formed only for itself, or can subsist in absolute uselessness to others. This is one grand purpose for causing so many races of animal being to subsist on each other. By this system each enjoys the gift of life; and is made to contribute, by the termination of that gift, to the well-being of others. Fishes are thus useful to each other, to many birds, and animals, and to man. Quadrupeds have the same double use in their existence- their own enjoyment, and the benefit at their death to those who have been appointed to derive nutrition from their substance. The amphibious order of nature is no exception to these general results. Its various genera contribute their proportion to the common stock of mutual utilities.

(To be continued.)


Letter to a Friend, in answer to his request to point out a List of Books, which may serve to enable an English reader to acquire habits of correct reasoning, as well as to comprehend the elements of Moral Science.


I have received your Letter, and shall endeavour to comply with the request contained in it. I shall point out to your attention some elementary works in the order in which they are to be read, making such observations upon them as I proceed, as may tend to exhibit the reasons for my recommendation. The books themselves are so connected one with another, as that the one immediately preceding introduces the next. Altogether, I hope they constitute an introduction to the various topics of mental philosophy and moral science. I have also endeavoured to contine my recommendation to as few books as are essential; yet I hope I have not carried my wish not to overburthen your attention, so far as to omit any that are really useful.

You complain of "an inability to pursue a chain of reasoning steadily to its conclusion; that you find your mind invariably wandering away from the subject proposed; that you do not see clearly the relation of one idea to another, nor exclude needless steps in your argument." Although all this may very likely be true, yet be assured it is owing rather to a fault in your education than to a defect in your understanding. In a word, you have not been taught to reason; and reasoning is as much an art as fencing. The most powerful and acute understanding, unless it has learned to use its own faculties, is really nothing more than what a sharp and heavy sword would be in the hand of a strong man, who was however ignorant of the rules of defence. It is possible he might do execution with it occasionally, but it would be owing to accident rather

than to skill; and certainly would be enabled to do far less with it, even under the most favourable circumstances, than if he had been initiated in the best method of using it. I shall therefore recommend you the study, in the first place, of De Crouzaz's Art of Thinking. In this book you will find an explanation given of all those rules in use among reasoners, which indeed they do not formally allude to whenever they reason, but under the regulation of which their minds proceed by habit.

In lieu of this book you might make yourself master of Dr. Watts's Logic, or even Duncan's Logic, which is still less, and in a more compendious form.

From Logic you should proceed to Mental Philosophy. For this purpose you will find inestimable assistance in Mr. Locke's Essay upon the Human Understanding. You should spare no pains, and think no time too long, to make yourself thoroughly acquainted with the contents of this book. His reasoning will appear much plainer upon reading it over the second time. Unconquerable difficulties you should carry to some friend competent to explain them. From this book you will acquire the habit of precision in the use of your words, you will learn to attach the same ideas to them, to perceive when the ideas you have usually attached to them are changed. You will also become acquainted with the true limits of the faculties of the human mind.

From Locke's works you should pass to those of Reid upon the same topics, which you will find easy of perusal after the former, and which comprise the next step of advancement in the science. You may then pass onward to the works of Professor Dugald Stewart, in which you will become acquainted with the present advanced state of mental philosophy. Along with these books, as a kindred study, you would do well to read Euclid's geometry, at the rate of a few propositions each day. Some intelligent friend will also be able to put you in the way of reading this author, from whose works you will derive a knowledge of the method of accurate reasoning. These books will communicate to your mind the habit of requiring proof for every thing, of discerning between argument and sophism, and of discriminating when a topic is established by proof and when it is not; a habit of mind which is of the greatest value, and which, when once acquired, can readily be directed with the utmost advantage to any subject of study.

Having finished these books, I recommend you to make yourself thoroughly acquainted with Dr. Paley's Natural Theology, in which you will see the argument for the being of a God stated and illustrated in the ablest manner. You will also gain conviction from the perusal of it: I do not mean that you will become persuaded of the existence of a God; this you are already; but you will find that your belief of it, which you had received upon prescription, or nearly so, now rests upon its own appropriate reasons in your own mind. You will also look with a new vision upon created objects, as specimens of the skill and power of the Creator. Thenceforward, in the language of this invaluable author, "the world will become one temple to you, and life a continued act of adoration."

