occasioned. If the Son of God himself found the cup bitter, how could an angel have raised it to his lips? Oh, no! he never could have drunk up the dregs, and the sacrifice could not have been consummated. We could then have no other Redeemer than the Son of God. He alone was capable of reconciling God with man. He was born of a virgin, a victim without spot and blemish: he received life in a stable, in the lowest of human conditions, because we had fallen through pride. Here commences the depth of the mystery man feels an awful emotion, and the scene closes! Christianity is not made up of those things which the sarcasms of infidelity would fain lead us to imagine. To the poor in spirit the gospel has been preached, and by the poor in spirit it has been heard. It is the plainest book that exists: its doctrine has not its seat in the head, but the heart: it teaches not the art of disputation, but the way to lead a virtuous life. Such, moreover, are its truths, that the admission of one single point compels you to admit all the rest: the moment you acknowledge a God, our holy religion makes its way with all its doctrines. Of the Sacraments. If the mysteries overwhelm the mind by their greatness, we experience a different kind of astonishment, but perhaps not less profound, when we contemplate the sacraments of the church; the intimate knowledge of man which we discover in these institutions, proves that he who has thus penetrated into the recesses of the human heart, can be no other than its Creator. Baptism is the first of the sacraments which religion confers on man, and which clothes him with Jesus Christ. Who can avoid being struck with the solemnity and affecting nature of the ceremony which consecrates the life of a Christian! It reminds us of the corruption in which we were born, of the tribulations which await us in the world, and that our sins will recoil upon our children. Considered as a type of the mystery of our redemption, baptism is a bath which restores to the sonl its primeval vigour. The holy communion presents to us characters still more sublime. It originated in the last supper of which Christ partook with his disciples, and embraces three grand essential points. First. In the material bread and wine we behold the consecration of the food of man which we receive from the bounty of God. Were there nothing more in the communion than the offering of the productions of the earth to him who dispenses them, that alone would render it equal to the most excellent religious customs of Greece. Secondly. The eucharist reminds us of the passover of the Israelites; it announces the abolition of bloody sacrifices; it is also the image of the calling of Abraham, and of the first covenant between God and man. Thirdly. It announces the union of mankind into one great family, it inculcates the end of animosities, and the commencement of a new law, which makes no distinction of Jew or Gentile, but invites all the children of Adam to the same table. When the Almighty had created man in his own image, he made a covenant with him; Adam and his Creator conversed together in the solitude of the garden. This covenant was of necessity broken on the fall of Adam. Now hetween two things of different properties, there cannot be a point of union except by incans of a third agent. The first effort which divine love made to draw us nearer to itself was in the calling of Abraham, and the institution of sacrifices, types of the coming of Messias. The Saviour, by the redemption, reinstated us in our privileges, and the highest of those privileges was to communicate with our Maker, But this intercourse could not be dircet, because the body, an heir of death, is too weak to survive a direct communication with God. A medium was therefore required, and this the Son has furnished. He hath given himself to us in the eucharist. He hath become the sublime way by which we are spiritually united with him in whom we live, move, and breathe. On the one hand, he is united to the Father by his spirituality, and on the other, to us by his humanity. He is, therefore, the required medium of approximation between the guilty child and the forgiving Parent. (To be continued.) SCRIPTURE BIOGRAPHY. NOAH. Noah's Salvation Typical. It is allowed by all that Noah was a typical character. In several respects he may be compared or contrasted with Adam; and he, as well as Adam, was a distinguished type of Christ. As Adam was the father of the first, Noah was the father of the second world. To these two alone, was the whole world granted as a possession. For the sin of Adam, the ground was cursed: but through the sacrifice of Noah, the earth was blessed. The name of Noah was significant, denoting rest and consolation; and such in reality is our blessed Lord and Saviour. He is the Rest of his people, and the neverfailing Consolation of all the Israel of God. Noah was the great prophet, and priest, and “preacher of righ teousness" to the old world: such, with unspeakable eminence, is our divine Redeemer, "the Apostle and High Prie t of our profession." Through the sacrifice of Noah, the LORD gave the covenant of safety to the world through the sacrifice of Christ, the better covenant of eternal salvation was ratified and published. Noah was saved in the ark by the destroying deluge; so, as Peter teaches, "the like figure whereunto, even baptism, doth also now save us (not the putting away the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God), by the resurrection of Jesus Christ." 