I recommend you then to proceed to his Evidences of Christianity, which consist of a condensation of the numerous and ponderous volumes of Lardner's Credibi lity and other standard works; but every thing needful to the argument is brought together in Paley's Evidences, which has been pronounced upon very high authority to be the best book upon the subject extant in any language.

You may then proceed to his Moral Philosophy, in which you will find the nature of virtue, and the reasons for selecting virtuous conduct, most clearly stated. These reasons are, the express command of Scripture,

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where it can be procured; when this does not exist, the nature of the action is inferred from its tendency to produce the greatest measure of happiness to mankind. If this can be made out, it is inferred that the action in question is agreeable to the will of God, whose perpetual will, is the happiness of mankind. This is the true Paleian doctrine of expediency, of which you will see no reason to be alarmed. I never yet found that the man who condemned it understood it. In this, as in many other cases, a word capable by itself of an ill sense, was used by the author; and persons who never troubled themselves to ascertain the sense in which the author used it, raised an objection upon it. There are many persons in the world, whose whole power of argument is bottled up in a word, in an appellation, in an epithet. If they can but use this, they discard all further discussion as useless. You will not be desirous of being numbered in their society.

The book to which you may next proceed is Butler's Analogy of Natural and Revealed Religion. Your previous acquaintance with the former will prepare you to understand it, and to share the benefit of perusing it. There you will find a new field of evidence to the truth of revelation, derived from the obvious, universal, invariable tendency of human conduct upon human happiness. You will then understand that there is a moral law in the order of providence—a law delivered, not audibly indeed, but with quite as much effect by action, by a certain effect always being associated with virtuous, and a certain effect being always associated with vicious conduct.

I advise you also to commence reading Doddridge's Family Expositor more systematically and attentively after the perusal of those books: in the latter you will find precision and accuracy in the use of language, and habits of close reasoning, contributing their concentrated effects to simplify and explain the Scriptures of inspired truth.

By a diligent, persevering, and exclusive study of these books, for the next two years, so as to become thoroughly accustomed to their contents, you will, I doubt not, acquire those habits of mind, and that information upon the first principles of religion and morals, which you so earnestly covet.

I am, with best wishes,
Dear Sir, yours, &c.


"WHO hath despised the day of small things?" said the inspired prophet. Who can tell to what the following facts may lead? The Patriot newspaper of last week remarks, "A sect sprang up some time since in Paris, having for its object the shaking off all connection with the Pope. These sectarians call themselves The French Catholic Church.' They disown_the authority of Rome, or any foreign authority. They perform the whole of their ceremonies in their own language, that the people may understand that which they are called on to profess. They moderate several of the ancient tenets, reduce the number of sacraments, and abolish the celibacy of the priesthood. In short, they seem to take their stand not very far from the position of Henry the Eighth, after his first attack on Romanism. They are rapidly increasing their number and influence. A few months since they met in a small building, fitted up as a church, on one of the Boulevards, in Paris. They have recently acquired a much larger one, in the Rue St. Honore, and contemplate the necessity of obtaining others."



PRIDE is an evil of so great magnitude, that no means which are employed can be sufficiently powerful to eradicate it from the human heart. Man being constituted lord of the lower creation, and possessing 80 much power over animate and inanimate creatures, seems to forget that there are multitudes of beings superior to himself, and that he is only one link in the great chain of creation. It is nevertheless of infinite importance that he should be taught to feel his own insignificance, that he should be made to know how small a portion of wisdom he has yet attained, and that it is therefore his duty to be clothed in humility. And surely nothing can be better calculated to effect such an object, than considerations like those which now occupy our attention. Nothing more conduces to engender pride than ignorance. A man who knows no more of the world than what he sees of it within the precincts of his own parish,-who thinks the heavenly host mere spangles in some real canopy of blue,-and is unconscious of the mechanisın displayed in every insect that flutters in the sunbeam ;-might be well disposed to look on himself as really important and great, just because his situation, as connected with those around him, might be more lofty and elevated: but when told that millions of beings swarm this earth, all endowed with rational faculties like himself; that myriads upon myriads of irrational creatures derive their support from its productions, and yet that this earth, with all its teeming population, is a mere nothing when compared with the numberless worlds which he sees above him; and when told moreover that all these, great and splendid as they may appear, are but a little part, a very little part of the works of ONE ALLPOWERFUL BEING; will he not be found to bow down in the deepest humiliation, and confess that all his fancied superiority is insignificance itself?