1 Pet. iii, 21. Dreadful as was the overwhelming deluge, whose waters were required to wash away the corruptions of the earth, there is a still more dreadful revolution in the elements shall melt with fervent prospect, when " heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burnt up. Nevertheless, we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness." 2 Pet. iii, 12, 13. in the anticipation of that most fearful event, let every sincere believer repose upon the promise of God, rati fied by his most solemn oath. "For this is as the waters of Noal unto me: for as I have sworn that the waters of Noah shall no more go over the earth, so have I sworn that I will not be wroth with thee. For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed, saith the LORD, that hath mercy on thee." Isa. liv, 9, 10. DEATH OF MR. THOMAS WILLIAMS. THE church on earth has lost a valuable member in the removal to the church in heaven of the late Mr. Thomas Williams. He died on the 12th inst. in the 78th year his age, after a few hours' illness. This excellent ma was the well-known editor of "The Cottage Bible," and the translator of "Solomon's Song," as well as author of several valuable theological works, the last published only a few months ago, entitled "The Private Life of Christ." Mr. Williams's character was in strict accordance with his pursuits, and he died, as he lived, a Chris tian, prepared and waiting for a happy immortality. Letters to a Mother, upon Education. Dear Madam, LETTER XXXV. On the Choice of a School. SINCE, then, it seems expedient that your son should go to school, the next question to be considered is, what kind of a school shall he go to? The answer to this question, though simply consisting of the suggestions of common sense, requires to be stated at large. It appears to me advisable, that regard should be had in the choice of a school to the following points. 1st. Let him be sent to a school, where the general and principal plan of education is adapted to your expectations as to his future occupation in life. If your own circumstances dictate that your son is to be a tradesman, send him to a good commercial school, as it is called, situate in the country, or in the neighbourhood of the inetropolis. Let it, if possible, be a school where the learned languages are not even prafessed to be taught, nor even French, but where all that the master pretends to do, is to qualify his pupils for mercantile pursuits. In a school of this kind, let him be thoroughly instructed in all those branches of knowledge into which I have presumed that you will initiate him. To these of course book-keeping will be added. Having such views with regard to your son, do not send him to a schoolmaster of whom you know nothing. A little inquiry among the more judicious of your friends will soon enable you to find a schoolmaster who professes nothing more than to communicate a commercial education, and whom they can recommend, upon a personal knowledge of his competency and fitness in all respects. Still, if you find any thing in his advertisements, or in his manner, tones, language, professions, statements, or references, which at all savours of boasting or parade, immediately resolve to have nothing to do with him. Make similar observations as to the mistress. Even should all other circumstances please you, and appear such as good sense, that comparatively rare but inestimable faculty, would seem to require, yet examine if the situation of the house be rural and airy, and if it has a play-ground of competent size. I advise, too, that your son should not go to any school where there are fewer than fifty pupils, or where there are likely to be as many very shortly. It will be requisite that you should personally survey the accommodations to which you coinmit your offspring, whether the school-room be large, lofty, and airy; above all things, minutely investigate whether the temper of the master and mistress be good. Choose a master not under thirty nor more than forty-five years of age. Similar observations should be made as to the arrangements of the household. Examine the sleeping-rooms, the beds, the provisions for washing hands and face. Consider whether the hours of rising and retiring to rest be sufficiently early. Thoroughly acquaint yourself with the number of meals allowed, and with the nature of the aliment used at each. You will not think these directions minute or unworthy of notice. Remember, that when you send your son to school, it ought to be to a school wherein your own plans will as much as possible be carried on and continued to perfection. If your own plans are valuable, surely the question whether they are likely to be continued or not by the schoolmaster cannot be unimportant. Should you however resolve, upon a due and faithful consideration of all the circumstances adverted to in a former Letter, respecting the choice of a profession, or upon the advice of tried, disinterested, and judicious friends, that your son should be devoted to a 66 learned profession, then indeed you must turn your view to some one of those numerous public grammarschools for which we are indebted to the piety and munificence of our forefathers. You will find a full account of the chief of these in a book lately published, "A Father's Guide in the Choice of a School for his Son;" or in another book of the same nature, called Liber Scholasticus." In these books you will find an account of all the principal grammar-schools in the kingdom. The chief things to be attended to are the following: the time at which your son should enter, in order to be permitted to becoine a candidate for all the advantages of the school — I mean exhibitions to college, scholarships, &c. From these and similar books (for there are many), you will also gain a knowledge of the various circumstances which entitle particular persons to the higher advantages of certain schools, such as founder's kin, the natives of particular districts, counties, cities, &c. &c. It may be well also to compare the information given in such books with that which you will find in the University Calendar of Cambridge and of Oxford, since some schools are more particularly connected with certain colleges of either university. Thus a boy from some particular schools may have the opportunity of being sent to college, if he stays long enough, and is sufficiently meritorious, upon an exhibition derived from his school. I would recommend, on the supposition that he is to be a tradesman, that you should if possible send him to a school where the rest of the boys are as much upon a level with him as possible, in respect to circumstances and station in life. If he is to be educated for a profession, and is sent to any grammar-school upon the foundation, or by the interest of any particular person, you will scarcely have a choice, and in such a case it is not material. This direction, however, coincides with the very rare case in which your son is declared by competent judges to exhibit considerable promise of success in study, whereas your own circumstances would have dictated his being engaged in commercial pursuits. On the supposition, that, all circumstances being considered, you devote him to a learned profession, and intend to pay his expenses at school, send him to a school where the society is nearly upon a level with his own rank in life. You will thus save him from the mortification, and the passions thus excited, of feeling himself vastly inferior to others in these respects. Among all the schools in question, I should prefer his being sent to one of the large public grammar-schools. It is always an ennobling association in the mind of a boy, that he was educated in the same room where poets and legislators and philosophers imbibed the rudiments of learning. In a school of this description, I should say that the society of schoolboys is generally in its highest perfection. Anid the great numbers, too, to be found in such schools, he will meet the opportunity of seeing the world, of having the ill tendency in his own character corrected, and the better tendencies elevated and confirmed. He will have a greater opportunity, also, of forming acquaintances and attachments; and after all, school acquaintances, not perhaps at the time of their formation, but in after-life, when the objects meet at college, or when they mingle in the seuate, in the church, or at the bar, are some of the most durable, useful, and delightful. It is a great advantage to a boy to have had many of these. His heart will have been exercised by them; while, if he passes to the university and to the world without a schoolfriendship, with all his friends to seek, he will probably make but few friendships, and those of a slight and uncertain tenure. I have always thought it an advantage, that a boy should have many relations, many families of relations, living in the neighbourhood where he is bred up. These objects of kindred attachment suit with his young affec. tions. I think, upon the same principle, that a lad should have many school-friendships, that when he sits down in hall at college, he may see around him many a familiar countenance of schoolfellows gone thither before him. And be assured, that if your son is to be a member of any of the learned professions, his best career is from your own abode to one of the public grammar-schools, and from thence to one of the English universities. It is true that at the grammar-school, and college also, his attention will be almost wholly absorbed by classics and mathematics; and that these studies seem to have little connection with law, divinity, or physic. It is true that the literal connection between them is scarcely discernible; but the abstract connection be tween them and any other science or profession is most valuable. In the thorough study of classics and mathematics, but especially of the latter, setting aside all pecuniary remuneration which may be obtained by eminence in them, such as fellowships, &c. there is this advantage, that they tend to establish those mental habits of minute discrimination and correct reasoning, which, when acquired, can be directed to any subject afterwards with the highest success. I would compare this habit, as Dr. Johnson compares genius, to the power of walking, which, when a man has it, he can walk either to east or west or