Such are the feelings with which I am desirous of entering upon the subject before us. And it opens one of so immense magnitude and importance, that it is difficult to select the most fitting subjects for meditation. All that we see displays infinite wisdom; and as the limit of the present essay prevents any thing like a minute discussion even on a few of the Creator's works, I must content myself with referring in general terms to the following topics:

1. THE CREATION is a lasting testimony to the inscrutable wisdom of Him who was its Author. Had it been permitted to any one of us to view the earth when without form and void, and when gloomy darkness brooded over it in death-like silence, and had we then been told to convert it into a beauteous and blooming structure, with what tools should we have accomplished the object, or rather, on what plan should we have proceeded? Surely we must own that human ingenuity would have been baffled: nay, more, that all the faculties of the creature would have been locked up in amazement, as he contemplated the shapeless mass before him. Let us suppose it possible that a human ear could have heard the magnificent command, "Let there be light!" and seen its speedy accomplishment; and then let us strive to work our own feelings into a train similar to that which under such circumstances would have rushed across the mind of him, who saw the wondrous achievement. Oh! it is most pleasing, when the sun is shedding a genial lustre over all created things, to walk on the green carpet wherewith the Almighty has covered the earth; and when the sweet and soleinn silence is broken only by the murmuring of a distant brook, pursuing its useful and almost silent

course; or the sweet and simple notes of those gay and sprightly beings with whom the Deity has peopled the air; to lift our thoughts from earth to heaven, and look through the wondrous productions of nature up to Him at whose command they all burst into existence. And what is the lesson which every created thing teaches? When we look at the little insect, and discover in its form, not only perfect uniformity and beauty, but a wondrous fitness for the task which its Creator has assigned it, shall we question his wisdom thus strikingly declared? Examination has always found, and the deeper we search the clearer I doubt not will the fact appear, that there is some end to be answered by every created thing, and that every created thing is wonderfully fitted to effect this purpose. It is not only in the great and stupendous productions of nature that this wisdom is to be seen, it is clearly pourtrayed in the smallest as well as in the greatest, and pervades every portion of the Creator's works. The best productions of men, are those which are framed according to the model laid down by the All-wise Maker of the universe. Every discovery and exertion of human intellect, tends only the more forcibly to illustrate the wisdom of Him, of whom it may indeed he said, that he has always chosen the best ends, and accomplished those ends by the best means. Nothing is wanting for human ingenuity to supply: no deficiencies of the Creator to be made up by the creature, but all perfect and sufficient. True it is, that as yet we know but a very little of the wondrous things which surround us on all sides; the wisest of our philosophers pronounce themselves but children, and confess that what they have discovered, tends forcibly to point out to them how much remains unknown: but yet let this form no barrier to our admiration; rather let it exalt our imaginations of that unknown and incomprehensible Being, whose knowledge is too wonderful and excellent to be scanned by human ingenuity.

Nature, in all its endless forms and wondrous phenomena, serves to illustrate this attribute of the Deity. By what process a seed is eventually enabled to burst through the ground which contains it, spring up and become a tree wherein the birds of the air can build their nests, we cannot tell; these are operations over which a veil is drawn, and our best conjectures on the subject cannot arrive at certainty. The animal kingdom is no less strikingly a proof that the wisdom which planned the universe, and peopled its boundless domains, is of a greatness too immense, and of an accuracy too minute, to be scanned by the reason of frail mortality. Nevertheless, we are enabled to discover the wondrous fitness of each particular being to discharge the duties committed to its care. The eagle, whose province it is to soar beyond the limits of human perception, is endowed by its Creator with the faculty of sight in so great a degree, that it fails not to perceive its victim at an immense distance; and though when we cast our eyes upwards, or look around us, we may be unable to discover any marks of the approach of birds of prey, yet let a carcass be exposed, and very soon it will be found that vultures are hastening to make their repast on it. B. Z.

(To be continued.)