north or south. So, when these mental habits are acquired, they can be directed to law or physic or divinity, and the possessor will make acquirements in them, which, both in point of extent and speed, will make up most amply for their having been so long delayed. Yet more, the self-same habits will enable him to practise these different sciences with supreme advantage to his fellow-creatures. Let no parent, then, begrudge the time and the money, merely on this account, required by the present routine of grammar-school and university education. The propriety of them is attested by the excellence of the result in thousands of qualified members of the learned professions: it is approved most by those whose mental acquirements and excellence best qualify them to give an opinion upon the question. May they be perpetual ! I am, dear Madam, yours, &c. CLERICUS. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE OF THE LATE W. WILBERFORCE, ESQ. PATRIOTISM and piety must equally mourn over the tomb of William Wilberforce; for in the death of this lamented individual, "a great man has fallen" in our Israel. A brief memoir of this ornament of our nation and of the church of Christ will be regarded with a lively interest by every reader of the Christian's Penny Magazine. William Wilberforce was born, Aug. 24, 1759, at Hull, in Yorkshire, where his ancestors had been for many years successfully engaged in trade. His great grandfather was one of the governors of Beverly, in 1670. His grandfather was greatly respected, and was twice mayor of Hull. His grandmother was of the Thornton family. Mr. Robert Wilberforce, his father, married Miss Elizabeth Bird, a relative of the present bishops of Chester and Winchester. By this lady he had one son, the subject of our Memoir, and two daughters: one died unmarried; the other was married to the Rev. Mr. Clarke, and after his decease to James Stephen, Esq. late Master in Chancery. Mr. Wilberforce's father dying when he was very young, his early education devolved chiefly on his mo ther, by whom he was sent to the grammar-school under the care of the Rev. Mr. Milner. About the year 1774, he was entered as a fellow-commoner at St John's college, Cambridge, where he formed that intimacy with Mr. Pitt, which continued uninterrupted till the death of that great statesman, a period of more than thirty years. Mr. Wilberforce did not study for literary honours, yet he was distinguished by his solid attainments and correct classical taste. During his residence at the university he cultivated the friendship of Mr. Isaac, afterwards Dr. Milner, the excellent editor of the "History of the Church of Christ,” and brother of the pious author of that valuable work. Mr. Milner accompanied Mr. Wilberforce and Mr. Pitt on a tour to Nice; and to his intercourse with their reverend friend, Mr. W. is stated to have ascribed his first serious impressions of evangelical truth, an honour which that devoted clergyman will rejoice to acknowledge in the heavenly world, while he renders the glory of sanctifying efficiency to the Spirit and grace of God. Scarcely had Mr. Wilberforce attained his majority, when he was chosen as the representative in parliament of his native town; and his name occurs in the parliamentary journals of the year 1781, as one of the commissioners for administering oaths to members of the House of Coinmons. Passing over his exertions during the former years of his activity as a senator, we record, that in the year 1787, Mr. Wilberforce was first engaged, at the request of Mr. Clarkson, to bring forward in parliament the legis lative abolition of the accursed SLAve Trade. Benevolence induced him to undertake that service; and in 1788 he gave notice of a motion on the subject: but indisposition prevented his following up his purpose, and the duty was undertaken by his friend Mr. Pitt. A resolution passed the House, to the effect, that it would proceed, in the next session, to consider the state of the Slave Trade, and the measures which it would be proper to adopt with respect to it. On the 12th of May, 1789, Mr. Wilberforce again brought this great question before the House, in a speech of powerful eloquence, worthy of the cause. On the 25th, the debate was renewed; and, ultimately, the further consideration of the subject was adjourned to the following session. In 1790, Mr. Wilberforce was at his post, and recalled the House to the discussion; but the delusive and dishonest clamour for evidence prevailed against him. In April, 1791, another splendid debate on the Abolition was opened by Mr. Wilberforce, who was ably supported in this cause of justice and humanity by the united forces of Pitt and Fox. Notwithstanding the giant powers of these auxiliaries, a majority of seventy-five was numbered against his motion, and it was lost. Again in the session of 1792, this inflexible and unwearied champion of the rights of humanity and of God, renewed his attack upon the accursed traffic in "the souls of men;" and though consistently opposed by all the sophistry and virulence of the West Indian advocates, he had the satisfaction of perceiving that some impression had been made upon the House by the force of public opinion, and his appeals to the laws of God: it was resolved therefore by a small majority, that the Slave Trade should be gradually abolished. We cannot in this place notice the successive efforts of this indefatigable advocate of the Negro: but after a twenty years' struggle against avarice, immorality, and daily slave-murder," Mr. Wilberforce had the satisfaction of seeing his efforts crowned with success, by a Bill for the Abolition of the Slave Trade receiving the royal assent on the 25th of March 1807. Mr. Wilberforce, however, was not satisfied with the abolition of the Trade in human beings; he was the steady and determined advocate of Negro Emancipation; and Providence mercifully spared his life to witness the whole nation roused to demand the extinction of this foul blot upon our character, and to hear the decision of the British legislature, that-SLAVERY SHALL CEASE THROUGHOUT THE EMPIRE! Mr. Wilberforce was a Christian, as well as a Philanthropist; and he dared to be singular, and to declare his conviction, not only of the truth of Divine Revelation, but of the infinite importance of evangelical doctrine. About the time of his marriage, therefore, in 1797, he published his celebrated work, entitled, "A Practical View of the prevailing Religious System of Professed Christians, in the Higher and Middle Classes in this Country, contrasted with Real Christianity *. Under the peculiar circumstances of its author, and of the country, this work must be regarded as a noble testimony to the doctrines of the Protestant Reformation. It threw down the gauntlet, not only to infidelity, but to formalism; showing that even a Member of Parlia ment for the county of York, possessed moral courage sufficient to declare, “I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ." Such a phenomenon excited the astonishment of the nation, and the volume was read by thousands. To the extensive circulation which this volume obtained among the higher classes of society, at a time when "piety was stigmatized in aristocratical circles with scarcely less reproach than in the days of Charles II," may be reasonably ascribed, in no small degree, the introduction of that leaven of better principles, which, in the present day, is seen so happily diffusing itself among even the polite and noble of the land. Conscious of the peculiar responsibility which attached to him, from the station which he occupied, the great interests entrusted to his advocacy, and his known attachment to evangelical religion, he was alike assiduous and vigilant, beyond what his physical strength allowed, in the discharge of his parliamentary duties. Yet no man was more free from self-importance or arrogance. His evangelical piety, the main-spring of his benevolence, was, at the same time, the hidden source of that cheerfulness which he sought to impart to all around him. This "leader of the religious world," as he has been styled, was, in domestic life, the most amiable of men, playful and animated to a degree which few would have supposed, extremely fond of children, alike instructive and entertaining in conversation, a companion for all ages, equally qualified to compete with senators, to discourse with divines, to chat with his friends, to instruct the young, and to administer consolation to the poor, the suffering, and the afflicted. Mr. Wilberforce, as might be expected, was the decided patron and supporter of the Bible Society, the Missionary Societies, and the other kindred institutions which adorn our age and bless all nations: and though an avowed member of the Established Church, he was a generous friend to the evangelical Dissenters, with many of whom he held the most friendly intercourse, and not unfrequently attended their places of worship, uniting with them even in participating of the Lord's Supper. In 1797, Mr. W. married Miss Barbara Spooner, daughter of a banker at Birmingham. By that lady, who survives him, he has left four sons, Williain, the eldest, who resides on the Continent; two others, Samuel and Robert, are clergymen in the established church; and Henry. Two daughters, one of them unmarried, died some years ago. Mr. Wilberforce retired from Parliament to private life in 1825. He died in London, on the 29th of July last, and was interred, with great marks of honour by the public, in Westminster Abbey. The names of Wilberforce and Clarkson will go down to posterity with that of Howard, as the greatest benefactors of mankind. Of this excellent work, a new edition is in the Press, to which will be prefixed a Life of the Auth r: it will be handsomely printed in demy 18mo. price 2s. 6d. MY SCRAP BOOK. LEAF XI. "The Bee that wanders, and sips from every flower, disposes what she has gathered into her cells."