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Anniversaries of Religious and Benevolent Societies.

CHRISTIAN INSTRUCTION SOCIETY. THIS truly "inestimable Institution" held its Eighth Annual Meeting on Tuesday evening, April 30, at Finsbury Chapel. Lord Henley presided, and the attendance was very numerous and respectable.

The services having been commenced by singing and prayer, the Noble Chairman made an interesting speech, declaring, among other reasons for his attachment to this Society, that "he had the authority of one of the most learned and pious men in this country, for stating, not more than one-fifth of the manufacturing population of England had any means whatever of hearing or attending to the gospel of Jesus Christ." The Rev. J. Blackburn read the Report of the Association. There were in the

Associations. Visitors. Families. Prayer Meetings.

Central Division, 14 ...... 277 ... 7,552


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300 ...
181 ... 5,175.

12 ...... 213 ... 5,271



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Total ....... 63


67 1,208 6,479


1,297 32,452


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In the 63 Associations there were 1,297 voluntary agents, who statedly visited 32,452 families, and who maintained, amidst the poorest neighbourhoods, 89 weekly prayer meetings. Those operations had secured the constant circulation of more than 100,000 Loan Tracts every month, the issue of 586 copies of the Holy Scriptures, the admission of 1,603 poor children into Sunday or Day Schools, and the temporal relief of 2,335 cases of distress during the past year. The local Prayer Meetings and Preaching Stations had increased from 84 to 89, which were differently attended from 50 to 150. The series of Lectures on the Evidences of Christianity had been continued during the past year, and the preaching in Five Tents during the summer, in the neighbourhood of London.

The total receipts during the past year were 1,1337. 1s. 10d., and the expenses 1,3021. 8s. 9d., leaving the Institution in debt 1697. 6s. 11d.

The Meeting was addressed by the Rev. Dr. Morison; J. Labouchere, Esq. Treasurer of the District Visiting Society, belonging to the Established Church; the Rev. Dr. Styles; W. A. Hankey, Esq.; the Rev. C. Stovell; and Josiah Conder, Esq. Lord Henley vacating the Chair on account of indisposition, Thomas Challis, Esq. succeeded him: the Rev. Dr. Cox, and the Rev. Mr. Blackburn having addressed the Meeting, the business was concluded by singing "Praise God from whom all blessings flow," &c.

We know not in what terms sufficiently to commend this apostolical and beneficial Society. But we trust its plan of operations will be adopted in every populous neighbourhood, and in every town throughout the kingdom, as admirably adapted by its peculiar system of means,Visits-Loan Tracts-Prayer Meetings,and Scripture expositions,-to evangelize and bless our neglected population.

BRITISH AND FOREIGN SCHOOL SOCIETY. ON Monday, May 6, the Twenty-eighth General Meeting of this noble Institution was held in Exeter Hall, when the chair was filled by the Right Hon. Lord John Russell. Henry Dunn, Esq. read the Report, which was most interesting, showing both the need of educa

tion even yet in England, and the progress of this truly national system and its extension in foreign countries. The central school is in a flourishing state. During the past year, sixty-three candidates had been admitted to learn the system; fifty-one had been appointed to the charge of (new) schools; eight schools had been supplied with teachers; fifteen missionaries had been instructed in the system, to carry it, and establish it among the heathen. France is stated to be alive to the importance of this system, having had opened 1,581 schools. There are now in that country 2,900,000 receiving the benefits of the system of mutual instruction. Scriptural truth is decidedly advancing in France; large supplies of Bibles and Testaments have been granted by the British and Foreign Bible Society; and 40,000 copies of the Scriptures have been ordered to be printed, by the Council of Instruction. Various other parts of the world are noticed in the Report, particularly Greece, and Western and Southern Africa, as having been greatly benefited by this Society. The income of the Society, during the past year, amounted to 2,9781. 10s. 6d. and its expenditure to 3,212/. 118. 7d.

The Rev. J. W. Cunningham, vicar of Harrow, moved, and H. Pownall, Esq. seconded the adoption of the Report. The latter gentleman remarked: "It has been proved, that out of 260 malefactors in the agricultural districts, not one could read: that in the town of Bedford alone, out of 50) criminals, only 4 could read: that in Hertfordshire, out of a population of 41,700, only 24,220 were able to read."