-SENECA. Account of MRS. ELIZABETH GAUNT, a Baptist lady, who was burnt alive for having concealed, and kept from starving, one Burton, and his family, who had escaped from the Duke of Monmouth's army. Or this remarkably pious and benevolent woman, Bishop Burnet says "6 She spent a great part of her life in acts of charity, visiting the jails, and looking after the poor, of whatsoever persuasion they were. One of the rebels found her out; and she harboured him in her house, and was looking for an occasion of sending him out of the kingdom. He went about in the night, and came to hear what the King had said (which was, that he would sooner pardon the rebels, than those who harboured them); so he, by an unheard-of baseness, went and delivered himself up, and accused her that had harboured him. She was seized on, and tried. There was no witness to prove that she knew the person she harboured was a rebel, but himself: her maid-servant witnessed only, that he was entertained at her house. But, though the crime was her harbouring a traitor, and was proved only by this infamous witness, yet the judge charged the jury to bring her in guilty; pretending that the maid was a second witness, though she knew nothing of that which was the criminal part. She was condemned and burnt, as the law directs in the case of women convicted of treason. She died with a constancy, even to cheerfulness, that struck all that saw it. She said charity was a part of her religion as well as faith: this at worst was the feeding an enemy: so she hoped she had her reward with him for whose sake she did this service, how unworthy soever the person was, that made so ill a return for it. She rejoiced that God had honoured her to be the first that suffered by fire this reign; and that her suffering was a martyrdom for that religion which was all love. Penn, the Quaker, told me, he saw her die. She laid the straw about her for burning her speedily, and behaved herself in such a manner, that all the spectators melted into tears." She was executed at Tyburn, Oct. 23, 1685, and delivered the following paper, written with her own hand, to Captain Richardson, then keeper of Newgate. "Not knowing whether I shall be suffered, or able, because of weaknesses that are upon me, through my close imprisonment, to speak at the place of execution, I have written these few lines to signify, that I am reconciled to the ways of God towards me; though it be in ways I looked not for, and by terrible things, yet in righteousness: for having given me life, he ought to have the disposing of it, when and where he pleases to call for it; and I desire to offer up my all to him, it being but my reasonable service; and also the first terms Christ offers, that he that will be his disciple, ' must forsuke all and follow him.' Therefore let none think it hard, or be discouraged at what hath happened unto me, for he doth nothing without cause, he being holy in all his ways and righteous in all his works;' and it is but my lot in common with poor desolate Zion at this day. Neither do I find in my heart the least regret for any thing I have done in the service of my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, in securing and succouring any of his poor sufferers that have shown favour, as I thought, to his righteous cause; which cause though it be now trampled on, yet may revive, and God may plead in it at another rate, more than ever he hath yet done, with all its opposers and malicious haters. Therefore let all that love and fear him, not omit the least duty that offers, knowing that now Christ has need of them, and expects they should serve him. And I desire to bless his holy name, that he hath made me useful in my generation, to the comfort and relief of many desolate ones; That the blessing of those that were ready to perish, hath come upon me ;' and I have helped to make the heart of the widow to sing.' And I desire to bless his holy name, that in all this, together with what I was charged with, I can approve my heart to him, that I have done his will, though it doth cross man's. The Scriptures which satisfy me are, Isa. xvi, 3, 4, 'Hide the outcast; bewray not him that wandereth; be a covert to them from the face of the spoiler;' and Obad. xiv, "Neither shouldest thou have delivered up those of his that did remain in the day of distress.' But men say you must give them up, or you shall die for it. Now, who to obey, judge ye. So that I have cause to rejoice in that I suffer for righteousness' sake; and that God hath accepted my service, which hath been done in sincerity, though mixed with manifold infirmities, which he hath been pleased, for Christ's sake, to cover and forgive. And now, concerning my crime, as it is called: alas! it was but a little one, and might well become a prince to forgive but he that shows no mercy shall find none; and may say of it, in the language of Jonathan, 'I did but taste a little honey, and lo! I must die for it.' I did but relieve an unworthy, poor, distressed family, and lo! I must die for it. Well, I desire, in the lamb-like nature of the gospel, to forgive those that are concerned, and to say, Lord, lay it not to their charge.' But I fear, nay, I believe, when he comes to make inquisition for blood, mine wi!! be found at the door of the furious judge who, because I could not remember things, through my dauntedness at Burton's wife and daughter's witness, and my ignorance, took advantage thereat, and would not hear me when I called to mind that which I am sure would have invalidated their evidence. And though he granted something of the same kind to another, he denied it me. At that time my blood will also be found at the door of the unrighteous jury, who found me guilty upon the single oath of an outlawed man, for there was none but his oath about the money, who was no legal witness though he be pardoned, his outlawry not being reversed, the law requiring two witnesses in point of treason. And then about my going with him to the place mentioned, viz. the Hope; it was, according to his own evidence, before he could be outlawed, for it was about two months after his absconding; so that he was in proclamation, yet not high treason, as I am informed, whereby, I am clearly murdered. Also Mr. Atterbury, who hath so unsatiably hunted after my blood, and who left no stone unturned, as I have ground to believe, till he brought it to this, and showed favour to Burton, who ought to have died for his own fault, and not to have bought his life with mine. Also Capt. Richardson, who is cruel to all under my circumstances, and who did, without any mercy or pity, hasten my sentence, and held up my hand that it might be given all which, together with the great one of allt, by whose power all these, and multitudes more cruelties are committed, I do heartily and freely forgive, as against me; but as it is done in an implacable mind against the Lord Christ, and his righteous cause and followers, I leave it to him who is the avenger of all such wrong, Who will tread upon princes as upon mortar, and be terrible to the kings of the earth. And know this also, that though you are seemingly fixed, and because of the power in your hands, are weighing out your violence, and dealing with a spiteful mind, because of the old and new hatred, by impoverishing and every way distressing those under you; yet, unless you can secure Jesus Christ, and all his holy angels, your hand shall never accomplish your enterprizes; for he will be upon you ere you are aware; and therefore, that you may be wise, instructed, and learn, is the desire of her that finds no mercy from you. Elizabeth Guunt. * The infamous Withers. + King James II. "P.S. Such as it is, you have from the hand of her who hath done as she could, and is sorry she can do no better; hopes you will pity and consider, and cover weaknesses, and any thing that is wanting, und begs that none may be weakened or stumble by my lowness of spirit, for God's design is to humble and abase, that he alone may be exalted in that day:' and I hope he will appear in the needful time and hour, and it may be, reserve the best wine till the last, as he hath done for some before me. None goes a warfare at his own charges,' and the Spirit blows not only where, but when it listeth and it becomes me, who have so often grieved it, and quenched it, and resisted it, to wait for and upon its motions, and not to murmur; but I may mourn, because through the want of it, I honour not my God, nor his blessed cause, which I have so long loved, and delight to serve; and repent of nothing about it, but that I have served it and him no better." ་ The author of the " Display of Tyranny," begins his remarks upon the trial of this good woman thus: "Were my pen (says he) qualified to represent the due character of this excellent woman, it would be readily granted, that she stood most deservedly entitled to an eternal monument of honour, in the hearts of all sincere lovers of the reformed religion. All true Christians, though in some things differing in persuasion from her, found in her a universal charity, and sincere friendship, as is well known to many here, and also to a multitude of the Scotch nation, ministers and others, who for conscience sake were thrust into exile by prelatie rage. These found in her a most refreshing refuge. She dedicated herself with unwearied industry to provide for their supply and support; and therein I do incline to think, she outstripped every individual person (if not the whole body of Protestants) in this great city. Hereby she became exposed to the implacable fury of the bloody Papists, and those blind tools who co-operated to promote their accursed designs; and so there appeared little difficulty to procure a jury, as there were well-prepared judges, to make her a sacrifice as a traitor to holy church." S. J. B*****. Death of the Rev. Robert Winter, D.D. THIS venerable servant of Christ terminated his useful labours in the church, on Friday, Aug. 9. After officiating as usual at his chapel in London, on Lord's day, Aug. 4, by preaching twice and administering the Lord's Supper, having taken an affectionate leave of his people, he left town for Tunbridge Wells on the Tuesday, and that place on Thursday for Hastings, where he arrived in the evening. Having taken some refreshment at an inn, he secured lodgings on the beach for himself, Mrs. Winter, and a friend, purposing to remain about two weeks at Hastings, and to proceed thence to Brighton, Gosport, and Romsey. The Doc.or appeared to be in his usual health on the 9th: the sea air appeared to refresh his spirits, and a ride he took in the afternoon seemed very gratifying to him. In the evening he went out with the intention of taking a warin bath; but he was seized with a violent attack of disease as he entered the establishment. Medical assistance was immediately procured, but every means employed was inefficient and without avail: it was the messenger of God to call him to himself; and he entered into the joy of his Lord about ten minutes before nine o'clock. The Rev. W. Davis, the Dissenting minister at Hastings, hastened to his lodgings; but he was too late to meet the dying greetings of this faithful servant of Christ. |