The Rev. G. Clayton, of Walworth, moved a Resolution, acknowledging with gratitude the munificent donation of 100%. from his Majesty: this was seconded by the Rev. J. Philippo, late missionary at Spanish Town, Jamaica. The references of this gentleman, to the assistance afforded by this Society in promoting education in Jamaica, and its beneficial influence upon the wretched blacks, were received with many expressions of approbation.

The Rev. J. Burnet, the Rev. G. Marsden, Mr. France of Plymouth, and the Rev. G. Clayton, further addressed the Meeting, which was dismissed, after the Right Hon. Chairman had made some observations on the word TOLERATION, which the Rev. Mr. Burnet had reprobated, as having his cordial hatred. His Lordship expressed his concurrence in that expression of sentiment,

the word proper for such occasions was LIBERTY. In referring to the speech of Mr. Philippo, his Lordship remarked, that he had "long employed himself industriously and usefully in the island of Jamaica. It was to exertions such as his that we must look for the true welfare and prosperity of the colonies: for he trusted that the time was now past when the safety of the colonies was to be looked for in the perpetuation of a state of slavery and ignorance." We trust that such sentiments are cordially embraced by all his Majesty's ministers, and that Colonial Slavery will soon cease for ever in all the dominions of Great Britain.


On Tuesday morning, May 7, the Thirty-fourth Annual Breakfast and Public Meeting of this great Institution was held at the City of London Tavern: it was most numerously and respectably attended.

Joseph John Gurney, Esq. of Norwich presided, after the Rev. J. Dyer had implored the blessing of God on their proceedings. As a member of the Society of Friends, Mr. Gurney had long hesitated to unite with the Religious Tract Society; but, he observed, "the longer he lived, the more he was persuaded that the welfare of mankind, civilly, morally, and eternally, depended on the diffusion of the Gospel. And if there

was one circumstance more than another that indicated the progress of the truth, it was the extraordinary fact, that 180,000,000 tracts, containing the Gospel, had been distributed by this Society." Mr. Jones read an ab. stract of the Report, full of the most interesting details. "The total number of publications circulated in the year was 12,995,241, being an increase of 880,271 beyond the preceding year. The total circulation of Tracts, in more than seventy languages, amounts to nearly 180,000,000. The total of the free contributions for 1832, was 3,3741. 6s. 7d.; for 1833, they are 4,070. 48.; being an increase of 6951. 178. 5d. The sums received for the sales of the Society's publications in 1832 amounted to 26,9497. 118. 8d.; for 1833 they are 34,4601. 12s. 2d.; being an increase of 7,5117. Os. 6d. The total amount of the Society's receipts for 1832, including sales, were 31,3761. 6s. Id.; for 1833, they are 40,000l. 148. 10d.; being an increase of 8,6247.88.9d.

The Meeting was addressed by the Rev. W. Morgan, of Bradford; the Rev. N. M. Harry, of London; the Rev. J. Alexander, of Norwich; R. Peek, Esq. Sheriff of London; the Rev. W. Wade, M. A.; the Rev. J. Thornton, of Billericay; the Rev. J. Dyer, Secretary of the Baptist Missionary Society; and the Rev. J. W. Alexander, a converted Jew.


ON Monday, May 6, the Annual Meeting of this useful Society was held at the City of London Tavern, the Right Hon. Lord Mountsandford in the chair. This much-needed Society appears to have recently declined; still it is doing much good. The Rev. E. Muscutt read the Report, which stated, that “ Bethel-meetings at home had been constantly held, and well attended. The Floating Chapel was still supplied gratuitously by various ministers: 4,067 sailors had attended public worship on board, and nearly an equal number of general hearers: 987 books, and 34 Bibles and Testaments had been distributed by this Society among seamen. There were 220 children receiving instruction in the Day. schools at Wapping: the patronage of the Merchant Seamen's Orphan Asylum had been considerably augmented: the institution had received 48 boys and 24 girls during the five years of its existence. The Rev. J. Clayton; Capt. Smith, R. N.; the Rev. W. Hodson; the Rev. C. Hyatt; W. Manning, Esq.; Captain Orton; the Rev. Robert Ainslie; R. C. Hyatt, Jun.; R. H. Marten, Esq.; George Jackson, Esq.; and the Rev. W. Drury, addressed the Meeting. Mr. Marten pronounced a just eulogium on the character of the late President, Admiral Lord Gambier, who is succeeded in that honour by the Right Honourable Lord Mountsandford.


On Monday Evening, May 6, a public meeting, most numerously and respectably attended, was held at the London Tavern, for the purpose of forming a new Society under the above denomination, having for its object the "Moral and Religious Improvement of Seamen." The chair was taken by the Lord Mayor.

The Rev. E. Richards, of Wandsworth, having offered prayer for the Divine blessing, the Lord Mayor stated the objects of the meeting. The Rev. F. A. Cox, LL.D. proposed the first Resolution, declaring the expediency of the Society: the Rev. Doctor stated, as a reason for it, that there were 24,000 vessels, manned with more than 150,000 seamen, continually afloat, connected with our country, and more than 10,000 continually within reach of the metropolis. The Rev. R. Ousby, chaplain to the House of Correction, seconded the Resolution.

The Meeting was further addressed by J. Brown, Esq. of Wareham; the Rev. C. B. Wordman; the Rev. G. Gibbs; G. F. Augas, Esq.; G. Miller, Esq.; D. Wire, Esq.; Dr. Oxley; J. Buckland, Esq.; and Mr. Moore. The Lord Mayor; G. F. Augas, Esq.; and J. Perry, Esq. each put down his name for Ten Guineas. G. F. Augas, Esq. made the following weighty remark: that "the moral condition of sailors, to whom 130,000,000l. worth of merchandize was committed in the course of a year, should certainly be no indifferent subject to British merchants."


JAMES DOUGLAS, Esq. of Cavers, the learned and eloquent author of "The Advancement of Society in Knowledge and Religion," and several other valuable works, has recently published a pamphlet, which we sincerely recommend to our readers it is entitled, "Address on Slavery, Sabbath Protection, and Church Reform." pp. 66.

On the former of these subjects especially, Mr. Douglas makes some affecting appeals. He says,

"The West Indies are an example, that the laws of God are never neglected with impunity, and that no lasting prosperity can be based upon injustice and human misery. Whether we look to the wretched slaves; the bankrupt planters; or their creditors, the merchants, who lend out their money upon usury, in vain sought to be wrung out of the tears and blood of wretched men; or to that portion of the British army, which, to the disgrace of this country, forms the only solid support of a system as impolitic as it is unjust, we everywhere behold the curse of an avenging God pressing heavily upon the abettors of this slavish tyranny, which is without its equal in atrocity, either in ancient or modern times. If there is a spot in existence (except the regions of eternal punishment) where all things are contrary to the mind and laws of God, we must certainly find it in the West Indies, where property is robbery; labour, tyrannous exaction; law, merciless oppression; governors, murderers and men-stealers; and where all things are conducted, not according to the maxims of a wise and holy Being, but according to the devices of the enemy of human happiness."

Mr. Douglas proceeds to answer the inquiry, -For whose profit does this miniature of hell exist? Not, according to their own showing, for that of the planters. As far back as the twenty years from 1772 to 1792, the Committee of the Jamaica Assembly reported, that there had been in the course of that time 177 estates sold for debt, and 55 thrown up; while, at the end of that period, 92 estates remained in the hands of creditors. Since that period things have become worse.


"If then," continues Mr. Douglas, "neither the planters nor the merchants are gainers by the colonial system, is Britain a gainer? If squandering life and money be a gain to her, if adding to her taxes, and providing graves for her soldiers,—if becoming a party to wrongs which are crying to Heaven for vengeance be gain to Britain, then has she found in the West Indies an inexhaustible treasure. By an elaborate and moderate computation, the military and naval expenses of maintaining the West India islands in a state of slavery, especially if the Mauritius and the Cape are added, cannot fall short of 2,000,000l. sterling annually. The duties and drawbacks on sugar have been estimated, with equal care, at 1,200,000. sterling; and if we add the loss that we suffer from excluding the productions of the richest countries of the East, the total amount of Britain's loss cannot possibly be much overstated at 4,000,000l. a year.

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